


ダッカ事件 バングラ政府が立命館大学経営学部準教授、モハマド・サイフラ・オジャキを最重要手配

→Oct 23, 2015

ABT was established around 2007 as an al-Qaida-affiliated entity under the name “Jama’atul Muslimin” and have received funding from several NGOs linked to financing terrorism. The group went dark for a bit only to resurface in 2013 under the current “ABT” label with heavy Anwar al-Awlaqi influences. They’re big on radicalizing naive youths for use as cannon fodder in the greater global jihadist movement, encouraging participation in jihad on the local-level and seeking to control areas of Bangladesh. There’s a growing appeal from the younger generation as seen by the organization’s use of social media and posting of training manuals on how to conduct attacks. We see such efforts through the targeting of bloggers in the country, to include the four recent ones who were hacked to death with machetes this year. Its also worth noting that two individuals mentioned on a “hit list” floating around in Dhaka contain the names of two American citizens. Baig facilitated some of this activity. Although ABT was banned by the government earlier this year, they continue to operate underground. So what does any of what’s going on in Bangladesh have to do with the events unfolding in Japan? Baig dimed out Japanese national (and ethnic Bangladeshi) Dr. Sarjit Chandra Debnath aka “Saifullah Ozaki” – an associate of Nakata. Specifically, Baig stated that Debnath was involved in fundraising activities in support of his network.



A Profile of Bangladesh’s Ansarullah Bangla Team

Mufti Jashimuddin Rahmani is the leader of ABT; his influence continues to this day despite being arrested in 2013
Source: BDNews 24

Our sources in Japan’s National Police Agency (NPA) informed us that they received this information from their Bangladeshi counterparts a few months ago. We know that Debnath lives in Kusatu City, Shiga Prefecture. There are unconfirmed reports that he may be a college Professor, but we’re still working with our sources to confirm/deny that part of his background whether he’s still an active part of academia. Still, we’re aware that he used his associates – some of which Nakata maintains contact with – to facilitate the travel of Baig’s recruits to Syria. Part of this comes in the form of raising funds to cover the cost of travel, which is done through a series of organizations that Nakata is associated with, such as Hizb-ut Tahrir (HuT) and Ummah Welfare Trust (Check out “Ummah Welfare Trust: What it is and Why You Should Care” for more details on this organization’s terror links). ABT has been able to make inroads in Bangladesh by coordinating outreach programs with Debnath, Nakata and their UWT associates who’ve been quite active in the country. Oftentimes these outreach activities are part of a joint-effort with HuT and one of the UWT’s more recent efforts is centered around influencing Bangladeshi academia and media types.

Ummah Welfare Trust: What it is and Why You Should Care

Debnath tried to enter Turkey in MAY 15, but he was denied entry into Istanbul during an attempt to cross into Syria. This led to Japanese security officials paying him a visit in JUL 15; unfortunately the only thing they did was question him. For his part, Debnath claimed that he was only helping “charities” in Syria – which is a huge red flag considering the kind of “charities” he’s associated with. Our sources also report that Debnath may have accompanied Nakata on his OCT 14 tour of Surabaya, Indonesia. Although we still need to confirm this, what we do know is that our DET-88 contacts were able to at least confirm Nakata did meet with members of the Indonesian jihadist community aligned with IS. We also know that Nakata has worked closely with former-University of Malaysia Professor Dr. Mahmoud bin Ahmed, who remains at-large in the Southern Philippines (Check out “People Are Waking Up to The Southeast Asia ISIS Threat – But Things Are Still Being Missed” for more on Nakata and Dr. Ahmed’s relationship).

People Are Waking Up to The Southeast Asia ISIS Threat – But Things Are Still Being Missed






3 件のコメント:

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中田考 鵜澤佳史
鵜澤佳史 SEALDs RYUKYU の元山仁士郎さんとの対談 
元山仁士郎(ICU平和研究所 SEALDs)
>国際基督教大学(ICU)平和研究所(東京都三鷹市、千葉眞所長)は12月5日(土)午後3時から5時半まで、同大本館262号室でシンポジウム「平和憲法と安保法の行方 SEALDsとともに」を開催する。

>千葉眞 安倍政権

匿名 さんのコメント...

Aminul Islam Baig  Shakib Bin Kamal.
IT chief at Bangladesh Coca-Cola unit arrested as Islamic State suspect
Aminul Islam Baig コカ・コーラ子会社のIT責任者 
Shakib Bin Kamal  教師
