



ラクロスは、もともと北米の先住民達が、自分たちの神との繋がりを深める儀式の一環として行ったり、部族間の争いの平和的解決に用いていたものであ る。彼らが行うこの競技は白人から「スティック・ボール」と呼ばれていた。この競技が白人の文献に登場したのは、1637年のことである。
これをフランス系の移民スポーツとして採り入れ、五大湖地方の部族のワイアンドット族(ヒューロン族)が使用していたスティックが、キリスト教の僧侶の持つ杖 (crosse) に似ていたことから、フランス語定冠詞「La」を付けて「ラクロス (La-Crosse)」 と呼ぶようになった。

Lacrosse played a significant role in the community and religious life of tribes across the continent for many years. Early lacrosse was characterized by deep spiritual involvement, befitting the spirit of combat in which it was undertaken. Those who took part did so in the role of warriors, with the goal of bringing glory and honor to themselves and their tribes.[8] The game was said to be played "for the Creator" or was referred to as "The Creator's Game."
The French Jesuit missionary Jean de Brébeuf saw Iroquois tribesmen play the game during 1637 in present-day New York. He was one of the first Europeans to write about the game.[9] He called it la crosse ("the stick"). The name seems to be originated from the French term for field hockey, le jeu de la crosse.[10] A "crosse" in French is any stick curved at its end (Example: Crosse d'evêque - Bishop's crozier)




Brébeuf was killed at St. Ignace in Huronia on March 16, 1649.[24] He had been taken captive with Gabriel Lalemant when the Iroquois destroyed the Huron mission village at Saint-Louis. The Iroquois took the priests to the occupied village of Taenhatenteron (also known as St. Ignace), where they subjected the missionaries and native converts to ritual torture before killing them.
Three priests had been killed in Mohawk country at Ossernenon in 1642 and 1646. Antoine Daniel had been killed in a similar Iroquois raid in 1648. Charles Garnier was killed by Iroquois in December 1649 in a Petun (Tobacco People) village, and Noel Charbanel was also martyred that year in the conflict between the Mohawk and other tribes. The Jesuits considered the priests' martyrdom as proof that the mission to the Native Americans was blessed by God and would be successful.[25]Throughout the torture, Brébeuf was reported to have been more concerned for the fate of the other Jesuits and of the captive Native converts than for himself. As part of the ritual, the Iroquois drank his blood, as they wanted to absorb Brébeuf’s courage in enduring the pain.[26] The Iroquois mocked baptism by pouring boiling water over his head.
The Jesuits Christophe Regnault and Paul Ragueneau provided the two accounts of the deaths of Jean de Brébeuf and Gabriel Lalement. According to Regnault, the Jesuits learned of the tortures and deaths from Huron refugee witnesses, who had escaped from Saint-Ignace.[27] Regnault went to see the bodies to verify the accounts, and his superior Rageuneau's account was based on his report.[28] The main accounts of Brébeuf’s death come from the Jesuit Relations. Jesuit accounts of his torture emphasize his stoic nature and acceptance, claiming that he suffered silently without complaining.[29]Potential martyrdom was a central component of the Jesuit missionary identity.[30] Missionaries going to Canada knew they were at risk from harsh conditions, as well as from confronting alien cultures. They expected to die in the name of God; they believed the missionary life and its risks was a chance to save converts and be saved.[31]ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_de_Brébeuf

CannibalismAlthough the Iroquois are sometimes mentioned as examples of groups who practiced cannibalism, the evidence is mixed as to whether such a practice could be said to be widespread among the Six Nations, and to whether it was a notable cultural feature. Some anthropologists have found evidence of ritual torture and cannibalism at Iroquois sites, for example, among the Onondaga in the sixteenth century.[114][115] However, other scholars, most notably anthropologist William Arens in his controversial book, The Man-Eating Myth, have challenged the evidence, suggesting the human bones found at sites point to funerary practices, asserting that if cannibalism was practiced among the Iroquois, it was not widespread.[116] Modern anthropologists seem to accept the probability that cannibalism did exist among the Iroquois,[117] with Thomas Abler describing the evidence from the Jesuit Relations and archaeology as making a "case for cannibalism in early historic times...so strong that it cannot be doubted.".[118] Scholars are also urged to remember the context for a practice that now shocks the modern Western society. Sanday reminds us that the ferocity of the Iroquois' rituals "cannot be separated from the severity of conditions ... where death from hunger, disease, and warfare became a way of life".[119]The missionaries Johannes Megapolensis and François-Joseph Bressani, and the fur trader Pierre-Esprit Radisson present first-hand accounts of cannibalism among the Mohawk. A common theme is ritulalistic roasting and eating the heart of a captive who has been tortured and killed.[90] "To eat your enemy is to perform an extreme form of physical dominance."[120]


国連も認める独立自治領であり、1949年にはイロコイ連邦代表団はニューヨークの国連ビルの定礎式に招かれている。アメリカ合衆国が1917年にドイツに宣戦布告をした際には、イロコイ連邦は、独自の独立宣言を発行し、第一次世界大戦同盟国としての地位を主張している[3]独立した国家として、連邦捜査局(FBI) などアメリカ合衆国連邦政府の捜査権も及ばない。
連邦政府が公認した全米500以上に上るインディアン部族は、インディアン管理局英語版(BIA)の監視・管理下にある「部族会議」を設置してen:Federally recognized tribesが集まる首長制になっている。
共和主義民主主義の 高潔な原理に基づいた、彼らイロコイ連邦の国家組織は、結局ベンジャミン・フランクリンを含む多くの植民地指導者の関心を集めた。18世紀中を通して、彼 らの五カ国の自治システムの中心にあった共和・民主の両原則は、白人の男性支配の哲学のなか、より正当で人道的な政治手法を捜していたヨーロッパとアメリ カの政治体に組み込まれたのである[7]



French, Dutch and British colonists in both Canada and the Thirteen Colonies recognized a need to gain favor with the Iroquois people, who occupied a significant portion of lands west of colonial settlements. In addition, these peoples established lucrative fur trading with the Iroquois, which was favorable to both sides. The colonists also sought to establish positive relations to secure their borders.
For nearly 200 years the Iroquois were a powerful factor in North American colonial policy-making decisions. Alignment with Iroquois offered political and strategic advantages to the colonies but the Iroquois preserved considerable independence. Some of their people settled in mission villages along the St. Lawrence River, becoming more closely tied to the French. While they participated in French raids on Dutch and later English settlements, where some Mohawk and other Iroquois settled, in general the Iroquois resisted attacking their own peoples.



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La-Crosse → La †


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えっ? イロコイ族ですって?

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イロコイ連邦 →イエズス会退治、英国バックアップ、米帝内で実質独立

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Jesuit Missions amongst the Huron - Wikipedia

Decline of the Huron. In the summer of 1639, a smallpox epidemic struck the natives in the St. ... The Jesuit success was short-lived, however, for the Iroquois would wipe out the Huron nations in the spring of 1649.
