




Franco Zeffirelli, KBE Grande Ufficiale OMRI (Italian pronunciation: [ˈfraŋko dzeffiˈrɛlli]; born 12 February 1923) is an Italian director and producer of operas, films and television. He is also a former senator (1994–2001) for the Italian centre-right Forza Italia party. Recently Italian researchers have found that he is one of the few distant relatives of Leonardo da Vinci. [1]
Some of his operatic designs and productions have become worldwide classics.[2][3][4][5]
He is also known for several of the movies he has directed, especially the 1968 version of Romeo and Juliet, for which he received an Academy Award nomination. His 1967 version of The Taming of the Shrew with Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton remains the best-known film adaptation of that play as well. His miniseries Jesus of Nazareth (1977) won acclaim and is still shown on Christmas and Easter in many countries.

A Grande Ufficiale OMRI of the Italian Republic since 1977, Zeffirelli also received an honorary knighthood from the British government in 2004 when he was created a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.[6] He was awarded the Premio Colosseo in 2009 by the city of Rome.

Zeffirelli was born Gianfranco Zeffirelli in the outskirts of Florence, Italy. He was the result of an affair between Alaide Garosi, a fashion designer, and Ottorino Corsi, a wool and silk dealer. Since both were married, Alaide was unable to use her surname or Corsi's for her child. She came up with "Zeffiretti" which are the "little breezes" mentioned in Mozart's opera Idomeneo, of which she was quite fond. However, it was misspelled in the register and became Zeffirelli.[7] When he was six years old, his mother died and he subsequently grew up under the auspices of the English expatriate community and was particularly involved with the so-called Scorpioni, who inspired his semi-autobiographical film Tea with Mussolini (1999).
He graduated from the Accademia di Belle Arti Firenze in 1941 and, following his father's advice, entered the University of Florence to study art and architecture.[8] After World War II broke out, he fought as a partisan, before he met up with British soldiers of the 1st Scots Guards and became their interpreter. After the war, he re-entered the University of Florence to continue his studies, but when he saw Laurence Olivier's Henry V in 1945, he directed his attention toward theatre instead.

While working for a scenic painter in Florence, he was introduced to and hired by Luchino Visconti, who made him the assistant director for the film La Terra trema, which was released in 1948. Visconti's methods had a deep impact upon Zeffirelli's later work.[9] He also worked with directors such as Vittorio De Sica and Roberto Rossellini. In the 1960s, he made his name designing and directing his own plays in London and New York, and soon transferred his ideas to cinema.

This article details the history of the Scots Guards from 1914 to 1945. The Scots Guards (SG) is a regiment of the Guards Division of the British Army. The Scots Guards trace their origins back to 1642 when, by order of King Charles I, the regiment was raised by Archibald Campbell, 1st Marquess of Argyll for service in Ireland, and was known as the Marquis of Argyll's Royal Regiment.

Archibald Campbell, 1st Marquess of Argyll, 8th Earl of Argyll, chief of Clan Campbell, (March 1607 – 27 May 1661) was the de facto head of government in Scotland during most of the conflict known as the Wars of the Three Kingdoms, also known as the British Civil War. He was a major figure in the Covenanter movement that fought for the Presbyterian religion and what they saw as Scottish interests during the English Civil War of the 1640s and 1650s. He is often remembered as the arch-enemy of the royalist general James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose.

The storyline of Jesus of Nazareth is a kind of cinematic Diatessaron, or "Gospel harmony", blending the narratives of all four New Testament accounts. It takes a fairly naturalistic approach, de-emphasising special effects when miracles are depicted and presenting Jesus as more or less evenly divine and human. The familiar Christian episodes are presented chronologically: the betrothal, and later marriage, of Mary and Joseph; the Annunciation; the Visitation; the circumcision of John the Baptist; the Nativity of Jesus; the visit of the Magi; the circumcision of Jesus; the Census of Quirinius; the flight into Egypt and Slaughter of the Innocents; the Finding in the Temple; the Baptism of Jesus; the woman caught in adultery; Jesus helping Peter catch the fish; the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11-32); a dialogue between Jesus and Barabbas (non-biblical); Matthew's dinner party; the Sermon on the Mount; debating with Joseph of Arimathea; the curing of the blind man at the pool; the Raising of Lazarus (John 11:43); the Feeding of the Five Thousand; the Entry into Jerusalem; Jesus and the money changers; the Last Supper; the betrayal of Jesus by Judas; Peter denying Christ and repenting of it; the judgment of Jesus by Pilate ("Ecce Homo"); the Johannine Passion Narrative (John 18-19; including the Agony in the Garden); the Carrying of the Cross; the Crucifixion of Christ (Laurence Olivier's Nicodemus recites the "Suffering Servant" passage [Isaiah 53:3-5] as he looks helplessly on the crucified Messiah); the discovery of the empty tomb; and an appearance of the Risen Christ to his Disciples. The film’s storyline concludes with the non-Biblical character Zerah and his colleagues gazing despairingly into the empty tomb. Zerah's laments: "Now it begins. It all begins".

Xaverian College is a Roman Catholic college in Manchester, England founded by the Xaverian Brothers in 1862.

The Xaverian Brothers or Congregation of St. Francis Xavier (CFX) are a Roman Catholic religious order founded by Theodore James Ryken in Bruges, Belgium in 1839 and named after St. Francis Xavier. The order is dedicated to Roman Catholic education in the United Kingdom, the United States and many other countries. The Xaverian Brothers are, to this day, travelling around the world establishing Xaverian institutes where they are needed most.
The College was founded by the Xaverian Brothers in 1862 and until 1903 was located in a four storey building on Oxford Road Manchester. On the move to the then gated Victoria Park it was originally housed in just a single building known as Firwood but over time through new building projects and acquisition, the campus has grown. For this reason, buildings on Victoria Park campus date from 1840 onwards.
Firwood was home to the brothers up until 1993 when the last of them left. Another former house which has now become part of the college, Ward Hall, was used as a camp for American servicemen during the Second World War.[citation needed]

Mancunian Films, a motion picture production company, used the exterior of the College in several of their films, including It's A Grand Life, starring Frank Randle and Diana Dors. The film company sold their local Dickenson Road Studios to the BBC in 1954, making Dickenson Road Studios the first regional BBC TV studio. When the BBC left in 1974 to move to a location on Oxford Road, Xaverian inherited their lighting rigs, now used in the drama studio in Birtles. From 1946-77 the school was a direct grant grammar school.[citation needed]


日本語では「聖杯」と訳しているが、これが杯かどうかは定かではない。 Graal は、古代フランス語あるいはプロヴァンス語であって、(中世)ラテン語で「皿」あるいは「食事のコースの一区切り」を意味する gradalis に由来するのではないかという説がある一方で、ラテン語 gradalis は英語の gradual、「段」または「壇」の意味ではないかとの異論もある。作者トロワは、フランドル伯フィリップ・ダルザス (Philippe d'Alsace)から作詞を依頼されたときに、話のネタの提供を受けていたというから、graal は(当時の)フラマン語である可能性も強い。また、ギリシア語クラテール(krater)「器」に由来するという説もある。
1982年にヘンリー・リンカーンらにより英国で出版されたノンフィクション "Holy Blood, Holy Grail"(邦題『レンヌ=ル=シャトーの謎』)は、 フランス語で「王家の血脈」を意味する sang réal に由来すると考えた。
Sang Réal → Sangreal → San Greal → Graal
Graal[5] → Saint Graal[6] → Sangreal[7]




14 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

英霊 → エーレイ → AO → 、を足してやるとAQ → 阿Q

ΩΩΩ < ナッナンダッテー!!


匿名 さんのコメント...



「真作交換所」→ イベント限定概念礼装★5(SSR)「慈悲無き者」
「贋作交換所」→ イベント限定概念礼装★5(SSR)「カルデアを導く乙女」

GABRIEL さんのコメント...



匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...


ご近所 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

Visconti 気になっていました
ヴェニスに死す マーラー しか知りませんけども
lys と iris なんかクチャクチャっとしていますよね
King's は 前者に見えるのですが、、

匿名 さんのコメント...

HP 見てたのに
Eton でした はっきりlily と、、

で先日 働けど、、って知人の愚痴から
「the ant and the grasshopper」の話どうだっけと、、
Tettix そうなんですかっ 
露 Manna 説 とかトネリコ 面白いですね
で leirios 謎だけど ほぉー

脱皮 魂の解放
なら ヴァイオリンで歌って浮かれて(メタファー)

で hulchet hulqe hulk とか興味深い
てか kricet 蟋蟀 鈴虫 なのか うぅ
Ysopet サラッと引用だけですが他の話も示唆に富んでいて

William Augustus Spencer コレクション で メディチ

Marie de France からの アルフレッド大王の英書 ってのが気になり、、
ズザーッと飛んで Eadred, Puckle church, St.Thomas
からの Edwy とカンタベリー
からの アウグスティヌス とグレゴリオ一世 と

あ、tapestry で Edward 界隈 カンタベリー もありました

というワケでイソップって何かすごい って感じ
肝心の 話の元 みたいなのは分からず仕舞いですけども(苦笑

匿名 さんのコメント...

何度もホントすみません ペコリ
琥珀ってAmber で樹脂
お香とか線香にも用いられたとか 良い香りがするのかな
道 バルト沿岸~地中海 青銅も移動なのですね
現 波でプロイセンやらポメラニア Amber=Bernstein あちゃー(汗
途中の Antwerpen はスペイン語で Amberes

ネプチューンの娘が猟師に惚れて、、娘の涙が琥珀に う~ん、まぁローマなので、、
てか La Wally だし Der Fliegende Hollander もそんな感じ
Lakme は鐘がなるのですよね もぉどんだけヴァリエーション、、というかそればっかりやん

匿名 さんのコメント...



匿名 さんのコメント...



遠近教の下手 さんのコメント...

