
Dulcan Inc.とWinsley Inc@NHK GLOBAL INCとアンチキムチ団あぽんぬ騒動




Costa Rica Companies Connected To Money Laundering Scandal
From Montreal Gazette

How does the extended family behind the Voyageur Foundation - a Costa Rica-based organization that is unable to return us$65 million worth of investments to its Canadian members - find the time to run 69 corporations in two Central American countries?

And why are so many of these companies connected to a Panamanian money laundering scandal involving former Nicaraguan president Arnoldo Alemán?

While many of the close to 1,000 Canadian Voyageur members are teetering on the brink of financial ruin, the people behind the "investment club" have been busy pursuing other business interests.

A Montreal Gazette investigation has discovered that the Jarman clan - the family from Port Alberni, B.C., that controls Voyageur - and their Costa Rican in-laws, the White Hernández family - have some strange bedfellows.

Attempts to have the Jarman family explain their backgrounds have been met with resistance, but biographical information online does not explain how these individuals - there are 10 in total - developed the management expertise and formidable logistical skills required to manage 69 corporations and a $65-million "investment foundation."

Voyageur founder Philip Jarman is a retired helicopter pilot; his daughter, Angela Jarman, is a former journalist with an undergraduate education degree and a certificate from a Baptist college, while Philip's Toronto-based son, Jeff Jarman, worked as a helicopter mechanic.

Although Jeff Jarman calls himself a capital markets professional, he is not registered with provincial securities authorities. Philip's wife, Voyageur comptroller Mary Belle Jarman, does not appear to be a certified accountant. Although another son, Peter Jarman, is president of a Calgary-based investment firm, he is not registered with Alberta securities regulators.

Angela's husband, Christian White Hernández, is a former tour guide with an MBA; his mother, Priscilla White Hernández, works at a local university; his father Charles White Solano worked as a senior manager at a national co-operative organization in Costa Rica, where he and several co-workers were once accused by the government of stealing housing bond money from poor people. (The charges were forgiven after his former boss, powerful politician Rodolfo Navas Alvarado, reached a settlement agreement with the government.)

During a phone interview from Costa Rica, when a reporter asked Christian White Hernández how he managed to run so many firms and whether he had any specialized training, he answered: "That's none of your business."

A reporter was unable to track down background information about the two remaining members of the clan involved in running some of the families' firms, Christian's sister, Carmen Hernández Varela, or his brother, Brian White Hernández.

Yet a search of corporate registry records reveal that these 10 individuals registered 36 firms in Costa Rica and 33 companies - and one foundation - in Panama between 2000 and 2010.

In another phone interview, White Hernández said there were "many reasons" why his family would need so many corporations, but declined to provide further details.

One reason could be that for company owners seeking privacy, Panamanian and Costa Rican laws guarantee secrecy and anonymity. Corporations are not required to disclose the identities of their true owners, file financial statements or hold annual meetings.

Corporations are also fully exempt from taxation on any business activity or transaction carried on outside of the country of incorporation.

A detailed examination of the registry documents shows that 29 of the families' 33 offshore Panamanian corporations are linked to three people behind Nicstate Development - one of several Panamanian firms used by Alemán to launder some of the approximately us$100 million he was convicted of embezzling during his term as Nicaraguan president from 1997 to 2002.

Corporate records show that three Panama-based individuals - Francis Perez, Leticia Montoya and Katia Solano - are part of the clandestine team behind Nicstate.

The same trio have been assigned essential duties at 29 of the Jarman and White Hernández families' Panamanian companies.

To form a corporation, Panamanian law requires that two people - known as "subscribers" in that country - must appear before a notary in Panama to officially incorporate the company. Two Panamanian "subscriber" companies that list Perez, Montoya, Solano as officers and directors - Dulcan Inc. and Winsley Inc. - processed the incorporation paperwork for all 29 firms.

That means three people that played an important role at Nicstate, an offshore firm used by Alemán to launder money, have also worked for the Jarman and White Hernandez families.

In January 2009, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega - a former political rival - pardoned Alemán as part of what local and regional newspapers allege was a powersharing pact.

Back in Quebec, despite Voyageur's alleged effort to recover the missing $65 million in investors' funds, members have not been able to recover any of their money since the foundation froze their funds in January 2010.

Ten members of the Jarman and White Hernández families are listed as the presidents, treasurers and secretaries of 69 corporations -and one foundation -in Panama and Costa Rica.

Reporters from Costa Rica's La Republica newspaper visited the official address of Voyageur Foundation in San Jose last week but were unable to find any evidence of business activity.

"I have worked here for five years and I have never seen this company," a security worker said.

Reporters were also unable to find physical evidence of an office for Philip Jarman's helicopter firm Corporacion Mosquito MBP S.A.


Pure Flower Valley

Hidden Plant Desert Corp.

Crescent Moon Wind Corp.

Nube Callada del Atlántico

Inversiones Ola Cristalina del Mar

Maderas Exóticas del Bosque

Inversiones Senda Brillante

Desarrollos Playa Larga del Pacífico

Inversiones Atardeceres

Cálidos del Verano

Corporación El Gran Manatí Sagrado

Developp Logna

Invesh Riqueza

Developp Silve Sociedad Anónima

Developp Epeso

Desarrollos Brisa Suave del Desierto

Extra Ferrera

El Mono Aullador del Amanecer

Corporación El Dulce Susurro del Maizal

Corporación El Manigordo de Oro

Bright Sun Breeze Corporation

Desarrollos Jungla Sacrada delParaíso

Corporación El Caligo del Bosque Húmedo

Corporacion Mosquito MBP S.A.

East Forth Street S.A.

Nich Travel AJC S.A.

Tres ciento uno cuatrocientos sesenta y nueve mil ciento diez sociedad

Precisión Dinámica CMBP S.A. Soluciones Sebigna S.A.

Big Brown Brindle S.A.,

Asociación de Vecinos de Avalón

Snoopy and Friends of Costa Rica S.A.

Toby Boy Inc. S.A.

RV Four of Costa Rica S.A.

Green Gold Resources of Central América S.A

Our V C R of Costa Rica S.A.

Anne Marie and Friends of Costa Rica S.A.

Balmain Trading Corp.


Omega 3 Corp.

Voyageur Foundation

Montagnard Corporation Inc.

Napoli Corporation Inc.

Leber Action Corporation Inc.

Dralas Development Corp.

Iron Hills Inc.

Mirkwood International Inc.

Shining Stone Corp.

Alpha Beta Gamma Corp.

Bilbo Intl. Consultants S.A.

Blue Gate Corp.

Eriador Corp.

Great Polar Development S.A.

The Northern Light Intl. Corp. Valkiria Intl. Incorporate

Big Apple Inc.

Billy Hope Corp.

Great Laurentian Inc.

Green Gold International Corp.

The Southern Frontier Corp.

Eastern Eagle Intl. Corp.

Golden Structures Corp.

Red Rain Developments Inc.

Midnight Train Corp.

Red House Developments Inc.

Del Sol Consultants Corp.

Life Resources Inc.

Luna Consultants Corp.

Heart and Soul Corp.

Alfa Trade Group Inc.

Vinculum S.A. Voyager Learning Group Inc.

Balmain Trading Corp.

***Voyageur's website alleged that Balmain Trading Corp. was incorporated in Panama but this could not be confirmed in a search of the country's corporate registry records.***

5 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

『パナマ文書で検索される「NHK GLOBAL INC」はNHKと無関係です』

GABRIEL さんのコメント...



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匿名 さんのコメント...

電通・NHK、「パナマ文書」で風評被害 似た名が記載:朝日新聞デジタル



 被害に遭っているのは広告最大手の電通とNHKだ。朝日新聞がパナマ文書を確認したところ、いずれも社名に類似した名前の会社が見つかった。「DENTSU SECURITIES INC」(英領バージン諸島)という会社について、電通の広報担当者は「徹底的に調査したが、当社の関連会社には存在しない」と説明する。

 「NHK GLOBAL INC」(パナマ)という会社についてNHKの広報担当者は「NHK及び関連団体と関係はない」と説明。同局の番組ツイッターでもうわさの否定に追われている。(五十嵐聖士郎、沢伸也)

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