

Mossack Fonseca & Co. is a Panamanian law firm and corporate service provider with more than 40 offices worldwide.[2][1] The firm has received wide media attention starting in April 2016, when an enormous cache of its documents were provided to news media in the Panama Papers off-shore tax haven leak.

The firm was founded by Jürgen Mossack in 1977 and joined by Ramón Fonseca in 1986.[3][dead link] It specializes in commercial law, trust services, investor advisory, and international structures.
The law firm is one of seven that collectively represent more than half of the companies incorporated in Panama.[6] The firm also houses several Panama-incorporated companies within its offices.[7] It is one of the largest firms in the corporate services industry.[2] It also offers intellectual property protection and maritime law services.[8][1]
The firm has been described as "tight-lipped" by The Economist.[2]

Jürgen Mossack (born 20 March 1948) is a Panama-based lawyer and the co-founder of Mossack Fonseca, a law firm headquartered in Panama City with more than 40 offices worldwide.
Mossack was born in Fürth, Bavaria, Germany on 20 March 1948.[1] His father Erhard Mossack was a Rottenführer (senior corporal) in the Waffen-SS, the armed wing of the Nazi Party's Schutzstaffel, during World War II, before working for the US government, and moving to Panama in 1948, where he worked for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), spying on Cuba.[2][3]
Mossack received a bachelor's degree in Law from Universidad Católica Santa María La Antigua in 1973.[4][2]


Ramón Fonseca Mora (born 14 July 1952) is a Panamanian novelist and lawyer, the co-founder of Mossack Fonseca, a law firm based in Panama with more than 40 offices worldwide. He was minister-counselor of Juan Carlos Varela, and president of the Panameñista Party until he was dismissed in March 2016, due to the Brazilian Operation Car Wash.[1]
Fonseca was born on 14 July 1952 in Panama,[2][3] and studied law and political science at the University of Panama and the London School of Economics. As a young man, "he hoped to save the world".[4]

The University of Panama was founded on October 7, 1935, with a student body of 175 in the fields of Education, Commerce, Natural Sciences, Pharmacy, Pre-Engineering and Law. As of 2008, it maintains a student body of 74,059 distributed in 228 buildings around the country.
The University of Panama was founded under the administration of the President of the Republic, Dr. Harmodio Arias Madrid. Its founder and first President was the distinguished citizen Dr. Octavio Méndez Pereira. The University of Panama is a state institution of superior, independent education, inspired by the highest civic, moral, and ethical values.

Harmodio Arias Madrid (3 July 1886, in Penonomé, Coclé Province – 1963) was Panamanian politician. He served as acting President of Panama in January 1931 and again from June 5, 1932 to October 1, 1936 after winning presidential election.
His brother Arnulfo Arias was president on three occasions.

Harmodio's son, Roberto was a diplomat and politician who married the great English ballerina Margot Fonteyn.

Dame Margot Fonteyn de Arias, DBE (18 May 1919 – 21 February 1991), was an English ballerina.[1] She is widely regarded as one of the greatest classical ballet dancers of all time. She spent her entire career as a dancer with The Royal Ballet, eventually being appointed Prima Ballerina Assoluta of the company by Queen Elizabeth II.

Fonteyn was born Margaret Evelyn Hookham on 18 May 1919 in Reigate, Surrey to a British father and a half-Irish half-Brazilian mother. Her mother's father was a Brazilian industrialist Antonio Fontes. Very early in her career Margaret transformed "Fontes" into "Fonteyn" (a surname her brother also adopted) and Margaret into Margot. Among her father's family were people in literature and music, but he was an engineer.[2]
At four years of age her mother signed her up for ballet classes with her older brother. At age eight, Margot made the long journey to China with her mother and father, who had taken employment with a tobacco company there; her brother Felix remained at his school. For six years Margot lived in TianJin, then Shanghai, where she studied ballet with Russian émigré teacher George Goncharov. Her mother brought her back to London when she was 14, to pursue a ballet career. Continuing to work in Shanghai, her father was interned during World War II by the invading Japanese.[3]

In 1933 she joined the Vic-Wells Ballet School, the predecessor of today's Royal Ballet School, training under the direction of Ninette de Valois and such teachers as Olga Preobrajenska and Mathilde Kschessinska [Krzesinska]. After starting with the Vic-Wells Ballet, she rose quickly through the ranks of the company. By 1939, Fonteyn had performed principal roles in Giselle, Swan Lake and The Sleeping Beauty and was appointed Prima Ballerina. She was most noted in the ballets of Sir Frederick Ashton, including Ondine, Daphnis and Chloe, and Sylvia. She was especially renowned for her portrayal of Aurora in Tchaikovsky's The Sleeping Beauty. (Televised versions of Sleeping Beauty and Ashton's version of Cinderella are now available on DVD). Fonteyn also worked with choreographer Roland Petit and, later in life, Martha Graham. In 1949 when the Royal Ballet toured the United States, Fonteyn instantly became a celebrity for her performances.[4]

ルドルフ・ヌレエフ(Rudolf Khametovich Nureyev, : Рудо́льф Хаме́тович Нуре́ев', 1938年3月17日 - 1993年1月6日)は、ソ連生まれのバレエダンサー。本名ルドルフ・ヌレエフ。ヌリ・ファスリ(Nuri Fasli)は祖父の本名。(John Percival, "Nureyev", London 1976, 9-10ページ参照)
3歳でバクシール共和国ウファに 移住し、幼少の頃から舞踊に興味を示した。父親の反対はあったが小学生の頃から民族舞踊のサークルに参加して、レッスンを受けるようになる。当時は民族舞 踊的なものが主体だったが、11歳のときから、当時ウファに転入してきた元ディアギレフ・バレエ団のアンナ・ウデルソヴァにバレエの手ほどきを受け、才能 を注目されるようになった。
17歳でロシアバレエの名門校、ワガノワ・キーロフバレエ学院に編入し、本格的なバレエを学ぶ。入試にあたっては試験官から「あなたは歴史に残るバ レエダンサーになるか、失敗するかどちらかでしょう。恐らく後者の可能性の方が大きいでしょうけれど…」と言われたという逸話がある。



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