

Abraham Ikuro Teshima (1910-1973) was the greatest contributor to the hypothesis of the origin of the Japanese from the Lost Tribes. Teshima created the Zionist Christian movement "Makuya" in Japan (The word "Makuya" is the Japanese translation of Ohel Moed, the meeting place between God and man, the dwelling place of God’s Shekhinah (Ex.29:42:43).
His admiration for Jews Teshima explained not only religious belief, but an influence of the blood too. He said that Japanese also are a part of the Lost Tribes. "It is found that the blood types of the Japanese are closest to those of the inhabitants of Palestine. May be on this ground of "blood relationship” the Makuya people feel such a special love and affinity toward Israel", - he said.
In the beginning, his movement was comprised of tens around 20 people. Today there is more than 50 thousand followers of Abraham Ikuro Teshima in Japan, the Far East states, the USA, Mexico and Brazil.
Teshima arrived in Israel ten years prior to the Six-Day War, lodged in the kibbutz Nir David, near the mountain Gilboa, and created the "Heftsiba group". After some time the Makuya movement established their own kibbutz – "Heftsiba".
Just before the Six-Day War, Prof. Teshima set up the "Israel Emergency Relief Committee of Japan”. And when the war broke out, he hurriedly flew to Israel with relief goods. "Before long a fatal blow from heaven will be dealt Nasser", – he declared. Prior to his departure for homeland Israel Ambassador in Japan Moshe Bartur told that his words were prophetical.
Members of "Makuya" did not confine themselves to appeals and propagation. In 1967 the newspaper "The Jerusalem post" published a photo of Shlomo Ono, who tried to save wounded inhabitant of Jerusalem during the assault of the Jordanian army and was seriously wounded in the head, arms and legs. He became one of many members of "Makuya" who were ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of Israel.

手島 郁郎(てしま いくろう、1910年 - 1973年12月25日)は、無教会派の流れを汲むキリスト教系宗教団体、キリストの幕屋の創始者。熊本県出身。手島アブラハム郁郎とも。
  • 1927年 - 熊本バプテスト教会で洗礼を受ける。1932年内村鑑三の無教会の夏期聖書講座に参加して、1933年より熊本聖書研究会を主宰する。
  • 1948年 - 独立して伝道を始めた。「生命の光」を機関紙として、テレビ放送も行う。「神の幕屋」と呼ばれる集会を全国に開いた。


2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

手島郁郎 手島勲矢
手島勲矢(いざや) 同志社 ヘブライ語
同志社 ヘブライ語 中田考
同志社 熊本

匿名 さんのコメント...



英彦山「豊前坊」の高住神社 tokumei10.blogspot.jp/2015/07/blog-post_23.html

当時は、「豊島」と書いて「てしま」と呼んでいました。 ・・・
・・・英彦山権現との関係もあり、手島の宗教は神道・・・非常に熱心な敬神家 ・・・(*手島=郁郎の父・務)
(英彦山権現 ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/英彦山神宮)  

混ぜ混ぜしてでっちあげられた即席カルト tokumei10.blogspot.com/2014/10/blog-post_716.html
