

Yahweh was the national god of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah,[2] and appears to have been worshiped only in these two kingdoms.[9] This was unusual in the Ancient Near East but not unknown–the god Ashur, for example, was worshiped only by the Assyrians.[10] His origins are mysterious: his name may be a shortened form of a cultic formula relating to El, the head of the Canaanite pantheon (el dū yahwī ṣaba’ôt, "El who creates the hosts", meaning the heavenly army accompanying El as he marched beside the earthly armies of Israel),[11] but the earliest possible occurrence is as a place-name ("land of Shasu of YHW") in an Egyptian inscription from the time of Amenhotep III (1402–1363 BCE),[12] the Shasu being nomads from Midian and Edom.[13]


14 件のコメント:

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Society of the Sacred Heart - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Society_...
The Society of the Sacred Heart is an international Roman Catholic religious congregation for women established in France by St. Madeleine Sophie Barat in 1800. Members use the suffix "RSCJ" which represents ...

The Society of Jesus and the Education of Women| Sophia University Official Website ...
www.sophia.ac.jp › ... › Spirit of Sophia
Yet, from the foundation of the order, the Jesuits have worked with various associations of lay Catholics. ... In Japan, examples include the Society of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ), whose members are responsible for the ...

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The Ceremony of Sophia University 100th Anniversary was held| Sophia University Official Website ...
www.sophia.ac.jp › info › globalnews_909
In attendance of Their Imperial Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan, the centenary ceremony was held at Tokyo International Forum. About 4,200 people, including distinguished guests of honor, current ...

JAPAN Sophia University, "the heart of the Church in Japan," at 100 - AsiaNews
www.asianews.it › news-en › Sophia-Uni...
2013/05/11 - More than 4000 people, including Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, attend the celebration of the Catholic university's first 100 years. The pope was represented by Card Francesco Farina, who ...

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Xavier's Legacies: Catholicism in Modern Japanese Culture
https://books.google.co.jp › books
Kevin M. Doak - 2011 - ‎History
Hanlon's book has now appeared in English as Popular Catholicism in japan (2004). Empress Michiko (née Shoda Michiko) was born into and raised by one of ]apan's most falnous Catholic falnilies. Her marriage to ...

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Giuseppe Pittau - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Giusepp...
Giuseppe Pittau (October 20, 1928 – December 26, 2014) was a Roman Catholic titular archbishop. Born in Villacidro, Italy, Pittau was ordained to the priesthood for the Society of Jesus on March 18, 1959. On July ...

Death of Archbishop Giuseppe Pittau SJ | Jesuit Asia Pacific Conference
sjapc.net › News
2015/01/28 - Archbishop Giuseppe Pittau SJ, former provincial of the Jesuit Japan Province and former president of Sophia University, passed away at 21:55 on December 26, 2014 at the Loyola House ...

Empress Michiko Stock Photos and Pictures | Getty Images
www.onlineusa.com › photos › empress-...
Pope John Paul II flanked by father Giuseppe Pittau meets Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko of ...

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都内屈指の絶景のひとつ さんのコメント...

上智大生が植えた眞田濠土手の桜 No.33 - 上智大学
https://www.sophia.ac.jp › websophia33
2013/03/25 - 春になると花見客が訪れる四ッ谷駅からホテルニューオータニに続くソフィア通り沿いの桜並木。 この桜を最初 ...

上智大学法学部同窓会: 検索結果 - 上智大学ソフィア会
www.sophiakai.jp › blog › mt-search
上智大学法学部卒業生の皆さんの「学生時代の思い出」を不定期に掲載しています。 あんな人、 ..... れんぎょうの花 ... よく晴れた日曜日の午後、久しぶりで四谷キャンパスの横にある土手の上を歩いてみた。ふと足が ...

上智大学法学部同窓会 - 上智大学ソフィア会
www.sophiakai.jp › hougakubu-alumni
2017/06/14 - 心をしずめ、もう一度よく見ると、それはれんぎょうの花なのである。黄色いれんぎょ うの花が土手の上の小径を ...

地下鉄から見える四谷土手。満開の薄いピンクのソメイヨシノの下は .. ...
www.bigme.jp › ...
2003/04/05 - 四谷土手のサクラ並木と黄色のレンギョウ↑ ○また、地下にもぐる地下鉄をおりて、 四谷土手(よつやどて)を ...

rieezaki.la.coocan.jp › basyo
桜と競うように咲く連翹(レンギョウ) ... の目を楽しませてくれるのが、四谷駅を出るとすぐに見える上智グラウンドの土手の風景だ。 ... 左手には上智大学のキャンパスがあり、左側の斜面にも覆い被さるように桜が枝を ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Japanese TV anchors lose their jobs amid claims of political pressure ...
https://www.theguardian.com › World › Japan
2016/02/17 - Koichi Nakano, a politics professor at Sophia University, said it was impossible to prove a direct link between the ... in particular, have been very active in applying pressure and wining and dining media bosses,” Nakano said.

ABC NewsRadio - Japan in Focus: Takata files for bankruptcy ...
2017/07/03 - ... Professor Chris Rowley from Kellogg College at the University of Oxford in the UK and Political Science Professor at Tokyo's Sophia University Koichi Nakano. - Japan in Focus: Takata files for bankruptcy protection as the ...

Nippon Kaigi: The ultra-nationalistic group trying to restore the might of ...
2015/12/01 - Professor Koichi Nakano, a political analyst from Sophia University in Tokyo, said the group was trying to rewrite history. "They think it's fundamental for Japan to restore pride," he said. "They think the kids and adults are being ...

Is Japan abandoning its pacifism? - BBC News
2015/09/23 - Prof Koichi Nakano: Threatens the foundation of Japanese society. Koichi Nakano is professor of comparative politics at Tokyo's Sophia University. "Even though my own subject is political science, I never took an active role ...

Japan's student protests: To the barricades in designer gear - BBC News
2015/10/20 - But the protests have transformed the current political debate climate, according to politics professor Koichi Nakano. "They're not just defending constitutionalism or a liberal democracy," he says. "They're starting to push the ...

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japan's political 'blue blood'
2006/09/26 - His previous role, Chief Cabinet Secretary, was his first cabinet job. "He's relatively new to politics," says Professor Koichi Nakano, a political analyst from Sophia University in Tokyo. "He's never held a portfolio that requires ...

How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News
2017/01/06 - "It is unknown territory," says political science professor Koichi Nakano. "Maybe the government will try to normalise occasional death in the self-defence force and perhaps even try to glorify the exercise of weapons?".

NAKANO Koichi | Sophia University Faculty of Liberal Arts
www.fla.sophia.ac.jp › Professors
Koichi Nakano. 2010. Party Politics and Decentralization in Japan and France: When the Opposition Governs. ... Koichi Nakano. 2004. “Cross-National Transfer of Policy Ideas: Agencification in Britain and Japan” Governance.vol. 17, no.

Peace and Politics - Tricycle Magazine
2015/12/09 - ... and this is, of course, highly unusual,” said Koichi Nakano, a politics professor at Sophia University in Tokyo. ... Nakano said criticism of the security laws by pro-Article Nine SGI members has been directed at the Komeito Party, not ... He has reported for the BBC World Service, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Radio France Internationale, Deutsche Welle, and other organizations.

匿名 さんのコメント...

大学倶楽部・上智大:奇跡のカメラ、持ち主の大学生に 沖縄・石垣から台湾 ...
2018/05/10 - 台湾東部の海岸で小学生が見つけた防水ケース入りのデジタルカメラが、約240キロ離れた沖縄県・石垣島で2年半前に上智大生の椿原世梨奈さん(21)がなくしたものと分かり、椿原さんが4月27日、現地で小学生からカメラを受け取った。

台湾フォルモサ紀行2018~日本と台湾 次世代へつなぐ友好の絆 ...
千葉テレビ放送(チバテレ)「台湾フォルモサ紀行2018~日本と台湾 次世代へつなぐ友好の絆~」公式ページです。番組情報は ... 一台のカメラが紡いだ日台の友情を象徴する物語をご紹介。さらに、各分野を ... 【放送日】. TOKYO MX 8/14(火)11:00~11:55.

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International Research Forum on Comparative Urban Studies | Event | Sophia University
https://www.sophia.ac.jp › eng › event
2018/05/26 · Sophia University and Fordham University will co-host the symposium " International Research Forum on Comparative Urban Studies" on May 26. Open to the public, no charge, ...

Fordham Faculty's visit to Sophia | News | Sophia University
https://www.sophia.ac.jp › eng › news
2018/07/10 · Fordham University Faculy visited Sophia University for research exchange program. International Research Forum on Comparative Urban Studies. From May 22 to 27, the ...

Faculty Research Abroad Program - Fordham University
https://www.fordham.edu › info › faculty...
Faculty Research Abroad Program 2018 at Sophia University, Tokyo. ... Organize an international symposium on digital scholarship at the Fordham London Centre;; Conduct research field trips ...

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上智大学  哲学科  オリンピック

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sacred heart

匿名 さんのコメント...

the pierced Heart of Jesus

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https://www.jhf.or.jp › bunko
キリストの死因については、20世紀初頭に行われた証(あかし)によりますと、手のひらに釘を打っただけでは体重を支えきれず、手が裂けて十字架からずり落ちてしまうこと ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://aeon1p.or.jp › museum
2007年 シハヌーク・イオン博物館 | アジア各国でのCSR活動
2007年 シハヌーク・イオン博物館 ... 「カンボジア人による、カンボジアのための、カンボジア遺跡の保存・修復」を方針に活動する、上智大学石澤学長率いるアンコール遺跡 ...

https://dept.sophia.ac.jp › activity
アンコール遺跡の環境保護:ISO14001認証取得; シハヌーク・イオン博物館の建設; アンコール文化遺産教育センター; 上智大学のアジア研究拠点から情報を発信; カンボジア発 ...

https://dept.sophia.ac.jp › history
アンコール遺跡内のタニ村窯跡遺跡発掘開始。 1993年 3月. バンテアイ・クデイ遺跡 ... 上智大学・イオン(株)が博物館をカンボジア政府に寄贈。岡田卓也会長、高祖敏明 ...
