
白洲次郎@クレアカレッジとか徳川宗家とか豊田章男とかZ Organisationとか・・・(w

→Earl of Stratford






In the period immediately before the Second World War he worked under cover for the Z Organisation, a highly secret offshoot of MI6/SIS, and reported impressively from Switzerland on his regular meetings with Hjalmar Schacht, then the president of the Nazi German Reichsbank and thus the most powerful German banker.
He was forced to flee the National Socialist regime of Adolf Hitler and moved to the United Kingdom in 1934 where he co-founded S. G. Warburg & Co. in 1946 with Henry Grunfeld.



15 件のコメント:

みな さんのコメント...

Windows 8/8.1の後継は、うわさされたWindows 9ではなく、数字を1つ飛ばしたWindows 10ww

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Windows TH (Threshold) => Windows 10



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栗ごはん さんのコメント...

>Elizabeth de Clare

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白洲次郎 911

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Shirasu Miyazawa Warburg

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"Ivan Stedeford" Warburg

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Warburg family - Wikipedia
"The I.G. Farben factories were carefully avoided by Allied bombers indicating they were protected, as was Max Warburg."

匿名 さんのコメント...

Shoichiro Toyoda (21): British hospitality- Nikkei Asian Review
2014/08/05 - When I met Shirasu for the first time, he said he had a "useful" Toyota Publica Truck for farm work. ... This led to an opportunity for my son, Akio, to work at S.G. Warburg & Co., then a London-based investment bank, after his ...

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Chopin Nocturne, opus 27 #2

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https://asia.nikkei.com › Spotlight
Shoichiro Toyoda (21): British hospitality - Nikkei Asia
Aug 5, 2014 — Shirasu also introduced me to his friend Sir Siegmund Warburg. This led to an opportunity for my son, Akio, to work at S.G. Warburg & Co., ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

The name, “Woven,” was derived from the word “weave.” The inspiration partly came from the way the three types of streets for separate forms of mobility looked, crossing one another as if they had been woven together in the planned layout for the new city.Jul 28, 2020
https://www.woven-planet.global › ...
Toyota Research Institute - Advanced Development, Inc. announces it will ...
