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South Korea to buy 40 F-35 fighter jets from Lockheed Martin

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White House objects to Samsung’s use of Obama-Ortiz photo
Posted April 03, 2014, at 7:12 p.m.

But the smiles turned to scowls when mobile provider Samsung promoted the picture on Twitter to the company’s 5.2 million followers and pointed out the image had been taken with a Samsung smartphone.
White House spokesman Jay Carney, asked whether Samsung had been asked to stop tweeting the photo, made clear the controversy had been discussed with White House lawyers.
“Without getting into counsel’s discussions, I can tell you that as a rule, the White House objects to attempts to use the president’s likeness for commercial purposes, and we certainly object in this case,” he said.
He declined to discuss how the White House had objected.
Representatives for Samsung did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
