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昭和天皇の親代わり-鈴木貫太郎とたか夫人 | 歴史・人物伝 | - 中西出版
2010/06/07 — 第二部 昭和天皇と共に―「足立たか」と「鈴木貫太郎」― 第四章 父の膝下で ―子煩悩な足立元太郎― 第五章 たか皇居へ ―皇孫さまの母親代わり― 第六章 別れと出会い ―養育掛辞任、鈴木と結婚―

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gendai.ismedia.jp › 社会
乃木希典 vol.8(福田 和也) | 現代ビジネス | 講談社(2/3)
まず里親として、川村純義が選ばれた。 今日では、白洲正子の母方の祖父、と云った方 ... 迪宮時代足立たかに養育されていた当時の迪宮(後の昭和天皇、写真右)と淳宮(左)、光宮(中). まだ幼児教育が、はじまったばかりの

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県別 | 閨閥学 - Part 7
川村家(海軍大将・川村純義の子孫・家系図). ◇川村純義 1836年 誕生 1872年 海軍少輔 1874年 海軍関係蕃地事務局出仕 ...

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陛下から絶大な信頼 : 永遠の平和 鈴木貫太郎没後70年 : 企画・連載 : 千葉 : 地域 : ニュース : 読売新聞オンライン
2018/08/20 — 昭和天皇の侍従長だった鈴木貫太郎は1936年の2・26事件で4発の銃弾を浴びた。その時を証言した妻タカの肉声がいま、野田市の記念館で流されている。

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United States Trade Policy and the Economy: Hearings Before the ...
books.google.co.uk › books › id=fhBeM...

He had tried to get Japan to send nurses , refugee workers , or noncombatant soldiers to the Persian Gulf , but he had been rebuffed in the Diet and in opinion polls . His government had extracted a relatively huge ... I would have been put in an insane asylum or even assassinated . " " A monarch must be brave enough to run such ...
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, ‎United States · 1992 · ‎Read · ‎More editions

Dining with the Rich and Royal - Page 221
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But the idea of gainsaying my advisers in those days never even occurred to me. Besides, it would have done no good. I would have been put in an insane asylum or even assassinated.” Hirohito later renounced his godliness. By the end of the war, General MacArthur asked whether he could do anything for the emperor; this ...
Fiona Ross · 2016 · ‎Preview · ‎More editions

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Dining with the Rich and Royal - 221 ページ
books.google.co.jp › books

Their argument became so involved that eventually the empress had to interject, “That's enough about 'fugu,'” she told both emperor and doctor. “Please stop arguing about ... renounced his godliness. By the end of the war, General MacArthur asked whether he could do anything for the emperor; this turned out to be providing a box of chocolates. In an effusion of gratitude, Hirohito came back with a gift of a huge ...
Fiona Ross · 2016

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repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp › ...PDF
Title 敗戦前後の佐々木惣一--近衛文麿との関係を中心に Author(s) 松尾, 尊兌 Citation 人文學報 = The - 京都大学学術情報リポジトリ

著者: 松尾尊兌 · 2009 · 関連記事
から免れさせるために仁和寺に迎えて落飾させ,裕仁法親王として仁和寺門跡に据える相談を. -121- ... ある。 6月 14 日付の『高松宮日記』(中央公論社, 1997 年)には「一九○○佐々木惣一教授二.
27 ページ·1 MB

repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp › ...PDF
講和条約期における天皇退位問題 - 京都大学学術情報リポジトリ
著者: 河西秀哉 · 2005
第三の時期は、一九四八年の『週刊朝日』に掲載された佐々木惣一・長谷川如是閑・三淵忠彦 ... の時期にこそ天皇も裕仁から明仁へ交代して、生まれ変わった象徴天皇として新たに再出発するのが ...

匿名 さんのコメント...


折木 そもそも天皇はシンボルであって、我々は国民の一人という関係性です。ただ、やっぱりスタンスとして、天皇皇后両陛下が国民を思われる姿や、自衛隊だけじゃなく、警察や消防も含めて、命を懸けて頑張っている人を激励したいという、そういうお気持ちをあのときはすごく感じたんです。それは全自衛隊にとって、ものすごく誇りになる、嬉しいことでしたね。


被災地を訪問された当時の天皇皇后両陛下(2011年4月27日撮影) ©AFLO
被災地を訪問された当時の天皇皇后両陛下(2011年4月27日撮影) ©AFLO
折木 そうですね。昭和天皇も、自衛隊の任務に対して、それを目的に施設においでになるといったことはなかったと思います。


折木 自衛隊が何か特別な活動をしたときには、そのような機会があるとやはり嬉しいことですけれど、天皇というお立場もありますし、定期的にというのは難しいと思いますね。何も政治的な話というわけではなく。

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昭和天皇独白錄: 寺崎英成御用掛日記 - Page 82
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寺崎英成, ‎Mariko Terasaki Miller · 1991 · ‎Snippet view · ‎More editions
第一次近衛内閣の時、広田外相〕にこの事を話したら、広田も賛成したが、実現には至らなかつた。開戦后法皇庁に初めて使節を派遣した、之は私の発意である 。「ローマ」法皇庁に使節派遣るもの△如く、東条首相より承りたる旨、当時内閣 ...

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寺崎英成, ‎マリコ・テラサキ・ミラー · 1995 · ‎Preview
... 上意により挿入されたるもの◇如く、東条首相より承りたる旨、当時内閣書記官たりし稲田より申上げたる所、その様な事を云つたかも知れぬとの仰ありたり)「ローマ」法皇庁に使節派遣ならび開戦后法皇庁に初めて使節を派遣した、之は私の発意である。私は嘗て「ローマ」訪問以来、法皇庁 ...

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The Department of State Bulletin - Volume 4 - Page 114
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1941 · ‎Read · ‎More editions
I take great pleasure in sending you my cordial congratulations on your inauguration of the third tenure as President of the United States . I earnestly wish that the friendly relations between our respective countries may be strengthened during your term of the exalted office . HIROHITO JANUARY 23 , 1941 . I greatly appreciate your ...

American Diplomacy in the Far East - Volume 4 - Page 58
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United States. Department of State · 1941 · ‎Read · ‎More editions
I take great pleasure in sending you my cordial congratulations on your inauguration of the third tenure as President of the United States . I earnestly wish that the friendly relations between our respective countries may be strengthened during your term of the exalted office . HIROHITO JANUARY 23 , 1941 . I greatly appreciate your ...

American Diplomacy in the Far East; Official Press Releases of the ...
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United States. Dept. of State · 1941 · ‎Read · ‎More editions
I take great pleasure in sending you my cordial congratulations on your inauguration of the third tenure as President of the United States . I earnestly wish that the friendly relations between our respective countries may be strengthened during your term of the exalted office . . . HIROHITO JANUARY 23 , 1941 . I greatly appreciate ...

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Peace and War: United States Foreign Policy, 1931-1941
United States. Department of State — 1943 · United States

President Roosevelt to Emperor Hirohito of Japan

[WASHINGTON,] December 6, 1941. Almost a century ago the President of the United States addressed to the Emperor of Japan a message extending an offer of friendship of the people of the United States to the people of Japan. That offer was accepted, and in the long period of unbroken peace and friendship which has followed, our respective nations, through the virtues of their peoples and the wisdom of their rulers have prospered and have substantially helped humanity. .

Only in situations of extraordinary importance to our two countries need I address to Your Majesty messages on matters of state. I feel I should now so address you because of the deep and farreaching emergency which appears to be in formation.

Developments are occurring in the Pacific area which threaten to deprive each of our nations and all humanity of the beneficial influence of the long peace between our two countries. These developments contain tragic possibilities.

The people of the United States, believing in peace and in the right of nations to live and let live, have eagerly watched the conversations between our two Governments during these past months. We have hoped for a termination of the present conflict between Japan and China. We have hoped that a peace of the Pacific could be consummated in such a way that nationalities of many diverse peoples could exist side by side without fear of invasion; that unbearable burdens of armaments could be lifted for them all; and that all peoples would resume commerce without discrimination against or in favor of any nation.

** This message was transmitted in telegram 818, Dec. 6, 1941, 9 p.m., to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew), under instructions to communicate the President's message to the Japanese Emperor in such manner as deemed most appropriate by the Ambassador and at the earliest possible moment, addressed to "His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Japan". The telegram added that the press was being informed that the President was dispatching a message to the Emperor.

I am certain that it will be clear to Your Majesty, as it is to me, that in seeking these great objectives both Japan and the United States should agree to eliminate any form of military threat. This seemed essential to the attainment of the high objectives.

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More than a year ago Your Majesty's Government concluded an agreement with the Vichy Government by which five or six thousand Japanese troops were permitted to enter into Northern French Indochina for the protection of Japanese troops which were operating against China further north. And this Spring and Summer the Vichy Government permitted further Japanese military forces to enter into Southern French Indochina for the common defense of French Indochina. I think I am correct in saying that no attack has been made upon Indochina, nor that any has been contemplated.

During the past few weeks it has become clear to the world that Japanese military, naval and air forces have been sent to Southern Indo-China in such large numbers as to create a reasonable doubt on the part of other nations that this continuing concentration in IndoChina is not defensive in its character.

Because these continuing concentrations in Indo-China have reached such large proportions and because they extend now to the southeast and the southwest corners of that Peninsula, it is only reasonable that the people of the Philippines, of the hundreds of Islands of the East Indies, of Malaya and of Thailand itself are asking themselves whether these forces of Japan are preparing or intending to make attack in one or more of these many directions.

I am sure that Your Majesty will understand that the fear of all these peoples is a legitimate fear in as much as it involves their peace and their national existence. I am sure that Your Majesty will understand why the people of the United States in such large numbers look askance at the establishment of military, naval and air bases manned and equipped so greatly as to constitute armed forces capable of measures of offense.

It is clear that a continuance of such a situation is unthinkable.

None of the peoples whom I have spoken of above can sit either indefinitely or permanently on a keg of dynamite.

There is absolutely no thought on the part of the United States of invading Indo-China if every Japanese soldier or sailor were to be withdrawn therefrom.

I think that we can obtain the same assurance from the Governments of the East Indies, the Governments of Malaya and the Government of Thailand. I would even undertake to ask for the same assurance on the part of the Government of China. Thus a withdrawal of the Japanese forces from Indo-China would result in the assurance of peace throughout the whole of the South Pacific area.

I address myself to Your Majesty at this moment in the fervent hope that Your Majesty may, as I am doing, give thought in this definite emergency to ways of dispelling the dark clouds. I am confident that both of us, for the sake of the peoples not only of our own great countries but for the sake of humanity in neighboring territories, have a sacred duty to restore traditional amity and prevent further death and destruction in the world.


まいご さんのコメント...


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December 1941 - Wikipedia
President Roosevelt sent Japan a request for an explanation for the heavy Japanese troop concentrations in French Indochina, exceeding the 25,000 agreed upon between Tokyo and Vichy France.

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  ...Bishop James Edward Walsh and Father James M. Drought, two American Catholic priests who ... to America, the priests contacted President Roo-sevelt's postmaster general, Frank C. Walker.

The Drought-Walsh Mission さんのコメント...

"It was with warnings like these in mind that the State Department approached the diplomatic efforts of two private citizens—Bishop James Walsh and Father James Drought of the Catholic Foreign Mission (Maryknoll) Society. The two men had visited Japan in November 1940 on their own peace-seeking mission and managed to obtain interviews with influential Japanese officials, including Foreign Minister Matsuoka. Impressed by the possibilities for peace, the priests returned to the United States with several documents summarizing their view of the Japanese negotiating position. On January 23, 1941, Roosevelt gave them an audience.[17]"

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Lessons in Religious Freedom: The Catholic Minority in ...https://www.georgetownjournalofinternationalaffairs.org › ...
Dec 5, 2013 — Subsequently, there has also been a distinctly “Catholic factor” in Japanese foreign affairs. The “John Doe Associates” initiative, a 1941 backdoor diplomatic effort by American and Japanese Catholics in an attempt to avoid war, is a prime example of this. The “John Doe” of this initiative was Fr. James Drought, who was joined by Bishop James E. Walsh and U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt’s Catholic Postmaster, General Frank C. Walker, in an effort to reach out to Matsuoka and others in the Japanese government. The effort ultimately failed, but it suggests one way by which Catholicism provided certain diplomatic avenues for Japan.

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Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact - Wikipedia
The treaty was signed in Moscow on April 13, 1941 by Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka and Ambassador Yoshitsugu Tatekawa for Japan and Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov for the Soviet Union. The same day, all ...

Fumimaro Konoe - Wikipedia
The basis of this agreement had been drafted by two American Maryknoll priests James Edward Walsh, and James M. Drought, through the postmaster general Frank C. Walker the priests met with Roosevelt.[76] The outline of the proposal, which had been drafted in consultation with banker Tadao Ikawa, Colonel Hideo Iwakura, and Nomura, included American recognition of Manchukuo, the merging of Chiang's government with the Japanese backed Reorganized National Government of China, normalization of trade relations, withdrawal of Japanese troops from China, mutual respect for Chinese independence, and an…

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Observations in the Orient - Wikipedia
Throughout his stay in Japan, Walsh reports on the progress of the Catholic missions. In Tokyo, he writes that he misses some necessities from home, such as a shaving mirror. At one point, he visits the Jesuit College within Tokyo. ... At Fukushima, Walsh encounters many accomplishments of the missions.

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https://www.va.emb-japan.go.jp › ...PDF
ギャラガー外務長官の訪日に寄せて - 在バチカン日本国大使館

日本とバチカンの新たな関係は,第2次世界大戦が勃発した翌年,大戦の最中1942年に再 開され,外交関係が樹立された。この間の事情については,「昭和天皇独白録」に「開戦後法皇 庁に初めて使節派遣した。之は私の発意である」と記されている。
2 pages·93 KB

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2019.11.26 07:47
【一筆多論】バチカンと外交協力深めよ 岡部伸











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 1945年(昭和20年)5月、バチカンのローマ法王庁ヴァニヨッチ(Vagnozzi)司教は、日本公使館嘱託の富沢孝彦師に対して、「一米人」より和平問題について日本側と接触するための橋渡しをしてほしいとの申し出があったと明かしました。この申し出の内容は、ソ連の極東進出への警戒感から、米国側が日本に複数の休戦条件を提示しているというものでした。原田健(はらだ けん)駐バチカン公使はこれに対し、素性・目的とも明確でない人物とこのような交渉を行うことはできないとの観点から、消極的な回答を先方に伝えました。この回答を受けた「一米人」は、再度ヴァニヨッチを通じて、今後日本側から米国側に伝達希望があれば取り次ぐ準備があることなどを伝えてきただけで、その後具体的な交渉にはつながりませんでした。
 この終戦工作については、外務省記録「大東亜戦争関係一件 「スウェーデン」、「スイス」、「バチカン」等ニ於ケル終戦工作関係」に関連記録が収められています。また、アジア歴史資料センターのホームページ(http://www.jacar.go.jp/ 他のサイトヘ)からもご覧いただけます。


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交流に光 法王使節派遣を熱望 第一次大戦末期、旧海軍大佐が書簡 偏見や神道国教化、懸念

毎日新聞 2016/10/14 東京朝刊 有料記事 2202文字



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https://www.nytimes.com › archives
A reconstruction of what was code‐named the Vessel project was published under the title “Japanese‐American Peace Contacts in the Vatican in 1945” in La ...

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https://history.state.gov › historicald...
Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1942 ...
Monsignor Vagnozzi informed me that the Apostolic Delegate26 had been obliged to ... when in the Philippines they had desecrated and violated churches and Catholic ... when the announced purpose of Japan's military leaders was to drive the [Page 780]influence of the white race from the Far East, including, obviously ...

http://images.library.wisc.edu › ...PDF
780. FOREIGN RELATIONS, 1942, VOLUME III influence of the white race from the Far East, including, obviously and principally, the influence of Christianity among the populations of Asia, for the Holy See for the first ...

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Xavier's Legacies: Catholicism in Modern Japanese Culture - 95 ページ
books.google.co.jp › books

Kevin M. Doak · 2011
... he sent Myron C. Taylor, CEO and chairman of United States Steel Corporation and a Quaker, to the Holy See as an emissary (also not with the formal rank of ambassador) from the United States. In light of the Allies' efforts to use the pope's influence, and as a counterweight, Emperor Hirohito ...

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myron c. taylor roosevelt japan vatican

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Martin Quigley, who used film work as cover for World War II ...https://www.washingtonpost.com › A...
2011/02/11 — In 1943, Donovan sent Mr. Quigley to Ireland to gather intelligence on everything from the state of official Irish neutrality to local sentiments about the Allied and Axis powers. Both sides had legations on the Emerald Isle, and Mr. Quigley said his cover proved effective. "It was a passport to be able to communicate with all kinds of people at every conceivable level," Mr. ...

Film rep, WWII spy Quigley dies | Local&State | bendbulletin.comhttps://www.bendbulletin.com › news·
In 1943, Donovan sent Quigley to Ireland to gather intelligence on everything from the state of official Irish neutrality to local sentiments about the Allied and Axis powers. Both sides had legations on the Emerald Isle, and Quigley said his cover proved effective. “It was a passport to be able to communicate with all kinds of

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敗戦国の外交戦略―吉田茂の外交とその継承者― - 防衛研究所
by 中西寛

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天皇 脱政治化

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真崎秀樹氏が死去/昭和天皇の通訳 | 全国ニュース | 四国新聞社
15 Nov 2001 — 喪主は長男晃郎(てるお)氏。 1934(昭和9)年、外務省に入省。アフガニスタン大使などを挟み、59年から宮内庁侍従職御用掛として ...

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【独自】天皇に「側近相談役」、吉田茂が模索…戦前の内大臣 ...https://www.yomiuri.co.jp › culture
2020/12/21 — 日記によると59年2月11日、河井は自民党の有力者、松村謙三から天皇の「側近相談役設置に付、吉田元首相の意」を伝えられた。「最も同感なるも、適当なる方法なきに苦しむ。元長官田島道治氏に相談する」と約束 ...

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Nominations -- Department of State: Hearings Before the Committee ...
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations — 1944

...I have never held and have never stated that the Japanese Emperor should be retained after the war, nor have I ever held or stated that the Japanese Emperor should be eliminated after the war. I believe that the problem should be left fluid until we get to Tokyo and our authorities and the authorities of those of the United Nations directly concerned can size up the situation and can determine what will best conduce to the attainment of our objectives. I do not believe that the solution of this problem can intelligently or helpfully be reached until we get to Tokyo.

I have a feeling that the importance of the Emperor institution, especially as a factor in the dynamic aspects of Japanese policies and actions, has been greatly exaggerated. It is argued that it is the existence of this institution that made possible Japanese militarism and aggression. This argument must be examined in the light of the fact that during the preceding period of Japanese aggression in the sixteenth century, when the ruling war lord tried to conquer Korea and China, the imperial family had been barely maintaining a shadowy existence for several centuries. Unlike the war lords of today, whose conquests, they proclaim, are due to the “august virtues of the Emperor," whose instruments they proclaim themselves to be, it was Hideyoshi, the shogun or military dictator, and not the Emperor, who said that when he had conquered China and Korea he would make himself and not the Emperor the master of the world.

The Emperors in those days were completely overshadowed by the shoguns and were usually hard put to it to maintain a bare living. My point is, therefore, that the Japanese do not need to have an emperor to be militaristic and aggressive, nor is it the existence of an emperor that makes them militaristic and aggressive. There are conditions more deeply rooted in their social structure and concepts growing out of that social structure which have to be exercised in one way or another. It will be one of our fundamental objectives to remove those conditions. As I have said, no one today can predict what the impact of the cataclysm of defeat will have on the Japanese mind. There might be a complete revulsion from all the archaic concepts of the past. The Emperor institution might on the other hand be the only political element capable of exercising a stabilizing influence. To understand the position of the Emperor in the Japanese political structure it might be useful to draw a homely parallel

As you know, the queen bee in a hive is surrounded by the attentions of the hive, which treats her with veneration and ministers in every way to her comfort. The time comes, lowever, when a decision of vital importance to the hive must be made. The hive vibrates as though in excited debate, and finally the moment arrives when the queen is thrust forth into the outside world, and the hive follows her to its new home. It was not the queen which made the decision; yet, if one were to remove the queen from the swarm, the hive would disintegrate.

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"yet, if one were to remove the queen from the swarm, the hive would disintegrate."

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"Since Pearl Harbor and his return to the United States, Mr. Grew has frequently advocated a policy of doing business with Emperor Hirohito after the war. He says we must preserve the Mikado as a Japanese symbol around which a stable, peaceful government can be built."

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大温室でフクバイチゴ(福羽苺)を展示をしています : 新宿御苑 | 一般財団法人国民公園協会

2018/07/19 — そして、明治33年(1900)に、オランダイチゴの栽培品種の実生を選抜して「福羽イチゴ」を作出しました。当時は皇室献上用で「御苑イチゴ」や「御料イチゴ」とも呼ばれ、門外 ...

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Vatican Secret Diplomacy: Joseph P. Hurley and Pope Pius XII
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Charles R. Gallagher · 2008
In May 1932, after a round of political assassinations, the Japanese military took control of the cabinet. According to one ... 15 Mooney and Hurley experienced the ravages of tenko early on in their mission. Their first public ... Grew wished to get to the bottom of the matter early. Ever the courtly diplomat, he invited Archbishop Mooney to play a round of golf. “I took on the Vatican ...

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Vatican Secret Diplomacy: Joseph P. Hurley and Pope Pius XII
books.google.co.uk › books
Charles R. Gallagher · 2008 · ‎Preview · ‎More editions
“I took on the Vatican today and sallied forth to Asaka with Monsignor Mooney, who plays a very credible game and easily defeated me.” On the drive back and forth from the links, Grew “learned much of Vatican politics and their problems in Japan. They are having the same trouble that our ...

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Nun from the rising sun - Independent.ie
2015/10/22 — Sister Paschal (Jennie) O'Sullivan of Cloughduv left Ireland for Japan when she was just 23 ... Futaba in Tokyo, and among her past pupils was Japan's Crown Princess Masako.

The Remarkable Story of Sister Angela Fitzgerald and The Empress of Japan by Maurice Egan • Guest Posts - Limerick's Life
21 Jul 2017 — Sister Angela's only connection to Ireland was through writing letters and receiving much ... Michiko Shōda later graduated summa cum laude from the Faculty of Literature at the ...

http://jiseikai.jp › outline
創設者について | 社会福祉法人 慈生会
創設者ヨゼフ・フロジャクについて ... へ行き、駅から徒歩で通い、全患者を見舞ったやがて関口教会の青年たちが手伝うようになった美智子皇后の祖母、正田 きぬさんがフロジャク神父から受洗.

https://jiseikai-kiyose.jp › outline › j...
ヨゼフ・フロジャク神父の略歴|社会福祉法人慈生会|特別養護老人ホーム 聖ヨゼフ老人ホーム|東京都清瀬市
皇太子妃美智子さま(当時)の祖母正田きぬ刀自、神父から洗礼を受ける。 昭和4年(1929)43歳: 9月、野方町丸山に一軒の民家を借用、療養所を ...http://jiseikai.jp › outline
創設者について | 社会福祉法人 慈生会
創設者ヨゼフ・フロジャクについて ... へ行き、駅から徒歩で通い、全患者を見舞ったやがて関口教会の青年たちが手伝うようになった美智子皇后の祖母、正田 きぬさんがフロジャク神父から受洗.

https://jiseikai-kiyose.jp › outline › j...
ヨゼフ・フロジャク神父の略歴|社会福祉法人慈生会|特別養護老人ホーム 聖ヨゼフ老人ホーム|東京都清瀬市
皇太子妃美智子さま(当時)の祖母正田きぬ刀自、神父から洗礼を受ける。 昭和4年(1929)43歳: 9月、野方町丸山に一軒の民家を借用、療養所を ...

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http://jiseikai.jp › outline
創設者について | 社会福祉法人 慈生会
創設者ヨゼフ・フロジャクについて ... 1946年(昭和21年) 60歳, 宮内省の木下侍従次長に願い出て、7月那須の旧御料地約300町歩の貸し付けを受け、直ちに開墾を開始 秋までに1キロの自動車 ...

http://www.jiseikai.jp › about › histry
沿革 | 社会福祉法人 慈生会
1927年(昭和 2年), フロジャク神父(41歳)中野療養所の患者見舞開始 ... 1946年(昭和21年), 浅草向柳原に浅草診療所開設那須の旧御料地約300町歩借用方、木下道雄侍従次長を通し願い出、 ...

松岡洋右: その人間と外交 - 191 ページ
三輪公忠 · 1971
そして、戦犯も人は人、というフランス人神父ョゼフ・フロージャック( Joseph Flaujac )の司式でカトリックの葬儀が神田教会でいとなまれた。そうしてみると、辞世の句はカトリック的な世界観が現われているようにも思えるが ...

ヨゼフ・フロジャック - Wikipedia
ヨゼフ・マリウス・シャルル・フロジャック(Joseph Marius Charles Flaujac、1886年3月31日 - 1959年12月12日) ... というものであった。死去に際し、日本政府から勲四等瑞宝章が贈られた。

Tochigi kensei shi - 第 1 巻 - 60 ページ
Tochigi-ken (Japan) · 1956
仏人フロジャック神父を中心とする修道生活、農耕生活を御感深く御視察になられた。それより那須村民奉迎場( ... 早くも初秋を思わせる那須高原の光は、両陛下の御くつろぎをほのぐと祝福申上げるかの如くであった。第一章◇真岡町民奉迎 ...

昭和天皇の御巡幸 - 159 ページ
鈴木正男 · 1992
これは、まことに自然のままであつたので、この委員長なる者は手を突き出したまま呆然として陛下の後姿を見送つたのであった。因みにこの男 ... 硫黄島の旧島民を御慰問しおや一日おいた九月八日の第四日目は御用邸の地元、那須・塩谷の両郡であつた。当初、この ... ここはカトリック教会のフロジャック神父(仏人) の経営する福祉施設で、戦後、広大な御料林の御貸下げを受け開設されたのであつた。

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History of Ireland-Japan Relations - Department of Foreign ...https://www.dfa.ie › japan › about-us
2015/01/22 —...Hundreds of Irish nuns and priests have lived, work and taught in Japan since they first arrived during the early Meiji period. They have made a particularly valuable contribution in the field of education, and as a result generations of Japanese young people have been taught by Irish missionaries over the past 130 years. Some Irish nuns and priests chose to remain in Japan during the Second World War to bring comfort to their communities. Just after the war, a great number of Irish missionaries came to Japan to work alongside their adopted countrymen and women in beginning the slow process of rebuilding their society. Their work continues to this day in towns and cities throughout Japan.

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https://nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp › n...PDF
THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN JAPAN - Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture
bruster, MEP, was approved by the government and set up in Tokyo. It had one hundred thirty ... French missionaries to come to Japan in the middle of the nineteenth century. It is an historical fact,

https://tokyo.catholic.jp › tokyo-en
Ueno Catholic Church | カトリック東京大司教区 ウェブサイト
Joseph Flaujac M.E.P. who happened to pass by there had organized a patrolling medical team with Sisters of Seibo Hospital of Franciscan Missionary of Mary and Sisters of Bethany for giving the ...

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意向 威光 移行
舞台裏 脚本

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https://www.cia.gov › staticPDF
Memoranda for the President: Japanese Feelers - CIA

2007/05/08 — An OSS representative has transmitted the following information, reportedly sent to the Vatican on 6 April8 by Lorenzo Tatewaki Toda, the Apostolic. Delegate in Yokohama:.
22 ページ·263 KB

11 April 1945
An OSS representative has transmitted the following information, reportedly
sent to the Vatican on 6 April8 by Lorenzo Tatewaki Toda, the Apostolic
Delegate in Yokohama:
Tatewaki Toda, who is a member of a Japanese princely family and related to
the Emperor, proposes to call on the Emperor in order to "comfort him with
the certain hope that the Holy See will not abandon its attempt at mediation"
of the war in the Pacific. Tatewaki Toda believes that the present is the most
favorable moment to conquer the intransigence of the extreme militarists in
the interests of a peaceful solution to the war. He promises as soon as
possible to send the Holy See a set of conditions which it may judge
acceptable to the Anglo-Americans, and he beseeches the Pope to pray that
Japan's rulers may become convinced of the necessity of an honorable peace.
In Lisbon

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戸田帯刀 - Wikipedia
... だ たてわき、1898年3月23日 - 1945年8月18日)は、日本のカトリック聖職者。洗礼名はラウレンチオ。カトリック札幌使徒座代理および横浜教区長を務め、終戦直後の8月18日に射殺され た。

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2021/3/3 12:24 (JST)3/3 12:39 (JST)updated




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The Living Church
Ken Harada , former counsellor of the Japanese Embassy in Paris , has been appointed Special Minister of the Vatican , and Archbishop Paolo Marella , Apostolic Delegate to Japan since 1937 has ...

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Vatican Imperialism in the Twentieth Century - Page 209books.google.co.uk › books
Avro Manhattan · 1965 · ‎Snippet view
A Catholic Friendly Society was formed , to give what the Japanese called “ a practical demonstration directed at protecting ... After consultation with the Vatican Japan dispatched Catholics to the Philippines to consolidate the “ morals ” of the ... the necessity to consolidate Catholic - Japanese - Philippine cooperation and thus help the puppet Filipino government to ... its even slyer efforts to cow the Philippines into alien submission via indirect and even direct religious , diplomatic and ...

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https://www.jccjp.org › uploadsPDF
天皇制を考える - 日本カトリック正義と平和協議会
実は当時の教 会指導者たちはあの戦争を「聖なる戦争」と 言ったのです。「今次聖戦は所謂帝国主義的侵 略主義的意図の下に惹起せられたるものでなく、 徹頭徹尾破邪顕正の大義の聖戦であり、皇道一 途の顕現を目指し以て道義に基づく大東亜共栄 圏の確立を主題としてゐるのであります」と当 時のカトリック指導者の文章が実際に残ってい るのです*1。

聖堂の日の丸: 奄美カトリック迫害と天皇教 - Page 355
books.google.co.uk › books
宮下正昭 · 1999 · ‎Preview
今回の原田公使の派遣は、全世界約三億五千万の全カトリック教徒及びローマ法王庁、ヴァチカン の歓びでもあります。全世界のカトリック教徒は恒久的平和をもたらすため行われてゐる日本の大東亜戦争完遂には進んで協力するでせう。(略)日本の精神文化が世界の物質文化に優ってるることを ...

日本・ヴァチカン外交史 - Page 123
books.google.co.uk › books
高木一雄 · 1984 · ‎Snippet view
今回の原田公使の派遣は全世界約三億五千万の全カトリック教徒及びローマ法王 庁、ヴァティカンの歓びでもあります。全世界のカトリック教徒は恒久的平和を齎すため行はれてゐる日本の大東亜戦争完遂には進んで協力するでせう。私は過去 ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

The Pacific Campaign in World War II: From Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal
books.google.co.uk › books

William Bruce Johnson · 2006 · ‎Preview · ‎More editions
A member of the Imperial Court told the Tokyo correspondent of the New York Herald Tribune that the day before Nomura left Tokyo, Hirohito ordered him to “make peace with the United States at any cost.” Fleisher (1942) 74. 65 Grew (1952) 2:1,247; Hixson 3:272. See also Morley 5:1, 12–20; ...

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The Pacific Campaign in World War II: From Pearl Harbor to ...

William Bruce Johnson · 2006
次の書籍のコンテンツと一致: – 325 ページ
On 17 November 1941, Supreme Court justice Felix Frankfurter told FDR that, according to someone he knew, Nomura's superiors in Tokyo were sufficiently unsure of his ... 76 In December 1940, Tadao Wikawa (sometimes romanized as “Ikawa”), a prominent banker, had reached out to two American priests, Father James M. Drought and Bishop James Edward Walsh, introduced to him by a partner in Kuhn, Loeb and Co., underwriter of Japan's loans in the Russo-Japanese War.

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America - 第 71 巻 - 507 ページ

1944 · ‎
Paolo Marella, Apostolic Delegate to Japan, visited American, English, Canadian and Dutch prisoners of war in two camps in Southern Japan and reports their condition as “generally satisfactory.” * According to the Jewish Chronicle of London ...

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https://www.nsa.gov › PortalsPDF

2020/10/18 —
214 ページ·11 MB

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The Mafia and the Allies: Sicily 1943 and the Return of the Mafia

Ezio Costanzo · 2007
In his book about the OSS Richard Smith tells how Montini received a strategic map of Japan with the locations of all the military industrial facilities in the country from the Apostolic Nuncio in Tokyo. The map, of incalculable military intelligence value, reached Brennan by a strange circuitous route.The Vatican sent it to the Irish embassy in Rome and from there it reached Dublin. In the capital of the Republic of Ireland an Italian OSS agent ...

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How Irish diplomats were caught up in tangled web of wartime ...https://www.irishexaminer.com › arid-20051385
29 Dec 2007 — ... secret Irish cooperation with US intelligence during World War II. ... Martin Quigley, who served undercover as an OSS agent in Ireland ... Scattolini had sold bogus Vatican information to various wire services before the war.

William Donovan, the Office of Strategic Services ... - JSTOR
https://www.jstor.org › stable
by M Graziano · 2015 · Cited by 2 — can intelligence operations during World War II and inadvertently increased ... Upon his return to civilian life, William Donovan found himself an Irish. Catholic and a ... including his time spent leading the OSS and his outreach to the Holy See.

William J. Donovan - Wikipedia
William Joseph "Wild Bill" Donovan (January 1, 1883 – February 8, 1959) was an American soldier, lawyer, intelligence officer and diplomat, best known for serving as the head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the precursor to the Central Intelligence Agency, during World War II. ... Of Irish descent, Donovan was born in Buffalo, New York, to Anna Letitia ...

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OSS: The Secret History of America's First Central Intelligence Agency
Richard Harris Smith · 2005
In Washington, OSS acquired the services of Freda Utley, a former British Communist who had once lived in China as an advisor on Asian affairs. She was brought into the Donovan organization by C. V. Starr, an American businessman who had operated a very successful Asian insurance ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

A life less ordinary: Spending time with the last Irish missionary nun in Japan - Irish Examiner
7 Nov 2015 — She and her compatriots were evacuated to the mountains of Karuizawa where they remained for several years. As the war ended, other nuns joined them in safety of the highlands, their ...

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桐山秀樹、 吉村祐美 — 2012 · Authors, Japanese

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2015.8.22 21:40

終戦間際の電報「イミュニテ カルイザワ」の意味探る 軽井沢で旧スイス公使館めぐりシンポ

Immunite Karuizawaと書かれた文字が記されたベルンのスイス外務省からワシントンのスイス公使館あての電報(スイス連邦公文書館所蔵、一部画像加工しています)


 軽井沢町と筑波大学の共同主催で開催されたシンポジウムでは同大の花里俊廣教授が、カミーユ・ゴルジェ・スイス公使らが昭和20年6月8日から7月30日の間、本国の外務省などにフランス語で「イミュニテ カルイザワ」との電報を19通送っていたことを紹介。「これには二重の意味が隠されており、表向きは文字通り『軽井沢を爆撃しないでほしい』という意味と、裏には国体護持(天皇制維持)があったのではないか」と語った。




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https://cgsc.contentdm.oclc.org › ...PDF
PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE - Combined Arms Research Library
Being little people, the Japanese dreamed of power and glory, but lacked a realistic. concept of tie material requirements for a successful world war. Moreover ...

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https://cgsc.contentdm.oclc.org › ...PDF
PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE - Combined Arms Research Library
But the Emperor felt our air strikes had discredited the militarists*** in the eyes of the people; that the population was war-weary and that they had knowledge of and would accept the. Potsdam Declaration and the Allied reply amplifying its ...

https://www.hsdl.org › viewPDF
Japan's Decision for War in 1941: Some Enduring Lessons
He believes that Japanese aggression in. East Asia was the root cause of the Pacific War, but argues that the road to war in 1941 was built on American as well as Japanese miscalculations and that both sides suffered from.

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Studies in Intelligence - Volume 46, Issue 3 - Page 55
books.google.com › books

2002 · ‎Read
Paths to Peace The Information War in the Pacific, 1945 Josette H. Williams 66 It was the Allies' communication network that provided war information directly to the Japanese people ... that pushed Japan to accept defeat. 99 Josette H. Williams is a freelance Writer and editor. Her article draws On US government records and the ...

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Vatican Secret Diplomacy: Joseph P. Hurley and Pope Pius XII
books.google.co.uk › books

Charles R. Gallagher · 2008 · ‎Preview
The Vatican had been covetously weighing the establishment of diplomatic ties with Japan since the early twentieth century. But the treading was cautious. It was not until after World War I, when the Japanese realized that “the Vatican was an excellent source of information,” that the first step was taken on the road to formal ...

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昭和史の天皇 - Volume 7 - Page 365
books.google.co.uk › books

1968 · ‎
朝日の鈴木文史朗さんが、例のバッケ工作(スウェーデン公使を通じた和平)をやったとき、東郷さんがまともにとりあげなかったことをこぼして、いつだったか、 わたしに「あれが出来ていれば、様子が違っていたろうにー』といわれたことが ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

現代 - 第 7~8 号 - 182 ページ
2002 · ‎
長谷部とインボデンの仲介役を演じた鈴木乾三(当時朝日新聞渉外部、 GH Q 記者 会会長)は、「レッド・パージの最大の狙いは朝日新聞であり、笠信太郎の追放だった」と『朝日新聞社史』で語っている。結局、朝日新聞では一〇四人が追放( ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

インテリジェンス - Volume 5 - Page 100
books.google.com › books

2005 · ‎
ら直接情報を入手する大島大使の方が、日本本国における影響力は格段に大きかった。そのため ... 特に、笠はスイス・ベルンでの和平工作に関わることとなる。これらの和平工作において注目したいのは、朝日関係者らの関与の多さである。朝日関係者では、田村真作(繆斌工作)、笠信太郎(藤村工作)、鈴木文史朗(バッゲ工作)らが 3 つの

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https://books.google.co.uk › books
Unconditional: The Japanese Surrender in World War II
Marc Gallicchio — 2020 · History
The first draft, titled “Japan's Decision to Surrender,” was finished in early March. Fellers sent a copy to his contact at the magazine and to Hoover. A key argument in Fellers's draft was his insistence ...Fellers viewed the article as a cynical attempt to silence growing criticism of the bomb's use by religious organizations. ... in April was an indication that the peace movement was gaining strength and that, in early May, Hirohito bravely decided to seek peace using the Soviet Union as intermediary...Retitled “Hirohito's Struggle to Surrender,” the article informed readers that the atomic bombs did not influence Hirohito's decision to surrender or have any impact on the outcome of the war. According to Fellers, Japan surrendered because Hirohito “dared face down his own fanatic militarists,” ...

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books.google.co.jp › books
ハロット氏、 AP 東京支局長ラッセル・ブラインズ氏に対して日本人として鈴木文史朗氏が出席している、肩書はリーダーズ・ダイジェスト日本版編集長とある。座談会はロイヤル長官の談話そのほかいくっかのトピックで進められているが「切迫せる人口問題」のくだりで、鈴木文史朗氏はいっている。一年に百万ずつもふえている日本の人口 問題の解決法がゆきづまっている。「理想的なやりかたは、ひと思いに何千万を殺すか、自殺かだ。」

戦後のアメリカ第一信 - 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション
書誌情報. 詳細レコード表示にする. 永続的識別子: info:ndljp/pid/1154483; タイトル: 戦後のアメリカ 第一信; 著者: 鈴木文史朗 著; 出版者: 講談社; 出版年月日: 1949; 請求記号: a295-4; 書誌ID(国立...両陛下にアメリカ事情を申上げた / 201 (0112.jp2)

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「終戦のエンペラー」は64年前にプロパガンダ映画として企画されていた! 〈週刊朝日〉|AERA dot. (アエラドット) - 朝日新聞デジタル
2013/09/30 — 田口が言うのは、月刊誌「リーダーズ・ダイジェスト」の47年7月号に載った「 降伏のために闘った天皇裕仁」という記事だった。2カ月後、同誌の日本語版にも掲載され、田口は ...

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http://www.jaas.gr.jp › PDFPDF
Psychological Warfare during the American Occupation of Japan: The Documentary Film Project of Shu Taguchi and Bonner Fellers, 1

Reader's Digest Japan president Dennis McEvoy, who during the war had worked in the US ... of 2 million yen (about. $5,555) for his permission to use “Hirohito's Struggle to Surrender”; more.
18 ページ·158 KB

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Article - Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 - 1954)Monday 23 June 1947 - Page 5

Russia 'Killed Surrender Bid By Japan'
Article - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)Monday 23 June 1947 - Page 3

PEACE MOVES "KILLED" American Officer's Charge Against Soviet
Article - The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954)Monday 23 June 1947 - Page 9

Article - The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947)Monday 23 June 1947 - Page 1

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books.google.co.uk › books
Xavier's Legacies: Catholicism in Modern Japanese Culture
Kevin M. Doak — 2011 · History
the pope had declared that unless the warring nations asked the Vatican to do so, it would not ... Harada's and Kanayama's main counterpart at the Vatican had been Giovanni Battista Montini, the ...

books.google.co.uk › books
Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers
United States. Department of State — 1961 · United States
I understand from Vatican sources that although he holds rank of Minister and regards himself as an envoy extraordinary ... I understand Harada's wife and Kanayama , the secretary , are Catholics .

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2020/10/22 —










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(3ページ目)天皇皇后、上皇上皇后 1年半の“トライアングルお引っ越し”がついにスタート | 文春オンライン
2020/03/20 —


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https://www.dailyshincho.jp › article
『昭和天皇実録』に記載されなかった真実 「英国情報工作員」とも引見した「昭和天皇」復興のインテリジェンス――徳本栄一郎(ジャーナリスト ...





匿名 さんのコメント...

昭和天皇拝謁記「戦後日本史の解明に期待」 by 陸奥新報http://www.mutusinpou.co.jp › shasetsu › 2019/08
2019/08/27 — 拝謁記」と記された手記は、遺族から提供を受けたNHKが公表。 ... への深い悔恨と反省の気持ちを表明したいと田島氏に伝えたものの、当時の吉田茂首相の反対で削除されたとのやりとりが記されているのが、興味深い。

昭和天皇「拝謁記」公開/戦争責任 国民的議論を - 日本共産党https://www.jcp.or.jp › akahata › aik19
2019/08/22 — 田島氏の手記で注目されたのは、昭和天皇がサンフランシスコ平和条約発効後の日本の独立を祝う式典で戦争への「反省」の気持ちを表明したいと田島氏に伝えたものの、当時の吉田茂首相の反対で削除されたとされる部分です ...

昭和天皇、戦争「反省」の意向 宮内庁初代長官が会話記録 ...https://www.nikkei.com › article
2019/08/19 — 天皇は52年の独立回復式典の「お言葉」で戦争への悔恨と反省の表明を希望していたが、当時の吉田茂首相の反対で削除され ... 田島道治・初代宮内庁長官が昭和天皇との対話を書き残した「拝謁記」(19日、東京都渋谷区).

悔恨・再軍備・南京…率直に語る昭和天皇 研究者も驚き ...https://www.asahi.com › articles
2019/08/20 — 初代宮内庁長官の田島道治が昭和天皇とのやりとりを記した「拝謁(はいえつ)記」からは、昭和天皇が戦争への「 ... 今回見つかった「拝謁記」は、田島道治の遺族が長く保管していたものだ。 ... 年5月3日の式典でのおことばをめぐり、昭和天皇と田島、吉田茂首相のやりとりが詳細にわかったことだ。

昭和天皇の首相評 近衛と東条、吉田と芦田「長所が一人に ...https://www.okinawatimes.co.jp › 政治

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https://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp › ...PDF
Title 講和条約期における天皇退位問題 : 明仁皇太子の 登場と講和独立を背景として A - 京都大学学術情報リポジトリ

by 河西秀哉 · 2005 — 河西秀哉. 【要約】 サンフランシスコ講和条約期になると、天皇退位論が再浮上した。その議論の特徴は二つある。第一に、敗戦後一貫して. 主張されてきた天皇の「道徳」的 ...
36 pages·1 MB

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Report of the United States Education Mission to Japan: ..
books.google.co.uk › books
United States. Education Mission to Japan · 1977

Report of the Second United States Education Mission to Japan -
books.google.co.uk › books
United States. Education Mission to Japan · 1950
On March 5 , 1946 , the United States Education Mission to Japan arrived in Tokyo at the invitation of Gen . Douglas MacArthur , Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers . ... The members of the Mission submitted a report to General MacArthur on March 30 , 1946 , in which they outlined what they believed might well be ...

Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers - Page 191books.google.co.uk › books
United States. Department of State · 1971
42A / 4 - 946 The Officer in Charge of the Office of the Political Adviser in Japan to the Department of State No . 359 TOKYO , April 9 , 1946 . ... of the United States Education Mission which was submitted to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers on March 30 , 1946 . 56 This report sums up the work of the Mission , details its findings regarding the characteristics and deficiencies of the Japanese ...

Japan, Three Epochs of Modern Education - Page 217books.google.co.uk › books
Ronald Stone Anderson · 1959
1880 : Code of Education — nullifies power of boards ; requires Shushin ( Morals ) , and makes 3 years of schooling compulsory . 1886 : Minister of Education Mori ' s new codes result in State - centered education , Tokyo University being modeled after ... General Douglas MacArthur assumes command as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers ( SCAP ) . ... 1946 : March 30 — Report of the United States Education Mission to Japan submitted to the Supreme Commander . April 7 ...

Bulletin - Page 217books.google.co.uk › books
1880 : Code of Education - nullifies power of boards ; requires Shushin ( Morals ) , and makes 3 years of schooling compulsory . 1886 : Minister of Education Mori's new codes result in State - centered education , Tokyo University being modeled after German ... General Douglas MacArthur assumes command as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers ( SCAP ) . ... 1946 : March 30 — Report of the United States Education Mission to Japan submitted to the Supreme Commander .

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Report of Stateside Activities Supporting the Reorientation ... - Page 7
books.google.co.uk › books
United States Department of the Army. Office for Occupied Areas · Read · ‎More editions
In March, 1946, the first United States Education Mission to Japan consisting of 27 distinguished American educators devoted a month of intensive study to the Japanese educational system and on the basis of their findings were moved to recommend fundamental changes aimed to provide democratic and liberal direction and widen the scope of the existing system. In August 1950, the Second United States Education Mission to Japan returned to Tokyo. The five members of this Mission had all participated in the work of the 1946 Mission.

Annual Report of Stateside Activities Supporting the Reorientation ...
books.google.co.uk › books
United States. Department of the Army. Office for Occupied Areas. Reorientation Branch · 1950 · ‎Read · ‎More editions
In March, 1946, the first United States Education Mission to Japan consisting of 27 distinguished American educators devoted a month of intensive study to the Japanese educational system and on the basis of their findings were moved to recommend fundamental changes aimed to provide democratic and liberal direction and widen the scope of the existing system. In August 1950, the Second United States Education Mission to Japan returned to Tokyo. The five members of this Mission had all participated in the work of the 1946 Mission.

Report of Stateside Activities Supporting the Reorientation ... - Page 7
books.google.co.uk › books
United States. Dept. of the Army. Office for Occupied Areas · 1951 · ‎Read · ‎More editions
In March, 1946, the first United States Education Mission to Japan consisting of 27 distinguished American educators devoted a month of intensive study to the Japanese educational system and on the basis of their findings were moved to recommend fundamental changes aimed to provide democratic and liberal direction and widen the scope of the existing system. In August 1950, the Second United States Education Mission to Japan returned to Tokyo. The five members of this Mission had all participated in the work of the 1946 Mission.

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Statistics of Land-grant Colleges and Universities
United States. Office of Education · 1959 ·

US Education Mission to Japan, March 21, 1946.
Left to right, seated: George W. Diemer, Frank N. Freeman, Wilson Compton, EmilyWoodward, Virginia C. Gildersleeve, George D. Stoddard (Chairman), John N. Andrews, Mildred McAlee Horton, Pearl A. Wanamaker, Alexander J. Stoddard, Isacc L. Kandel, Gordon T. Bowles. Standing: Harold Benjamin, Thomas V. Smith, Frederick G. Hochwalt, Willard E. Givens, George S. Counts, Charles S. Johnson, Roy J. Deferrari, Wm. Clark Trow, Kermit Eby, Ernest R. Hilgard, Leon Carnovksy, E. B. Norton, Paul P. Stewart, David Harrison Stevens, Charles H. McCloy.

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site:digital.soas.ac.uk Japan

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東京旋風 : これが占領軍だった (時事通信社): 1954|書誌詳細|国立国会図書館サーチ
目次:, III 通訳による支配 / p42 (0030.jp2). 目次:, IV 上からの革命 / p60 (0040.jp2). 目次:, V 追放を追放する / p78 (0050.jp2). 目次:, VI 日本を支配したのは誰か / p93 (0057.jp2). 目次:, VII か ...

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Japan's imperial institution and the U.S. strategy to end World War II.
...The record reveals that--despite more forceful options--planners favored safeguarding the Imperial Institution;...

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https://mainichi.jp › articles › dde
新20世紀遺跡:/63 横浜市 ララ記念碑/上 食料満載、幸せのくろふね | 毎日新聞
2019/01/31 — 乗田幸三作詞、相馬光夫作曲の「輸入食糧物資感謝の歌」だ。「とおい潮路を はるばると/ 愛情のせた くろふねが」で始まる歌は「U・S・Aの たから船」で結ばれる。現代なら「カモン、ベイビー、 ...

昭和名せりふ伝 - 239 ページ
斎藤憐 · 2003
昭和二十七年、連合軍司令部、ララやユニセフに対する感謝大会で小学生たちは歌った。たつたあ」はるか山越え海越えて、遠い世界の各地から心のこもる贈りもの、共にいただく昼餉どきみんなで思う人の恩、おいしい給食ありがとう(「 ...

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年報日本現代史 - 第 9 号 - 89 ページ
1995 ·
ストッダード教育使節団の事務局長格に国務省から選ばれていたゴードン・ ボールズは、戦前からクエーカーの学校である普連土学園で理事長を務めていた ギルバート・ボールズの次男で日本生まれのクエーカーである。ストッダードにヴァ ...

象徴天皇制と現代史 - 第 9 巻 - 89 ページ
赤沢史朗, ‎粟屋憲太郎 · 2004
ストッダード教育使節団の事務局長格に国務省から選ばれていたゴードン・ ボールズは、戦前からクエーカーの学校である普連土学園で理事長を務めていた ギルバート・ボールズの次男で日本生まれのクエーカーである。ストッダードにヴァ ...

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http://dla.library.upenn.edu › ...PDF
Bowles family correspondence
2020/11/23 — Bowles from 1922 to 1932 and to Gordon Townsend and Jane T. Bowles from ... In Tokyo, Gilbert Bowles restructured the Friends' Meetings in Japan; taught Bible classes; and served as chairman of the ...

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https://lib.guides.umd.edu › c.php
2020/04/17 —
...マーリン・メイヨー教授(Marlene J. Mayo)は、1978年から1992年にかけ、占領期の日本でGHQにかかわったアメリカ人100人にインタビューを行いました。その資料は全てプランゲ文庫に寄付され、マーリン・メイヨー・オーラル・ヒストリーズ(Marlene J. Mayo Oral Histories)と命名されました。このオーラル・ヒストリーズでは、占領期の政治、法律、経済、文化形成に様々な形で関わった人々の回顧録を聞くことができます

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https://www.loc.gov › item
Emperor Hirohito happily reads the story of the signing of a peace treaty between the U.S. and Japan, in his palace in Tokyo | Library of Congress
1952. Subject Headings: - Hirohito,--Emperor of Japan,--1901-1989; Headings: Photographic prints --1950-1960. Portrait photographs-- ...

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The Virginia Review of Asian Studies - 第 11 巻 - 20 ページ
Both Bowles were instrumental in identifying Elizabeth Grey Vining , a Bryn Mawr Quaker , as tutor to Crown Prince Akihito , eventual successor to his father , Hirohito , as Emperor in 1989 . Later assigned to Washington in the Department of ...

Quaker Profiles from the American West - 68 ページ
Errol T. Elliott
Errol T. Elliott. experiences were developed . Gilbert Bowles thought of himself as a learner more than as a teacher . ... In 1921 , Sawada made a round - the - world tour with Crown Prince Hirohito . In the important positions of responsibility in ...

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皇太子殿下 学習院大 常盤松御用邸でローズによる英語単独授業 - 毎日フォトバンク - 毎日新聞社
東宮仮御所が置かれた常盤松御用邸の書斎で、単独授業の講師のひとり普連土学園長エスター・ ローズ=右の女性=から英語を学ぶ学習院大学政経学部政治学科1年の皇太子(東宮)、継宮明仁( ...

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A Friend in Need: Esther B. Rhoads, Quakers, and Humanitarian Relief in Allied Occupied Japan, 1946–52 - JSTOR
MJ Mayo 著 · 2016 — Central to the narrative is Esther B. Rhoads (1895-1979), a prewar Quaker missionary ... comfortable bed at the former home of Gordon and Minnie Bowles, leaders of the prewar.

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K Hoshino 著 · 2010 · 被引用数: 1 — American Christian woman, Elizabeth Gray Vining, to the court as tutor to Crown Prince Akihito ... Esther B. Rhoads, a Quaker and Vining's friend, was another important figure.
61 ページ·395 KB

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https://files.eric.ed.gov › fullt...PDF
The US Occupation and Japan's New Democracy - ERIC
R Kumano 著 · 2007 · 被引用数: 4 — Soon after the Occupation began, Bonner Fellers requested a meeting with Maeda.34 Maeda later ... Section was reorganized as the Civil Information and Education. Section (CI & E).54 Colonel ...
8 ページ·159 KB

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Asahi journal - 第 28 巻、第 13~19 号 - 49 ページ

メー二代目の七人の高弟といわれるなかで、ドもコックもいて、アメリカの上流クラ藤井武、塚本虎二、黒崎幸吉、三谷 ... へ進いようにんんのう・いに言葉は通しないので、日本語に堪能なボールズが、天皇から聞いて団長に伝えたのである。 ... その中心人物が、前田多門、藤井武、黒崎幸吉であり、そしてこれに連なっていくのが、矢内原忠雄、三谷隆信や隆正 ... 米教育使節団と天皇裕仁との会見の席で、ストッダード団長と二人だけでいるとき、天皇から「皇太子に、 クリスチャン ...

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諸君 - 第 1~3 号 - 75 ページ
1995 · ‎スニペット表示 · ‎他の版
経て万事か取り運ばれることにな(前田多門「終戦直後五箇月在任の記球」『戦後日本教育史料集成』所収)前田の文章に「久闊を叙す」とあるのは、彼が戦前、ニューヨークの日本文化会館館長時代、会館に熱心に通ってきたのが ... 前田家はボールズ一家と戦前から親しい間柄だった。四六年三 ...

文藝春秋 - 第 66 巻、第 10 号 - 122 ページ
1988 · ‎
(必ずしも全てがクェーカー教徒ではない)関屋貞三郎(宮内省次官・戦後枢密顧問官)、河井道子(教育者、恵泉学園の創立者)、前田多門(戦後初の文部大臣)、田島道治(初代 ... その息子ゴードン・ ボールズは日本で生まれ、戦後は国務省の東洋課長代理となって「教育使節団」を率いて来日している。

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側近日誌 - 319 ページ
木下道雄 · 1990
ボールズは、教育使節団の事務局長格だった。父のギルバード・ボールズは一九〇一年、クエーカーの宣教師として家族で来日した。母ミネは一八九二年日本に来て、クエーカー派が建てた東京・三田の普連土学園で英語を教え、米国に戻って ...

諸君 - 第 1~3 号 - 75 ページ
1995 ·
前田家はボールズ一家と戦前から親しい間柄だった。四六年三月、使節団二十七人が来 ... 二人ともクエーカー教徒で、ボールズの父は宣教師として来日、 ボールズは東京・三田の普連土学園の教師館で生まれた。アーラム大、 コロンビア大で ...

平成の天皇と皇室 - 60 ページ
高橋紘 · 2003 ·
使節団に家庭教師の話があった早い段階で、ボールズはピケットに連絡したのではなかろうか。 ... 日本側受け入れの責任者は文部大臣前田多門で、彼の周辺には河井道(恵泉女学園創設者)、星野あい(津田塾大学)などのクエーカー教徒がおり、 ...

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https://archive.mith.umd.edu › public
Occupied Japan | Single Entry - MITH Archive
Born Matsudaira Setsuko in 1909 to a diplomatic family, she was taken back to Japan the year ... Setsuko’s high school years, age fifteen to eighteen, were at the Friends School, a Quaker ...

https://www.encyclopedia.com › chi...
Chichibu Setsuko (1909–1995) | Encyclopedia.com
Born Matsudaira Setsuko in Walton-on-Thames, England, on September 9, 1909; died on August ... continued in Washington at the Friends School, a highly regarded institution run by the Quakers.

http://content.time.com › time › article
... and heir-presumptive to the Throne;* and the bride is Setsuko Matsudaira, 19, daughter of popular Tsuneo Matsudaira, ... Princess Setsuko was a bright student at a Quaker school in Washington.

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文藝春秋 - 第 66 巻、第 10 号 - 122 ページ
1988 ·
が、意外に知られていないのは、彼らの多くがキリスト教クェーカー派(別名フレンド派)と関わりが深い、という一点であろうは新渡戸稲造とされるが、日米における新渡戸人脈の人々が、戦後の一時期、アメリカの占領政策をソフトランディングさせ、日本の存続、開かれた皇室づくりにも深く ...

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http://www.doshisha.ed.jp › News一覧
2019/11/30 — 保阪氏が平成天皇や美智子皇后との延べ20時間以上の交流を通じて、平成天皇が戦争後の責任について深く悩んでおられることや、一方で昭和天皇は平成天皇ほど戦争責任について深く悩んでおられなかった背景などについて話された。


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日米開戦の悲劇: ジョセフ・グルーと軍国日本 - 47 ページ
福井雄三 · 2014
アリス夫人が最も親愛の情をようさださんばがじつは勢津子妃殿下の母信子のぶこは、アリスが少女時代日本で過ごしたときの、学習院女子部の親友だたのである。当時たほどの仲良しだた。 信子はアリスを通じてキリスト教の信仰に深く帰依きえしており、二人は信仰を通じても固く結ばれ

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https://www.newspapers.com › news...
The Evening Journal from Wilmington, Delaware on August 14, 1928 · Page 7 - Newspapers.com
Preparations lor the brilliant court marriage of Prince Chichibu and Miss Setsuko Matsudaira, Japan's first ... to Washington and a graduate of the Friends' School, a Quaker institution In Washington.

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Allied Occupation of Japan - Page 259
Eiji Takemae · 2003
Fellers believed that the Emperor had a ' mystic hold on his people and that he had been manipulated and misused by ' gangster militarists ” . ... 4 Fellers coordinated this strategy with Terasaki Hidenari , the spouse of Fellers ' cousin Gwendolyn , Court liaison to SCAP and head of the Foreign Ministry's Information Bureau .

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The Unpredictability of the Past: Memories of the Asia-Pacific War ...
Marc Gallicchio, ‎Professor of History Marc Gallicchio · 2007 · ‎Preview · ‎More editions
38 While Hoover was in Tokyo, Fellers informed him about the emperor's monologue, a document prepared by the emperor and his top aides, including the diplomat Terasaki Hidenari, whose wife, Gwen, was a relative of Fellers's. Terasaki handed Fellers his translation of the monologue on May ...

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http://csws-archive.uoregon.edu › ...PDF
The Forgotten Story of Japanese Women Who Studied in ... - CSWS
about Tsuda Umeko, who attended Bryn Mawr ... Committee included Quaker women who had been ... were a quiet, forgotten force behind generations of.

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National Security Letters: The Need for Greater Accountability and ...
books.google.co.uk › books
United States, ‎United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary · 2008 · ‎Read · ‎More editions
We have a long history of abuses : the Red scare of 1919 ; McCarthyism ; co - intel for Watergate ; the recent Pentagon Talon data base program ; the collected information on Quakers and other anti - war protestors . Can you imagine the shock that must have been , those collecting that , to find ...

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側近日誌 - Page 167
木下道雄 · 1990
昨日 Fellers に逢い、本日もこれから逢う由。側近に未だ妙な人間が居るのではないかと Fellers が云い居る由。これは寺崎が容易に拝謁出来ぬのを指す(ただしこれは御風邪の為なればなり)。正午、角倉君来室。東宮職と義宮附との人事円滑を ...

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2015.1.7 08:07
【天皇の島から 戦後70年・序章(6)前半】「南太平洋に慰霊に行きたい」 何度もご提案で実現










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Unconditional Surrender, Demobilization, and the Atomic Bomb
https://www.armyupress.army.mil › Pearlman
MD Pearlman 著 · 被引用数: 17 — In Unconditional Surrender, Demobilization, and the Atomic Bomb, Dr. Michael Pearlman brings home this point through his shrewd assessment of the complex issues confronting U.S. officers as they debated the best course of action to follow in ending the war against Japan.

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「文芸春秋にみる昭和史/第2巻」 前田多聞「人間宣言のうちそと」

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Mt. Adams Sun - Page 4
books.google.co.uk › books
Mt. Adams Sun · ‎31 Aug 1945 · ‎Newspaper · ‎Full view
Twenty-three years ago, this writer, visiting in Japan, got considerable first-hand information about the emperor from a young Japanese Quaker, Renzo Sawada, who had been picked to accompany Hiro- hito, then crown prince, on a trip to see the western world. Why Sawada, educated in a Quaker school in Tokyo, was chosen to ...

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WHY AN AMERICAN QUAKER TUTOR FOR THE CROWN ...http://d-scholarship.pitt.edu › Kaoru_Hoshino_M...
by K Hoshino · 2010 · Cited by 1 — Vining, came to the imperial household at the invitation of Emperor Hirohito, who personally ... a Quaker woman named Adachi Taka.79 While he was not able to ... of Adachi Mototarō, a Christian, with whom Nitobe Inazō—a well-known ... Not only was Fellers a pro-Japanese Quaker, but he was also part of ...

#17 Elizabeth Gray Vining – Writer and Tutor to the Crown ...https://quakerstories.org › 2019/05/28 › 17-elizabeth-gr...
28 May 2019 — #17 Elizabeth Gray Vining – Writer and Tutor to the Crown Prince of Japan ... Fellers did not want Emperor Hirohito to be brought before a tribunal for ... for by Adachi Taka, the Quaker daughter of Adachi Mototaro, a friend of ... Nitobe had been a prominent Quaker educator and diplomat who died in 1933.

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https://www.pentagram.com › work
Sidwell Friends School — Story - Pentagram
The notion of a “Fighting Quaker” just wasn't going to cut it—particularly as a symbol for the traditionally pacifist Quakers. The athletic ... A celestial star is a source of light and like the sun–the light of all life. In that way a ...

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http://www.mofa.go.jp › pdfsPDF
07 来電・公信(ロジ)④ - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
alter a brief welcoming ceremony, met with Emperor Hirohito at the Imperial. Palace, Mr. Benigno quoted Mrs. Aquino as having said that the Em- peror 'kept apologizing" for the ac- tions of Japan during its occupation of.

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https://www.yurindo.co.jp › yurin
情報紙「有鄰」495号|出版物|有隣堂 - Part 4
一方、戦後の昭和36年(1961年)まで昭和天皇が住んだ地下壕執務室の机の背後の飾り棚には、2人の人間の胸像 が置かれていた。飾られていたのは上段がリンカーン、下段がダーウィンだったという。生物学の研究をし ...

https://oceansciencehistory.com › e...
Emperor Hirohito: The Marine Biologist Who Ruled Japan – History of Oceanography
2015/08/15 — From Hattori, Hirohito also gained an appreciation for Darwinism. In the imperial library a bust of Charles Darwin stood alongside those of Lincoln and Napoleon.[3]. Marine biology collecting ...

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The Emperors of Modern Japan - Page 199
Ben-Ami Shillony · 2008 · ‎Preview · ‎More editions
The lunch scene is dramatically captioned: “This is the first picture ever released of the emperor smiling.” With a nod to the emperor's scientific pursuits, the story closes with an imperial tableau of Hirohito casually reading the Times and The Stars and Stripes near his 'cherished' busts of Lincoln and Darwin (see figure 6).

Life - Volume 20, Issues 5-8 - Page 79
Emperor reads “ Times " and " Stars and Stripes " near " cherished " busts of Lincoln and Darwin 9 ( right ) ,

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woodsholemuseum.org › pages › hi...
Emperor Hirohito - Woods Hole Historical Museum
Emperor Hirohito using microscope at WHOI's Redfield Lab. Photo by Frank Medeiros, courtesy of WHOI Archives. Emperor Hirohito's affinity for the biological began in the sixth grade when he saw his first collection of ...

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http://meiji-portraits.de › meiji_portr...
Bernd Lepach - F - Meiji-Portraits
Sale & Frazar Ltd. have the distinction of having brought the first electric dynamo to Japan, and they installed the first electric plant in the Emperor's Palace. They also put in the first plant for the Tokyo Electric Light ...

https://archive.org › stream
Full text of "Present day impressions of Japan; the history, people, commerce, industries and resources of Japan and Japan's colonial empire, Kwantung, Chosen ... - Internet Archive
Sale & Frazar, Ltd., have the distinction of having brought the first electric dynamo to Japan, and they installed the first electric plant in the Emperor's Palace. They also put in the first plant for the Tokyo Electric Light ...

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Message from the President | CHORI GLEX
The history of our firm goes back to 1859 with the Frazer Company founded in Nagasaki and the Sale Company ... After WWII, we were known as the company at which Jiro Shirasu, said to be the brains behind Prime ...

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JPRI Working Paper - Volume 66
books.google.ca › books
Their plainly pacifist royal family is thus a living symbol of the unity of the Japanese in rejecting war , recognized as such from the ... He asked for a Christian tutor for his eldest son and heir, Akihito, and approved the appointment of the American Quaker Mrs. Elizabeth Gray Vining, being well aware of Quaker pacifism. (The only potential candidates he is said to have ruled out were bible-thumping proselytizers of some other Christian sects that were then active in Japan.) Hirohito paid Mrs. Vining US$2,000 a year from his own pocket, at a time when his personal assets were estimated at $70,000 (the Japanese royal family is far from wealthy, by international standards, even to this day). In particular, he gave his consent when Akihito announced that he wanted to marry...

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https://core.ac.uk › pdfPDF
「東京裁判と検閲体制」 - CORE
講演者 著 — はっきり示すものです。 今日お話しする検閲というものも,やっていたのは GHQ,マッカーサー ... とに朝日新聞が新聞社の中では一番協力的だったということは今後,社とし. て調べ直して欲しい ...

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書評『検閲官』占領下ニッポンで厚遇に恵まれたエリートたちの証言(NEWSポストセブン) - Yahoo!ニュース - Yahoo! JAPAN
2021/04/20 — 英語遣いゆえに占領下で厚遇に恵まれたエリートたちなので、戦後日本で中核的な地位につい た人間も少なくない。よくぞこれだけ探し出したといっていい多くの名前が本書では明らかにされている。


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Japan and the League of Nations: Empire and World Order, 1914–1938
Thomas W. Burkman — 2007 · History
Frazar was a Tokyo Ford dealer and close associate of Quaker missionary Gilbert Bowles in numerous peace enterprises. Marburg requested that Frazar have the literature printed in booklet form at LEP expense “for ...

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Stevens Indicator ... - 第 68~69 巻 - 47 ページ
books.google.co.jp › books

1951 · ‎スニペット表示 · ‎他の版
Mr. Frazar was born in Shanghai , China , on August 17 , 1867 , the son of Everett Frazar and the former Annie Lindsley . He was the third generation of his family to be engaged in business in the Far East . It was said in the family that a Frazar had installed in the palace of the Emperor of Japan the first electric lighting plant in that ...

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枢密院委員会記録(テキスト) | 日本国憲法の誕生
https://www.ndl.go.jp › shiryo › 111_1 › 111_1tx
吉田総理大臣 その点について私にはお答へする充分な用意はないが、マ司令部との交渉の経過を述べれば第一条によつて陛下のpersonが守られる。又畏れ多いことではあるが戦争責任からも陛下をお救ひすることができると云ふ考へである。即ち政治上の責任からはなれられることが肝要である。日本国が戦争を遂行出来たのは皇室があり又神通と云ふ好戦的宗教があつたからであるから、聯号国としては第一条の表現が適当であると考へる。かう云ふ事情であつたから私として、そこで安心をしたのである。

終戦のエンペラー: 陛下をお救いなさいまし
岡本 嗣郎
第二次大戦終戦後、天皇の戦争責任が問われる中、連合国軍最高司令官マッカーサーに天皇不起訴を進言する覚書を提出した副官ボナー・フェラーズ。その際、彼が助言を求め、信頼した人物のひとりが河井道だった。敬虔なクリスチャンである河井は、平和を志す女子教育に情熱を傾ける教育家だった。 ... Google Books

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眩しい緑の中に佇む吉田茂像 : 皇居外苑 | 一般財団法人国民公園協会
2015/07/29 — 北の丸公園は文字通り、皇居北の丸地区に位置する森林公園です。現在園内の木々は暑い夏を謳歌するようにのびのびと枝を広げていて、散策の際は視界いっぱい、爽やかな緑を楽しむことができます。

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Presbyterian Survey - 第 17 巻 - 515 ページ
1927 · ‎
It is Japan who, at the present writing, is sitting in the great Three-Powers Conference on Naval Armaments at ... accession to the throne a new Era shall be inaugurated, and the name of it shall remain intact during the whole reign. ... father for five years before he became, soon after midnight on Christmas Eve of 1926, the 123d Emperor of Japan. It seems peculiarly significant that he chose for the name of his Era, “Sho Wa'', which a Japanese authority translates as “Light and Peace”.

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https://www.japantimes.co.jp › war-...
War epics on screen skip mass slaughter of civilians | The Japan Times
7 May 2010 —

In what may be added irony, the widely reported premier of “The Pacific” came but four days after the little noticed anniversary of one of the darkest events in American war history — the March 10, 1945, firebombing of Tokyo. The two-volume World War II history “Total War,” by Peter Calvocoressi, Guy Wint and John Pritchard, describes the massive napalm attack on Japan’s capital as not only “the greatest air offensive in history” but also “deliberate, indiscriminate mass murder.”

The raid by B-29 bombers probably ranks as history’s largest mass killing of civilians in a short time span. The estimated death toll of 100,000 exceeded the immediate deaths in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima or Nagasaki, or the Dresden firebombing.

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https://www.latimes.com › archives
Elizabeth Gray Vining; Quaker Who Tutored Japan's Emperor-to-Be - Los Angeles Times
1999/12/07 —

She called parent-teacher conferences with the emperor and empress, once telling Hirohito in frank terms that he needed to see his son more often. Hirohito had confided that he hadn’t felt worthy of a closer relationship because of his shame at being unable to prevent Japan’s involvement in World War II.

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.japantimes.co.jp › history
Hirohito in Europe: 100 years on, historic imperial trip celebrated for its vision of peace | The Japan Times
2021/02/27 —

A message of peace
“The crown prince of Japan went to the Arc de Triomphe this morning and paid the homage of his country at the tomb of the Unknown Warrior,” The Times of London newspaper reported on June 22, 1921. “Paris was bathed in sunshine and looked her best.”

Approaching the tomb, the young Hirohito — then 20 years old — saluted and began to speak. He praised the valor of French soldiers who had given their lives during World War I and, so that their sacrifice would not be in vain, he emphasized peace. Peace, he said, would unite the people of the world.

This was but one episode of many on Hirohito’s European tour in which he would deliver messages of peace and solidarity. It seems almost strange that, despite the association of the later Emperor Hirohito with the horrors of World War II, such a desire for peace could have been allowed to flourish. This was a vastly different time, however, and Japan was angling for a very different place in the world.

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Hirohito Plans Visit To Us. - Page 17
books.google.co.uk › books

The Press-Courier · ‎24 Sept 1975 · ‎Newspaper · ‎Full view
TOKYO (AP) - Emporor Hirohito of Japan, the world's longest reigning sovereign, will make his first tour of the United Slates ... then crown prince, remarked that he regretted he couldn't accept a presidential invitation to go to the United States ...

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Japan's Prince Hirohito visits London (1921)
YouTube · British Pathé

Hirohito Visits British Army Camp AKA Japanese Prince (1920-1929)
YouTube · British Pathé

FRANCE: Crown Prince Hirohito of Japan on visit to Paris (1921)
YouTube · British Pathé

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https://news.golfdigest.co.jp › photo
画像詳細 JGAゴルフミュージアム 高畑誠一 昭和天皇もゴルファーだった ゴルフを“輸入”した商人たち/ゴルフ昔ばなし|GDO ゴルフダイジェスト ...
鈴木商店のロンドン支店長だった高畑誠一さんは廣野ゴルフ倶楽部などをつくったメンバーだった 中野義昌/GDO.

https://www.sojitz.com › post-66
日本ゴルフ界の祖、高畑誠一 | 双日歴史館
ヘッドカバーを考案、日本語のゴルフ・ルールブックを初めて出版. 高畑誠一は、鈴木商店ロンドン 支店長時代に健康維持のためゴルフを始め、その後、昭和天皇が皇太子時代にロンドンを訪問され ...

http://www.jga.or.jp › 3-emperor
ロンドン近郊のアディントン・ゴルフクラブでジョージ・ダンカンと握手される皇太子(故昭和 天皇)、左端小栗海軍中将、右畑高畑誠一氏と西園寺八郎氏』(大正10年(1921)5月29日)

http://www.jga.or.jp › html › text-1
『ロンドン近郊のアディトン・ゴルフクラブでジョージ・ダンカンと握手される皇太子(故昭和 天皇) 左端小栗海軍中将、右端高畑誠一氏と西園寺八郎氏』 (大正10年(1921)5月29日). 大正10 ...

https://www.alba.co.jp › trend › article
トレンド : 【ゴルフうんちく講座】第1回 ヘッドカバーはロンドン駐在日本人商社マンが靴下をかぶせたのが始まり | ゴルフのポータルサイトALBA.Net
2020/05/01 — 日商(現・双日)創設者である高畑誠一氏が大正時代、鈴木商店ロンドン支店駐在中にハマったのがゴルフ。特注したドライバーの出来栄えに感激し、傷つけたくないと靴下を ...

http://www.suzukishoten-museum.com › ...
ロンドンでのゴルフ展覧試合後の晩さん会(中央の皇太子(後の昭和天皇)の後ろに立つ高畑誠一 )(愛媛人物博物館). 展覧試合後の晩さん会. サイトマップ · 本記念館のご利用について ...

http://www.suzukishoten-museum.com › ...
高畑誠一は、鈴木商店ロンドン支店勤務時代の大正元(1912)年頃から、健康のために横浜正金銀行 ... 大正10(1921)年、昭和天皇が皇太子の頃にヨーロッパ外遊をされた際、自らもメンバーである ...

http://saijodozen.main.jp › rek2040
道前の群像 高畑 誠一 : 道前会 愛媛県立西条高等学校卒業生の会
高畑 誠一 第5回卒{商社日商岩井(現在の双日)を設立}. 高畑 誠一 ... また日本に本格的なゴルフを導入しのは同氏であり、昭和天皇が皇太子の時ロンドンでゴルフを御教授したといわれている。

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://books.google.co.uk › books
Nisei linguists: Japanese Americans in the Military Intelligence ...
James C. McNaughton — 2006 · Japanese Americans
(Terasaki also had a connection with MacArthur's inner circle: his wife Gwen was Bonner Feller's cousin.) In 1926-1927, when Aiso was sixteen, his parents had sent him to a special school in ...

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https://www.shugiin.go.jp › statics
片岡蔵相の失言と金融恐慌 - 衆議院
この動揺のさなか、台湾銀行と神戸の鈴木商店との関係が明るみに出された。 ... 二億円の救済緊急勅令案を枢密院に提出したが、政争がからんで枢密院はこれを拒否、若槻内閣は総辞職した。

https://www.worldwide-transition.info › ...
鈴木商店の倒産と台湾銀行の休業について | 日本の歴史についてよく分かるサイト

https://ocw.u-tokyo.ac.jp › JE...PDF
講義資料1 - 現代日本経済史講義 - 東京大学
2021/03/19 — そうした中で、台湾銀行は鈴木商店に対して新. 規の貸出の停止(「絶縁」)を決定 ... て認める緊急勅令を出すことであった。 しかし、枢密院は、伊藤巳代治らが中心となって.
29 ページ·858 KB

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>She called parent-teacher conferences with the emperor and empress, once telling Hirohito in frank terms that he needed to see his son more often. Hirohito had confided that he hadn’t felt worthy of a closer relationship because of his shame at being unable to prevent Japan’s involvement in World War II.

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The Origins of the Sykes-Picot Agreement | History | Smithsonian Magazine
2015/11/16 — The Origins of the World War I Agreement That Carved Up the Middle East. How Great Britain and France secretly negotiated the Sykes-Picot Agreement. By Text by Scott ...

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Leadership Education and Training (LET) 3: Text - Page 383
books.google.co.uk › books
2001 · ‎Read · ‎More editions
Three years , eight months , and 22 days after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor , War World II ended . Historians find it difficult to measure the cost of World War II . They can only estimate because no one can count the individual cost of personal property lost , or of the cost of human suffering and loss of life . The war did solve some ...

Army JROTC Leadership Education & Training: Citizenship and ...
books.google.co.uk › books
2002 · ‎Read · ‎More editions
Western democracies , the U.S. had to assume a position of leadership in world affairs , if for nothing else than to counter Communist expansion . unnecessary . On 6 August , a lone B ... Historians find it difficult to measure the cost of World War II . They can only estimate because no one can count the individual cost of personal property lost , or of the cost of human suffering and loss of life . THE AFTERMATH OF ...

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単一障害点(たんいつしょうがいてん。 英: single point of failure、SPOF)とは、その単一箇所が働かないと、システム全体が障害となるような箇所を指す。 情報システム工学や通信、サプライチェーン・マネジメントなどの分野で使われる概念である。 単一故障点と訳されることもある。

単一障害点 - Wikipedia

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日米開戦前夜に帰化したアメリカ人建築家が、天皇制存続を ...https://kadobun.jp › reviews
2019/05/23 —小雨の中、仙洞御所の御庭を御散策になる。その途中、御庭通用門外にて宮内府京都地方事務所長飛鳥井雅信・社会事業家一柳(ひとつやなぎ)米来留(めれる)(ウィリアム・メレル・ヴォーリズ)・弁護士山下彬麿の拝謁を受けられ、お言葉を賜う。この拝謁は、一柳・山下が鳩を愛でる天皇の御写真をGHQ及び米国本土に頒布するなど日米親善に努めたため、これを飛鳥井が上申したことにより実現した。

匿名 さんのコメント...

Report on the Economic Position and Prospects of Japan and Korea ...
books.google.co.uk › books
United States. Committee to Inquire into Economic Problems of Japan and Korea · 1948 · ‎Read · ‎More editions
In presenting it, we wish to express our thanks for the constant guidance and support given by Under Secretary Draper, the extensive help given by Mr; Herbert Feis, both in our studies and the preparation of this report, and to Mr. Alexander Lipsman of the Treasury Department for advice on the financial elements and Mr. Frederic A. Williams for advice on important questions in the textile field.

匿名 さんのコメント...

Edward, Prince of Wales and Crown Prince Hirohito at Tokyo Golf Club 19 - 19 Apr 1922
Gelatin silver print | 20.4 x 15.1 cm (image) | RCIN 2000448

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Atlantic Charter - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Atla...
The Atlantic Charter was a statement issued on 14 August 1941 that set out American and British goals for the world after the end of World War II. The joint statement, later dubbed the Atlantic Charter, outlined the aims of the United States and ...

VJ Day - Department of Defensehttps://www.defense.gov › Experience › VJ-Day
At 7 p.m. on Aug. 14, 1945, President Harry S. Truman announced the unconditional surrender of Japan to reporters gathered at the White House. Sailors at Naval ...

Prime Minister and President Biden to agree new Atlantic ...https://www.gov.uk › International › Foreign affairs
13 hours ago — Prime Minister and President Biden to agree new Atlantic Charter: 10 June 2021. Prime Minister Boris Johnson and US President Joe Biden ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://archive.org › details › DeathF...
Death & Funeral of Hirohito (1989) : Ian Holder :

Jul 2, 2016 — HIROHITO DEATH & FUNERAL BROADCASTS (1989)*All broadcasts (except [2]ABC Radio) taken from shortwave radio broadcasts.*Date calculated by East Australian...

匿名 さんのコメント...

A Pacifist Constitution for an Armed Empire. Past and ...
Axel Berkofsky · 2012 · ‎History
Through his act hundreds of thousands of American casualties were avoided and the war terminated far ahead of schedule. Therefore having made good use of ...

Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II
John W. Dower · 2000 · ‎History
Through his act hundreds of thousands of American casualties were avoided and the war terminated far ahead of schedule. Therefore having made good use of ...

The Allied Occupation of Japan 1945-1952 and Japanese Religions
William P. Woodard · 1972 · ‎Japan
Through his act hundreds of thousands of American casualties were avoided and the war terminated far ahead of schedule . Therefore having made good use of ...

Italy and Japan: How Similar Are They?: A Comparative ...
Silvio Beretta, ‎Axel Berkofsky, ‎Fabio Rugge · 2014 · ‎Political Science
Through his act hundreds of thousands of American casualties were avoided and the war terminated far ahead of schedule. Therefore having made good use of ...

The Humanization of the Emperor in Post-War Japan – The ...
https://theolympians.co › 2017/12/23 › the-humanizatio...
Dec 23, 2017 — ... down arms, “hundreds of thousands of American casualties were avoided and the war terminated far ahead of schedule.” in the case of trying ...

Emperor Hirohito – The Olympians
https://theolympians.co › tag › emperor-hirohito
... “hundreds of thousands of American casualties were avoided and the war terminated far ahead of schedule.” in the case of trying the Emperor for war crimes, ...

Just Military Occupation? A Case Study of the American ...
https://www.cambridge.org › core › books › core-reader
Through his act hundreds of thousands of American casualties were avoided and the war terminated far ahead of schedule. Therefore having made good use of ...

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United States Congressional Serial Set
https://books.google.co.jp › books

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ご生誕120年記念企画展「昭和天皇の生物学ご研究」(2021 ...https://www.kahaku.go.jp › event
Translate this page
Mar 29, 2021 — この記念の年に、生物学者としての昭和天皇のお姿や、そのご研究の内容について、貴重なコレクションを通じて紹介します。 2021(令和3)年4月20日(火)~6月20日(日)、国立科学博物館(上野公園)にて開催。
企画展 名称: ご生誕120年記念企画展「昭和天皇...
休館日: 4月25日(日)~5月31日(月)、6月14日(...

東京都の要請で国立の美術館や博物館が休館継続を発表、一部 ...https://www.fashionsnap.com › article· Translate this page
May 11, 2021 — 緊急事態宣言の延長期間初日となる5月12日から営業を再開する予定だった都内にある国立の美術館や博物館などが、東京都からの要請によって⽂化庁が⽅針を変更したことを受け、当⾯の間臨時休館を継続すると発表した。

都立美術館など再開へ。東京都が緊急事態宣言再延長で方針 ...https://news.yahoo.co.jp › articles· Translate this page
May 28, 2021 — 6月20日までの再延長が決定した緊急事態宣言について、東京都は施設利用の規制を緩和する方針を明らかにした。現在、美術館・博物館については休業要請の対象となっているが、これを緩和し時短要請へと切り替.http://www.yamashina.or.jp › event
ご生誕120年  昭和天皇 from www.yamashina.or.jp
Jun 9, 2021 — 見学会以外のイベント. 昭和天皇ご生誕120年記念企画展に山階鳥研の標本が展示されています。 昭和天皇の生物 ...

都内でも“国立”は再開 緊急事態宣言の対応割れた博物館 ...https://www.itmedia.co.jp › news141
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May 10, 2021 — 緊急事態宣言の延長を受け、都立の東京都現代美術館や江戸東京博物館は10日、​相次いで休館の延長を発表した。一方、国立科学博物館や国立近代美術館などは12日から再開する。

http://www.yamashina.or.jp › event
Jun 9, 2021 — 見学会以外のイベント. 昭和天皇ご生誕120年記念企画展に山階鳥研の標本が展示されています。 昭和天皇の生物 ...

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昭和天皇「生誕120年」新資料発見 総額4400億円…GHQが奪った天皇家の財産リスト | 文春オンライン
Apr 29, 2021 —

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天皇百話 - Volume 2 - Page 511books.google.co.jp › books· Translate this page
鶴見俊輔, ‎中川六平 · 1989 ·
鶴見俊輔, 中川六平 511 1 「これはクモガタウミウシ。この辺の岩場にはたくさんいるよ」「これはサメジマオトメウミウシ」陛下にお借りしたガラスびん「これはアオウミウシね」陛下は、ご自分の採集の結果、生態系が破壊されることを ...

進次郎の有力支援者が環境保護区で「巨大クルーザー施設 ...https://news.yahoo.co.jp › articles·
Feb 3, 2021 — 横須賀市のマリーナ運営会社『湘南サニーサイドマリーナ』(以下、サニーサイド社)が'19年8月から、巨大 ... 部始終 「サニーサイド社が巨大クルーザー向け施設を建設する区域が自然保護区の『県指定天然記念物天神島・ ...

天神島臨海自然教育園 | 神奈川観光情報サイト 観光かながわ ...https://www.kanagawa-kankou.or.jp › ...
住所, 神奈川県横須賀市佐島3-7-3. 電話番号, 横須賀市天神島臨海自然教育園 0468​-56-0717. ホームページ ... 中でも昭和天皇の御下賜標本や、学術的に貴重な深海生物の展示は当館ならではのものです。 横須賀市美術館. カスヤの森現代美術館.

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https://books.google.com › about
Project HULA: Secret Soviet-American Cooperation in the War Against Japan - Richard A. Russell - Google Books
Project HULA: Secret Soviet-American Cooperation in the War Against Japan. Front Cover ... Naval Historical Center, Department of the Navy, 1997 - Technology & Engineering - 44 pages.

https://www.ibiblio.org › USAPDF
.Project Hula - Ibiblio
Russell, Richard A., 1957-. Project HULA : secret Soviet-American naval cooperation in the war against Japan I by Richard A. Russell. p. em. - (The U.S. Navy in the modern world series ; no. 4).
51 pages·9 MB

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Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute - Volume 131 - Page 26
United States Naval Institute · 2005
In- nent , known as Project Hula , which comprised not only stead , Stalin and his USSR steadfastly remained neutral . ... reserve of sup- the Kuril Islands . plies and equipment in the Soviet Far East and endorse To help Soviet officers and men make the best use of ... Based at Cold Bay , at the extreme tip of after the defeat of Germany by accepting these terms . the Alaskan Peninsula , the secret operation ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://jcnewsandneighbor.com › sec...
Secret WWII mission brought GI, Soviets together - The News & Neighbor
13 Aug 2015 — During the months he worked there, some 12,000 Soviet Navy personnel—about 750 officers and 11,250 enlisted men—came in and out through the port in Cold Bay. “We couldn't ...

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A Soviet Navy signalman (left) receives training from a United States Navy signalman (right) at Cold Bay, Territory of Alaska, during the secret Project Hula training-and-transfer program.

Date Sometime during Project Hula, April-September 1945

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Russia 'Killed Surrender Bid By Japan'
Article - The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)Monday 23 June 1947 - Page 3

Project Hula - Wikipedia
Project Hula was a program during World War II in which the United States transferred naval vessels to the Soviet Union in anticipation of the Soviets eventually joining the war against Japan, specifically in preparation for planned Soviet invasions of southern Sakhalin and the Kuril islands. Based at Cold Bay in the Territory of Alaska, the project was active during the spring and summer of 1945. It was the largest and most ambitious transfer program of World War II

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森村開作 - Wikipedia
7代目森村 市左衛門(ななだいめもりむら いちざえもん)こと森村 開作(もりむら かいさく、明治6年(1873年)12月16日 - 昭和37年(1962 ... 匿名組合森村組そして森村財閥の隆盛は、六代目を中心に大倉孫兵衛や広瀬実栄、村井保固​などの重鎮が私を捨て国家隆盛のために汗 ... 日本ゴルフ協会の会長職はその設立以来空席であったが、開作は1934年から1939年まで初代会長を務め、昭和天皇にゴルフ ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

What does canon mean in film? - Who What Where When
https://whoatwherewhy.com › what-does-canon-mean-i...
Apr 13, 2021 — Canon (in the context of fandom) is a source, or sources, considered ... is what fans agree "actually" happened in a film, television show, novel, comic book, or concert tour. Specific sources considered canon may vary even within a specific ... television show, movie, comic book, video game, or other canon ...

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兵に告ぐ - Wikisource
https://ja.wikisource.org › wiki › 兵...
Apr 6, 2021 — 一、今からでも遅くないから原隊へ帰れ

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.ft.com › content
Japanese emperor 'extremely concerned' about Olympics | Financial Times
4 hours ago — ...Article 4 of the Japanese constitution is usually interpreted as prohibiting almost any comment or action by the emperor with political implications. The article, adopted after the exploitation of Imperial power by militarists during the second world war, says: “The Emperor shall perform only such acts in matters of state as are provided for in this Constitution and he shall not have powers related to government.”

匿名 さんのコメント...

Dai jūhakkai Orimpikku kyōgi taikai kōshiki hōkokusho
books.google.co.jp › books
Orimpikku Tōkyō Taikai Soshiki Iinkai · 1966 · ‎Snippet view · ‎More editions
儀典天皇陛下ならびに皇族のご臨席オリンピック東京大会の名誉総裁である天皇陛下は,開会式当日の開会宣言を行われたのをはじめ、皇后陛下ご同伴で大会期間中各競技会場にご臨席になり、ご熱心に観覧された。また皇太子同妃両殿下 ...

わが回想錄 - Page 156
books.google.co.jp › books
安川第五郎 · 1970 · ‎Snippet view · ‎More editions
天皇陛下は、オリンピック東京大会の名誉総裁として開会宣言をされたが、閉会式には皇太子殿下御夫妻にお願いしようという予定であった。ところが、陛下がそれを聞かれて「皇太子にそんな権限はない」といわれたとのことで、閉会式にも ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

學習院大學法學部研究年報 - Volumes 24-26
1989 ·
こうした象徴的出来事の連鎖を集約して、裕仁天皇を名誉総裁に仰ぐ東京オリンピックが10 月10日に開幕した次第である。日本経済の高度成長の果実を利益誘導的に分配してゆく政治路線や天皇制の象徴秩序を再構築・活用してゆく社会路線 ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

昭和天皇 御製にたどるご生涯: 和歌だけにこめられたお心
秦澄美枝 · 2015 · ‎Biography & Autobiography
... 十四日まで開かれた「オリンピック東京大会」に、ただ事なきをだけ、ただただ平穏無事に何事も起こらず開催され進行されることのみを祈られる、だたオリンピック東京大会この度のオリンピックにわれはただことなきをしも祈らむとする ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

http://beckerexhibits.wustl.edu › oral
Oral History Transcript: Crawford F. Sams - Digital Exhibits – Becker Medical Library
I explained it to him; then he said, “You will never have any trouble from the Japanese government in the Diet or anywhere else.” Because, you see, our objective was to work ourselves out of a job. We had absolute power – ...

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皇太子殿下御渡欧記念写真帖 ndl

2021 さんのコメント...

Japan's Rebirth at the 1964 Tokyo Summer Olympics

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https://gps.ucsd.edu › schaedePDF
Poverty and Politics: Evaluating Public Assistance in Japan - UCSD GPS - University of California San Diego
U Schaede 著 · 被引用数: 8 — The defeat in WWII and the subsequent democratization of Japan under SCAP. (Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers) led to some revisions in Japan's public assistance program. In April 1946, a new Plan for ...
23 ページ·224 KB

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「皇族数の確保」を優先 継承策踏み込まず 政府有識者会議 - 毎日新聞
安定的な皇位継承策を議論する政府の有識者会議(座長・清家篤元慶応義塾長)は9日、首相官邸で第9回会合を開いた。女性皇族が婚姻後も皇室に残る案と、皇族の養子縁組を可能にし旧宮家の男系男子を皇籍復帰させる案 ...
2 days ago

皇族減少対策へ2案 婚姻後も女性皇籍 旧宮家復帰(産経新聞 ...
現在の皇位継承順位を前提とし、皇族数の確保策として女性皇族が婚姻後も皇室に残る案と、旧宮家の男系男子が ... の養子縁組を可能とし、皇統に属する男系男子が皇族となることを可能にすることが中心となる」と語った。
1 week ago

眞子さまが養子に? 小室さんが「兄」、佳代さんが「親 ...
ご結婚なし」で皇籍を離脱し、養子縁組ができれば、眞子さまが小室さんと“添い遂げる”ことができる可能性があるというのだ。 かつて、宮内庁に皇籍離脱を申し出た皇族がいた。三笠宮家の長男、「ヒゲの殿下」こと故寛仁 ...
1 day ago

小室圭さんを皇室にしない案の意外な問題点 戸籍別々の事実婚に(女性自身)
... 皇族が結婚後も皇室にとどまる案”と“旧皇族の男系男子を養子に迎える案”を中心に議論する方針を固めたという。 ... もし女性宮家が制度化されたあとに眞子さまと小室さんが結婚したなら、小室さんが皇族になるのでは――。 ... 女性皇族が結婚相手に選んだ一般男性が皇室に入るのはダメで、旧宮家の男系男子なら問題ないという発想は、一般国民に対する差別と言っていいでしょう。
5 days ago

最終報告には、婚姻後も女性皇族が皇室に残る案とともに、連合国軍総司令部(GHQ)の命令で戦後、皇籍離脱を余儀なくされた旧宮家の男系男子が養子縁組などで皇籍に復帰する案が明記される見通しだ。有識者会議は6 ...
4 days ago

戦後に皇籍を離脱した旧宮家の男系男子子孫に復帰してもらう、現在ある宮家の養子に入ってもらう―といった案を示している。 有識者会議による専門家ヒアリングでは女性天皇を巡り、21人中13人が賛成か条件付き賛成 ...
4 days ago

au Webポータル
菅首相 国民向け「女性宮家」と保守派向け「旧皇族復帰」で政権 ...
3 days ago

皇位継承、有識者会議が意見交換 方向性提示も
有識者会議は、①旧宮家の皇籍復帰や養子縁組②女性天皇③母方のみに天皇の血筋を引く女系への皇位継承資格の拡大-など10項目について意見を聴いた。21人の専門家のうち半数以上が男系男子を堅持するための旧宮家 ...
3 weeks ago

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https://www.royal.uk › role-royal-fa...
The role of the Royal Family | The Royal Family
Members of the Royal Family support The Queen in her many State and national duties, as well as carrying out important work in the areas of public and charitable service, and helping to strengthen national unity and ...

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オリンピック賛歌 - Wikipedia
国際オリンピック委員会は日本の善意と曲の素晴らしさに感激、以後この古関版を公式に賛歌と認定した。なお、原曲およびオーケストラ用の総譜は、IOC本部に保管されている ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

曲目紹介02 「オリンピック・カンパノロジー」 醸化する音楽会|8/11 五感、解禁。音楽と身体性をとり戻す。(落合陽一 × 日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団 2021/07/18 投稿) - クラウド ...
17 時間前 — この曲は1964年の開会式で「天皇陛下がスタジアムにお姿を見せてからご着席まで」の約2分間のために作られたものです。黛敏郎とNHK電子音楽スタジオは、 ...

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永積昭 - Wikipedia
父永積寅彦は、侍従であった(昭和天皇の同級生で、その大葬では祭官長)。 1954年、東京大学文学部東洋史学科卒、同大学大学院博士課程中退、コーネル大学大学院博士 ...

昭和天皇と私 - 60 ページ
永積寅彦 · 1992
永積寅彦. よ。には、肋木・吊棒・吊索がありましたお強いんですか。永積つまり、真剣にぶつかっておいでになるんですね。とても痛い。それは、ぼくら ... 永積 柔道はなさいませんが、剣道は御学問所でなさいました。剣道といっても、試合 ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.seirei.ac.jp › rekishi03
聖隷の歴史 激動期
上:クリスマスの日に天皇陛下より「特別御下賜金(5,000円)」を受ける。前列左から3人目 長谷川保、母 キマ、後列右から2人目 山形春人、3人目 長谷川甚一。下:恩賜記念館1938(昭和13年)1935年(昭和10年)ごろより、国の結核予防対策の大きな転換を受けて、「社会事業」の認可を受ける。しかし、結核への脅威は大きく(死亡原因1位、死亡総数の40%)、迫害は一層激化。経営は最悪の事態を迎える。1939(昭和14年)12月25日  クリスマスの日に天皇陛下より「特別御下賜金(5,000円)」を受ける。1938年(昭和13年)に厚生省や静岡県、三井報恩会等各種団体よりの受けた補助金・寄付金の総額は2,500円であった。当時、白米2等10kg2円94銭、たばこ(ゴールデンバット)9銭、入浴料6銭の時代。経営危機を脱出するとともに、長年にわたる迫害に一応の終止符が打たれる。この年、皇后から内帑金を基金に「財団法人結核予防会」が設立される。

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https://news.yahoo.co.jp › articles
国民が秋篠宮さまの一挙手一投足を注視する五輪閉会式 海外VIPへのお披露目の場となるか〈dot.〉(AERA dot.) - Yahoo!ニュース
7 hours ago —
 1964年の東京五輪や98年の長野五輪では、天皇が名誉総裁として開会式と閉会式に出席。 皇太子はパラリンピックの名誉総裁として開会式と閉会式に出席していた。



https://www.yomiuri.co.jp › olympic
五輪閉会式、秋篠宮さまが陛下の名代として出席へ…陛下が指名 : 東京オリンピック2020速報 : オリンピック・パラリンピック : 読売新聞 ...
Jul 30, 2021 — 同庁によると、1964年の東京五輪や98年の長野五輪の時は、天皇が名誉総裁として開・閉会式の両方に出席。皇太子はパラリンピックの名誉総裁 ...

わが回想錄 - Page 156
books.google.co.jp › books
安川第五郎 · 1970 · ‎Snippet view · ‎More editions
天皇陛下は、オリンピック東京大会の名誉総裁として開会宣言をされたが、閉会式には皇太子殿下御夫妻にお願いしようという予定であった。ところが、陛下がそれを聞かれて「皇太子にそんな権限はない」といわれたとのことで、閉会式にも ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu › ...PDF
Conditional Surrender—Conflict Termination in the Pacific, 1945 - US Naval War College Digital Commons
by RJ Shuster · 2020 — unanimous in their agreement that Operation OLYMPIC offered the best chance to defeat Japan once and for all.35. Planning the Peace: BLACKLIST and CAMPUS.

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.history.navy.mil › h-gr...
H-053-2: The Surrender of Japan - Naval History and Heritage Command - Navy.mil
Sep 16, 2020 — Emperor Hirohito was routinely kept informed of the course of the war, ... known as “Project Hula,” the largest transfer program of the war.

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https://president.jp › ライフ › コラム
「宮内庁のおかしな理屈」京都御所や桂離宮が文化財指定を受けずに朽ちていく恐れ 「修繕が不十分」との指摘を無視 | PRESIDENT Online(プレジデントオンライン)
15 hours ago — 7月16日、宮内庁が収蔵する絵画4件と書跡1件が国宝に指定されることがわかった。歴史評論家の香原斗志さんは「これまで宮内庁は管轄する文化財や歴史 ...

https://president.jp › articles › amp
「宮内庁のおかしな理屈」京都御所や桂離宮が文化財指定を受けずに朽ちていく恐れ 「修繕が不十分」との指摘を無視 (2ページ目) | PRESIDENT Online(プレジデントオンライン)
15 hours ago — 実は、皇室が私有する絵画や書跡、刀剣などの「御物」や、宮内庁が所蔵または管理する文化財や歴史遺産は、文化財保護法にもとづく国宝や重文、史跡 ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://ja.wikipedia.org › wiki › 御...
御文庫附属庫 - Wikipedia
御文庫附属庫(おぶんこふぞくこ)は、第二次世界大戦中に、皇居吹上御苑内に造営された防空壕。主に昭和天皇とその一家の防空施設として作られた。昭和天皇が暮らした ...

https://www.kunaicho.go.jp › koho
当庁が管理する先の大戦関係の資料について - 宮内庁
Aug 1, 2015 — 昨年,昭和天皇実録が奉呈,公表され昭和の時代への関心が高まっている ... 当時,御文庫附属庫の近くでは,宮内省が昭和天皇・香淳皇后のための防空 ...

https://www.jiji.com › movie
昭和天皇、終戦決断の防空壕公開=皇居内の御文庫付属室:時事ドットコム - 時事通信
Aug 1, 2015 — 御文庫付属室(建面積631・5平方メートル)は、太平洋戦争開戦前の1941年9月に完成。昭和天皇が戦時中住んでいた「御文庫」(現・吹上大宮御所) ...

https://www.nikkei.com › article
存亡かけ地下室の熟議 「聖断」の場 御文庫付属室: 日本経済新聞
Aug 1, 2015 — 昭和天皇実録によると天皇が初めて使ったのは44(同19)年11月23日の新嘗祭の儀式だった。 戦況が厳しくなり、空襲時に御文庫地下防空壕から、より ...



https://www.youtube.com › watch
皇居の防空壕、「御文庫」付属室を公開 - YouTube
Jul 31, 2015 — (宮内庁提供)皇居の防空壕は、「御文庫」と呼ばれる施設に ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://webronza.asahi.com › photo
昭和天皇の巡幸が巻き起こした熱狂 拡大写真 - 菊地史彦|論座 - 朝日新聞社の言論サイト - 朝日新聞デジタル
Feb 18, 2019 — 写真・図版 : 昭和電工川崎工場を視察、肥料原料を前に. 昭和電工川崎工場を視察、肥料原料を前に説明を受ける昭和天皇=1946年2月19日.

https://www.sankei.com › ... › 神奈川
昭和天皇の地方巡幸 第一歩、実は神奈川県 川崎、横浜、横須賀へ 県民励ます - 産経ニュース
Jan 20, 2017 — 「川崎市扇町の昭和電工株式会社川崎工場に着御される。天幕張の御休所において取締役社長森暁より、化学肥料・硫酸アンモニウムを主として製造する同工場 ...

むすぶ: 自治・ひと・くらし - Volume 24, Issues 1-12 - Page 70
1993 ·
だから、一九三一年(昭和六)十一月十六日、昭和天皇がチッソ(当時、日本窒素 肥料株式会社)水俣工場に臨幸したときも、伊平次さんは陸軍士官として水俣地区を代表して、先頭に立って天皇の案内をしているのを夏義さんは覚えているという ...

日本窒素史への証言: 続卷 - Volume 3 - Page 23
1900 ·
九年十月秩父宮、同妃両殿下が延岡工場に台臨(天皇陛下の水俣工場行幸は、昭和 六年十一月十五日)また創立三十周年記念に水俣工場歌、興南工場歌が出来て、 レコードに吹き込まれたのもこの頃です。「やしろの山に照る光り、不知火海に ...

https://keibatsugaku.com › tajima-2
田島家(宮内庁長官・田島道治・田島圭介・田島譲治の家系図) | 閨閥学
Aug 19, 2019 — 田島五郎作 父: 母: 妻: 長男: 二男: 三男:田島道治 長女:田島たづ(☆糟谷縫右衛門 ... 妻:白石千代子(☆新日本窒素社長 白石宗城の二女) ...

ふたり 皇后美智子と石牟礼道子
高山文彦 · 2015 ·
戦争中、チッソ(当時は日本窒素肥料)は国策会社でした。戦後は食糧増産のかけ声のもと、肥料の大量生産をやっとりました。昭和天皇は昭和六年と昭和二十四年の一回、水俣のチッソ工場に来られとります。ひとつの会社のために、わざわざ ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Afghanistan State Visit to Japan, 1969 | The Royal Watcher
Apr 14, 2019 — The Japanese Imperial Family host King Mohammad Zahir Shah and Queen Humaira of Afghanistan on their State Visit to Japan on this day in ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://rockarch.issuelab.org › ...PDF
Archaeology, Nationalism, and Diplomacy in Afghanistan, 1919–2001 - RAC RESEARCH REPORTS
by JE Meharry · 2020 — Minister Mohammed Daoud Khan visited Japan. King Zaher Shah and Queen. Humaira visited Japan in 1969, and the Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress.
11 pages·204 KB

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.city.minato.tokyo.jp › ...PDF
The Building of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Tokyo
Since the Meiji Era, friendly relations have been fostered between us, with the tireless efforts of diplomats, the Afghan royal family, and Japanese Imperial.
8 pages·4 MB

Afghanistan–Japan relations - Wikipedia
Afghanistan was neutral during World War II, but was close to Germany. Afghanistan was pressured by the United Kingdom and Soviet Union to expel Axis diplomats ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

太平洋戦争開戦直前 昭和天皇の心情 侍従長の日記で明らかに | 皇室 - NHK.JP
35 minutes ago — 2021年9月1日 18時17分 皇室






木戸は昭和天皇の様子について「上辺ノ決意(かみのへんのけつい) 行過キノ如ク見ユ(いきすぎのごとくみゆ)」と百武に語っていて、開戦に前向きな決意をしているように見えたと、懸念を示していたことが分かります。





匿名 さんのコメント...

入江相政日記 - Volume 1 - Page 284
入江相政 · 1990
... ぬのか」と百武邸へ御移居孝宮和子内親王が元侍従長の百武三郎家で花嫁修業することになり、百武は藤沢市片瀬から一家をあげて紀尾井町の宮内府官舎に引っ越した。

秩父宮と昭和天皇 - Page 475
保阪正康 · 1989
天皇の侍従長だった百武三郎は、鵠沼をしばしば訪れたが、そのたびに秩父宮は、部屋の模様替えや庭の手入れ、樹木の植え込みなどを楽しそうに説明した。百武は、秩父宮 ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.nhk.jp › special › episode
「開戦 太平洋戦争〜日中米英 知られざる攻防〜」 - NHKスペシャル
6 days ago — 中国国民政府を率いた蒋介石の膨大な日記の全貌が明らかになった。近年公開された蒋の外交史料と合わせて浮かび上がるのは日中戦争の国際化をもくろん ...

匿名 さんのコメント...



匿名 さんのコメント...

上皇さま 誕生からの日数、最長寿の昭和天皇に並ぶ 3万2031日
https://news.yahoo.co.jp › articles·
毎日新聞 2021/9/2 00:00(最終更新 9/2 04:11)

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://2001-2009.state.gov › wwii
Wartime Conferences, 1941-1945 - U.S. Department of State
In a November 1943 meeting in Egypt with Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed to a pre-eminent role for China in postwar Asia.

匿名 さんのコメント...

開戦 太平洋戦争 ~日中米英 知られざる攻防~(後編) - NHKスペシャルまとめ記事 - NHK.JP
Aug 18, 2021 — 甚大な死傷者を出しながら、日中戦争の国際化を達成した蔣介石。開戦のまさにその日の日記です。「本日、我が国の抗日戦略の成果は頂点に達した。しかし、物事は極まれば必ず反す。警戒しなくてはならない」(蔣介石日記1941年12月8日)

匿名 さんのコメント...

開戦 太平洋戦争 ~日中米英 知られざる攻防~(前編) - NHKスペシャルまとめ記事 - NHK.JP
Aug 18, 2021 — 蔣介石が国民政府の高官に宛てた命令書。プロパガンダに対する考えが記されていました。「毎月の10万米ドルの対米宣伝経費は惜しんではいけない。現在の外交情勢を見ると、イギリスは深思熟慮の国であり、説得が難しい。アメリカは世論を重視する民主国家であるため、動かしやすい。世論が同意し、国会も賛同するならば、大統領は必ず行動する」

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