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Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man も、いつの日か、おねがいします。

匿名 さんのコメント...

マークは Q だったら、どうしよう。

匿名 さんのコメント...

今の人は、thesaurus に興味ないの?




好奇心をもって貪欲に、GO! Go! おこさま!


匿名 さんのコメント...

Senate Speech by Sen. Bernie Sanders on Unfettered Free Trade
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mr. President, the trade agreement with Panama would effectively bar the U.S. from cracking down on illegal and abusive offshore tax havens in Panama.  In fact, combating tax haven abuse in Panama would be a violation of this free trade agreement, exposing the U.S. to fines from international authorities.


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[太平洋戦争開戦 昭和16年12月



まあ、戦争はやらない方がいいよ、ほんとう 兄弟はアメリカにいるからねえ


戦中から戦後、そして冷戦の時代へ 激しく揺れ動く日米関係の中を生きた日系アメリカ人二世たち

娘婿のトムです 娘のエリカです 節子です
娘のグロリアです 姪のマロリーです もう一人、娘がいるけど外出中なの



これが僕、ジャック・健二 これが父の玉五郎




日本で教育を受けた方がいいんじゃないか、それで、日本で、できたら、仕事ををした方がいいんじゃないかと親父は希望を持っていたと思います 私は反対でしたけれど
[ああ、そうですか どうしてですか?]





いいお兄さんでした 子供の頃、よく喧嘩しましたけれど、人間ができておりましたね
それが 戦争 です

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「お爺ちゃん、おまえ好きだったんだろう、それにおまえが非常に好んでいた(欲しがっていた)bicycle 自転車買ってやるぞ」と言うから、私、それで飛び乗りましてね

匿名 さんのコメント...


日本に最初に行ったとき、馬鹿にされた 僕ら日本語を知らないから


これは、私は海のつもりで、これは水で、石は島で 私はそう思ってやったんです


なんで何もないのに、橋だけでね、ここで頭を下げろって お巡りさんも立ってるしね、あの時 しかし、友達が私に言うです 「いや、やらなくちゃいけない」




それ、ふつうかどうか知りませんけど だから、一生懸命、日本人になろうとしたんですね

匿名 さんのコメント...


これ僕たちですよ 明治大学 僕たちも入ってますよ この中に

[今から70年前の昭和18年 明治神宮外苑で行われた出陣学徒壮行会

しょうがないよね 僕たちはどうせ、僕は二重国籍だから
兵隊に取られるのは覚悟していたけどね 軍隊だから 命令だから




してない だけど僕も返事の仕方がちょっと悪かったんだね、言葉が

匿名 さんのコメント...


戦争が始まったらね もう帰れないと思ってね 日本の海軍になるって 一生懸命よ
一途にね 日本の海軍になるって 予科練、あれに通った(合格した)

ブレイン ウォシュ 洗脳 ブレイン 脳が洗われた 軍隊が欲しいように染めちゃって

[このころ、アメリカにとどまっていた日系二世の若者たちは、アメリカ軍の兵士として戦場に送り込まれていました そのひとり、ドン・オカさん




もう彼が亡くなったと聞いた時は、びっくりしたですね もう生きている甲斐がない

匿名 さんのコメント...

[ラジオ・トーキョー 現在のNHKで海外向けの宣伝放送に携わった浴本正生さんです



父が非常に愛国心に燃えて、だから絶対に日本の教育を、というので、僕も両方受けたいと、日本の大学も出て だから、日本で教育を受けるチャンスは非常に欲しかったしね






[故 アルバート・ミヤサトさん 6年前に亡くなりました]






Tomi Kaizawa Knaefler “Our House Divided” より

匿名 さんのコメント...





母が行った時に、ちょうどそこに兵隊さんがおられてね 「ここがあなたの娘さんのとこだ」言われて、そこは、柱はもう灰になってるわけよね、じゃから、焼けたんだからね
そしたら、うつ伏せになっているところの、前髪、前髪が少し残っていたの、まだ焼けずにね で、うちのママがちょっと見たら、弁当箱がね、姉ちゃんが持っていった弁当箱


匿名 さんのコメント...


本当に考えれば、二重国籍は責任が重いよね でも、これは好んだことではないし




戦争が終わってから故郷に帰ったんです 戦闘機をそのまま置き去りにして



本当に考えれば、二重国籍は責任が重いよね 日本人の国籍あるから、ひどい目に合う
そのときの大統領がトルーマンだったんですよ その人に手紙出したんです
国民の義務ですから これはもう絶対応じなければならない


匿名 さんのコメント...




特情班で勤務中に原爆に遭います 捜しに行った母が、芳子さんをみつけました]

姉ちゃんが持っていった弁当箱の、アルミニウムの弁当箱がそこにあったから、その中へ前髪だけ少し入れて「これだけは持って帰らせてください、葬儀もしたいので」言うて、ママも頼んだんだそうです それで、弁当箱の中に、前髪を入れて帰ってましたよね


私、怖かったよ お母さんが自殺してるんじゃないかなと思ってね
お母さんいつも泣いていたからね あのお姉ちゃん亡くなってね
お母さんは死んでいるのかな思うて 自殺するんではないかと思うぐらい
「うちはみんな、子供がねえ、いい子だからねえ」って、お母さんはいつも言っていたからね 「もう、私、こんなに幸福でええんかしら」「うちは子供が、うちは、ひとつも子供がアレしないし」


匿名 さんのコメント...


[広島にやってきた原爆調査団 進駐軍は、多くの二世を通訳として雇いました]


原爆の研究にアメリカから来とったのよ 20人くらいのチームが
どの程度の効力があるか、原爆が 嫌だね、ああいう時は
向こうは息絶え絶えな人もおるからね 我慢してしゃべっとるけど、もう原爆に遭って寝とるのに、ね 本人は、死ぬるとは思ってないかもしれんけど


僕はすぐわかったよね ただ、まさかアメリカの兵隊じゃ思わんからね
白人の運転手、連れてきとったのよ そいつが将校じゃ思っとったんよ


アメリカから来た兄貴が家に来て、(長兄が)二階で寝とるというので、上がってみたら、背中が、もう、全部焼けとったの それを誰にも言わなかったけど、5年くらい前にね

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[日本海軍の少尉だった西村克哉さん 西村さんは学徒出陣し、海軍の一員となりました



匿名 さんのコメント...


二世は、割と威張っておりましたね 僕らには(そうでもないが) 日本の人に対しては猛烈に威張って、ああでもないこうでもないと言っておりましたけれど
どういいましょうか、二世で、アメリカの軍隊として日本に駐在していることに対する、ある程度、内向的に気になっていたから、そう、逆に、日本人に対して厳しかったんじゃないかと思います 日本人が憎いんじゃなくして、自分の立場上、そうしないと


匿名 さんのコメント...


雪は積もらない 風が吹くから 吹雪だから 寒いんですよね
僕は炭鉱で働いてる 炭鉱夫だったから 初め一か月ちょっとは鉄道工事をしたんですよ
陸軍ではスズキ・イワオという名前だったサノさん ソ連軍に提出する書類を書いていたときのことです]

皆、履歴書を書いたんですよ、生まれたところ その時に、うちの班長が


あるとき、尋問を受けます ソ連の工作員ではないかと疑いをかけられたのです]



米国市民権の喪失に関する告知 1946年11月



匿名 さんのコメント...




OSI(情報捜査局) 機密資料を集める、いわゆるスパイ、アメリカのスパイですよ
情報集めをやらせられたんですよ 対共産主義、対右翼主義とかいう調査を、だいぶやらされましてね 極右、極左ということは、非常に警戒したし

匿名 さんのコメント...



LA Times 1947.6.10
時には、目も当てられないほど、感情的になる人もいました 無視するしかありません
両方とも一生懸命でやったんだからね 戦うようになったんだから、僕らだって好きで
ハワイ大学 名誉教授 ジョン・ステファン

匿名 さんのコメント...


「卑怯な騙し討ち」とか、「ジャップ、足元を見ろ、米兵たちが、まだ海の中に沈んでいるんだ」 船と一緒に沈んだでしょう そんな話もしよるんよね




匿名 さんのコメント...

日系人を取り巻く逆境 それを跳ね返そうと必死で生きてきた人がいます]



もう英語もわからんし、もうね、いろいろな形でまだ排斥もひどかったしね、大変でしたよ でも、日本のことを考えたらと思って、頑張り通しました




やはり一家の和栄は、家族全員が成功することが、重大な、長男として与えられた責任だから、家族のために尽くせ」と このまま残って、アメリカのために


これ、みんな日本人のお墓で こちら、左側もね




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Tachi Yamada

Phillips Academy

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匿名 さんのコメント...

>原爆の研究にアメリカから来とったのよ 20人くらいのチームが
どの程度の効力があるか、原爆が 嫌だね、ああいう時は
向こうは息絶え絶えな人もおるからね 我慢してしゃべっとるけど、もう原爆に遭って寝とるのに、ね 本人は、死ぬるとは思ってないかもしれんけど

>どの程度の効力があるか、原爆が 嫌だね、ああいう時は

匿名 さんのコメント...

ブータンの公用語 - ブータンミュージアム
ブータンの公用語はゾンカと英語です。ゾンカは ... 歴史的に学校では英語で授業が 行われていて、ブータンの子供は英語を上手に話すことができます。ブータンの学校、 ... 英語を話すこと が出来れば、ブータンに旅行してことばで困ることはほとんどありません。

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Club to Host USA House | Tokyo American Club
https://tokyoamericanclub.org › item › 6...
2 days ago - The Club is set to be Team USA's base for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. United States Olympic Committee (USOC) CEO Scott Blackmun made the announcemen..

匿名 さんのコメント...

Britain has no need to make an apology to India for Empire... - Daily Mail
2010/07/30 - But Indians require no apology for Empire and seek none, and nor do Britons need to feel especially guilty for it. ... Just as Empire opened the doors of modernity to India, a good relationship between Britain and India will be a ...

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"transformers the last knight" "chaste"

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Fairy Tales Could Be Older Than You Ever Imagined
Smithsonian-Jan 20, 2016
... fairy tale auteurs like the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen and ... a folklorist and anthropologist say that stories like Rumpelstiltskin .

匿名 さんのコメント...

North Korea could be sitting on trillions in untapped mineral resources | The Independent
www.independent.co.uk › ... › Asia
Jul 1, 2017 - Mining currently only makes up 14 per cent of North Korea's economy – but the dictatorship may in fact be sitting on vast reserves of mineral wealth. ... In pictures: North Korea military drill.

匿名 さんのコメント...

OEC - North Korea (PRK) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners - The Observatory of Economic Complexity
atlas.media.mit.edu › profile › country
Jump to Destinations - Destinations. The top export destinations of North Korea are China ($2.34B), India ($97.8M), Pakistan ($43.1M), Burkina Faso ($32.8M) and Other Asia ($26.7M). Explore on ...

Which countries are doing business with North Korea? - YouTube
https://www.youtube.com › watch
Video for The top export destinations of North Korea are China ($2.34B), India ($97.8M), Pakistan ($43.1M), Burkina Faso ($32.8M) and Other Asia ($26.7M).
Duration: 2:26
Posted: Jul 6, 2017
... ($73.8M) and the Philippines ($53.2M). The top export ..

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www.jomm.jp › pdf2 › kiyou200803
①1923年、カリフォルニア州ターロック生まれ。町には日系人は 2 家族のみ。 ②週末のみ日本語学校へ通う。帰米( 1933年、母死亡により日本へ。1938年まで鹿児島県滞在). ③グラナダ(アマチー)収容所. ④開戦後、4 C に ...

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匿名 さんのコメント...

UCL celebrates 150th anniversary of Japan's Choshu Five
www.ucl.ac.uk › UCL News
Jul 3, 2013 - ... we should also honour the effort of Professor Williamson and philosophical influence of Jeremy Bentham. ... Sir Henry Keswick, Jardine Matheson Chairman, said: “We are proud of the role that the firm ...

Scotland: A Short History - Page 163 - Google Books Result
https://books.google.co.jp › books
Christopher Harvie - 2014 - ‎History
Above the village of Lairgin Sutherland an Indian temple stands over the grave of Sir John Matheson, ... Utilitarian reform, preached by disciples of Jeremy Bentham, notably James Mill and his son John Stuart ...

Fabian Society Jeremy Bentham

Blue plaque at 17 Osnaburgh St, where the Society was founded in 1884

匿名 さんのコメント...

The History of Anglo-Japanese Relations 1600–2000: Social and ...
https://books.google.co.jp › books
G. Daniels, ‎C. Tsuzuki - 2002 - ‎History
In 1924 the birth of the first Labour government in Britain was warmly welcomed in Japan, and the Japanese Fabian Society was founded in the same year. During this time British influences were increasingly replacing ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Typhoon Noru (2017) - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Typhoo...
Typhoon Noru is currently a weakening tropical cyclone impacting the Chūbu region in Japan. It is the third longest-lasting tropical cyclone of the Northwest Pacific Ocean on record—the longest since Typhoon Rita in ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

site://en.wikipedia.org/ mafia Belgium

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Chinese jeweller Zhou Zongwen awarded Belgian honorary order - People's Daily Online
en.people.cn › ...
May 5, 2017 - President of the Belgian House of Representatives Siegfried Bracke bestowed an Order of Leopold, ... China and Belgium, especially to the cooperation between the diamond industries and promotion of ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Korea North Doing Business for Everyone Guide: Practical ...
https://books.google.co.jp › books
2013 - ‎Business & Economics
Belgium * Trade Amount of North Korea with Belgium (year of 2000) - Total trade $16,180 thousand (33% increase over ... Major Items and Amount (in percentage of total export) Export Finished diamonds: 4,328 ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Money Laundering and Financial Crimes Country Database May 2010 - Department of State
https://www.state.gov › organization
and re-insurance companies, and natural persons or entities whose professions or business activities involve the movement ...... The Belgian diamond industry also has been used to launder money. Offshore Center: No.

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North Korea Handbook - Page 613 - Google Books Result
https://books.google.co.jp › books
Yonhap News Agency, Seoul - 2002 - ‎History
The diamond trade is mainly conducted between Belgium and North Korea. Belgian companies reimport diamonds processed by North Koreans while the raw stones are supplied by the Belgium companies. However

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Antwerp's secret heart of the £31bn global diamond trade - Telegraph
www.telegraph.co.uk › ... › Belgium
Dec 7, 2013 - $2 billion 'theft' of Zimbabwe's diamonds ... robbers or terrorists there is an all-permeating culture of secrecy as many traders seek to hide their glittering trade from another predator, Belgium's tax man.

The flawed diamond sale: Sanctions lifted on gemstones from Zimbabwe | The Independent
www.independent.co.uk › ... › Africa
Dec 15, 2013 - Belgium has successfully lobbied for sanctions to be lifted on gemstones mined in Zimbabwe, promising a windfall for the ailing nation. But critics say the ethics of the move are questionable.

Belgium 'loves' Zim blood diamonds | News24
www.news24.com › Africa › Zimbabwe
Feb 13, 2013 - A monitoring group on conflict diamonds says it wants restrictions on the sale of Zimbabwe diamonds tightened in the face of calls to relax them by diamond companies in Belgium.

Blood diamond - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Blood_d...
Jump to Zimbabwe - Blood diamonds is a term used for a diamond mined in a war zone and sold to finance an insurgency, an invading army's war efforts, or a warlord's activity. The term is used to highlight the ...

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The Victorian supernatural

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Top Democrat IT Aide Arrested While Trying to Leave US for Pakistan - VOA News
https://www.voanews.com › top-democra...
Jul 26, 2017 - A top technology aide to Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives was arrested Monday at a Washington airport while attempting to leave the United States for Pakistan. Imran Awan ...

Debbie Wasserman Schultz defends Muslim staffer facing ...
The Times of Israel-Aug 4, 2017

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TRANSFORMERS 5: THE LAST KNIGHT Promo Clip - British Accent (2017) Michael Bay Action Movie HD

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Why Does Fantasy Have So Many British Accents?
Deadspin-19 hours ago
Why do all the characters in Game of Thrones have British accents? The story doesn't take place in Britain. George R.R. Martin is American.

匿名 さんのコメント...

isis british accent

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Five pound note fall out led to samurai sword attack, a scared nan ...
Liverpool Echo-5 minutes ago
A teenager racially abused and swung a Samurai sword at a friend and told police he wanted to chop his head off. Liam Jones, 18, shouted ...

Japanese swords carve out larger fanbase
The Japan News-Jul 11, 2017
What is it about Japanese swords that ensnares the hearts of people ... a Japanese sword — held at HiSUi Tokyo in Tokyo's Ginza district.

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Texas megachurch pastor who performed a service for Trump at his inauguration says 'God has given the president ...
Daily Mail - ‎1 時間前‎
'When it comes to how we should deal with evil doers, the Bible, in the book of Romans, is very clear: God has endowed rulers full power to use whatever means necessary - including war - to stop evil,' Robert Jeffress, senior pastor at the First ...

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Ex-CIA analyst compares Trump to Kim Jong-Un - BBC News - BBC.com
www.bbc.com › news › world-40872891
10 hours ago - A former CIA analyst has branded President Trump's "fire and fury" threat to North Korea as " bombastic", "over the top" and not helpful. "It seems to be language written by the same speechwriters ...

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Operation Willi - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Operatio...
The future Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson in 1934. They were married in June 1937. Operation Willi was the German code name for the unsuccessful attempt by the SS to kidnap Edward, Duke of Windsor in July 1940 ...

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Operation Sanctuary: Newcastle child sex network convicted
BBC News - 16 hours ago

Grooming gangs 'not unique' to Newcastle, council leader warns after Operation Sanctuary
The Independent - 12 hours ago

Operation Sanctuary: Newcastle child sex network convicted - BBC News
www.bbc.com › uk-england-40879427
17 hours ago - Eighteen people have been convicted of abusing girls in Newcastle who were plied with alcohol and drugs before being forced to have sex. The vulnerable victims, some as young as 14 ...

Eighteen people found guilty over Newcastle sex grooming network | UK news | The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com › aug › ne...
17 hours ago - The trials were the result of police investigation Operation Shelter, which fell under the umbrella of Operation Sanctuary – Northumbria police's investigation into the sexual exploitation of ...

Operation Sanctuary: Grooming gangs 'not unique' to Newcastle, UK warned as police deny political correctness claims | The Independent
www.independent.co.uk › ... › UK › Crime
13 hours ago - The sexual abuse perpetrated by grooming gangs in Newcastle is “not unique” to the city, the head of its council has warned. An investigation codenamed Operation Sanctuary identified ...

Tsuki wa Higashi ni Hi wa Nishi ni - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Tsuki_w...
Tsuki wa Higashi ni Hi wa Nishi ni: Operation Sanctuary (月は東に日は西に -Operation Sanctuary- The Moon in the East, The Sun in the West -Operation Sanctuary-), known as Hanihani (はにはに) for short, is a Japanese adult visual novel developed by August.

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dutch eggs 700000

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BBC World Service - Science in Action, Risk of Lethal Heat Waves
www.bbc.co.uk › ... › Science & Nature
3 mins ago - Europe has been hit by a deadly heat wave with temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius. The combination of high humidity and high temperatures is proving lethal. A new study has shown that ...

Q&A: Heatwave health risks - BBC News - BBC.com
www.bbc.com › news
Jul 9, 2010 - What are the health risks associated with a heatwave.

Why Europe's heatwave is so dangerous - BBC News
www.bbc.com › world-europe-40829480
6 days ago - High temperatures and high humidity make conditions potentially dangerous on the continent.

Warning as temperatures continue to rise across England - BBC News - BBC.com
www.bbc.com › uk-england-40339138
Jun 20, 2017 - The Met Office has issued a level three amber heatwave warning until Thursday. ... emergency, covers the whole of Britain and means "there is a 90% probability of heatwave conditions".

Deadly heat waves could hit South Asia this century | MIT News
news.mit.edu › deadly-heat-waves-could-...
Aug 2, 2017 - In South Asia, new MIT research suggests that by the end of this century climate change could lead to summer heat waves with levels of heat and humidity that exceed what humans can survive without ...

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DF-31 - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › DF-31
DF-31A ICBM China from en.wikipedia.org
The Dong Feng 31 is a long-range, road-mobile, three stage, Solid-fuel rocket intercontinental ballistic missile ( ICBM) in the Dongfeng missile series developed by the People's Republic of China. It is designed to ...
Operational range‎: ‎7,200–8,000 km (4,500–5,000 mi) (DF-31); 11,200 km (7,000 mi) ...‎
Launch platform‎: ‎Silo, 8 axle TEL‎
Weight‎: ‎42 t (41 long tons; 46 short tons)‎
Diameter‎: ‎2.25 m (7 ft 5 in)‎

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ICYMI: “The United States is rapidly becoming a net exporter of natural gas for the first time in 60 years.” ...
https://www.whitehouse.gov › 2017/08/09
2 days ago - “New Census Bureau data show that, by value, the United States was again a net exporter in June 2017, selling about $593 million worth of natural gas to the world while importing $566 million via gas ...

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Trump said "Obama didn't even want to talk about it. "But I talk," the president said. "It's about time. Someone has to do it."

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Chinese satellite sends 'hack-proof' message
BBC News - ‎Aug 10, 2017‎
China has successfully sent "hack-proof" messages from a satellite to Earth for the first time. The Micius satellite beamed messages to two mountain-top receiving stations 645 km (400 miles) and 1,200 km away.

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Marxism, Art and Utopia: Critical Theory and Political Aesthetics — Red Wedge - Red Wedge Magazine
www.redwedgemagazine.com › marxism...
by E Bloch - ‎Related articles
Jan 27, 2017 - Only “socialist realist” works had the censors' seal of approval; stylistic experimentation was perceived as a direct challenge to ideological orthodoxy. If art today often escapes that kind of direct political ...

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ideal reality migrant

idealism communist utopia

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North Korea's surprising, lucrative relationship with Africa - The Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › africa
Jul 10, 2017 - For years, North Korea has used African nations like this one as financial lifelines, building infrastructure and selling weapons and other .... A new frontier for diamond mining: The ocean.

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gay icon

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Palm Oil Cleanup Continues on Hong Kong's Beaches
The Maritime Executive-22 hours ago
Cleanup efforts continue on Hong Kong's beaches, which have been been hit by a spill of thousands of tonnes of semisolid palm oil. The oil ...

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Japan Worries About a Trend: Crime by Chinese - The New York Times
www.nytimes.com › 1997/03/12 › world
Mar 12, 1997 - Many illegal Chinese immigrants meet a need in Japan, working at construction sites or cleaning toilets ... Chinese gangs in China, presumably with the protection of the local police and military ...

The other side of Tokyo's Nigerian community - Japan Today
https://japantoday.com › features › lifestyle
Aug 2, 2011 - He made money on the side selling clothes at weekend flea markets. ...... I am Nigerian by the way and I have a couple of black African colleagues who came here with only bachelors and are now either ...

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Shadow of surveillance looms over Japan's Muslims | The Japan Times
www.japantimes.co.jp › issues › shadow-...
Jul 13, 2016 - “We had to hold the prayers four separate times so all the people lining up could fit in,” explains Haroon Qureshi, secretary-general of the mosque's Japan Islamic Trust organization. “There must have ..

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Arsphenamine - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Arsphen...
Arsphenamine, also known as Salvarsan or compound 606, is a drug that was introduced at the beginning of the 1910s as the first effective treatment for syphilis, ... After leaving Ehrlich's laboratory, Hata continued ...

Sahachiro Hata - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Sahachir...
Sahachirō Hata was a prominent Japanese bacteriologist who assisted in developing the Arsphenamine drug in 1909 in the ... It was called Salvarsan 606 because it was the 606th drug that Ehrlich tried. After his return ...

Aug. 31, 1909: First Chemotherapy Drug Treats Syphilis | WIRED
https://www.wired.com › 2009/08 › 083...
Aug 31, 2009 - He started by studying the arsenic-like compound Atoxyl, known to kill syphilis but too toxic for use in ... Ehrlich and Japanese student Sahachiro Hata produced their 606th preparation of an ...

Sahachiro Hata: The first miracle medicine in the world for syphilis treatment | The World's Greatest ...
www.japanese-greatest.com › sahachiro-...
Aug 18, 2008 - Sahachiro Hata developed "arsphenamine No.606", the first medicine in the world for syphilis treatment, incorporation with Paul Ehrlich in Germany. Hata had.

Syphilis – Its early history and Treatment until Penicillin and the Debate on its Origins - Journal of Military and Veterans' Health
jmvh.org › article › syphilis-its-early-hist...
Up until the early 20th century it was believed that syphilis had been brought from America and the New ... the disease to Calcutta in 1498, and by 1520 it had reached Africa, the near East, China, Japan and Oceania ...

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Stalin's Daughter Dies at 85 - The New York Times
www.nytimes.com › world › europe › sta...
Nov 28, 2011 - One of her brothers, Yakov, was captured by the Nazis, who offered to exchange him for a German general. .... Mr. Peters had been chief apprentice to the architect Frank Lloyd Wright and, for a time ...

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What Do Our Accents Say About Us?

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Iran eyes more funds for missiles, Guards after US sanctions
Reuters-3 時間前
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran's parliament gave initial approval on Sunday to a bill to boost spending on Tehran's missile program and the elite Revolutionary Guards in retaliation for new sanctions imposed by the United States.

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Schlumberger Information Solutions Norway Technology Center ...
www.slb.com › About Schlumberger › R&E › Technology
The Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS) Norway Technology Center (SNTC) is the home of the Petrel and ... SNTC staff develops state-of-the-art software applications for oil and gas exploration, appraisal, evaluation, and production.

North Korea's Exploration for Oil and Gas - 38 North
2015/12/14 - key factor in this is that China has not permitted modern drilling equipment to be sold to North. Korea, both as a ... The first known organized effort to explore for oil and gas reserves in North Korea occurred ... These efforts were augmented during 1980, when the Geophysical Company of Norway (GECO.

north korea and seabed petroleum - Wilson Center
efforts to find and develop oil and gas resources in the Yellow Sea, where the seabed boundary has not been ... subsidiary of Schlumberger, to survey Blocks, 1, 2 and 3. The exact ... In 1987 Leeward petroleum (UK) signed a contract with North Korea for .... Seven wells have been drilled, recovering oil and gas from several.

Glimmers of hope seen in North Korean basins, markets - Oil & Gas ...
In 1980, the Norwegian subsidiary of Geco Geophysical Ltd., part of Schlumberger, surveyed several blocks, and in 1987 Leeward Petroleum (Great Britain) Ltd. was contracted to undertake more survey work. During the 1980s the North ...

Could North Korea Be the Next Energy Superpower? | The National ...
2015/12/01 - The “hermit kingdom” of North Korea has struggled to feed its own people in recent years, let alone sustain its energy needs. Yet with reports emerging of the hard-line Communist state's potential oil and gas resources, South ...

NORTH KOREA AND SEABED PETROLEUM_文学研究_人文社科_专业资料 ... was signed with the Norwegian firm GECO Geophysical, a subsidiary of Schlumberger, ... In 1987 Leeward petroleum (UK) signed a contract with North Korea for ...

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Sorry, liberals, Scandinavian countries aren't utopias | New York Post
2015/01/11 - Modal Trigger Shutterstock Let's look a little closer, suggests Michael Booth, a Brit who has lived in Denmark for many years, in his new book, “The Almost Nearly Perfect People: Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia” ...

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China marks 72nd anniversary of Japan's WWII surrender
Xinhua-19 minutes ago
Hida Yuichi with Japan-based Kobe Student Youth Center laid a wreath and stood for several minutes in silence. It was the 21st time he had ...

LEAD La Chine tient une assemblée de paix pour le 72e ...
Chine.org-1 hour ago
Hida Yuichi du Kobe Student Youth Center, basé au Japon, a déposé une gerbe et s'est recueilli pendant quelques minutes. Il participait pour ...

新华网-7 hours ago
已经连续21年来到南京参加和平集会的飞田雄一(Hida Yuichi)说:“来中国之前刚看了有关731部队真相的纪录片,虽然我对历史有所了解,但看到 ...

China celebra asamblea sobre paz con motivo de 72º aniversario ...
Radio Internacional de China-2 hours ago
Hida Yuichi, del Centro para la Juventud Estudiosa de Kobe, con sede en Japón, ofreció una corona y se mantuvo de pie durante varios ...

新華網江蘇頻道-5 hours ago
已經連續21年來到南京參加和平集會的飛田雄一(Hida Yuichi)説:“來中國之前剛看了有關731部隊真相的紀錄片,雖然我對歷史有所了解,但看到 ...


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Honesty - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Honesty
Honesty refers to a facet of moral character and connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, including straightforwardness of conduct, along with the absence of lying, ...

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"During 1942-43, the director of the American BW program, George Merck, sent Hagan and Schoening to Britain to help develop anthrax-laced cattle feed (Britain planned to drop the feed over Germany if invaded). (Avery 1999)"

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Absalom - Wikipedia
Absalom or Avshalom according to the Hebrew Bible was the third son of David, King of Israel ... Absalom's head was caught in the boughs of an oak tree as the mule he was riding ran beneath it. He was discovered there still alive by one of ...

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铁证如山!日本NHK电视台首次曝光731部队认罪录音,真相触目惊心 ...
中国日报-22 hours ago
日本NHK电视台首次曝光731部队认罪录音,真相触目惊心… .... (It is) a vast project to develop weapons of biological warfare, including plague, ... Scholars and former members of the unit say that at least 3,000 people -- by ...

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Israel is Developing 'Ethnic Bomb' for Growing Biological Weapons Arsenal - Institute for Historical Review
www.ihr.org › jhr
Israel is Developing 'Ethnic Bomb' for Growing Biological Weapons Arsenal. Mark Weber. Israel is working on an "ethnically targeted" biological weapon that would kill or harm Arabs but not Jews, according to Israeli ...

Israel and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Israel_a...
Jump to Biological weapons - Israel is believed to have developed an offensive biological warfare capability. The US Congress Office of Technology Assessment records Israel as a country possessing a long- term, ...

Nuclear weaponsNuclear weapons deliveryChemical weapons
Israel | Countries | NTI
www.nti.org › learn › israel › biological
In keeping with Israel's policy of maintaining WMD ambiguity, Israel "has never made a public policy statement on biological weapons (BW)" and is reluctant to participate in regional and international fora on WMD ...

[PDF]Israel and Chemical/Biological Weapons - vho.org
vho.org › aaargh › fran › livres3 › Cohen
Israel and Chemical/Biological Weapons: History, Deterrence, and Arms Control. AVNER COHEN. 1. Dr. Avner Cohen is Senior Fellow at the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland, as well as the.

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lithium cobalt mining congo

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François-Xavier Roth
BBC Proms, 2017

François-Xavier Roth - Wikipedia
François-Xavier Roth (born 6 November 1971 in Paris) is a French conductor. His father is the organist Daniel Roth. His brother Vincent Roth is a violist. Before ...

La princesse jaune - Wikipedia
La princesse jaune (The Yellow Princess), Op. 30, is an opéra comique in one act and five scenes by composer Camille Saint-Saëns to a French libretto by Louis Gallet ... Although La princesse jaune is the third opera that Saint-Saëns composed, it was the first of his operas to be mounted on the opera stage. It was also his ...

Royal Albert Hall - Wikipedia
Royal Albert Hall is a concert hall on the northern edge of South Kensington, London, which holds the Proms concerts annually each summer since 1941.

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Japonism in Britain at the End of the 19th Century - J-STAGE Journals
The aim of this article is to consider Japonism in Britain at the end of the 19th century through two types of dresses; tea gowns worn by women for five o'clock tea ...

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Unmasking the Invisible: Russian and Japanese Cultural Exchanges ...
japonisme quickly outgrew this definition. In both Russia and ...... legitimacy or to reflect a state of political engagement in the face of claims that he was apathetic.

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BENEFITS OF MILITARY SPENDING An Inquiry into ... - Mason Gaffney
by M Gaffney - ‎Cited by 2 - ‎Related articles
1971/12/07 - The Vietnam war is only slightly less simple. Henry Kissinger, Rockefeller-linked, is widely quoted as saying, "Ridiculous! There is no oil in Vietnam."59 It is only frosting on the cake that Thieu is leasing offshore grants to some ...

North Korea - Hydrocarbon Exploration and Potential
Mike Rego
Despite a challenging political situation, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea offers relatively low cost, low risk exploration opportunities, with nearby energy-hungry markets.
 This article appeared in Vol. 12, No. 4 - 2015

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Miss the old Google News? This website could be the answer
Memeburn Aug 21, 2017

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https://www.japantimes.co.jp › national
Trump plans first visit to Japan in November: key transition team member | The Japan Times
May 26, 2017 - U.S. President Donald Trump is considering visiting Japan around November for the first time since taking office as he travels to Southeast Asian countries.

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https://www.reuters.com › article › us-usa...
U.S. troop reduction in exercise not due to North Korea concerns: Mattis - Reuters
Aug 20, 2017 - A reduction in U.S. troops taking part in a joint exercise with South Korean forces this year simply reflects a ... and is not because of tensions with North Korea, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on ...

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https://www.washingtonpost.com › world
Tillerson, Mattis comment on North Korea - Washington Post
Aug 15, 2017 - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says the U.S. is interested in "finding a way to get to dialogue" with North Korea, but that it will be up to Kim Jong Un.

https://www.washingtonpost.com › world
Mattis and Tillerson move to clarify administration policy on North Korea - The Washington Post
Aug 17, 2017 - Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, left, and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis hold a news conference with their Japanese counterparts at the State Department that largely focused on North Korea

https://www.washingtonpost.com › world
Tillerson, Mattis insist military options remain for NKorea - The Washington Post
Aug 17, 2017 - WASHINGTON — America’s diplomatic and defense chiefs sought Thursday to reinforce the threat of possible U.S. military action against North Korea after President Donald Trump’s top strategist essentially called the commander-in-chief’s warnings a bluff. Secretary of State ...

https://www.washingtonpost.com › world
The Latest: Tillerson, Mattis say military option on table - The Washington Post
Aug 17, 2017 - WASHINGTON — The Latest on talks between the United States and Japan about North Korea (all times local):. 2:23 p.m.. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis ...

Washington Post · 1 day ago
Japan doubles down on its U.S. allian

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"China should also make clear that if North Korea launches missiles that threaten U.S. soil first and the U.S. retaliates, China will stay neutral" global times

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US Experts: Strike on North Korea Would Not Need Seoul’s OK
August 25, 2017 0:15 AM
Baik Sungwon

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hightimes.com › culture › tourists-are-sto...
Tourists Are Stocking Up on Super Cheap Weed in North Korea – High Times
Dec 13, 2016 - Chinese tourists visiting neighboring North Korea are buying large quantities of bargain bags of weed, then selling it for a tidy profit upon returning home to China where cannabis is highly illegal and ...

hightimes.com › news › politics › heres-t...
Here's the Deal with Pot in North Korea – High Times
Aug 8, 2017 - There are conflicting reports on the legal status of cannabis in North Korea. Multiple reports from defectors and tourists claim there is no law regarding the possession of cannabis in North Korea, or, ...

www.news.com.au › asia › news-story
North Korea marijuana: How Pyongyang attracted the bong gang - News.com.au
Jan 15, 2017 - NORTH Korea has been getting some pretty high praise lately from the stoner world. Marijuana news outlets including High Times, Merry Jane and Green Rush — along with British tabloids, ...

Is North Korea 420 Friendly? - The Weed Blog
Oct 7, 2015 - north korea marijuana North Korea is home to one of the most oppressive governments of the Earth today. In the country, there is absolutely no private ownership, and everything belongs to the state.

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https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › 420_(ca...
420 (cannabis culture) - Wikipedia
weed marijuana 420 from en.wikipedia.org
420, 4:20, or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) is a code-term in cannabis culture that refers to the consumption of cannabis, especially smoking cannabis around the time 4:20 p.m. (or 16:20 in 24-hour notation) and ...

www.bbc.com › news › blogs-magazine-...
How 420 became code for marijuana - BBC News
weed marijuana 420 from www.bbc.com
Apr 18, 2014 - The number 420 has become a popular code for marijuana. Where does the ... "We were smoking a lot of weed at the time," says Dave Reddix or Waldo Dave, now a 59-year-old filmmaker. "Half ...
time.com › 420-april-20-marijuana-pot-h...

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https://www.theguardian.com › nov ›
The North Korean Walter Whites funnelling crystal meth into China | World news | The Guardian
Nov 28, 2014 - Defectors and North Koreans working illicitly abroad say a large-scale drug trade has flooded .... five men from Thailand, accusing them of seeking to traffic 100kg of North Korean-produced ...

www.reuters.com › article › us-africa-dru...
Special Report: West Africa's alarming growth industry - meth - Reuters
Jul 24, 2015 - Mexican drug gangs play a central role in the meth industry in North America. ... A senior DEA official listed Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana and Guinea-Bissau as possible ...

https://www.cia.gov › publications › fields
CIA World Factbook - The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency
Belgium, growing producer of synthetic drugs and cannabis; transit point for US-bound ecstasy; source of ..... Korea to large illicit shipments of heroin and methamphetamine, including an attempt by the North Korean ...

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https://www.unodc.org › 2016-25-08-ec...
Strengthening the fight against methamphetamine trafficking in Burkina Faso - United Nations Office on ...
Magistrates and gendarmes better prepared to deal with methamphetamine trafficking in Burkina Faso ... In Burkina Faso, the evaluation conducted in Ouagadougou in April 2016 has revealed two concerning features ...
www.reuters.com › article › us-africa-dru...

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www.dailymail.co.uk › article-2613747
99% pure crystal meth made in North Korea... - Daily Mail
Pure Crystal Meth North Korea from www.dailymail.co.uk
Apr 26, 2014 - Brea-KIM bad! 99% pure crystal meth made in North Korea floods U.S. drug markets. U.S. police intercepted batch of highly addictive drug bound for New York; Tests revealed the ice-like crystals were 99 ...

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LIVE https://www.theguardian.com › live › sep
North Korea threat to US will be met with 'massive military response', says defense secretary Mattis | World news | The Guardian

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www.dailymail.co.uk › article-3456519
Rip Curl using 'slave labour' in North Korea to make clothes | Daily Mail Online
Feb 20, 2016 - Iconic surfwear label Rip Curl using 'slave labour' in North Korea to make their clothes - but use tags that say 'Made In China' ... Surfwear brand Rip Curl is accused of using factories in North Korea, where the conditions are reminiscent of slave labour, to create the company's 2015 ...

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Trump feeds fish, then winds up pouring entire box of food into koi pond - CNNPolitics - CNN.com
CNN.com › donald-trump-koi-pond-japan
2 days ago · The moment happened as Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe headed to lunch. ... As an aide clapped loudly, Abe and Trump tossed spoonfuls of fish food into the pond. Then, with a look of enjoyment, Trump quickly poured his entire box of food into the pond.

Media shows why it's so mistrusted after falsified Trump fish-feeding 'story' | TheHill
The Hill › opinion › white-house › 3589...
2 days ago · Abe took his entire box of fish food and dumped it into the pond. Trump did the same seconds later.

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Thu, 14 Dec 2017 15:52:00 +0900

東京都は、都立高校入試の英語で、スピーキング=話す能力を評価する都独自の新たな試験を、早ければ再来年度に試験的に実施した上で、本格的に導入していくことになりました。 14日開かれた東京都教育委員会の定例会では、3年後の東京オリンピック・パラリンピックを見据え、都立高校入試の英語でスピーキング=話す能力を評価するための方法について、都の検討結果が報告されました。 それによりますと「読む・書く・聞く・話す」の4つの項目を総合的に育成する必要があるとして、20年前から導入しているリスニング試験に加え、スピーキングを評価する新たな試験を早ければ再来年度に試験的に実施した上で、本格的に導入していくとしています。 具体的には、英語検定など民間の検定を行う団体と連携しながらも、既存の検定はそのまま使わずに、学習指導要領に沿った都独自の試験内容にするほか、通常の試験と同じようにスピーキングの試験も1人につき1回受けることで受験機会の公平性を確保するとしています。 こうした方向性について、教育委員からは「受験生はスピーキングの結果が配点のどの程度を占めるのか、興味を持つと思うので慎重に検討してもらいたい」などといった意見が出されました。 都は来年度、スピーキング試験の時期や配点など、試験の方法について具体的に検討することにしています。 入学試験の英語で、スピーキングを評価する動きが広がることを見据えて、中学生対象の学習塾でもスピーキングの対策に力を入れ始めています。 このうち、東京や千葉など、首都圏で116の教室を運営する学習塾は、ことしから中学生を対象に英語のスピーキングの指導を始めました。 生徒は、タブレット端末を使って、ネイティブの外国人が読み上げた英語の音声を聞いた後に、端末に向かって例文を読み上げます。 生徒の例文読み上げに対し、端末は発音やリズム、音の高さなどを判定して瞬時に採点します。 この学習塾では、来年から、スピーキングの指導を小学5年生や6年生にまで広げたいとしています。 授業を受けた中学3年の男子生徒は「英語を話すとなると発音などが難しいが、将来外国の人とコミュニケーションをとるためにも、スピーキングは大切だと思う」と話していました。 「市進学院」の原園明宏校長は「首都圏の高校入試は、近年、リスニングの配点や、自分の考えを英作文で表現する問題が増えるなど内容が変わってきている。今後も『読む・書く・聞く・話す』という4つの技能をバランス良く指導したい」と話しています。

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小学校の英語 文科省が新教材公表
12月10日 4時34分教育






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行こかメリケン, 帰ろかジャパン: ハワイ移民の100年 - Page 169
1978 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
ほ 5 では、約二〇名を擁した淑徳高女、武蔵野女子学院のほか、恵泉女学園、大妻技芸,同高女、学校、力行会海外留学生寮、青山学院中等部、瑞穂学園(稲田登戸)、 杉並中学校などで、女子の大学予科や中学校程度になると、男子では約五〇名を擁した早稲田国際学院のほか、日語文化のだ。実践女子専門学校、駿河台女学院、東京女子医専、東京女子大、東京女子専門学校などが主なも部などである。また女子の専門学校では、十数名の日本女子大学をはじめ、千代田女子専門学校、約一〇名の慶応義塾大学、 ...

第二次世界大戦前の在外子弟教育論の系譜 - Page 119
1993 - ‎Snippet view
ここにもアメリカ本土、ハワイ、た我が瑞穂学園の主義でもある。」^を体得し日本人の血を享けたる事に誇りを感ぜしめるに在る。(中略)大家族、之れ我が民族の一大特色であり、ま章出生地国人として特色あるバックを有する珍重せらるべき市民たり得るを自覚せしめること。第三、斯くて日本文化,ライトフユ—チヤなることを理解せしめ、日本海外発展の真の先駆者となり国際間の生ける橋なるを自負せしめ、又^「第一、温情を以て、 歪めるを正し、学生、教師、意気の投合すること、第二、生に希望を抱かせること、其のプの嘸 ...

トランスナショナル・アイデンティティと多文化共生: ...
村井忠政 - 2007 - ‎Snippet view
アメリカの高校等を卒業してから来日し、教育を受けた二世の受け入れ教育機関は、 外務省管轄としては敝之館、瑞穂学園、民間としては日米学院、早稲田国際学院が主なものである。大学、専門学校の付属として、二世の受け入れコ—スを併設していたのは、恵泉女学園、武蔵野女子学園、青山学院他である。その他 72 じ八付属の日語文化学校等々が存在した。 2 創立事情一九三九年、外務省情報部長であった河相達夫とアメリカ局長吉沢清次郎の二人の尽力により、海外で生まれた日系人に日本を知ってもらうこと ...

Amazon.co.jp:カスタマーレビュー: 帝国海軍士官になった日系二世
https://www.amazon.co.jp › product-revi...
日系二世(山田重夫海軍少尉)と日米戦争を取り扱ったドキュメントである。 「大和」の海上特攻に日系二世6名が乗り組んでいたことは知られていない。 当時、日本国内には日系二世の逆留学を受け入れる施設(「敝之館」「瑞穂学園」「早稲田国際学院」「日米学院」)があったことなども興味深い。「敝之館」の第一回卒業生は、日米開戦の一週間前に ...

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HDownload PDF - eScholarship
PDFhttps://escholarship.org › content
by M Jin · 2013 · Cited by 3 · Related articles
Jan 1, 2013 · he went to school as usual, only to learn that the Japanese attack on Pearl. Harbor had made Ekimoto and the forty members of Waseda's international student club strandees in Japan.92. Brawley ...

Foreign Correspondents in Japan
Charles Foreign Corresponden · 2011 · Biography & Autobiography
There he studied at the Japanese Foreign Office's Heishikan. One week before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, he joined the Domei News Agency. During his tenure there, he spent a year in Manila. Later he ...

The Bulletin - Issues 6518-6526
2006 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
Tamaye Tsutsumida was 19 and living on her family's farm in California in 1939 when she was chosen to attend a new school in Tokyo: the Heishikan, the "Public Service to the Emperor School". It was her first step on the road to Australia - and personal tragedy. The Heishikan, a nationalistic cram school for Japanese Americans, was established by Tatsuo Kawai, then director of the information bureau of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Most of the graduates, with their language skills, ...

Before Internment: Essays in Prewar Japanese American History
Yuji Ichioka, ‎Gordon H. Chang, ‎Eiichiro Azuma - 2006 - ‎Preview
In order to train selected Nisei, the Foreign Ministry established a special school in 1939 called the Heishikan. The idea for this school originated with KawaiTatsuo, information bureau chief of the Foreign Ministry. Having been once stationed in Vancouver, Canada, Kawai was knowledgeable about the Nisei. He was convinced that they could help to arrest the tide of anti-Japanese publicity if they were picked carefully and properly ..

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Assimilation and acculturation of long-term American residents in ...
Mitsuo Kondō - 1986 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
The program of Heishikan was designed mainly to train progress in the Japanese language, but it also offered courses on such subjects as Japanese Constitution, International Law, Japanese History, Politics, Economics, Chinese Classics and Manners and Behavior. The most pleasant memory of the first class was that all the students traveled as far as Hokkaido in the North and Taiwan in the South. But the students in the second class could not afford this sort of trip after Pearl Harbor ...

American Studies in Scandinavia - Volumes 32-33 - Page 83
2000 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
The deteriorating Japan-U.S. relations swelled such expectations. Japanese language papers carried New Year's Messages of Japanese consuls who admonished the Nisei (more precisely, admonished the parents to educate the Nisei) to be good U.S. citizens and foster mutual understanding between the two countries.41 It is in this light that Mizuho Gakuen and Heishikan were established in Japan as semi-governmental educational institutions for the Nisei.42 However, it should ...

Saving Australia: Curtin's Secret Peace with Japan - Page 251
Bob Wurth - 2006 - ‎Snippet view
Some of her friends in the Heishikan returned to the States after the war. I don't say she did not feel envious . . . She was the secretary of my father which might be the reason why the US refused her to come back. Tamaye did not tell me how she thought but I think she wanted to return to her family home.21 Tamaye sent several photographs home to the US in 1951. In one she is standing, smiling outside the house at Manazuru, her hands behind her back wearing a button-up blouse, ...

Our House Divided: Seven Japanese American Families in World War II
Tomi Kaizawa Knaefler, ‎A. A. Smyser - 1995 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
So, early in 1943, he was sent to Tokyo in the custody of the Japanese Foreign Office, which operated a special school called Heishikan for nisei such as Miyasato. It was started some four years before the war. A lineup of courses was taught, including English, shorthand, political economics, and one on morals and ethics called shushin. The morals and ethics class studied the character of men like Admiral Togo and Japan's feudal ...

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"Deborah Krisher-Steele" "The Cambodia Daily"

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Kunichi Nomura

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Sailor Diplomat: Nomura Kichisaburō and the Japanese-American War
https://books.google.co.jp/books?isbn=0674055993 -
Peter Cameron Mauch - 2011 - ‎Biography & Autobiography
Ikawa was quick to explain that Iwakuro had spoken with Konoe about the “Ikawa maneuver”; that although the foreign ministry and navy had shown little enthusiasm, War Minister Tojo wondered whether some good might come of it; and that Tojo had dispatched both Ikawa and Iwakuro for ... (It might be well to note that Castle's assessment of N omura's English-language ability in no way squares with Hull's later reference to Nomura's “marginal” or “uncertain” command of English.) ..

To Have and Have Not: Southeast Asian Raw Materials and the Origins ...
https://books.google.co.jp/books?isbn=0520088239 -
Jonathan Marshall - 1995 - ‎History
Unfortunately, Nomura was not an experienced diplomat and spoke little English. These shortcomings caused serious difficulties in later discussions between the two governments. Although gracious to his old friend, Roosevelt firmly outlined the U.S. position. Noting that the American people were "seriously concerned . . . at the course of Japan," Roosevelt referred to the "movements of Japan southward down to Indochina and the Spratley Islands and other localities in that area" as ..

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日米両国の相互理解について - 学士会アーカイブス | 会報・発行物 | 一般 ...


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[Editorial] Trump's “bloody nose” strategy must be completely off the ...
The Hankyoreh-2018/02/02
The bloody nose is one of the Donald Trump administration's military options: a small-scale, limited surgical strike against North Korean nuclear sites or other nuclear facilities that ostensibly would not provoke a response from North Korea. ... Indeed, White House National Security Council senior director for Asian affairs Matthew Pottinger reportedly said in a recent closed-door meeting with US experts on Korean Peninsula issues that a limited strike on the North might ...

No 'bloody nose' plan for North Korea strike: US commander
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Pacific Command said on Thursday the United States does not have a “bloody nose” strategy for a possible preventive strike against North Korea, insisting that such a move “is not contemplated.” Navy Admiral Harry Harris made the assertion in testimony before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee just a week after President Donald Trump said he was prepared to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, marking ...

Trumplomacy: Who's going to represent US at N Korea talks now?
BBC News-2018/03/16
As President Donald Trump reshuffles his Team of Rivals, questions abound about who will be part of high-stakes talks with North Korea on nuclear weapons. Within minutes of his audacious on-the-spot decision to accept an invitation from Kim Jong-un, news reports were detailing the thinness of America's North Korea bench - which got thinner this week after Trump's brutal sacking of his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. There's been much handwringing from ...

米朝の戦争の可能性は? 山本一太議員が米国の軍事行動シミュレーションを読み解く - ...
logmi.jp › 社会 › 政治
シリーズ: CafeSta > 【CafeSta】山本一太の直滑降ストリーム@Cafesta ゲスト:北村経夫参議院議員、青山繁晴 参議院議員. 2018年2月14日のログ. スピーカー: 参議院 .... Bloody Nose。とにかくバーンってちょっと殴って鼻血だけ出 ...

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sacrifice redemption

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Isaac Akedah

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the english effect - British Council
PDF https://www.britishcouncil.org › sites › files
educational opportunities and cultural relations. We work ... How English is changing

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University of Shizuoka Seijiro Takeshita BBC


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山梨淳 著
2011/10/23 - 戦時中に満州その他の地域のカトリック教会が日本により保護され. たこと ... イエズス会を日本に派遣することを決定し ... 従来、一九〇八年のイエズス会再来日は、オコンネルが日 ... 葉、海外宣教地で教会を設立し、現地人司祭を育成することを目的 ...... 宣教の当局者﹂たる司教らの善処を懇願している 。 .... も、最も﹁智育的の方針﹂をもった宣教会として、イエズス会に若 ...... 義勇を鼓舞奨励するは結構なれども、戦争の為に戦争すというが如 ...... 今後英語を以て天主教を伝播することに尽力さるべ

なぜローマ法王は世界を動かせるのか: インテリジェンス大国バチカンの政治力
徳安茂 - 2017 - ‎プレビュー -

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The Calendar of the Tokio Kasei-Gakko, Or Imperial University of ...
1876 - ‎Read - ‎More editions

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The Cross and the Rising Sun: The Canadian Protestant missionary ...
A. Hamish Ion - 1990 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
Hiraiwa began to attend the services at the Dqjinsha regularly; conveniently, the school was on the way home from his Kaisei Gakko dormitory, where he lived during the week, to his father's house in Koishikawa, where he spent Sundays.

匿名 さんのコメント...

merican Missionaries, Christian Oyatoi, and Japan, 1859-73
Hamish Ion - 2010 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
15° Within the Western faculty of the Kaisei Gakko, the antagonism between Americans and Englishmen appeared to be especially sharp. Peter Veeder, a staunch Reformed Church Christian whom Verbeck had brought from San Francisco to ...

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Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra SS nazi

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ingram vanderbilt donation

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British Museum - The Asahi Shimbun Displays
https://www.britishmuseum.org › about_us
The Asahi Shimbun Displays in Room 3 are a series of free temporary displays that showcase single or small groups of objects from the Museum's ... Manga now: three generations, 3 September – 15 November 2015.

British Museum - Manga now
https://www.britishmuseum.org › about_us
The Asahi Shimbun Displays Objects in focus. Nakamura Hikaru (b. 1984), Jesus and Buddha drawing manga. Cover artwork for Saint Oniisan vol. 10. Digital print, hand drawn with colour added on computer, 2014.

Ten years of the Asahi Shimbun Displays: focussing in on objects in focus – The British Museum Blog
https://blog.britishmuseum.org › ten-year...
2016/02/03 · 2015 saw the ten-year anniversary of the Asahi Shimbun Displays at the British Museum. Located in Room 3, to the right of the main entrance, these displays have provided the opportunity to focus in ...

British Museum - Archive: Manga: Professor Munakata's British Museum adventure
https://www.britishmuseum.org › about_us
2009/11/05 · Come and see an exclusive new manga by Hoshino Yukinobu at the British Museum. A free exhibition from 5 November - 3 January ... Free. Exhibition closed. Room 3. The Asahi Shimbun Displays

British Museum - Manga
https://www.britishmuseum.org › about_us
Manga: Professor Munakata's British Museum adventure. The Asahi Shimbun Displays. 5 November 2009 – 3 January 2010. Room 3. Admission free. Japan's leading manga artist Hoshino Yukinobu creates a new ...

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birthday gift sanrio shintaro tsuji

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yokohama yamanashi canada methodist eiwa

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Full text of "The Japan Christian year-book" - Internet Archive
https://archive.org › stream
There may be a kindergarten maintained by the church, in which case the pastor, his wife and the church ...... Kinnosuke Morita, Prin cipal Yamanashi Eiwa Jo Gakko, NMK, UCC Atago Machi, Kofu, Yamanashi Ken ...

Full text of "The Japan Christian year-book" - Internet Archive
https://archive.org › stream
Kindergartens — Their Place and Signi- ficance in the Christian Movement— —Miss A. L. Howe 271 ...... to 1880 he laid the foundations of Christian work in the city of Kofu and the surrounding territory of Yamanashi Ken.

山梨英和カートメル 辻信太郎

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Shintaro Tsuji gift japan

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Seishin Ch'ongjin

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sea otter fur trade ainu china

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Kuril Islands - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Kuril_Is...
The Kuril Islands or Kurile Islands (/ˈkʊərɪl, ˈkjʊərɪl, kjʊˈriːl/; Russian: Кури́льские острова́, tr. Kurilskiye ostrova, IPA: .... Replica of an East Indiaman of the Dutch East India Company/United East India ...

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Eastern Destiny: Russia in Asia and the North Pacific - xv ページ
G. Patrick March - 1996 - ‎
Aleutians and Alaska while others were trying unsuccessfully to open trade with Japan, a nation that had isolated itself from the Western powers by means of its ... One of the overriding problems facing company operations, which had frustrated the people in the fur trade during the preceding two centuries, was the provision of ...

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Old China Trade - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Old_Chi...
en.wikipedia.org からのold china fur trade
The Old China Trade refers to the early commerce between the Qing Empire and the United States under the Canton System, ... U.S.–China relations. The Maritime Fur Trade was a major aspect of the Old China Trade.

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素顔の大建築家たち 02 - 98 ページ
日本建築家協会, ‎都市建築編集研究所 - 2001
に過労で体調を壊して、結局、人よりも二カ月遅れて卒業するということになります。 ... ちなみにこのころは大学は七月卒業で、八月か九月の入社になりますが、竹腰さんはややイレギュラーなかたちで入社することになります。 ... むしろ英語がよくできるというので通訳代りに使われるというようなことがあって、あまり面白くない思いもしていたようです


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Title 英語に翻訳しやすい日本語文章作成支援システムの提案 Sub Title A system proposal to help ... - 慶應義塾大学学術情報リポジトリ(KOARA)
あkoara.lib.keio.ac.jp › download.php
著者: 宮外真理子 · 2016 · 関連記事
日本語使用者が英語論文を書くとき、人または機械による翻訳や英文校正を行うことが ..... 書き手」が英訳を意識することにより、「翻訳者」による解釈の範囲を減らし、「書き.

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Mattis resignation injects uncertainty at critical time for US-S. Korean alliance - News - Stripes - Stars and Stripes
https://www.stripes.com › news › mattis-r...
16 時間前 · Defense Secretary Jim Mattis visits the South Korean side of the Joint ... will leave his post by the end of February after two years that included ...“It’s certainly going to cause concern, I think, in South Korea,” said Jenny Town, a Korea specialist at the Washington, D.C.-based Stimson Center. “Mattis is one of the few people they looked to for direction and reason in an administration where it has been often difficult to decipher what our policy is and where our relationship is going.”

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China's Quest to Become a Quantum Superpower - Foreign Affairs
https://www.foreignaffairs.com › china
2018/09/26 · And although such gambles are risky, the potential payoff is enormous: if successful, China's quest for leadership in quantum science may help to tilt the balance of power between Beijing and ...

Not Only China: Quantum Satellite Communication on the Rise in the Indo-Pacific | The Diplomat
https://thediplomat.com › 2018/09 › not-...
2018/09/26 · China listed quantum communication and computing as one of the science priority areas in its 13th Five ... operations earlier than South Korea, it could destabilize the balance of power on the peninsula.

Is China seeking “quantum surprise?” - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
https://thebulletin.org › Analysis
2018/03/01 · It has become clear that China recognizes the potential of quantum technologies to enhance national power—and thus aspires to lead in research and development in this new domain. Xi Jinping himself ...

China's great leap forward in science | Science | The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com › feb › chi...
2018/02/18 · In 2016 China initiated an international project called Quantum Experiments at Space Scale ... Zheng He in the 15th century, which some historians today regard as a way of asserting the “soft power ...

Chinese Scientists Set New Quantum Entanglement Record---Chinese Academy of Sciences
english.cas.cn › head
2018/07/04 · The research by scientists at the University of Science and Technology of China was recently published ... Many scientists believe quantum computing could in some ways dwarf the processing power of ...

退位関連予算に35億円 御所改修や儀式、職員増員:朝日新聞デジタル
https://www.asahi.com › articles
2017/12/22 · 22日に閣議決定された政府の来年度当初予算案で、天皇陛下の退位と新天皇の即位 関連の準備

来年度予算案:皇位継承関連に35.6億円 - 毎日新聞
https://mainichi.jp › articles
2017/12/22 · 政府は22日、2018年度予算案で、19年4月30日の天皇陛下の退位と、5月1日の皇太子さまの即位に関連して35億6000万円を計上した。皇位継承関連の儀式の準備や、退位後の陛下の住まいの ...

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In full: US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis's resignation letter - New Statesman
https://www.newstatesman.com › 2018/12
2 日前 ·I pledge my full effort to a smooth transition that ensures the needs and interests of 2.15 million Service Members and 732, 079 DoD civilians receive undistracted attention of the Department at all times so that they can fulfill their critical, round-the-clock mission to protect the American people.

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Remarks by Secretary Mattis on National Defense Strategy > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Transcript View - Defense.gov
https://dod.defense.gov › ... › Transcripts
2018/12/01 · So we join President Bush's family, all of us in Department of Defense, and I'm sure all of you, in remembering his .... We intend to uphold the trust of the American taxpayers and the Congress. Turning ...

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【書評】『太平洋戦争 日本語諜報戦 言語官の活躍と試練』武田珂代子著(産経新聞) 太平洋戦争で海軍の電報と外交電報は傍受…|dメニューニュース ...
https://topics.smt.docomo.ne.jp › life › sa...
2018/12/09 · 太平洋戦争で海軍の電報と外交電報は傍受解読されたが陸軍暗号は安泰だった。この“神話”を覆す連合軍の言語官による対日諜報戦の舞台裏を探ったのが本書だ。 米国は日米両国で教育を受けた「帰米二世 ...

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How 'Christopher Robin' Erased a Disabled Girl From Its Story | Hollywood Reporter - The ...
https://www.hollywoodreporter.com › ho...
2018/08/03 · The character is actually a revised interpretation of Christopher Robin Milne's real daughter, Clare — a fascinating woman born with cerebral palsy. She used the funds from the publication of Winnie the Pooh to found the Clare Milne Trust, a philanthropic organization that helps people with disabilities in England.

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Blue Bottle James Freeman

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Macron denounces nationalism as a 'betrayal of patriotism' in rebuke to Trump at WWI remembrance - The Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › europe
2018/11/11 · ... to defend the “universal values” of France, he said, and to reject the “selfishness of nations only looking after their own interests. Because patriotism is exactly the opposite of nationalism.” ...

Macron and the yellow vests have this in common: the people don't trust them - The Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › news
2018/12/21 · ... aside the “selfishness of nations only looking after their own interests. Because patriotism is exactly the opposite of nationalism.” But it is precisely this “selfishness” that explains the failure of ...

In Europe, both the elites and populists have failed - Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › macron
2018/12/21 · But it is precisely this “selfishness” that explains the failure of the elites at not only containing nationalism but also at demonstrating an alternative — at proving their “patriotism.”.

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Title 言語習得理論からみたベーシックイングリッシュの意義 Author(s) 水野, 光晴; Mizuno, ...
PDF klibredb.lib.kanagawa-u.ac.jp › bitstream
著者: 水野光晴 · 1992 · 関連記事
は人工言語エスペラントが実用的ではないので、一般的な通信、科学、. 商業のための国際補助 .... 室 勝、 1972、『Basic English の文体』、GDM 英語教授法研究会出版部。 室 勝、1972、Busic ...

巷說出版界 - 112 ページ
大輪盛登 - 1977 - ‎スニペット表示
が占領軍接収の札を貼られること 2 ー 2 タトル大尉のために、相島たちは資料を提供し協力したが、ある日、タトルが、「日本文化を研究したい。どこかに適当な ... その年の暮から、室勝は C ー E 出版調査課でタトル大尉を助けて働くことになった。日本の出版 ...

ベ平連 室 思想の科学

鶴見俊輔さん追悼――49年後の別れ - 室 謙二|WEBRONZA - 朝日新聞社の言論サイト - ...
https://webronza.asahi.com › articles
2015/08/06 · それから私は思想の科学研究会で学び、鶴見さんにさそわれて雑誌「思想の科学」の編集委員になり、編集代表にもなった。鶴見さんを経由して「ベトナムに平和を!市民連合(ベ平連 ...

www.jca.apc.org › beheiren › MuroKen...
室謙二のアメリカ通信. 室謙二さんは、元ベ平連の活動家で、「ジャテック」メンバーとして米反戦脱走兵の援助などでも活躍された方で、コンピューター評論などをされています。現在、アメリカ国籍を取得し、 ...

天皇とマッカーサーのどちらが偉い?――​日本が自由であったころの回想 | 室 謙二 |本 | 通販 | ...
内容紹介. ベ平連活動家として脱走兵逃亡の手助けをし、FBIから睨まれながらも米国籍を取得した元『 思想の科学』編集長が綴るユニークな米国体験と、輝いていた戦後日本への追想

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Diamonds, and gold, are Malca-Amit's best friends

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https://www.si.com › vault › 1959/04/27
As a result of their chance meeting, C. V. Starr first arranged for Igaya to go to the 1952 Winter Olympics in Oslo , later put him through Dartmouth College, where Igaya won the much-prized award of student who has done ...

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The Center for Japanese Studies - International Institute - University of Michigan
PDF https://www.ii.umich.edu › cjs-documents
September 1953. Crown Prince Akihito visits CJS and tours the U-M campus and. Ann Arbor. ..... Cultural Resources Studies; and Ms. Toshie Marra, Librarian for the
Japanese Collection of the C.V. Starr East Asia ...

PDF https://www.japansociety.org › documents
Dinner held in honor of Crown Prince Akihito attended by 1,500. Performing Arts Program established; first ...... Work also included the creation of C.V. Starr. Library and renovation of the auditorium and fourth floor offices.

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Tennis and America, Thank You: Memoirs of a Czech Refugee, 1948
Freddie Botur - 2013
... students was Chiharu Igaya, whom he sponsored at Dartmouth College, and another student protégé was Richard Liesching He also sponsored some students ... at AIU, he became the head of Starr's successful insurance company in Tokyo and became very friendly with Japanese Prince Akihito, with whom he played tennis ...

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United States Forces Korea J8


J8 in Korea - motobayashi.net
www.motobayashi.net › j8_b4_hl1
For a period of time even after the war, Korea used J8. Fortunately enough, US-CQ — May 1948 p. 54 — gives us a description of the switch-over date from J8 to HL1 as "Feb. 15, 1948." ...

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Hitler Youth tour Japan - Collections Search - United States Holocaust ...
German Hitler Youth (HJ) troops in white dress uniform visit the camp. Japanese practice drills ... Men with buckets dive for Mikimoto pearls off the island of Toba. CUs, one HJ youth holds four pearls in his hand. HJ boys fish and participate in ...Train arrives at a station, Japanese civilians wave flags from the platform. ... Pan of stadium grounds, uniformed crowd, movie camera, Prince Chichibu, and a Nazi official speaking from the platform.

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Full text of "The Times , 1998, UK, English" - Internet Archive
The Health Secretary told members of complementary and alternative medicine org¬ anisations: “People want treat¬ ment .... Kew's distin¬ guished director who acquired 6 The Emperor is one of the most powerless heads of state in the world, ..

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Full text of "The Times , 1998, UK, English" - Internet Archive
...... Not surprisingly, the society said yesterday that it envisaged that its bestowal of such an honour would be "rare”.

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Korean Affairs Report - DTIC
31 Mar 1986 - 11 March 1986. S. KOREA/POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT. DJP OTAIRMM ON STATUS OF ...... a plan for a visit to Seoul by Japanese Crown Prince Akihito and his wife, the Korean Foreign Ministry announced Tuesday.

United States National Interests in the Republic of Korea. - DTIC
(in $ millions and percentage of total expots). SOURCE: Korea Herald, 11 March 1986. TOP EXPORT ITEMS. TABLE 2 ..... Chun returned his visit in Tokyo. Plans are now In the making for a visit to. Seoul by the Japanese Crown Prince Akihito.

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Inherited Responsibility and Historical Reconciliation in ... - 131 ページ
Jun-Hyeok Kwak, ‎Melissa Nobles - 2013
In her letter to Fahs dated March 3rd, 1961, Sakanishi evaluated Eto as follows: “For the last three years I have an eye on him, and find he is ... he had been awarded “a Rockefeller Foundation fellowship for research on eighteenth century English literature at Princeton University” (Paine 1962).

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Untitled - Queens Memory Project
Seating Awangements. JAPAN DAY DINNER. The Hotel Astor. JUNE 28TH, 1940 ..... Miss Shio Sakanishi. Mr. William J. Sebald. Mr. H. Hamilton Weber. Mrs. H. Hamilton Weber. TABLE No. 49. Mr. John C. Goold. Mr. J. Stewart Jamieson.

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"dutch east india company" zacharias

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Asian Godfathers: Money and Power in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia
Joe Studwell · 2008 · Business & Economics
In 1957 Sukarno nationalised 246 Dutch companies and soon after passed laws discriminating against the ... to be engaging in smuggling activities to support his army budget, working in particular with opium smugglers.

Indonesia Field Report II – Bali High, Rainforest Low: The Illicit Drug Trade in Indonesia - Brookings Institution
https://www.brookings.edu › research › i...
2013/02/06 · Like in Ms. Sandiford's case, Indonesian law punishes drug smuggling with the death penalty, ...At the turn of the 20th century, the Dutch imported opium from British India, Persia, and Turkey and sold it in legal government-sponsored shops and smoking outfits as well as to pharmaceutical companies. The Japanese occupation forces taxed the opium-processing factories as did Sukarno’s pro-independence forces who took over the factories from the Japanese. After the end of World War II, the pro-independence parallel government smuggled out large quantities of illegal opium to Singapore to generate revenues to fight the Dutch.[7] 

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OSS in China: Prelude to Cold War
Maochun Yu - 2013 - ‎Preview
In late December of 1941, two Old China Hands named Larsen and Underwood presented Donovan with a special operations plan designed to ... 61 The “tie-up” Donovan mentioned to Roosevelt was with none other than John Keswick, the director of the SOE-run China Commando Group.

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CARP "Unification Church" "University of Southern California"

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Who still owes what for the two World Wars? - CNBC.com
2015/03/18 - Christopher Gerteis, Senior Lecturer in the History of Contemporary Japan, at the SOAS, University of London, told CNBC via email, that "the amounts paid, though seemingly small, were negotiated and paid during the 1950s...."What is important to note here is that an significant minority of South Koreans and Chinese do not accept these reparations as adequate – no matter what agreements have been signed. It is a complex issue, fraught with legal, moral, and historical concerns that strike deep at those who choose to think about it."

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Corey Feldman on Elijah Wood Hollywood Pedophilia Controversy: "I Would Love to Name Names" | Hollywood Reporter
https://www.hollywoodreporter.com › co...
2016/05/25 · ... child predators in Hollywood, a place "where adults have more direct and inappropriate connection with children than probably anywhere else in the world." Your time as a child ...

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Michelle Obama Would Hug the Queen Again, Probably | Vanity Fair
2019/04/15 · Would you believe that “Queen Elizabeth” is the cool, approachable name for the reigning monarch of England? In moments of proper formality, she's actually Elizabeth the Second, by the ...

Why Michelle Obama Hugged Queen Elizabeth in Their 2009 Meeting - Harper's Bazaar
2018/11/13 · Nine years ago, then-First Lady Michelle Obama met Queen Elizabeth II and accidentally committed a royal faux pas by putting her arm around the monarch. Touching, let alone embracing , ...

Michelle Obama On That Time She Broke Royal Protocol With Queen Elizabeth | HuffPost
2019/04/15 · Writing about the impromptu hug in her memoir, Obama noted that the queen had seemed ... First lady Michelle Obama walks with Queen Elizabeth at a reception at Buckingham Palace on ...

When Michelle Obama hugged the Queen - BBC News - BBC.com
2018/11/13 · The former First Lady says she was not aware of "royal protocol" when she placed her arm around the Queen in 2009.

Michelle Obama Recalls How Queen Elizabeth Told Her Royal Protocol Is "All Rubbish" - Marie Claire
2018/12/04 · The former first lady raised eyebrows when she hugged Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, but it turns out that even the Queen told Michelle Obama that royal protocol is "all rubbish."

Michelle Obama's G20 faux pas brings out Queen's touchy-feely side | US news | The Guardian
2009/04/02 · Nor is Michelle Obama the first person to have initiated physical contact with Elizabeth without ... to have broken this rule, the first being Alice Frazier, who hugged the Queen in Washington in ...

Michelle Obama reveals real reason she hugged the Queen - The Telegraph
2018/11/13 · When Michelle Obama placed an arm around the Queen during a Buckingham Palace reception, it was regarded as a terrible faux pas. Now the former First Lady has revealed the truth behind ...

Was The Queen Upset When Michelle Obama Hugged Her? Queen Elizabeth's Reaction to the Broken Royal Rule - The Cheat Sheet
2018/11/19 · It's not so easy for people new to the presence of the royals. When Michelle Obama met Her Majesty the Queen for the first time, for example, things didn't go as smoothly as the First Lady had hoped.

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Barack Obama joins Prince Harry for Invictus surprise - BBC News
2017/09/30 · Barack Obama has joined Prince Harry to spring a surprise on the penultimate day of the Invictus Games in Toronto. The former US president and the prince visited the US wheelchair ...

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1MDB: Fugees rapper and Malaysian businessman indicted over Obama donations | World news | The Guardian
2019/05/11 · Another defendant in the 1MDB case, Ng Chong Hwa, a former Goldman Sachs banker also known as Roger Ng, was extradited to the United States from Malaysia last week and pleaded not guilty in a court in New York on Monday.

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Prince Harry eats with Muslim community breaking Ramadan fast | London Evening Standard
2017/06/04 · Prince Harry was today photographed head bowed during the Muslim call to prayer ... The idea for Harry taking part in the iftar was agreed mutually well ahead of his whistle-stop trip to ...

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cocaine leadership

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Exam board launches investigation after Maths A-level paper is leaked online for third year in a row - The Telegraph
14 時間前 · They explained that this “ensures a fair system, so that students of the same ability will be awarded the same grade in different years, even if there are differences in the demand of papers”.

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as.ucpress.edu › ucpfes › 209.full.pdf
Japanese Rayon Interests Watching Sanctions
(Japan-Soviet). Oil Co., Ltd., to obtain an extension of its Soviet sales concession which expires in 1938. This company was formerly the Matsukata. Nisso Oil Co., whose purchase of Soviet gasoline and subsequent.

www.empire.co.jp › export › growth-story
Gasoline Service Station - エンパイヤ自動車株式会社
Oil companies announced a big increase of gasoline price, raising by 10sen from 33sen to 43sen per gallon ... During this price hike dispute of the gasoline, in August, 1932, Mr. Kojiro Matsukata departed to Soviet ...

旭石油 松方 瀬島

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World's largest train maker China's CRRC on uphill climb post-merger - Nikkei Asian Review
2017/11/04 · BEIJING -- As Chinese train manufacturer CRRC confronts slower growth in a maturing market at home, ... system for 284 train cars in 2014, the company decided to build its first U.S. production plant in ...

American workers train in China for CRRC plant in US - Business - Chinadaily.com.cn
2017/05/31 · It was just the beginning of an incredible journey that transformed China into a major player in high-speed rail technology. Back in the 19th century, 30 pupils from the imperial court of the Qing Dynasty ...

Chinese train maker expands US market - Business - Chinadaily.com.cn
2017/04/07 · A mockup of the Orange Line car made by Chinese train maker CRRC Corp Ltd made a debut to ... The manufacturer is building a plant in Springfield of Massachusetts, once the US' manufacturing base.

China to bid on D.C. Metro rail deal as national security hawks circle - ロイター
2019/05/09 · China's CRRC plans to bid on a big Washington D.C. subway project as it doubles down on a charm campaign in the United States to quash a rising chorus of critics who have cast the rail car ...

Japan's rail firms fear eclipse by China in U.S. | The Japan Times
2015/09/29 · Days before Chinese President Xi Jinping made a high-profile visit to the United States last week, Beijing said six ... High-speed trains are assembled at a factory in China's Hebei province in February.


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The Secret History of GCHQ - How Scarborough saved the world - @bbcradio4

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Barack Obama on Twitter: "I was proud to work with Justin Trudeau as President. He's a hard-working, effective leader who takes on big issues like climate change. The world ...
8 days ago · He's a hard-working, effective leader who takes on big issues like climate change. The world needs his progressive leadership now, and I hope our neighbors to the north support ...

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Chiharu “Chick” Igaya '57 | Dartmouth Alumni Magazine
Career: Joined Starr's company as trainee in New York City in 1959 then returned to Japan, where he became chairman, AIG Japan, 1994; after retiring in 2008 founded his own information technology and consulting ...

Education of Future Leaders | AIG Centennial
AIG has been committed to bettering its communities from the organization's earliest days. ... Starr was an avid skier, and in 1951, while chatting with the owner of a Japanese ski shop, Chiharu Igaya walked into the ...

A Desire to Leave the World Better Than He Found It: Acts of Generosity from AIG's Founder CV Starr
17 Dec 2018 · Coffin said he was simply keen to give back — and did in a massive way for Chiharu “Chick” Igaya, whom he met on a skiing trip in Japan. An avid skier, Starr had been chatting with the ...

January 30 - Ivy@50
30 Jan 2007 · His arrival at Dartmouth College didn't exactly create excitement, but when Chiharu Igaya ... in 1960 Igaya pursued a career with the international insurance company AIU (later known also as AIG), ...

The AIG Story, + Website
Maurice R. Greenberg, Lawrence A. Cunningham · 2013 · Business & Economics
A contemporary recipient was Chiharu ... Smith had persuaded Greenberg to accept Igaya into his training program, and Starr used the cover story of visiting Chicago to catch up with Igaya as a way to meet Greenberg.

Dartmouth Icons and What We Can Learn From Them - Dartmouth 68
Chiharu (Chick) Igaya '57. In 1951, just a few short years after World. War II and its significant hostilities ... Group (AIG), which built a huge and prof- itable business in Asia. Over the years,. Starr placed some forty ...

Lacrosse is coming to Japan!! - Tokyo Weekender
10 Jul 1987 · As the movement gained momentum, Endo recruited Chiharu (Chick) Igaya (CEO, American ... Ltd.); M. Fujii (Keio University); Ken Nottingham (CEO, AIG Companies, Japan/Korea); Sadao Irie ...

... on a tennis court, but Akihito and Michiko were not the only ardent tennis players in Tokyo whose love sets ... As a result of their chance meeting, C. V. Starr first arranged for Igaya to go to the 1952 Winter Olympics in ...

Tennis and America, Thank You: Memoirs of a Czech Refugee, 1948
Freddie Botur · 2013 · Biography & Autobiography
... Starr told me that after Igaya completed his studies and employment at AIU, he became the head of Starr's successful insurance company in Tokyo and became very friendly with Japanese Prince Akihito, with whom he ...

Page 1 — Shin Nichibei 12 April 1959 — California Digital Newspaper Collection
TOKYO, April 11—(SATURDAY)—(UPI)—Crown Prince Akihito and Princess Michiko, their wedding day marred .... I C.V. Starr, wealthy American insurance executive who took a personal interest in Igaya and ...

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Chiaki Akimoto Director, RUSI Japan

Dr Chiaki Akimoto is director of RUSI Japan.He was a senior defence analyst and news commentator at the NHK-Japan Broadcasting Corporation, specialising in military, security and intelligence affairs.He has been a ...

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Duke of York in Japan to speak at RUSI conference - GOV.UK
3 Oct 2013 · We are very honoured to welcome His Royal Highness Prince Andrew, The Duke of York today. His attendance is particularly significant as we advance the development of Japan-UK bilateral relations .

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防衛装備品の見本市 国内初の開催 その背景は? | NHKニュース
3 days ago · 見本市は、イギリスで2年に1回開かれている世界最大規模のもので、今回、日本が開催 地に選ばれ、防衛省や外務省、経済産業省などが後援しました。 防衛省によりますと、陸海空から宇宙 ...

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BBC kills off Human Planet after whale-hunting 'fakery' scandal | News | The Times
27 Apr 2018 · The double scandal represents a serious blow to the reputation of the BBC's world-famous natural history unit, which also produces the blockbuster Sir David Attenborough series such as Blue Planet II.

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Korea Now - Volume 30 - Page 13
https://books.google.co.uk › books
2001 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
Sookmyung, American Univ. Offer Dual Degrees Japan's Unpardonable Impunity By Lee Kyong-hee, Editor-in-chief Korea as a ... It marks the first time that a Korean President has appeared in TV advertisements produced by foreign organizations. President Kim ... In his address at the ceremony held with many British and Korean veterans, Prince Andrew remembered the courage of those British soldiers who came to Korea and played a key role during the Korean War. Makiko Tanaka ...

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Friendship group to host Pyongyang blockchain, cryptocurrency conference in 2020 | NK News
2019/09/10 · ... Pyongyang Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Conference will be held in February 2020 as part of a week-long tour, event organizers the Korean Friendship Association (KFA) have said. KFA Spain and ...

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North Korea English (V) | AP Archive
North Korean students are getting the chance to learn English from British teachers. It's part of a British Foreign Office-funded project to provide native English speaking teachers to educational institutions in North Korea.

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In the Eye of the China Storm: A Life Between East and West
Paul T.K. Lin, Eileen Chen Lin · 2011 · Biography & Autobiography
Paul Desmarais and Maurice Strong of Petro-Canada were especially keen to establish a trade presence in China before US recognition opened the country to American competitors. The Canada China Trade Council ...

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Anna Louise Strong - Wikipedia
Anna Louise Strong. Friend, Nebraska, U.S. Anna Louise Strong (November 24, 1885 – March 29, 1970) was a 20th-century American journalist and activist, best known for her reporting on and support for communist movements in the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China.

Maurice Strong - Wikipedia
Maurice Frederick Strong, PC, CC, OM, FRSC, FRAIC (April 29, 1929 – November 27, 2015) was a Canadian oil and mineral ... He is a distant cousin of American journalist and activist Anna Louise Strong. Strong ...

How I Saw It: Analysis and Commentary on Environmental ...
Richard L Sandor - 2016 - ‎プレビュー
Analysis and Commentary on Environmental Finance (1999–2005) Richard L Sandor ... Our friends Paulo Protasio and Andrei Marcu have devoted countless hours to build and strengthen IETA's role in the emissions trading market. ... During one of our conversations, Maurice Strong and I agreed that we had to formalize the dialogue on emissions trading that had been taking place in ...

Countdown to Kyoto, Parts I-III: Hearings Before the ...
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science. Subcommittee on Energy and Environment - 1998 - ‎読む - ‎他の版
In response, Dr. Richard L. Sandor, Chief Executive Officer of Centre Financial Products Limited, commented: “President Clinton has challenged the private ... Maurice Strong, who was Secretary General of the historic 1992 Rio "Earth Summit" and is now Chairman of the Earth Council. ... " Leaders are already working to make a market-based solution a reality," noted Sandor.

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JFK files reveal CIA considered assassinating Indonesian president Sukarno - Sydney Morning Herald
30 Oct 2017 · It details CIA attempts to assassinate Cuban leader Fidel Castro and says the CIA also considered killing Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba and Indonesian president Sukarno. "America ...

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Francisco Paesa - Wikipedia
Francisco Paesa is a Spanish former spy and businessman best known for his implication in several corruption scandals and the faking of his own death in the 1990s.

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Death of Adnan Khashoggi, Saudi arms dealer and playboy, once dubbed 'world's richest man' | South China Morning Post
Adnan Khashoggi, a Saudi middleman-for-hire who amassed huge wealth and influence peddling everything from American weapons to favours for Riyadh's rulers and CIA spymasters, only to see his fortunes ...

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Rio Tinto and Minmetals look for copper, zinc and lead in China - Reuters
11 Oct 2019 · TIANJIN, China (Reuters) - Rio Tinto is looking for copper and zinc- lead deposits in four Chinese regions, including Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, as part of an ...

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North Korean defector reveals Austrian connection | World news | The Guardian
2010/03/05 · ...With North Korea willing to pay 30% more than the asking price for embargoed goods, Austrians and others were also eager to participate. In this way, metal detectors, specialised weapons, devices that could read fingerprints and other, often banned, products found their way into the isolated country.

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Vienna's ballet academy 'encouraged children to smoke to stay slim'
6 hours ago · Austrian commission investigating abuse claims says State Opera is endangering wellbeing of young.

Abuse Allegations Rock Vienna Ballet School
12 Apr 2019 · The students who were subject to physical or emotional abuse have our deepest sympathy,” ... abuse after allegations were reported on Tuesday by Falter, an Austrian ...

thelocal.at › vienna-stat...
Vienna State Opera's ballet academy hit by abuse allegations - The Local Austria
10 Apr 2019 · The ballet academy at Vienna's renowned State Opera was hit Wednesday by allegations of serious physical and mental abuse against its students, as well as sexual ...

www.scmp.com › ... › Europe
Abuse at top Vienna ballet school: children hit, humiliated and told to smoke to stay slim, probe reveals | South China Morning Post
5 hours ago · Abuse at top Vienna ballet school: children hit, humiliated and told to smoke to stay ... as well as by physically assaulting them, an Austrian commission probing abuse ...

www.dailymail.co.uk › news
Vienna's prestigious State Opera ballet academy 'endangered children as part of a culture of abuse' | Daily Mail Online
5 hours ago · Vienna's prestigious ballet academy is endangering children's wellbeing including by encouraging them to smoke to stay slim, an Austrian commission probing abuse ...

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US Sanctions Two Lebanese Men as Top Donors to Hezbollah
Wall Street Journal-2019/12/13
“Some imagine that if Iran is assaulted, then Iran will depend on its allies to retaliate,” Mr. Nasrallah said. ... Mr. Assi then provided financing to Hezbollah's operational arm, Islamic Jihad, through another wealthy Lebanese ...

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Costumes or coronavirus? Synagogues cancel Purim ...
Washington Post-6 Mar 2020
As of Friday afternoon, New York state had confirmed 33 cases of the coronavirus — 29 of them connected to an attorney, with many of those centered on his modern Orthodox synagogue in New Rochelle, which has been ...

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Is coronavirus coming between people and their faith? - BBC News
3 days ago · As concern over the spread of coronavirus grows, people around the world are ... not being able to kiss the mezuzah is not a major thing in Jewish life, "the trouble is

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