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The Japanese Empire was ruled by Emperor Hirohito (1901-1989) since 1926. The empire
included Korea and Formosa, as well as Japan. He had full executive power, with the advice
of his Cabinet and Privy Council. He exercised legislative powers with the consent of the
Imperial Diet. It consisted of a House of Peers and a House of Representatives. The 404
peers included princes, counts, barons, and men of great wealth. The representatives were
voted into office. The Emperor’s cabinet was dominated by military officers.

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Although the Emperor was the head of state, he was not the head of the Japanese
government. From the early 1930s to the end of the war, the military was responsible for
giving most of the orders. This was accomplished by having a general as the Prime Minister
and by using the government to control the population and any organizations that might
threaten military control.

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The most powerful person in Japan, the Prime Minister, was appointed by the Emperor
on the advice of his principal advisers and elder statesmen. The military leaders, after
assassinating two civilian Prime Ministers, in 1932 forced the emperor to appoint the first of

a succession (with a few short-term civilians) of generals or admirals as Prime Minister.

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Japan began expanding its empire in September 1931, with a conquest of northeastern China.
The League of Nations condemned Japan in 1933, and Japan quit the League. In November
1936, Japan signed the Anti-Comintern Pact with Germany, to form a common interest
against threats by the Soviet Union. Japan moved again against China in 1937 and by 1939
seized many of China’s important cities. Japan also created the Great East Asia Co-Prosperity
Sphere that was intended to form a new balance of power in the Pacific. In July 1939 the
United States notified Japan that it was terminating the 1911 U.S.-Japanese commercial
treaty, cutting Japan off from vital imports. After the Germans won the battle of France and
installed the Vichy Regime, Japan, about to sign the Tripartite Pact and become a member of
the Axis, got German approval to occupy French Indo-China. In April 1941, Japan and the
Soviet Union signed a neutrality pact that contained a Soviet pledge to respect the borders of
the puppet state of Manchukuo. This pact gave Japan protection on its Soviet flank.

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The military-dominated Japanese Cabinet expelled the remaining moderates and in July
1941 ordered a Japanese invasion of the rest of Indo-China. The United States responded
by freezing all Japanese assets in the United States and cutting off all oil exports to Japan.
Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe tried to work out a diplomatic solution to the growing
crisis but he resigned and was replaced by Minister of War Hideki Tojo (1884-1948). He
demanded the United States must end aid to China, accept the Japanese seizure of Indo-
China, resume normal trade, and not reinforce U.S. bases in the Far East. The United
States Secretary of State on November 26, 1941 informed Japanese diplomats that the
Japanese must withdraw from China and Indo-China. Tojo responded by ordering an attack

on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and the Philippines. These took place in December 1941.

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During the war Tojo transformed a political organization, the Imperial Rule Assistance
Association, into a virtual government agency for controlling industrial, agricultural, and
patriotic groups. Tojo reorganized his cabinet in 1943, bringing in industrialists and financial
experts. He also became almost a one-man Cabinet, holding down the posts of Prime
Minister, Foreign Minister, Minister of War, Minister of Education, Minister of Munitions, and
Chief of the General Staff. Tojo’s Cabinet crumbled soon after the fall of Saipan in June
1944. A new Cabinet was organized on July 22, 1944, with Gen. Kuniaki Koiso as its leader.
It lasted until April 4, 1945. On April 9, Adm. Kantaro Suzuki formed a Cabinet dominated
by elder statesmen. He began efforts to end the war. On July 26, a proclamation was
issued from the Potsdam Conference that said the Allies agreed that Japan would be given
an opportunity to end the war and if they did not, the alternative was “the utter devastation
of the Japanese homeland.”

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The Cabinet was still debating how to surrender on August 6, 1945 when an atomic bomb
was dropped on Hiroshima. Two days later the Soviet Union, ignoring a neutrality pact,
declared war on Japan and sent troops into Japanese-held Manchuria. On August 9,
the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki, but the Japanese Army did not
surrender. However, on August 15th the Emperor announced Japan’s surrender without
actually using the word. After some minor negotiations, the United States announced the
end of the war on August 14, 1945. The Japanese formally surrendered on September 3,

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The occupation began in late August and by the end of 1945, nearly a dozen divisions were
in the country, including a combined British Commonwealth task force. The occupation was
supposed to be supervised by the Allied Control Commission, which included representatives
of all the Allied powers, including the Soviet Union. In practice, however, the commission
yielded real power to Gen. Douglas MacArthur, the Supreme Commander for the Allied
Powers (SCAP). A treaty of peace was signed with the Japanese in 1951 and in 1952 Japan
was again allowed to run its own affairs. U.S. military occupation would continue until
1955, but as of 1952 the United States had no direct role in Japanese internal affairs.



読まない 読めない 食い逃げ 伝言 百田害あって一利無し。



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東京裁判の logic を courtesy する、ということ。
logic を無視して、字面のみを解釈する行為そのものが「常識が破綻している」ってことじゃないの?

匿名 さんのコメント...

logic に関心がないままに、自分の好きな誰かさんがこう言っているからそれが正しいんだ的に、ただ伝言されていくことは無益であるばかりでなく極めて有害で、そこに生まれる貧しい小賢しさが、また国益を損ねる。


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https://japanese.joins.com › jarticle
「韓国人に謝罪すべき」 日本戦後を代表する作家の大江健三郎氏が死去
2023/03/14 — 故人は韓日関係にも大きな関心を持ち、日本政府が慰安婦問題に関して韓国に積極的に謝るべきだと求めた。安倍晋三元首相の執権2期目だった2015年3月、延世(ヨンセ)大学で開かれた「延世-金大中(キム・デジュン)世界未来フォーラム」に参加して「日本はどれほど謝罪しても充分でないくらいの大きな犯罪を韓国に犯した。ところがまだ韓国人に日本は十分に謝罪していない」と指摘した。
