




(ビジネスワイヤ) -- スモール・ボーン・イノベーションズ(SBi)は本日、米ペンシルベニア州モリスビルとフランス・ペロナの施設が日本政府の製造業者認定を受けたと発表しました。この認定により製品を日本で登録できることになります。日本は整形外科技術に関する地域最大の市場であり、年間売り上げは250億ドルに達します。

この認定はSBiにとって、東京のオリンパス テルモ バイオマテリアル株式会社(OTB)との戦略的提携の発展における必須かつ重要な一歩です。この提携は昨年発表され、SBiの基幹商品であるSTAR™人工膝関節全置換システムなど、小骨・関節用インプラントおよび器具の幅広い製品群を日本で独占的に販売するためのものです。




SBiのAnthony G. Viscogliosi会長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は、次のように述べています。「日本における製造者認定は、日本市場で信頼される地位を得ようとする会社にとって必ず必要となる品質とコンプライアンスの承認です。当社はオリンパスと子会社のOTBの両社と提携することにより、世界最先端の整形外科市場の1つに足場を築き、当社のアジア太平洋における成長力を強化することになります。」


スモール・ボーン・イノベーションズ(SBi)は、筋骨格と整形外科を専門とするニューヨークの商業銀行Viscogliosi Brothers, LLC(VB)によって2004年に設立されました。SBiは、整形外科分野の実績ある企業と専門家を集めて小骨と関節に焦点を絞った初の企業です。小骨と関節における外傷と疾患を治療するための製品と技術で、臨床的に実証された広範なポートフォリオを提供しています。





Small Bone Innovations, Inc.
Varun Gandhi, 212-583-0370 ext. 2126



2011年 10月 28日 15:19 JST


イメージ Associated Press














記者: Mark Maremont and Joann S. Lublin

Source: Small Bone Innovations, Inc.
Date: December 05, 2006 11:15 ET
Small Bone Innovations Chairman and CEO, Anthony Viscogliosi, to Lead Panel At MedTech Insight's 'In-Spine and Orthopedics' Conference
Viscogliosi to Also Present SBi -- The Founder and Leader of the Small Bone and Joint Market December 11th and 12th, 2006, The Venetian Hotel, Las Vegas

NEW YORK, Dec. 5, 2006 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Anthony G. Viscogliosi, Chairman & CEO of Small Bone Innovations, Inc. (SBi), will moderate and lead a panel of experts on legal, regulatory and clinical issues during MedTech Insight's "In Spine & Orthopedics" conference on December 11th, 2006 at The Venetian Resort Hotel Casino, Las Vegas, NV. He will also be presenting separately on December 12th an overview of Small Bone Innovations, Inc.

For the separate deal involving the purchase of a U.S. orthopedic firm from medical-device maker Stryker Corp., Olympus was advised by Viscogliosi Brothers LLC, a boutique, U.S-based merchant bank. In a Sept. 23 letter to Olympus's Mr. Mori, Mr. Woodford raised questions about a roughly $23 million loan that Olympus made to Viscogliosi as part of the deal.

"I'm still unclear as to the role played by Viscogliosi Brothers in the transaction and the basis upon which the loan was originally made, and why it subsequently will need to be written off," Mr. Woodford wrote in the letter, which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Olympus declined to comment on the deal, pointing instead to a December 2010 news release announcing the acquisition.

Anthony Viscogliosi, who founded the firm with two brothers, declined to comment on his relationship with Olympus, citing "the confidentiality disclosure agreement we have in place."

An outside Stryker spokesman didn't return calls for comment.

Read more: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203687504577002564084090838.html#ixzz1c6Ynghxn

December 08, 2010 04:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Viscogliosi Brothers Acts as a Strategic Advisor to Olympus Corporation on OP-1 Bone Acquisition from Stryker Corporation

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Viscogliosi Bros., LLC (VB), a merchant banking and venture capital/private equity firm focused exclusively on the musculoskeletal/orthopedics sector, today reported it acted as strategic advisor to Olympus Corporation for its $60 million purchase of Stryker Corporation’s OP-1 bone product family, which includes OP-1 Implant, OP-1 Putty, Opgenra and Osigraft.

Anthony G. Viscogliosi, a Principal at VB, said: “We are extremely pleased to have had the opportunity to advise Olympus Corporation on this transaction. We believe that the combination of Olympus' existing biomaterial and regenerative medicine technologies and OP-1 bone products will allow Olympus to achieve a leadership position in regenerative medicine globally. We look forward to continuing to advise the Olympus team and unlocking the potential we all see in the OP-1 bone product family.”

About Viscogliosi Brothers, LLC.

Established by Marc R. Viscogliosi, John J. Viscogliosi and Anthony G. Viscogliosi in New York City in 1999, Viscogliosi Bros., LLC (VB) was the first merchant banking and venture capital/private equity firm dedicated exclusively to the musculoskeletal/orthopedics sector of the health care industry.

VB's mission is to create, build and finance companies founded on innovations developed by surgeons and uniquely focused on "life changing" musculoskeletal/orthopedic technologies. Marc, Anthony and John Viscogliosi have executed multiple financial, strategic and management transactions for companies in the musculoskeletal/orthopedic sector.

For more information on VB, please visit: www.vbllc.com

Forward-looking statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements as a result of risks and uncertainties impacting SBi’s business including increased competition; the ability of SBi to expand its operations and to attract and retain qualified professionals; technological obsolescence; general economic conditions; and other risks.


Viscogliosi Bros., LLC
Anthony G. Viscogliosi, 212-583-9700 ext. 2101

October 27, 2011


Soon after paying a record-setting fee to close a now-controversial takeover in the spring of 2010, Japanese camera and endoscope maker Olympus Corp was back out shopping for another deal.

Once again, it turned to a New York-based advisory firm outside the dealmaking mainstream and once again the Japanese company ended up paying an out-sized amount to complete a tangled deal that has come under scrutiny, internal company documents show.

Olympus agreed in December last year to buy the rights to a biotech remedy intended to help regenerate human bone from medical device maker Stryker Corp for $60 million.

But the documents reviewed by Reuters show that the deal may end up costing the Japanese firm around 50 percent more, thanks to payments made to its adviser.

Olympus made a $25 million loan to Viscogliosi Brothers, the firm that advised it on the transaction and expects it will need to write off most of that amount, according to the documents.

The Japanese company also paid a higher-than-normal $5 million transaction fee to Viscogliosi Brothers and agreed to reimburse $4.4 million in expenses, the documents show. The fees for advisers are typically 2 percent to 3 percent for deals of this size.

Richard Torrenzano, a spokesman for Viscogliosi Brothers, said the firm could not discuss the deal under terms imposed by Olympus.

"Unfortunately, we are bound by a confidentiality agreement with Olympus and cannot comment on any aspect of the deal," he said.

Olympus declined to comment, as did Stryker spokesman Aaron Kwittken.

A string of troubled acquisitions by Olympus has cost the company more than $1.2 billion in charges and write-offs, led to the resignation of Chairman Tsuyoshi Kikukawa and forced the company to appoint a panel to investigate in the face of a plunging share price.

The 2010 biotech deal is small by comparison to some of Olympus' other deals. But like those acquisitions it was challenged by former Olympus CEO Michael Woodford and could raise questions about the company's governance and management.

Woodford, 51, has said he was fired in a boardroom coup at Olympus for questioning a $687 million payment to advisers in the $2.2 billion takeover of medical equipment maker Gyrus in 2008.

The FBI is investigating the massive advisory fee and Woodford has called on authorities in Japan and Britain to launch investigations of their own. Woodford was in New York on Oct. 26 to meet with the FBI.

Sources have told Reuters that Japan's securities watchdog was looking into past Olympus takeover deals.

Olympus documents provided to Reuters by Woodford show that the former CEO raised questions about the Stryker acquisition and the role of advisers in that deal as well.

"I'm still unclear as to the role played by Viscogliosi Brothers in the transaction and the basis upon which the loan was originally made," Woodford said in a Sept. 23 memo to Olympus Executive Vice President Hisashi Mori.

The documents reviewed by Reuters also include contractual agreements between Olympus and Viscogliosi Brothers signed in April and November of 2010, an April 2010 letter of intent between Stryker and Viscogliosi Brothers, and an Aug. 31, 2011 internal Olympus presentation related to the deal.

Olympus has described its acquisitions as a way to diversify from its major markets in optical equipment including cameras and the endoscopes that surgeons now rely on for less invasive surgeries.

On Dec. 7, 2010, Olympus announced in a news release that it had formed a new unit, Olympus Biotech. At the same time, it announced that the unit had acquired a line of bone growth therapies from Stryker that would be part of its stepped-up push into biotechnology.

The Stryker assets that Olympus acquired, including a Lebanon, New Hampshire plant, weren't unencumbered.

In August 2010, Kalamazoo, Michigan-based Stryker agreed to pay $1.35 million to settle claims by Massachusetts prosecutors that the company marketed its bone growth products for uses that had not been cleared by federal regulators.

The products known as OP-1 are based on a naturally occurring protein used to stimulate bone growth. Stryker Biotech only had U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for the product under the humanitarian device exemption, which limits the number of units that can be sold and typically prohibits the company from making a profit.

The Olympus news release did not mention the advisory role that Viscogliosi Brothers had played in the deal or payments to the firm.

Viscogliosi Brothers, a merchant banking and venture capital firm that focuses on the musculoskeletal and orthopedics sector, was founded by Anthony Viscogliosi, 49, and two of his brothers.

A graduate in economics from the University of Michigan-Dearborn, Viscogliosi has said he was attracted to orthopedics because of its cutting-edge nature.

Each of his e-mails ends with a quote from American poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail," he told students at his former college in a presentation a year ago just as his firm was wrapping up discussions with Olympus.

Viscogliosi Brothers first signed a letter of intent with Stryker in April 2010 to buy the assets of Stryker Biotech.

The agreement envisaged the Viscogliosi Brothers would form a new company with other investors and buy the assets from Stryker for $50 million. It also gave Stryker an option to take up to a 19.9 percent stake in the new company.

Within days of the agreement, Viscogliosi Brothers signed a confidentiality agreement with Olympus, and subsequently agreed to form a 50-50 joint venture with the Japanese firm to buy Stryker's assets.

This was not the first deal between Olympus and Viscogliosi Brothers. Small Bone Innovations Inc, a company controlled by Viscogliosi Brothers, got a $12 million investment from Olympus in March 2010, according to a company press release.

In May 2010, Small Bone Innovations also announced agreements with Olympus Terumo Biomaterials Corp to distribute Small Bone products in Japan and China.

However, Olympus changed its mind about having Viscogliosi Brothers as a joint venture partner in the bid for the Stryker Biotech assets.

In November 2010, the Japanese company reached a deal with Viscogliosi Brothers to keep them out of the acquisition. In return, it agreed to give the New York firm the $25 million loan and other payments.

In an Aug. 31 presentation, Olympus Biotech cites "uncertainty of potential compliance issues" as the reason for the abrupt shift in approach.

The Olympus loan to Viscogliosi Brothers carries an eight-year term and 7-percent interest rate, and is collateralized by Viscogliosi Brothers' interests in two companies -- Small Bone Innovations and Paradigm Spine LLC.

Viscogliosi Brothers agreed to use the proceeds from the loan to pay off debt owed to Fortress Investment Group Inc.

Small Bone Innovations had taken out a $30 million debt facility from Fortress in 2009. Fortress spokesman Gordon Runte declined to comment.

Under the terms of the agreement, Olympus also agreed to forgive $2 million of the loan every year, starting January 2012, which would leave a balance of $22.8 million, including accrued interest, by the end of 2018.

The agreement also calls for the forgiveness of the entire loan balance and accrued interest if the acquired products achieve certain FDA approvals by 2015 or 2018.

Olympus Biotech in August expressed concerns about the value of the collateral it has from Viscogliosi Brothers, and Woodford said in his Sept. 23 memo he was told by Mori the company would need to write off the loan.

November 15, 2010 12:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Paradigm BioDevices Files Lawsuit Against Viscogliosi Bros, LLC, Viscogliosi & Co, LLC, Paradigm Spine, LLC, Centinel Spine, Inc., and Individually Anthony Viscogliosi and John Viscogliosi

Intends to aggressively pursue all parties involved in the transaction for payment of High Court award who are now in default

ROCKLAND, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Paradigm BioDevices, Inc. announced today that it filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court of Massachusetts against Viscogliosi Bros. LLC, Viscogliosi & Co, LLC, Paradigm Spine, LLC, Centinel Spine, Inc., and individually Anthony Viscogliosi and John Viscogliosi alleging successor liability, willful and tortious interference, unfair competition, deceptive and malicious business practices, fraud, and default of a U.K. High Court order to pay monetary damages.

“All companies and parties involved will be held fully-accountable for any misdeeds and wrongdoing.”

The U.S. lawsuit stems from a victory Paradigm BioDevices obtained in a U.K. lawsuit against Surgicraft Ltd. filed in 2008 following the abrupt termination of Paradigm BioDevices’ exclusive U.S. distribution rights of Surgicraft’s STALIF™ TT spinal fusion devices earlier that same year. Surgicraft Group Holdings, a U.K. based medical device company, and its subsidiaries were acquired in 2008 by Centinel Spine (formerly Raymedica, LLC) - a portfolio company of Viscogliosi Brothers, LLC based in New York City.

“All of the parties involved were and continue to be acutely aware of the financial obligations due Paradigm BioDevices in the event of the termination of our contract due to a ‘change of control’,” said Mike O’Neill, President and CEO of Paradigm BioDevices. “Instead of honoring those covenants, an elaborate scheme was initiated by Centinel Spine, its Directors and related interested parties to circumvent those obligations, breach our contract and defraud us of the rightful compensation due to us as ordered by the U.K. High Court earlier this year.”

In August 2010, Surgicraft Ltd. defaulted on an order of the U.K. High Court to pay Paradigm BioDevices significant interim damages as a result of earlier being granted favorable rectification of their contract dispute. A final damages hearing, which was not contested by the defendants, was held in the U.K. earlier this month.

“Paradigm BioDevices has a long history of delivering innovative products to the orthopedic marketplace via a strong ethical code of conduct, and we will continue to do so,” said O’Neill. “All companies and parties involved will be held fully-accountable for any misdeeds and wrongdoing.”

8 件のコメント:

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ミネ さんのコメント...




匿名 さんのコメント...

Herrick, Feinstein hit with malpractice suit

NEW YORK, April 25 (Reuters Legal) - A real estate finance company has hit the law firm Herrick, Feinstein with a $69 million legal malpractice action, alleging faulty advice over the zoning of a proposed Manhattan tower block.

As a result, Arbor Realty Funding LLC was forced to sell its loans on the property at 303 East 51st Street for millions of dollars in losses, according to a lawsuit filed in state court in New York.

Arbor Realty, which provides short-term financing for construction projects, claimed that Herrick, Feinstein said that the property could be built as a tower, when it was onlyapproved for so-called "tower on base" construction, a design that is lower and wider than a tower. The building, according to the complaint, was already partially constructed before the parties realized that it could not proceed as a tower.

Arbor Realty also said that the law firm assured it that an attorney handling the matter, Mitchell Korbey, had more experience in urban planning than was actually the case.

In a statement, Herrick, Feinstein Chairman Harvey Feuerstein said that the firm was not zoning counsel for Arbor Realty in the matter and that Arbor Realty had rejected its suggestion to get a zoning opinion.

"The real reasons Arbor lost money on this loan were the severe downturn in the real estate market and a fatal crane collapse at the site, which greatly diminished the value of this property," the statement said. In March 2008, a crane collapsed at the site, fell onto adjacent blocks and killed seven people.

The lawsuit claims damages for professional malpractice and negligent misrepresentation. It also claims punitive damages.

The case is Arbor Realty Funding LLC v. Herrick, Feinstein in New York County Supreme Court, No. 651079.

For Arbor Realty Funding: Vincent Syracuse, David Pellegrino and George du Pont of Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt.

For Herrick, Feinstein: not immediately available.

(Reporting by Leigh Jones of Reuters Legal)

月夜 さんのコメント...




人工関節置換術 人工骨頭置換術
関節 軟骨 靱帯


JASDAQ 7774 2007年12月21日上場
略称 J-TEC
本社所在地 日本
設立 1999年(平成11年)2月1日
業種 精密機器
事業内容 再生医療製品開発及び研究支援事業
代表者 小澤 洋介(代表取締役社長)
資本金 57億1495万円
発行済株式総数 107,301株(2010年3月31日現在)
売上高 2億11百万円(2010年3月期)
営業利益 -10億67百万円
純利益 -10億99百万円
純資産 16億41百万円
総資産 31億97百万円
従業員数 91名(2009年12月31日現在)
決算期 3月31日
主要株主 (株)ニデック 19.69%
富山化学工業(株) 7.72%
(株)INAX 4.18%
三菱UFJキャピタル(株) 4.05%

匿名 さんのコメント...

(株)ニデック の株主も確かむこうの方だったような。

匿名 さんのコメント...

>Varun Gandhi

→Sanjay Gandhi→Feroze Gandhi



匿名 さんのコメント...

>Varun Gandhi
>Small Bone Innovations



ミネ さんのコメント...

小さい骨 で 整形 で 形成の整形でしょ?整外とか言っときながら と
福鼻弄りで稼ぐのかなぁ とか

単純に膝で タキロンと被るのかなぁ とか


