




サブプライム問題のメリルを辞任したStanley O'Neal氏

Nov. 3, 2007, 12:35AM
CEO casualty of Merrill Lynch's losses
O'Neal's tactics to streamline firm caused bitterness

Washington Post

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NEW YORK — The journey of Stanley O'Neal from a farm in Alabama to the top of the food chain on Wall Street was an uncommon rise that culminated in an all-too-familiar fall.

The grandson of slaves, the child of farmers and a former assembly line worker at an auto plant, O'Neal forged an unlikely path to Harvard Business School and then to some of the nation's largest companies before taking over as chief executive at Merrill Lynch in 2003.

Some who know him said his unusual ascent came to an abrupt halt because of the same mix of hubris, corporate infighting and an abysmal bottom-line performance that has done in more than one executive.

Even before Merrill announced a headline-making quarterly loss last month after writing down $7.9 billion in mortgage-related securities, O'Neal had been a controversial chief executive. He was a relentless cost-cutter who showed results but who outraged some old-timers by changing the company's internal culture.

O'Neal, 56, the first black American to take the helm of a major Wall Street firm, is the highest ranking casualty from the summer's credit market turmoil.

"It is a tragic Shakespearean story," said Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, a management professor at Yale University. "He really had spectacular results coming in. The guy's brilliant."

At the same time, Sonnenfeld said, "he didn't make friends, and he also apparently didn't listen to those who understood credit risk better than he did."

O'Neal had been under the gun since early last month when Merrill said it expected to take write-downs of $4.5 billion from mortgage-related securities, raising questions about the firm's risk-management practices. Later in the month, O'Neal acknowledged that the write-downs were closer to $7.9 billion, further damaging his credibility with Wall Street. The firm's loss was most severe among its peers and the largest in Merrill's 93-year history.

Then it became public that O'Neal had approached Wachovia about a merger. According to a New York Times report, O'Neal broke protocol by not seeking permission from his board to approach Wachovia.

"He's lost the confidence of the board," said Michael Kelly, managing partner of the Board Services Practice at CTPartners, an executive search firm.

In 2006, a year in which the firm reported a record annual profit, O'Neal received a pay package valued at $48 million. In 2005, he took home $38 million.

When he retired last week, O'Neal was able to walk away with $161.5 million in stock, options and retirement benefits, the company said Tuesday.

O'Neal joined Merrill in its investment banking division in 1986. He rose up the ranks, becoming president in 2001, chief executive in 2002, and adding the title of chairman in 2003. O'Neal took over leadership of the firm at a time when investors were dissatisfied with what they viewed as the firm's bloated structure.

He fired scores of senior executives, eliminated 24,000 jobs, froze pay and steadily pushed out competitors for executive power, including colleagues who had supported his rise up the corporate chain. It was one of the biggest clean-outs in corporate history, and bitter feelings remain.




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