

 ロシア関税当局はこのほど、米国のニューヨーク銀行がマネーロンダリング(資金洗浄)に関与し、ロシアに膨大な損害を与えた疑いがあるとして、同行を相手に220億ドル(約2兆6200億円)もの巨額損害賠償を求める訴訟をモスクワ仲介裁判所に起こした。関税当局側によると、同行は、故エリツィン前大統領時代の1996~99年にかけ「違法な形」で税金を支払わずにロシアに巨額資金を送金した。(モスクワ 内藤泰朗)


The Case of the Long Gone Cash
// Suit for $22.5 billion filed against Bank of New York

The Federal Customs Service announced yesterday that a suit has been filed in a Moscow arbitration court against the American Bank of New York for 579.096 billion rubles ($22.5 billion). Using the Russian law office of Smal and Partners and the American Podhurst Orseck, the FCS practically wants to continue the case against BoNY closed in November 2005 by an American court. The disclosure of the names of the individuals and companies that used the services of BoNY 1996-1999 may result from the suit. They include some of the most important Russian financial structures today.
Maxim Smal of Smal and Partners told Kommersant yesterday that a suit was filed by him against BoNY and its Moscow office to recover direct and indirect losses by the FCS in the amount of 579.096 billion rubles ($22.5 billion). He said that the suit was connected with BoNY's involvement in a scheme to legalize shadow imports to Russia between 1996 and 1999. Smal explained that he did not have a contract with the FCS, but was employed by the Florida firm Podhurst Orseck. The FCS is a client of that firm. The FCS confirmed that the suit had been filed, but declines to comment on its contents. The arbitration court in Moscow would not confirm that information, even unofficially.

According to information provided by FCS lawyers, the customs service is demanding compensation for losses caused by the reduction of customs duties by “a group of Russian individuals and companies” on the “gray” import of goods to Russia between 1996 and 1999. BoNY's role in the scheme was to guarantee the payment of the suppliers of the goods in the United States. A court found in 2006 that BoNY employees were guilty of laundering $7 billion. The press reported that BoNY senior vice president Natalia Kagalovskaya and her husband Konstantin Kagalovsky, a former employee of MENATEP Bank, part of the ROSPROM-YUKOS Group, were involved in the case, although their names were not mentioned in court.

Podhurst Orsek partner Steven Marks confirmed for Kommersant in Moscow that his firm, along with Maxim Smal and other Russian lawyers, had prepared the suit. Marks said that he had been working on it for more than a year. When asked why the suit was filed against BoNY and not against the legal entities that had violated customs and currency law, Marks replied that many of the Russian banks are already bankrupt and that “none of it would have been possible without BoNY.” Smal said that the suit was based on material uncovered by the investigation of the U.S. prosecutor's office in its case against BoNY. “After the closing of the case in the U.S., the American lawyers of the FCS contacted Russian lawyers to receive a decision of a Russian court that should be implemented in the U.S.,” Smal explained when asked why the case was being filed in Russia. The Arbitration Procedure Code allows suit to be filed in the location where a company has an office, but only in the case that when “the suit against the legal entity arises from the activity of its office.” Smal and Marks claim that their suit is related to BoNY activity in the U.S., not to that of its Moscow office.

The lawyers declined to give the details of the schemes by which customs payments were reduced, saying that the FCS were still carrying out its investigation. The schemes are likely to be traditional: the use of offshore companies and unscrupulous banks. Smal said that the Depositary Clearing Bank (whose license was withdrawn in 1999) and Flamingo Bank (removed from the state register in 2005) are mentioned in documents from the investigation. Dollar accounts always went through a correspondent bank in the U.S., which may have been BoNY.

BoNY representatives in New York and London declined to comment on the case. Kevin Heine, BoNY vice president for corporate communications in New York, told Kommersant that “none of our staff, either in Moscow or in New York, has seen the FCS suit.” He said the bank was waiting for information from Moscow before taking any action. The bank did issue a statement yesterday evening, however. Besides denying the accusations, the bank states that it was contacted by lawyers claiming to represent the FCS who offered to settle the case out of court for “a tiny fraction of the amount now claimed.” That is practically blackmail.

The FCS suit is a greater threat to the stability of the financial system of Russia than the U.S. It may lead to the freezing of all BoNY accounts and assets, which are mainly the accounts of Russian companies through which about 30 ADR and GDR programs, worth a total of $100 billion, have been launched. “Since nonresidents cannot be the nominal holders of assets under law, the Bank of New York is the legal owner of those securities,” explained Petr Lanskov, head of the PARTAD professional organization.

If BoNY assets are frozen, it will be forced to halt its programs and tell the owners of the securities that it cannot longer carryout operations with them. If the FCS is successful in its suit, it will be difficult for BoNY to win new programs, and the market will likely shift toward its main competitors, Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan. Russian clients are not leaving BoNY yet. Vasily Titov, vice president of Vneshtorgbank, which chose BoNY for its GDR program, told Kommersant yesterday that “In this case, we are certain that out interests will not suffer.”

Another significant risk is the disclosure of the Russian companies and individuals that were involved in money laundering through BoNY in 1996-1999. No names have been revealed yet, but there is reason to think several billionaires and some of Russia's largest companies used the bank's services. In that case, the FCS suit could have far-reaching political consequences. Dmitry Butrin, Mikhail Kvasha, Olga Pleshanova, Maria Razumova, Nailya Asker-zad




FTS Can’t Find Something against BoNY

Lawyers of the Russian Federal Customs Service (FTS) gave a press conference in Moscow on Friday. They had earlier announced filing a lawsuit against the Bank of New York (BoNY) for $22.5 billion. FTS representatives were absent. Moreover, there are no proofs that the lawsuit exists.
FTS lawyers Maxim Smal (Smal & Partners law office) and Steven Marx (Podhurst Orseck company) gave a press conference on Friday in Moscow, but could not clarify the situation around the lawsuit of FTS to BoNY concerning money laundering of Russian exporters’ funds in 1996-1999.

Marx and Smal announced about the lawsuit on May 17. However, they could not show the lawsuit’s copies to journalists on Friday. Moreover, head of FTS legal department Andrei Strukov, who had earlier confirmed the lawsuit’s existence, did not show up at the conference.

The lawyers gave vague answers to most questions. Marx said the lawsuit was filed under the RICO law (the act on corrupted and mafia-affected organizations).

Marx added he is ready to move hearings to the U.S., with BoNY’s agreement. By the way, the court has not confirmed the lawsuit’s filing, as of Friday night. Moreover, BoNY offices in Moscow and New York have not received the lawsuit application either.

米大手ワコビア銀行 BDAへの送金仲介検討、ロシアは金融機関の関与を否定[05/18]





北朝鮮資金:米経由の送金難航 法規制、抜け道なく







毎日新聞 2007年5月16日 15時00分










▲ソース:Yahoo!ニュース/産経新聞(日本語)2007/05/20 08:00
北朝鮮凍結資金 返還合意2カ月…引受先なく暗礁



Russian authorities sue Bank of New York for $22.5 billion


Banca Popolare di Milano and its chief executive, Fabrizio Viola, were fined by the French market regulator for insider trading in an investigation of price swings in Galaries Lafayette stock in December 2004.

The lender was fined €950,000, or $1.3 million, for trading while in possession of privileged information, the regulator said on its Web site this week. The Milan-based bank knew about the planned purchase of 10 percent of Galaries Lafayette by Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel when it carried out the transactions, the regulator said. Viola was fined €100,000 for his role in the trades.

Ezio Chiodini, a spokesman for the Italian bank, declined to comment.



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