

CAROL COSTELLO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Twenty-one-year- old Daniel Alejandro Perez Cueva - one name among so many young victims. He died in Norris Hall in French class.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He was awesome. Just a great friend to everyone. He cared about everyone.

COSTELLO: Marilee Smith (ph) studied with him. Says he loved learning. He would push his friends to discover the world outside of the United States.

Perez came to the United States from Peru in 2000. He and his sister were near the Pentagon on 9/11. They saw the plane, the sorrow. That's why Perez was in Virginia Tech's international studies program. He wanted to save the world.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He spoke four languages. And it was just always fun just to have a conversation with him.

COSTELLO: His parents spoke only Spanish. He lived with his mother in Virginia. His bedroom there still has his swimming trophies and pictures of his childhood friends.

His father is home in Peru. He told CNN that the United States has refused him to visit to attend his son's funeral.

I met his sister, Mariella (ph), at the airport in Roanoke, Virginia. Too devastated to talk on camera, she told me her husband is stuck in Iraq. So, his friends will try to fill the void.

Just one of many great guys and girls whose families now grieve them.



The koManchurian Candidate


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