
Here comes The Flood@Wrightsville Dam , Montpelier goes Underwater


Vermont capital Montpelier prepares for worst as major dam is just ONE FOOT from bursting: Two months of rain falls in two days as homes flood and owners are told it's TOO LATE to evacuateSeveral states have been deluged by catastrophic floods and Vermont is at 'highest risk' according to the National Weather Service
Montpelier officials warn there are 'very few evacuation options remaining' and residents have been advised to 'go to upper floors' in their houses
More than 110 people have been rescued from the city, while many more remain trapped due to the closure of 78 roads submerged in floodwater
Damages and economic loss from current flooding across the North East and New England is projected to cost between $3 billion and $5 billion.

This comes after a newly-engaged 35-year-old woman died as she tried to save her dog when the water thundered in to her New York home


PUBLISHED: 13:32 BST, 11 July 2023 | UPDATED: 20:12 BST, 11 July 2023


Wrightsville Reservoir is a reservoir located in Washington County, Vermont. It is located at the intersection of the municipal borders of three towns, MontpelierMiddlesex, and East Montpelier. It is a popular recreational spot in the summer, for swimming, boating, and fishing in the Montpelier area. While most of the area of the lake is owned by the town of Middlesex, it is closer to Montpelier and is usually accessed from Vermont Route 12. It has a popular swimming beach with a disk golf course[1] and a boat launch, both near Route 12.


985年にメルグイユ(Melgueil、Mauguio)の伯爵の記録に初めてMontpellierの表記が表れる。近隣のニームナルボンヌベジエなどがローマ時代から都市として成立していたのに対し、モンペリエの領地としての登場は遅い。中世初期には領主Guilhemとマグローヌ (Maguelone) の司教のもとで人口を増やした。また、サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラの巡礼路の宿場町としても栄えた。

1220年に成立した医学校は、1289年に法学部とともにモンペリエ大学として教皇ニコラウス4世の承認を受ける。医学部は現在もカテドラル(Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Montpellier)に隣接した校舎を使用している。

婚姻などによりアラゴン王、マヨルカ王などの支配下に入った後、1349年にフランス王国に売却、併合された。このころはかなり繁栄していたが、疫病により一旦衰退の時期を迎える。15世紀に入ると天才商人ジャック・クールが、隣接するラット (Lattesの港を活用したため、貿易拠点として隆盛を極める。



モンペリエ大学英語Montpellier University、仏称:Université de Montpellier)は、オクシタニー地域圏エロー県モンペリエに本部を置くフランス公立大学1289年創立、1896年大学設置。


モンペリエ大学で最も名高いのが医学部である。この前身はスペインの医学校で学んだユダヤ人たちによって形成されたと推測されている。モンペリエの領主ギレムの政策のおかげで、免状を持った医師であればその学校で講ずる事ができた。また、教員に定員はなく、多様な講義が可能であった。1220年にはローマ教皇ホノリウス3世の特使コンラート・フォン・ウルラッハ枢機卿 (Cardinal Conrad von Urach) によって法認が与えられ、1240年にはマグロンの司教の指揮下でさらに広い分野での承認が与えられた。ただし、こうした監督下にあっても事実上かなりの自治を謳歌していた。

ミドルセックスCounty Middlesex[ˈmɪdəlsɛks])は、1965年まで存在したイングランドカウンティ(州)である。


The county has its roots in the Middle Saxon Province of the Kingdom of Essex. The extent of the province is not clear, and probably varied over time, but it is clear that it occupied at least the area of the current county and much of Hertfordshire. Although the province is only ever recorded as a part of the East Saxon kingdom, charter evidence shows that it was not part of their core territory.

At times, Essex was ruled jointly by co-Kings, and it thought that the Middle Saxon Province is likely to have been the domain of one of these co-kings.[9] This link to Essex endured through the Diocese of London, re-established in 604 as the East Saxon see, and its boundaries continued to be based on the Kingdom of Essex until the nineteenth century.

The name means territory of the middle Saxons. The word is formed from the Old English, 'middel' and 'Seaxe'[10] ('Saxons') (cf. EssexSussex and Wessex). In 704, it is recorded as Middleseaxon in an Anglo-Saxon chronicle, written in Latin, about land at Twickenham. The Latin text reads: "in prouincia quæ nuncupatur Middelseaxan Haec".[11]

The Saxons derived their name, Seaxe in their own tongue, from the seax, a kind of knife for which they were known. The seax appears in the heraldry of the English counties of Essex and Middlesex, each of which bears three seaxes in their ceremonial emblem, or rather the Tudor heralds' idea of what a seax looked like, portrayed in each case like a falchion or scimitar. The names 'Middlesex', 'Essex', 'Sussex' and 'Wessex', contain the name 'Seaxe'.





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