
スイスのモデルナ接種者 35人に1人に血液検査だけでも分かる心臓疾患

Palliative Care in Heart Failure Guidelines – A Comparison of the 2021 ESC and the 2022 AHA/ACC/HFSA Guidelines on Heart Failure

Moritz Blum MD, Nathan E. Goldstein MD, Tiny Jaarsma RN, PhD, Larry A. Allen MD, MHS, Laura P. Gelfman MD, MPH
First published: 26 July 2023
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1002/ejhf.2981.

mRNA Covid jabs have caused silent heart damage to tens of millions of people, a shocking new study suggests
Moderna's Covid booster caused 1 in 35 people to have heart injuries detectable with blood tests, Swiss doctors report. Will the Centers for Disease Control or American researchers take note?

JUL 27, 2023

The researchers conducted the tests on 777 employees at University Hospital Basel, one of Switzerland’s top medical centers, from December 2021 through February 2022.

The employees had already been scheduled to receive mRNA boosters and were asked if they would undergo a blood test for troponin levels three days later.

In other words, the researchers conducted “active surveillance” on them to trace potential side effects, as opposed to “passive surveillance” vaccine safety systems like the federal government’s VAERS, which depend on patients or doctors to report problems.

The Moderna vaccinees were a healthy group, with an average age of 37 and few preexisting heart problems. About 70 percent were women.

But post-jab blood tests found that 40 of the jab recipients had highly elevated troponin levels, above the 99th percentile for average women or men. About five times as many people had extremely high troponin as should have in a random sample.

After the scientists removed anyone with a plausible non-jab explanation, 22 people - or 1 in 35 of those they tested - remained injured by the Moderna jab.

The study contained another striking finding.

The researchers reported that 20 of the injured recipients were women, while only two were men. Even adjusting for the fact that more women were tested, women were almost five times as likely to have elevated troponin.

Many large studies have shown that young men are at the highest risk from mRNA-caused myocarditis and pericarditis, or acute heart inflammation, following the jabs. But this study suggests women may be suffering more subtle damage.

Unlike organs such as the liver, the heart cannot regenerate dead muscle tissue. So even a minor cardiac injury can raise the risk for problems years later. In 2016, a long-term study found that people whose troponin levels rose over time had a much higher risk of heart failure and death.

The researchers referred to the damage as “transient.”

That view was somewhat optimistic. The scientists conducted only one follow-up troponin test on the injured people, a day after the first test. The second test showed that many of them, especially those with the highest troponin levels in the first test, had only small declines in their troponin levels.

Without further tests, no one can be sure the declines continued, or how quickly - if ever - troponin levels returned to normal.



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> トロポニン



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ジャポンでも調べてみれば 絶対しらべないだろうなぁ~wwww

匿名 さんのコメント...

やっぱ一気に大漁に★にならないと日本では問題にすらならないんだね 陰毛論扱いでオワリのようだね まぁいいけどさ 愚かすぎて嫌になるね
