


両陛下が静嘉堂文庫美術館に 国宝「曜変天目」など鑑賞


天皇皇后両陛下が皇居近くの静嘉堂文庫美術館で国宝に指定されている中国の茶碗「曜変天目」などの展示をご覧になりました。  天皇皇后両陛下は16日午後7時すぎ、東京・千代田区丸の内にある静嘉堂文庫美術館に到着し、関係者の出迎えを受けられました。  その後、両陛下は12世紀ごろの中国の茶碗で国宝に指定されている曜変天目などをご覧になりました。  曜変天目について、天皇陛下は「美しいですね」「濃い色が良く出ていますね」などと感想を述べられました。  今年は、図書館としての静嘉堂文庫が創設されて130年、静嘉堂文庫美術館が新設されて30年で、美術館は世田谷区から千代田区丸の内に移転し、今年10月に新たにオープンしました。  側近によりますと、両陛下は私的な形で世田谷区にあった美術館を訪問されたこともあったということです。


site://tokumei10.blogspot.com 曜変天目

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com 岩崎 明治


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Huge Berlin aquarium bursts, unleashing flood of devastation
2 hours ago

BERLIN (AP) — A huge aquarium in Berlin burst, spilling debris, water and hundreds of tropical fish out of the AquaDom tourist attraction in the heart of the German capital early Friday.
Police said parts of the building, which also contains a hotel, cafes and a chocolate store, were damaged as 1 million liters (264,000 gallons) of water poured from the aquarium shortly before 6 a.m. (0500 GMT). Berlin’s fire service said two people were slightly injured.
The company that owns the AquaDom, Union Investment Real Estate, said in a statement Friday afternoon that the reasons for the incident were “still unclear.”
Mayor Franziska Giffey said the tank had unleashed a “veritable tsunami” of water but the early morning timing had prevented far more injuries.
“Despite all the destruction, we were still very lucky,” she said. “We would have had terrible human damage” had the aquarium burst even an hour later, once more people were awake and in the hotel and the surrounding area, she said.

The website of the AquaDom described it as the biggest cylindrical tank in the world at 25 meters tall (82 feet tall), although Union Investment Real Estate clarified Friday that the tank portion of the attraction had a height of 14 meters (46 feet).
There was speculation freezing temperatures that got down to minus 10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit) overnight caused a crack in the acrylic glass tank, which then exploded under the weight of the water. Police said they found no evidence of a malicious act.
Nearly all of the 1,500 fish that were inside at the time of the rupture died, the Berlin Mitte district government confirmed via Twitter, adding “a few fish at the bottom of the tank” could still be saved. Among the 80 types of fish it housed were blue tang and clownfish, two colorful species known from the popular animated movie “Finding Nemo.”
Veterinarians, fire service officers and other officials spent the afternoon working to rescue 400 to 500 smaller fish from a separate set of aquariums housed under the hotel lobby. Without electricity, their tanks were not receiving the necessary oxygen for them to survive, officials said. They were evacuated to other tanks in the neighboring Sea Life aquarium that were unaffected.
“It’s a great tragedy that for 1,500 fish there was no chance of survival,” said Almut Neumann, a city official in charge of environmental issues for Berlin’s Mitte district. “The focus in the afternoon was clearly on saving the fish in the remaining tanks.”
Various organizations, including the Berlin Zoo, offered to take in the surviving fish.
Aquarium operator Sea Life said it was saddened by the incident and trying to get more information from the owners of the AquaDom. It said what happened with the AquaDom was “unique and unprecedented” and that Sea Life’s exhibits were not in danger of similar damage.
Sea Life Berlin is located in the same building and visitors can tour it and the AquaDom on a single ticket.
About 300 guests and employees had to be evacuated from the hotel surrounding the aquarium, police said.

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その後、静嘉堂文庫は三菱グループの援助を受けて1970年に国立国会図書館の傘下から離れ、再び三菱グループ経営の私立図書館となった。1977年からは付属の展示室を設けて文庫の収蔵する美術品の公開を開始し[注釈 1]、1992年には創設100周年を記念して建設された新館に恒久的な美術館(以下「旧美術館」)を開館した[注釈 2]。

世田谷区の旧美術館は2021年に閉館し、準備期間を経て2022年10月1日に東京都千代田区丸の内の明治生命館に移転し「静嘉堂文庫美術館(愛称「静嘉堂@丸の内」)」として再開館した[注釈 3]。移転するのは展示ギャラリーのみで、美術品の保管、静嘉堂文庫(書庫)の業務、および庭園の管理は引き続き従来の世田谷区岡本で行われる。この移転は美術館の開館30周年ならびに三菱創業150年(2020年)の記念事業の一環として行われるものである[6]。




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