


John Simon RitchieでMy Way ニダ






 "Comme d'habitude" ([kɔm dabityd(ə)], French for "As usual") is a French song about routine in a relationship falling out of love, composed in 1967 by Jacques Revaux, with lyrics by Claude François and Gilles Thibaut [fr].

In 1968 the song was adapted by Paul Anka and given new lyrics to create the song that became "My Way", Frank Sinatra's signature song

In February 1967 Jacques Revaux, on holiday in the Hôtel Canada in Megève, realised that he was overdue to write four songs commissioned by producer Norbert Saada [fr], and wrote them all in one morning.[1] One titled "For Me" had English lyrics; it was refused by Michel Sardou, Mireille Mathieu, Hugues Aufray and Claude François before Hervé Vilard released a version as a B-side. Revaux was dissatisfied and visited François at Dannemois on 27 August 1967 proposing to rework the song for him. François accepted but asked that an underlying theme of a couple in a strained relationship be included, in reference to his recent breakup with fellow French singer France Gall. Revaux agreed and with some rewriting from Gilles Thibaut the song became "Comme d'habitude" in its best-known version in French, which was released by Claude François in 1968. 


Megève (French pronunciation: ​[məʒɛv]; Arpitan: Megéva) is a commune in the Haute-Savoie department in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in Southeastern France with a population of more than 3,000 residents. The town is well known as a ski resort near Mont Blanc in the French Alps. Conceived in the 1920s as a French alternative to St. Moritz by the Rothschilds, it was the first purpose-built resort in the Alps. Originally it was a prime destination for the French aristocracy; it remains one of the most famous and affluent ski resorts in the world.[2]

The town started its development as a ski resort in the 1910s, when the Rothschild family began spending their winter vacations there after becoming disenchanted with the Swiss resort St. Moritz. In 1921, Baroness Noémie de Rothschild (1888–1968) opened the Domaine du Mont d'Arbois, a luxury hotel which boosted the resort's development.[3] By the 1950s Megève was one of the most popular ski resorts in Europe and attracted many wealthy individuals and celebrities.[3] Nowadays it is still visited largely by affluent people[who?] as is evidenced by the real estate prices.[4]


Anka was born in Ottawa, Ontario, to Camelia (née Tannis) and Andrew Emile "Andy" Anka Sr., who owned a restaurant called the Locanda.[2] His parents were both of Lebanese descent.[3][4] His father came to Canada from Bab Tuma, Damascus, Syria, and his mother was an immigrant from Lebanon.[5][6] His mother died when he was 18.[7]

Anka sang with the St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral choir under the direction of Frederick Karam, with whom he studied music theory. He studied piano with Winnifred Rees. He attended Fisher Park High School, where he was part of a vocal trio called the Bobby Soxers.[8][9]

"My Way" is a song popularized in 1969 by Frank Sinatra set to the music of the French song "Comme d'habitude" composed by Jacques Revaux with lyrics by Gilles Thibaut and Claude François[1][2] and first performed in 1967 by Claude François. Its English lyrics were written by Paul Anka and are unrelated to the original French song.

The song was a success for a variety of performers including Sinatra, Elvis Presley, and Sid Vicious. Sinatra's version of "My Way" spent 75 weeks in the UK Top 40, which is 2nd place all-time

 The song is popularly associated with nostalgia to an individual's lifetime of events.[38] Surveys beginning in 2005 have often reported that "My Way" has been the song most frequently played at funeral services in the UK.[39][40] "My Way" is also a popular karaoke song around the world. However, it has been reported to cause numerous incidents of violence and homicide among karaoke singers in the Philippines, referred to in the media as the My Way killings, which has led to the song being banned in many Filipino bars.[41][42]

The song's association with Sinatra led to Mikhail Gorbachev's policy of allowing other states in the Warsaw Pact to make their own policy decisions being nicknamed the Sinatra Doctrine, referencing My Way's lyrics about doing things your own way. The term was first used by Foreign Ministry spokesman Gennadi Gerasimov in 1987, who was quoted as saying "We now have the Frank Sinatra doctrine. He has a song, I Did It My Way. So every country decides on its own which road to take".[43]

The "My Way" killings are a social phenomenon in the Philippines, referring to a number of fatal disputes which arose due to the singing of the song "My Way", popularized by Frank Sinatra,[1] in karaoke bars (more commonly known as "videoke" in the Philippines). A New York Times article estimated the number of killings to be about 12 as of 2022. Between 2002 and 2012, numerous people were killed for singing this song.[2]

Explanations for these incidents differ from the song being simply frequently sung among the nation's karaoke bars where violence is common or to perceived aggressive lyrics of the song.[3]

Background and history

Karaoke singing is a widespread, popular pastime in the Philippines, including among those with a low income. Many were earning about $2 a day in 2007 and could purchase time on a "videoke" machine for 5 pesos (about 10 cents in US currency).[4] Filipinos who can afford to do so often get private rooms at karaoke bars.

Since January 16, 1998,[5] about a dozen incidents occurred in connection with strenuous complaints over the singing of the song "My Way", prompting Filipino newspapers to name the phenomenon the "'My Way' killings".[6]

Attention to these killings peaked on May 29, 2007, when a 29-year-old karaoke singer was shot dead by a security guard at a bar in San Mateo, Rizal.[7] The guard had complained that the young man's rendition of "My Way" was off-key, but the man refused to stop singing, prompting the guard to pull out a .38-caliber pistol and shoot the man dead.[8]


Some Filipinos—even those who love the song—will not sing it in public, in order to avoid trouble or out of superstitious fear.[9]

As of 2007, the song reportedly had been taken off the playlists of karaoke machines in many bars in Manila, after complaints about out-of-tune renditions of the song, resulting in violent fights and murders.[8]

As a reference to the phenomenon, Japanese rock band Kishidan released an uptempo rock cover of "My Way" as their 10th anniversary single, with a promotional music video featured lead singer (Ayonocozy Show) being shot numerous times while singing the song. Ayonocozy is then shot once more in the back while walking away after the song is concluded, collapsing in a heap on the stairs. A shortened version was used as a commercial.[10]


New York Times writer Norimitsu Onishi argued that the killings might be "the natural byproduct of the country's culture of violence, drinking and machismo".[9] Violent attacks occur frequently in Philippine karaoke bars, with fights often sparked over breaches of karaoke etiquette – such as laughing at other performers, performing the same song twice, or hogging the microphone.[11]

According to Roland B. Tolentino, an expert for pop culture at the University of the Philippines Diliman, the killings connected to singing the song in karaoke may simply reflect its popularity in a violent environment. He also noted that the song's "triumphalist" theme might have an aggravating effect on singers and listeners alike.[9] Other tunes, just as popular in the Philippines, have not resulted in murder.

Butch Albarracin, the owner of "Center for Pop", a Manila-based singing school, also believes the lyrics of "My Way" increase the violence. The lyrics, as he explained, "evoke feelings of pride and arrogance in the singer, as if you're somebody when you're really nobody. It covers up your failures. That's why it leads to fights."[9]


ノリミツ・オオニシ(Norimitsu Onishi, 日本名:大西 哲光)は、日系カナダ人ジャーナリストニューヨーク・タイムズ記者。


千葉県市川市生まれ。4歳のときに両親と共にカナダに移住している。その後モントリオールなどで生活し、現在はカナダ国籍を取得しており、日本語、英語、フランス語を流暢に話す[1]。カナダ・ケベック州マリアノポリス・カレッジ英語版を1988年に卒業[2]、米プリンストン大学では学生新聞編集長を務め、1992年同大を卒業しBachelor of Arts(政治学士)取得[1]

デトロイト・フリー・プレス英語版に入社し自動車産業をレポート[1]。1993年からニューヨーク・タイムズ (NYT) に入社[2]、1998年から西アフリカコートジボワールに西アフリカ支局長として赴任し、ナイジェリアの民政移管やシエラレオネ内戦アメリカ同時多発テロ事件後のアフガニスタンなどを取材した。2003年ハワード・フレンチ英語版の後任として同紙東京支局長に就任。2009年2月からはNYT東京支局長をマーティン・ファクラーと交代し、インドネシアジャカルタを拠点に同紙東南アジア支局長を務め[2][3][4]、2012年4月からサンフランシスコ支局長[1]。2014年5月から南アフリカアパルトヘイト関連の現地情報の報道を開始、8月からはリベリアに移り2014年の西アフリカエボラ出血熱流行についての情勢を報道している[5]。10月にはリベリアからベルギーイギリスを経て、日本に入国したところで発熱が見られたためエボラ出血熱感染が疑われたが、検査結果は陰性だった(#日本国内初のエボラ出血熱感染者の疑い参照)。






2010年2月7日、フィリピンカラオケでの「マイ・ウェイ殺人英語版」について報道[9][10]、電子メールで最も多く転送された記事(Most E-Mailed Articles)の1位を獲得した[11]。一方、エリック・オルターマン英語版ニューヨーク市立大学教授などからは記事の正確性などについて疑問が投げかけられた[12]


2014/10/28 — 厚生労働省は27日、西アフリカに滞在歴が有り、同日午後に羽田空港に到着した40代男性に発熱の症状があるとして、エボラ出血熱の感染の有無を含め検査 ...

2014/10/28 — 大西哲光 ことノリミツ・オオニシ 日本にエボラ持ち込みか? | 匿名党 via kwout. http://riodebonodori.blogspot.com/2014/10/blog-.



5 件のコメント:

ミネ さんのコメント...

ふぁ 折口ノリって読みがあるんだ


>Ayonocozy Show


KARATEZ 鉄人 哲人 シルバーバックス・プリンシパル からの
そうだ京都へ行こう 木村宗慎 キッチリ満ってとこでしょか

GABRIEL さんのコメント...

> my way





匿名 さんのコメント...






草木 さんのコメント...

>2022年11月12日 14:19



匿名 さんのコメント...

