
未接種者にとってはもはや風邪以下のオミクロンの集団免疫による絶滅を促すGeert Vanden Bosscheせんせ

It is 5 past 12 !

Oct 9 


So, this is my desperate call for taking drastic and immediate action. So, what could we do? What could we still do? Well of course I was explaining we need to avoid this immune refocusing because this is just going to throw additional fuel on the fire because this is going to escalate and accelerate the immune escape in a direction that is really very detrimental, that will end up in enhanced virulence of a highly infectious virus. So, we cannot give new booster doses like Omicron-updated booster doses.

This is just going to make the situation much worse. Obviously we need to avoid vaccine breakthrough cases, breakthrough disease, because vaccine breakthrough disease is of course going to enable immune refocusing. So how can we avoid vaccine breakthrough disease? Of course, by diminishing the infection rate!

When we diminish the infection rate we avoid breakthrough diseases. We will avoid recall of these less to non-neutralizing antibodies.  But we need to do better. We not only need to avoid vaccine breakthrough disease. We would need to reduce the infection level to an extent that we can even avoid vaccine breakthrough infection because as soon as we will have an infection the virus will break through the innate immune response and - in previously vaccine-primed individuals- automatically recall antibodies that are completely obsolete; antibodies that have no longer neutralizing capacity. So how can we do this? Of course, the infection rate can only be reduced  via chemoprophylaxis with safe and effective antivirals that on top are broadly accessible and affordable. So, I don't care which antivirals but they need to comply with those criteria.

And we know that there are only very, very few drugs that have these properties that are really safe, can do the job, are effective, broadly accessible and affordable. And I tell you, I think this will need to be done in a prophylactic way. We will need to do it right now in highly vaccinated countries and start providing people massively with antivirals. And the reason I'm saying this is that preventing these vaccine breakthrough infections is almost like generating herd immunity. If we can avoid these vaccine breakthrough infections we can start to build herd immunity.

And please remember: the only way, the only way to control and terminate a pandemic is by generating herd immunity. So then, how long would we need to give these antivirals? Forever? No, we would not do this because that would also have a risk of, for example, inducing (drug) resistance. We would need to do this till we have achieved full herd community.

And so of course not everyone will take antivirals. But let's say you would reach, for example 70 or 80% of the vaccinees; then there is always a certain percentage of the population that did not get those antivirals despite the fact that they were vaccinated. Well, if we see that at a certain antiviral coverage rate in the vaccinees, we do no longer observe severe cases of COVID-19 disease, then we can reasonably conclude that we have reached herd immunity in a sense that the residual transmission rate is obviously low enough  for preventing those who got vaccinated but didn't get the antivirals to not contract severe disease. Because remember, if the virus is completely resistant to any protective effect of the vaccine, then any kind of vaccine breakthrough infection would automatically lead to severe disease. So if that is no longer the case then you conclude reasonably that people who have not gotten the antivirals despite being vaccinated, that they are all of a sudden protected and then of course we can stop the antivirals in the vast majority of the remaining part of the vaccinated population.

Of course, for the unvaccinated it's much easier. They have trained their natural immunity. I keep saying the unvaccinated will do better and better, will ultimately become resistant to this virus. And the people who are probably best protected against Sars-Covid-2 and all the upcoming variants are those that are unvaccinated and live in highly vaccinated countries.

So, we have a choice.

Really? Yes, we have a choice. Please remember only herd immunity can terminate the pandemic. So, you have the choice. You can either reduce this transmission by enhancing the virulence in the vaccinees, what the virus tends to do. If the virulence of the virus increases in the vaccinees, yeah, then of course you are going to have plenty of vaccinees who do no longer transmit. Ev-en if they don't die, they will at least develop severe disease and, therefore, l be hospitalized; they will be out of society and this will dramatically diminish the transmission rate. Do we want to let this happen given the high risk of death, of mortality, or severe morbidity? The only alternative is to provide these people with antivirals, antiviral chemoprophylaxis.

These are the only two options that we have to diminish this fulminant transmission rate in the population that we see right now and that could lead to this miraculous target that was in fact the purpose of the mass vaccination campaign, which miserably failed, and which is herd immunity.

So, what about the side effects and all post mortality rates in the vaccinees that we have seen have been going up? It's appalling if you see the rates and the kind of side effects, the kind of increase in excess deaths, etc. I have no words to describe it; really. It's appalling, it is unacceptable, it blows me away.

But nevertheless, whether you believe me or not, I'm always saying: if one puts all these side effects and all this excess death rate together, it is still going to be peanuts compared to the kind of losses that we are going to face when the virus evolves as I'm predicting, and which I'm 200% certain of, that it will evolve in that way.

And what about early treatment? Well, that is why I'm recommending to do chemoprophylaxis even before people get infected, because there is a high risk that early treatment will be ‘too little’ and that it will come ‘too late’. Why? Because I was just telling you that the virus is now evolving not only to become completely resistant to neutralizing antibodies, but also to become more infectious.

It's basically collecting all these successful mutations that enabled gamma and delta, et cetera, to become more infectious. So, the infection will be so fast and since there is no protection against severe, disease anymore and that we will have antibody-dependent enhancement of severe disease, tmy fear is that early treatment will come too late.


→chemoprophylaxis even before people get infected


化学的防除 (Chemoprophylaxis)





6 件のコメント:

GABRIEL さんのコメント...

> ワクチンの代わりに人体に有害な抗ウイルス薬を
> オミクロンが絶滅するまで人口の大半に接種





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