
ファウチ(Bad Doc) vs. ランド・ポール(Good Doc)も茶番劇


Randal Howard Paul (born January 7, 1963) is an American physician and politician serving as the junior U.S. senator from Kentucky since 2011.[1] He is a son of former three-time presidential candidate and 12-term U.S. representative of Texas, Ron Paul. Paul is a Republican, and describes himself as a constitutional conservative and supporter of the Tea Party movement.

Paul attended Baylor University and is a graduate of the Duke University School of Medicine. Paul was a practicing medical doctor (ophthalmology) in Bowling Green, Kentucky from 1993 until his election to the United States Senate in 2010. He was re-elected in 2016 and announced his candidacy for a third term in January 2022.[2]

Paul was a candidate for the Republican nomination at the 2016 U.S. presidential election. He ended his campaign in February 2016 after finishing in fifth place during the Iowa caucuses. While he initially opposed candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 Republican primaries, he supported Trump following his nomination and became one of his top supporters in the U.S. Senate during and after his presidency.[3]

Randal Howard Paul was born on January 7, 1963, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Carol (née Wells) and Ron Paul, who is also a politician and physician. The middle child of five, his siblings are Ronald "Ronnie" Paul Jr., Lori Paul Pyeatt, Robert Paul, and Joy Paul-LeBlanc.[4]

Paul was baptized in the Episcopal Church[5] and identified as a practicing Christian as a teenager.[6]

Despite his father's libertarian views and strong support for individual rights,[6][7] the novelist Ayn Rand was not the inspiration for his first name. Growing up, he went by "Randy",[8] but his wife shortened it to "Rand."[9][10]

The Paul family moved to Lake Jackson, Texas in 1968,[11] where he was raised[12][13] and where his father began a medical practice and for a period of time was the only obstetrician in Brazoria County.[14][11]

When Rand was 13, his father Ron Paul was elected to the United States House of Representatives.[15] That same year, Paul attended the 1976 Republican National Convention, where his father headed Ronald Reagan's Texas delegation.[16] The younger Paul spent several summer vacations interning in his father's congressional office.[17] In his teenage years, Paul studied the Austrian economists that his father respected, as well as the writings of Objectivist philosopher Ayn Rand.[8] Paul went to Brazoswood High School and was on the swimming team and played defensive back on the football team.[6][12]

Paul attended Baylor University from fall 1981 to summer 1984 and was enrolled in the honors program. During the time he spent at Baylor, he completed his pre-med requirements in two and a half years,[18] was involved in the swim team and the Young Conservatives of Texas and was a member of a tongue in-cheek secret organization, the NoZe Brotherhood, known for its irreverent humor.[19] He regularly contributed to The Baylor Lariat student newspaper.[16] Paul left Baylor without completing his baccalaureate degree,[18] when he was accepted into his father's alma mater, the Duke University School of Medicine, which, at the time, did not require an undergraduate degree for admission to its graduate school. He earned an M.D. degree in 1988 and completed his residency in 1993.[20]

Medical career

After completing his residency in ophthalmology, Paul moved to Bowling Green, Kentucky, where he has been an "active, licensed physician" since 1993.[21][22] He worked for Downing McPeak Vision Centers for five years. In 1998, he joined a private medical group practice, the Graves Gilbert Clinic, in Bowling Green, for 10 years. In 2008, Paul formed his own private practice across the street from John Downing, his former employer at Downing McPeak.[23] After his election to the U.S. Senate, he merged his practice with Downing's medical practice.[24]

Paul has faced two malpractice lawsuits between 1993 and 2010; he was cleared in one case while the other was settled for $50,000.[23] His medical work has been praised by Downing and he has medical privileges at two Bowling Green hospitals.[23] In April 2020, after recovering from COVID-19, Paul began volunteering at a hospital in Bowling Green, assisting them in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Kentucky.[25]

Paul specializes in cataract and glaucoma surgeries, LASIK procedures, and corneal transplants.[9] As a member of the Bowling Green Noon Lions Club, Paul founded the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic in 2009 to help provide eye surgery and exams for those who cannot afford to pay.[26] Paul won the Melvin Jones Fellow Award for Dedicated Humanitarian Services from the Lions Club International Foundation for his work establishing the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic.[27]

レーシック英語: LASIKは、エキシマレーザー角膜屈折矯正手術の通称[1]

の表面の角膜にエキシマレーザーを照射し、角膜の曲率を変えることにより視力を矯正する手術である。LASIKは、正式名称である「LASER(-assisted) in situ κερατόμῑλευσις(keratomileusis)[注釈 1]」(英語・ラテン語・ギリシア語からなる)の略 (アクロニム)であり、「レーザー照射を本来の場所に収まったままの眼球に施し、角膜を彫り整えること」の語意がある。

近視を補正する場合、眼鏡コンタクトレンズの道具を使用するが、レーシックでは角膜を矯正手術することにより、正視の状態に近づける。これにより、裸眼視力を向上することができる。レーシックは1990年ギリシャのDr. Pallikarisが考案した[1]。 



現在のところ治療には健康保険が適用されず、自由診療であることから手術費用は診療所や医院によって幅がある。普及当初は両目で60万円以上するのが通常であったが、手術数や手術医院等の増加等に伴い、現在は両眼で8万円から50万円程度まで開きがある[注釈 2]。そのため、その料金表示をめぐって、不祥事になった例もある。2009年8月6日、公正取引委員会は、ウェブサイトの料金表示が不当景品類及び不当表示防止法第4条第1項第2号に規定する有利誤認のおそれがあるものとして、品川近視クリニックと神奈川クリニック眼科に対し誤認するような表示を行わないよう警告を行った[32]。神奈川クリニックは2010年5月に破産し、神戸クリニックに吸収された。





  • 2011年9月 - 業務上過失傷害罪で起訴された銀座眼科の医師に対して、禁固2年の実刑判決が言い渡された。事件内容は、手術器具による細菌感染防止の手順を怠ったために、患者70人が集団感染し、細菌性角膜炎などを発症した[36]
  • 2014年10月 - 被害者ら15人による、クリニックを相手取った集団訴訟に踏み切り。過剰矯正による遠視、眼精疲労、痛み、視力障害などの訴え[37]

Feb 10, 2020 — Li Wenliang, MD, an ophthalmologist working in Wuhan where the coronavirus epidemic originated, has died.
Feb 6, 2021 — Dr Li was an eye doctor at a hospital in Wuhan - the central Chinese city where the first case of the coronavirus was detected at the end of ...
  • Feb 6, 2020 — "Hello everyone, this is Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist at Wuhan Central Hospital," the post begins. It was a stunning insight into the ...
Li Wenliang (Chinese: 文亮; 12 October 1986 – 7 February 2020) was a Chinese ophthalmologist who warned his colleagues about early COVID-19 infections in ...



反GOD派が手に入れたのは破滅(Protocol X)を齎す偽物の聖杯(Holy Grail)


反GOD派は「Good Doc Bad Doc」方式で保険をかけてる

Good Docも全員例外なく反GOD派なんですよ。(爆wwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Bad Doc

Good Doc


BCG接種 → コロナ予防に効果 → 日本での癌の増加の原因


イベルメクチン → 特効薬(Silver Bullet、奇跡)信仰を破壊しないための薬。


イベルメクチン → 特効薬(Silver Bullet、奇跡)信仰を破壊しないための薬





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