
バイデン政権 二億人の米国の勇者たちにワクチンを接種させたのは我々の功績だと高々と宣言 自ら逃げ道を塞ぐ


'I just can't explain it!' Fauci smirks and LAUGHS when asked on CNN why White House put out tweet falsely claiming COVID vaccines only became available when Joe Biden took office

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci laughed off a tweet by the The White House on Friday 
  • The tweet stated how President Biden was responsible for the vaccine rollout 
  • In fact, COVID vaccines were first distributed in December 2020 under Trump
  • When questioned, Fauci was unable to provide an explanation for the mistake  
  • 'It just went out. I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do about that,' Fauci laughed

The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine - a collaboration between a US pharmaceutical giant and a German biotechnology company - was the first Covid-19 vaccine to be approved by US regulators. 

When questioned on Friday, Dr. Fauci could do nothing but laugh and was unable to provide an explanation. 

'When president Biden took office, millions were unemployed and there was no vaccine available and it goes on from there but as you know it's not true. It might not have been widely available, but it was available,' CNN's Jake Tapper told Fauci.

'More than 3 million Americans had been fully vaccinated, more than 18 million had at least one shot by inauguration day. I think President Biden, then president-elect Biden had two shots by then. You're the president's chief medical adviser. Why is the White House politicizing the pandemic by tweeting out that there was no vaccine available until Joe Biden became president?' Tapper asked.



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GABRIEL さんのコメント...



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中国は抗体依存性自己攻撃と抗原原罪に怯えてゼロコロナ政策を実行しているのかな。今後Omicron種がどの様に変異するかについて見ているが、ADE(antibody-dependent enhancement:抗体依存性感染増強)を引き起こし易い様に変異していく可能性があると思う。つまり、ワクチン接種により液性免疫で対応する身体になってしまった人たちは★になり易くなる。これは、不活性化ワクチンであっても効いてしまう。更に、環境汚染その他の影響により免疫機構が負の影響を受け易い状況の下で抗原原罪が引き起こされると、より一層、免疫不全を引き起こし易くなるだろう。中国政府は、このふたつを恐れているのだろう。

