
George Soros@311

[George Soros] Vladimir Putin and the risk of World War III 

By Korea Herald 
Published : Mar 15, 2022 - 05:31 Updated : Mar 15, 2022 - 05:31
   Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24 was the beginning of a third world war that has the potential to destroy our civilization. The invasion was preceded by a long meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Feb. 4 -- the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations and the Beijing Winter Olympics. At the end of that meeting, the two men released a 5,000-word, carefully drafted document announcing a close partnership between their two countries. The document is stronger than any treaty and must have required detailed negotiations in advance. I was surprised that Xi appeared to have given Putin carte blanche to invade and wage war against Ukraine. He must be very confident that his confirmation as China’s ruler for life later this year will be a mere formality. Having concentrated all power in his own hands, Xi has carefully scripted the scenario by which he will be elevated to the level of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. Having obtained Xi’s backing, Putin set about realizing his life’s dream with incredible brutality. Approaching the age of 70, Putin feels that if he is going to make his mark on Russian history, it is now or never. But his concept of Russia’s role in the world is warped. He seems to believe that the Russian people need a czar whom they can follow blindly. That is the direct opposite of a democratic society, and it is a vision that distorts the Russian “soul,” which is emotional to the point of sentimentality. As a child, I had many encounters with Russian soldiers when they occupied Hungary in 1945. I learned that they would share their last piece of bread with you if you appealed to them. Later, at the beginning of the 1980s, I embarked on what I call my political philanthropy. First, I set up a foundation in my native Hungary, and then I actively participated in the disintegration of the Soviet empire. When Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in 1985, the disintegration had already begun. I set up a foundation in Russia, and then did the same in each of the successor states. In Ukraine, I established a foundation even before it became an independent country. I also visited China in 1984, where I was the first foreigner allowed to set up a foundation (which I closed in 1989, just before the Tiananmen Square massacre). I don’t know Putin personally, but I have watched his rise very closely, aware of his ruthlessness. He reduced the capital of Chechnya, Grozny, to rubble, just as he is currently threatening to do to the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv. Putin used to be a canny KGB operator, but he seems to have changed recently. Having developed an idee fixe, he appears to have lost touch with reality. He certainly misjudged the situation in Ukraine. He expected Russian-speaking Ukrainians to welcome Russian soldiers with open arms, but they turned out to be no different from the Ukrainian-speaking population. Ukrainians have put up an incredibly brave resistance against seemingly overwhelming odds. In July 2021, Putin published a long essay arguing that Russians and Ukrainians are really one people, and that the Ukrainians have been misled by neo-Nazi agitators. The first part of his argument is not without some historical justification, given that Kyiv was the original seat of the Russian Orthodox Church. But in the second part, it was Putin who was misled. He ought to have known better. Many Ukrainians fought valiantly during the Euromaidan protests in 2014. The events of 2014 made him very angry. But the Russian Army performed poorly when it was ordered to attack its Ukrainian brothers. Ingrained corruption in the awarding of defense contracts also has played an important role in its underperformance. Yet rather than blaming himself, Putin seems to have gone literally mad. He has decided to punish Ukraine for standing up to him, and he appears to be acting without any constraint. He is throwing the entire Russian Army into the battle and ignoring all the rules of war, not least by indiscriminately bombing the civilian population. Many hospitals have been hit, and the electrical grid supplying the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (currently occupied by Russian troops) has been damaged. In besieged Mariupol, 400,000 people have been without water and food for nearly a week. Russia may well lose the war. The United States and the European Union are both sending defensive weapons to Ukraine, and there are efforts to buy Russian-made MiG fighters that Ukrainian pilots know how to fly. These could make all the difference. Regardless of the outcome, Putin has already worked wonders when it comes to strengthening the EU’s resolve and unity. Meanwhile, Xi seems to have realized that Putin has gone rogue. On March 8, one day after Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi had insisted that the friendship between China and Russia remained “rock solid,” Xi called French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to say that he supported their peacemaking efforts. He wanted maximum restraint in the war in order to avert a humanitarian crisis. It is far from certain that Putin will accede to Xi’s wishes. We can only hope that Putin and Xi will be removed from power before they can destroy our civilization.

5 days agoThe invasion was preceded by a long meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping on February 4 – the beginning of the ...
1 day ago — After obtaining China's backing, Vladimir Putin set about realizing his life's dream of retaking Ukraine, a decision that may backfire on both Moscow and ...

2022/3/17 01:32 (JST)
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自称ホロコーストサバイバーのSchwartz Györgyことジョージ・ソロス







6 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

ウクライナ大統領「I have a need」 米議会で支援訴え

【ワシントン=中村亮】ウクライナのゼレンスキー大統領は16日、米議会でのオンライン演説に臨んだ。米国で人種差別撤廃に奔走したキング牧師が使った「I have a dream(私には夢がある)」に触れたうえで「I have a need(私には必要なものがある)」と語り、軍事支援や対ロシア制裁の強化を求めた。








草木 さんのコメント...

フランクリン・ルーズベルトの演説 (フランクリン・ルーズベルトのえんぜつ)では、1941年12月8日、アメリカ合衆国のフランクリン・ルーズベルト大統領が、アメリカ合衆国議会両院合同会議で行った演説について、記述する。

前日の12月7日、大日本帝国は、ハワイの真珠湾(パールハーバー)にあるアメリカ海軍基地を攻撃し(真珠湾攻撃)、アメリカ合衆国とイギリスに対し宣戦布告(en)を行った[注 1][1][2][3][4]。この事態を受けて行われた演説は恥辱演説(インファミー・スピーチ、英:Infamy Speech)と呼ばれているが、これは演説の冒頭の一節で、大統領が攻撃を受けた日を「将来、恥辱として記憶に刻まれるであろう日(恥辱の日)」と表現したことに由来している。また、この演説は、真珠湾演説(パールハーバー・スピーチ、英:Pearl Harbor Speech)とも一般的に呼ばれている[5]。

議会は、演説後1時間もかからない間に対日宣戦布告を公式に承認し、アメリカ合衆国は正式に第二次世界大戦に参戦することとなった。この演説は、アメリカの政治演説で最も有名なもののひとつであり[6]、20世紀中、最重要の政治演説のひとつにあげられることもある[7  wikより

☆米議会演説後 本格的に第二次世界大戦がはじまったように

匿名 さんのコメント...

シュバルツ -> 黒


草木 さんのコメント...

Noah Sakamaki
参考:Youtube , The Block仮想通貨情報 2021/10/07 08:27



>ゼレンスキー大統領、仮想通貨合法化法案に署名 ウクライナ
参考:公式発表仮想通貨情報 2022/03/17 06:35



Ellipticの共同創設者であるトム・ロビンソン(Tom Robinson)氏は、ロシアでの違法行為に関連する1,500万を超えるデジタルウォレットアドレスと、制裁対象のロシア人およびその共犯者に関連するウォレットに、数百万ドルの巨額仮想通貨が保有されている事を明らかにした。この発見は、欧米政府がウクライナ侵攻に対して課している制裁に直面するロシアの新興財閥(オリガルヒ)が、ビットコイン(Bitcoin/BTC)、テザー(Tether/USDT)、およびその他、秘匿性の高いプライバシー強化コインを利用し、経済制裁を回避する可能性への調査の一環で見つかったとのこと。

DAO、コラム、暗号通貨(暗号資産) / By 山下健一 / 2022年3月16日

☆"George Soros”予定通りの展開とほくそ笑む 

GABRIEL さんのコメント...


地震 仙台城跡「伊達政宗騎馬像」傾く 馬の足が破断する被害
2022年3月17日 9時56分







匿名 さんのコメント...
