



See the mice in their million hordes From Ibiza to the Norfolk Broads Rule Britannia is out of bounds To my mother, my dog, and clowns




The Port of Gibraltar, also known as Gibraltar Harbour, is a seaport in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar. It was a strategically important location during the Napoleonic Wars and after 1869 served as a supply point for ships travelling to India through the Suez Canal.[2] The harbour of Gibraltar was transformed in the nineteenth century as part of the British Government's policy of enabling the Royal Navy to defeat its next two largest rival navies combined. Both Gibraltar and Malta were to be made torpedo proof, and as a result the North and South Mole were extended and the Detached Mole was constructed. Three large dry docks were constructed and plans were available by 1894. Over 2,000 men were required and had to be billeted in old ships which had not been required since convict labour was abandoned. The demand for stone and sand necessitated building the Admiralty Tunnel right through the Rock of Gibraltar.[3]

In 1903 Edward VII arrived to name the new No. 3 Dock of the new Gibraltar Harbour after himself.[3] Queen Alexandra arrived in HMY Victoria and Albert in 1906 and the Prince and Princess of Wales the following year to name dock number two and then one after themselves.[3]

Since 2009 the docks have been known as Gibdock.[4]Today, the Port of Gibraltar continues to benefit from its strategic location which has made it a "maritime gateway" between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean.[13] With its location at the crossroads of global trade, the port has become the largest bunkering port in the Mediterranean and a prominent maritime staging post, open to vessels of all types and sizes.[13][14] Nearly 240 million gross tons of shipping call at the port every year, with 60,000 vessels transiting the Strait of Gibraltar.[14] The port also benefits from its close proximity to Gibraltar International Airport which enables crew changes and the supply of provisions and spare parts.[14]

In 2005, the Gibraltar Port Authority was established with the aim of improving the safety and services at the port.[14]

The port features a shipyard capable of emergency dry docking and major repairs, named Gibdock.[13][15][4] It is frequently used by the Royal Navy for training purposes or as a stopover for ships transiting to Africa and the Middle East.[16] The Royal Navy also has two patrol boats permanently based at the port as part of the Gibraltar Squadron which is tasked with guarding Gibraltar's territorial waters.[16][17] These boats regularly deploy from the port to address Spanish incursions, which are made against the backdrop of a sovereignty dispute between the UK and Spain on the Status of Gibraltar.[18]

The port has become a popular tourist destination and is a frequent calling point for cruise ships. In 2006, 65 cruise ships made 202 calls at the port, bringing 210,800 passengers.[15] The port features a cruise terminal, complete with a tourist information office, a cafeteria and convenience shops, as well as a 940-metre-long (0.94 km) quay which can accommodate four medium-sized or two large-sized vessels simultaneously.[15]


A variety of rodents live in Pearl Harbor including house mice, Norway rats, roof rats, and Polynesian rats. Rodents can gnaw through a wide variety of ...

Mar 1, 2022 — Water tests showed petroleum, lead, beryllium and ... Two military members walk toward a Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam resident's home to ...
Feb 26, 2022 — The Navy said lead was also found in a water sample from a non-residential building located on the former Submarine Base Pearl Harbor.
Feb 26, 2022 — Testing at a home at Halsey Terrace at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam found petroleum levels of 460 parts per billion, more than double the ...

by RP HarborCited by 3 — On December 7, 1941, the Japanese military launched a surprise attack on the United States Naval Base at Pearl. Harbor, Hawaii. Since early 1941 the U.S. ...


新規感染者40万人超えた韓国 火葬場は“フル稼働”も…


韓国では、新型コロナウイルスの新規感染者が初めて40万人を超えました。フル稼働でも需要に対応できない火葬場もでています。    ◇ 駐車場に並ぶバス。大勢の人が集まっているのは、韓国・釜山にある唯一の公共火葬場です。 この施設では、新型コロナによる死者の増加で、14基ある火葬の炉はフル稼働。1日70人の方の火葬が行われているといいます。 火葬場職員 「火葬の需要が、この施設が対応できる範囲を超えています。運営基準をはるかに上回る状況です」 火葬ができず、葬儀の日を延期する遺族もいます。 遺族 「本来なら3日目に火葬しますが、6日目になってしまいました。」 韓国では16日、新型コロナの新規感染者が40万741人となり、過去最多を更新しました。40万人を超えるのは初めてです。重症者も1244人で過去最多となりました。 韓国 金富謙首相 「オミクロン株の流行がピークに達しています。専門家らは、近くピークアウトするだろうと予測しています」 その一方で、オミクロン株は重症化するリスクが低いことなどから、金首相は、指定感染症のレベル引き下げを検討するよう保健当局に指示しました。



The Port of Busan (Korean부산항; Hanja釜山港) is the largest port in South Korea, located in the city of Busan, South Korea. Its location is known as Busan Harbor.[a]


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> 14基ある火葬の炉

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湾 界隈にネズミはつきもの


火葬 キムチ上皇も清盛に準じることにしたw

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