
アイスランド ワクチン接種では集団免疫は不可能と判断 限定的ワクチン接種と自然な感染拡大による集団免疫を目指すと方針転換



The epidemiologist believes that it is now necessary to try to achieve herd immunity to the coronary virus by letting it continue, but to try to prevent serious illness by protecting vulnerable groups. He says the goal at this point cannot be to eradicate the virus from society.

One and a half months after the abolition of all domestic operations, a record number of people have been diagnosed infected in recent weeks, despite the fact that the majority of the population has been vaccinated.

Þórólfur Guðnason said in Sprengisandur in Bylgjan this morning that it is disappointing that herd immunity has not been achieved with vaccination. He says that only one other way is able to achieve herd immunity, to allow the virus to spread throughout the community.

Þórólfur says that he has talked about it since the beginning of the epidemic that the coronary virus mutated. This has now happened with the arrival of the Delta variant across the border.

He says, however, that the vaccination was not in vain. "The vaccination has prevented a serious illness, there is no question about that," says Þórólfur.

Þórólfur says that it is necessary to respond to how many people become infected after vaccination. "We just need to shuffle the cards and come up with new plans," he said.

"We really can not do anything else," says Þórólfur when asked whether the nation of seventy to eighty must be allowed to become infected to achieve herd immunity.

Some need to be revaccinated

Þórólfur says that the priority now is to give booster doses to those who have responded poorly to vaccination. "We need to try to vaccinate and better protect those who are vulnerable, but let us tolerate the infection," he said.

"I think it is quite clear that Janssen's defense is weaker than that of other vaccines," says Þórólfur. He says it is a priority to give those who received the Jansen vaccine a booster dose. Then, for example, teachers and the elderly need to be given a booster dose as soon as possible.

"It is not a priority now to vaccinate everyone with the third dose, as we also need to think: Maybe we should get a new variant? Do we need to be vaccinated with another vaccine? ”He says. Þórólfur says that the fight against the virus will be characterized by such uncertainty.

Will not propose hard action

"We need to somehow navigate this way, and we are now in this, not to get too many serious illnesses so that the hospital system does not collapse, but still try to achieve this herd immunity by letting the virus somehow run."

Þórólfur believes that the most important action now is to strengthen the hospital system and enable Landspítali to accept more people who need hospitalization.

He says the situation at Landspítali is not good, even though no emergency call has been received from there. "I do not think we have reached the point where we need to take tough action," he said.

However, he says we need to be ready to take action if we are to see a lot of seriously infected people.

Þórólfur says that there will be discussions with specialists and those who work at Landspítali about improvements at the hospital. He does not intend to comment in detail on what needs to be done for the hospital to meet other demand.

Offer parents a vaccine for their children

It has been decided to invite parents to vaccinate children as new research has indicated that the side effects of vaccinating children are not serious. However, children can become seriously ill if they become infected with the Delta variant.















3 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.city.bunkyo.lg.jp › kenko
文京区 東京ドームを会場とした「3区合同ワクチン接種事業」を開始します
3 days ago — 文京区、新宿区、港区の3区は、8月から東京ドームで新型コロナウイルス ... 東京ドームでは12~15歳までの方は、保護者同伴でないとワクチンを接種 ...

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https://www.city.minato.tokyo.jp › ...
3 days ago — 12~15歳の方は保護者の同伴が必要です。(※区内の他接種会場と異なり、ご本人のみの接種はできませんのでご注意ください。) 接種券 ...

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という既成事実から拒否る じゃないと

