


6 日前 — 2020年12月11日金曜日. マイクペンス副大統領Augusta.
4 日前 — 6 日前 — Per angusta ad augusta is a Latin phrase that means "through difficulties to honors,""through trial to triumph," or "through difficulties to great things. マイクペンス副大統領Augusta - 匿名党.

Mike Pence will get the COVID vaccine 'imminently' he reveals, despite Donald Trump ruling out White House officials cutting the line

  • He said he will get vaccinated 'in the days ahead'
  • Trump is 'absolutely open to taking the vaccine'
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci wants Trump, Pence, President-elect Biden and VP-elect Kamala Harris to get it 
  • Senior administration officials will get it to instill 'confidence'
  • States implementing complex plan to distribute vaccine to medical workers 
  • Trump and numerous top White House officials have already contracted the coronavirus 

2020/02/21 — ... representing what the coronation part aims to symbolize with the specific crown. In religious art, a crown of stars is used similarly to a halo. Crowns worn by rulers often contain jewels. Auribus Oculi Fideliores Sunt・・・ ..



これは壮大な 『auribus oculi fideliores sunt』なのだよ。(爆w 






2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

不正 不良の 見える化


GABRIEL さんのコメント...


"Before we took office...the largest abortion provider in America
was also the largest recipient of Federal funding under Title X,"
Vice President @Mike_Pence
Today, every state in America can defund Planned Parenthood.
