

【4月28日 AFP】ドナルド・トランプ(Donald Trump)米大統領は27日、中国の武漢(Wuhan)で始まり世界中に感染が拡大した新型コロナウイルスをめぐって、中国に損害賠償を請求する可能性を示唆した。

トランプ氏はホワイトハウス(White House)での会見で、「われわれは中国に不満だ」「状況全体について不満だ。なぜならウイルスの発生源で(感染を)止めることができたはずだからだ」と述べ、「素早く食い止められたはずだし、そうしていれば世界中に拡大しなかったはずだ」と強調した。






2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

India cancels orders for Covid-19 test kits from China - South ...www.scmp.com › Video › Coronavirus
7 hours ago - India's main medical research organisation, the Indian Council of Medical Research has cancelled orders for Covid-19 antibody test kits made ...

China blames India for mishandling rapid testing kits after govt ...www.indiatoday.in › India
4 hours ago - ICMR, India's nodal body monitoring Covid-19 in India, has asked the state governments to return the rapid antibody test kits. Beijing has now ...

Coronavirus: India cancels order for 'faulty' China rapid test kitswww.bbc.com › news › world-asia-india-52451455
5 hours ago - Image caption Rapid tests are supposed to detect antibodies in the blood of people who have had Covid-19. India has cancelled orders for ...

Coronavirus: India cancels order for 'faulty' China rapid test kitswww.bbc.co.uk › news › world-asia-india-52451455
8 hours ago - The kits take around 30 minutes to deliver a result and are supposed to detect antibodies in the blood of people who may have had the infection.

匿名 さんのコメント...




China’s policymakers face a difficult choice: tolerate an unprecedented slowdown or go for massive stimulus and risk detonating a financial time bomb.

China’s economic planners have a habit of relying on massive levels of debt-financed stimulus whenever growth slows. The closed nature of its financial system affords policymakers the luxury of complacency, as they have a war chest of US$3.1 trillion in foreign exchange reserves.

