

It is not yet known whether weather and temperature impact the spread of COVID-19. Some other viruses, like the common cold and flu, spread more during cold weather months but that does not mean it is impossible to become sick with these viruses during other months. At this time, it is not known whether the spread of COVID-19 will decrease when weather becomes warmer. There is much more to learn about the transmissibility, severity, and other features associated with
COVID-19  and investigations are ongoing.https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html







2,379 件のコメント:

«最後   ‹次   2201 – 2379 / 2379
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https://www.nichibenren.or.jp › ...PDF
そして戦後の高度成長期,家族介護の崩. 壊等によって,現在在宅死が 12%,病院死が 80%以上であります。厚労省は 1980 年以降. 在宅医療の診療報酬を掲げたにもかかわら ...

社会福祉法人 聖隷福祉事業団
https://www.seirei.or.jp › contents6
症状緩和ガイドは、聖隷三方原病院が運営するがん症状緩和に関する情報サイトです。医療従事者向けにがんの進行と共に生じる各種症状の原因や治療方法、ケア方法などを ...

JBpress (ジェイビープレス)
https://jbpress.ismedia.jp › articles
終末期の「鎮静剤」が招く「望まぬ安楽死」の陥穽 - JBpress
終末期の「鎮静剤」が招く「望まぬ安楽死」の陥穽. オランダ「安楽死訴追事件」から東京・福生病院事件

匿名 さんのコメント...

The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › well › c...
The Case of the Never-Ending Illness
2023/12/15 — Post-pandemic, winter has become one big blur of coughs and colds. Did something change?

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.science.org › article
mRNA vaccines may make unintended proteins, but there's no evidence of ...
Dec 7, 2023 — mRNA vaccines may make unintended proteins, but there's no evidence of harm · Alterations that help messenger RNA persist in living cells can ...

The Conversation
https://theconversation.com › mrna-...
mRNA COVID vaccines make 'unintended proteins'
Dec 18, 2023 — mRNA COVID vaccines make 'unintended proteins' – we've discovered how to fix this problem. Published: December 18, 2023 9:48am EST. James ...

Science Media Centre
expert reaction to study on understanding and preventing unintended ...
Dec 6, 2023 — A study published in Nature looks at unintended immune responses in mRNA therapeutics. ... proteins – known as a ribosome – to slow down, pause, ...

National Cancer Institute (.gov)
https://ccr.cancer.gov › news › article
Marked for Destruction - Center for Cancer Research
Cells devote a lot of resources to identifying and destroying these unwanted proteins. The process is so essential that errors in the system have been linked to ...

National Institutes of Health (.gov)
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...
Unintended specificity of an engineered ligand-binding protein ...
by AL Day · 2018 · Cited by 9 — Although designed proteins often exhibit binding of the desired ligand, in some cases they display unintended recognition behavior. One such ...

University of Cambridge
https://www.cam.ac.uk › news › res...
Researchers redesign future mRNA therapeutics to prevent potentially ...
Dec 6, 2023 — Researchers have discovered that misreading of therapeutic mRNAs by the cell's decoding machinery can cause an unintended immune response

匿名 さんのコメント...

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Thursday he tested positive for COVID-19, amid a nationwide spike in infections. The 82-year-old Sanders, said in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, he was experiencing “minimal” symptoms and will continue to isolate while working from his home in Vermont.3 日前

Sanders tests positive for COVID-19 during Senate break as ...

The Hill
https://thehill.com › homenews › 4380333-sanders-positi...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Warning 100,000 could develop long Covid after hospital cases surge
2 days ago
Tom Bawden

Covid alert especially among children as four signs and symptoms sweep UK
21 hours ago
James Rodger

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.cnbc.com › 2023/01/30
Long Covid has an 'underappreciated' role in labor shortage, study finds
2023/01/30 — Long Covid has kept some people out of work for over a year, a new report finds, offering yet more evidence of the illness' labor impact.

https://www.brookings.edu › articles
New data shows long Covid is keeping as many as 4 million people out of work
2022/08/24 — With 10.6 million unfilled jobs at the time, long Covid potentially accounted for 15% of the labor shortage. ... Finally, to fully assess long ...

Why is there a large labor shortage?
Why are we in a worker shortage? At the height of the pandemic, more than 120,000 businesses temporarily closed, and more than 30 million U.S. workers were unemployed. Since then, job openings have steadily increased, while unemployment has slowly declined.2023/12/19
https://www.uschamber.com › unde...
Understanding America's Labor Shortage

What are the long term side effects of COVID-19?
Long COVID, the condition where symptoms that surface after recovering from COVID-19 linger for weeks, months, or even years, is still a mystery to doctors and researchers. The symptoms, such as chronic pain, brain fog, shortness of breath, chest pain, and intense fatigue, can be debilitating.2023/10/27
https://www.yalemedicine.org › news
What Happens When You Still Have Long COVID Symptoms?

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1/6(土) 22:00

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Hydroxychloroquine could have caused 17000 deaths during Covid, study finds
3 days ago
Mari Eccles

Hydroxychloroquine use during COVID pandemic may have induced 17000 deaths, new study finds
2 days ago

匿名 さんのコメント...

Experts said there are several reasons why people might still be dying from the virus, including not enough people accessing treatments or getting vaccinated as well as waning immunity.2 日前

Why are 1500 Americans still dying from COVID every week?

ABC News
https://abcnews.go.com › Health › story

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https://www.igakuken.or.jp › r-info › covid-19-info51
2021/04/20 — これらの変異株は、過去の感染によって得られた免疫や承認されているワクチンによって得られた免疫を回避する可能性があり、ウイルスの感染・伝播性が増加 ...

mRNAワクチンの反復接種はSARS-CoV-2の免疫回避を促進 ...

https://www.igakuken.or.jp › r-info › covid-19-info182
2023/10/03 — SARS-CoV-2の遺伝子変異を有する新規変異株は、過去の感染によって得られた免疫や承認されているワクチンによって得られた免疫を回避する可能性がある。

匿名 さんのコメント...

Medical Xpress
Study: In patients with long COVID, immune cells don't follow the rules
People with long COVID have dysfunctional immune cells that show signs of chronic inflammation and faulty movement into organs, among other...The team also found an unusually high number of "tissue-homing" T cells, which are T cells that are prone to migrating to tissues throughout the body. This was observed not only by CyTOF but also by two other technologies, including one that monitors individual cells for thousands of different proteins they're capable of producing. -

匿名 さんのコメント...

Chinese scientists 'create' a mutant coronavirus strain that attacks the BRAIN and has a 100% kill rate in mice - as they admit there's a 'risk it spills over to humans'
By Caitlin Tilley, Health Reporter For Dailymail.Com
17:59 16 Jan 2024, updated 21:34 16 Jan 2024

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www3.nhk.or.jp › fukui
“かかりつけ医を持とっさ!” デーモン閣下さんが呼びかけ
7 日前 — アーティストのデーモン閣下さんは、厚生労働省の「上手な医療のかかり方」というプロジェクトで大使を務め、各

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www3.nhk.or.jp › news › html
医師の働き方改革 大学病院勤務医の「研さん」 労働時間と明示
13 時間前 — 医師の働き方をめぐっては、診療などの本来業務のほかに新薬の勉強や学会の出席など「研さん」に使う時間が多いとして、ことし4月から医師の働き方改

匿名 さんのコメント...

1/25(木) 16:58配信

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Here’s why COVID-19 isn’t seasonal so far
Human immunity and behavior may be more important than weather for driving seasonality
Tina Hesman Saey
By Tina Hesman Saey
Senior Writer, Molecular Biology

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United Nations
https://www.un.org › ... › Documents
Gated community: life inside the West Bank Barrier - UNRWA Press release
2010/07/15 — For some of the most vulnerable refugees, UNRWA also provides short-term employment, with the financial

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https://www.nies.go.jp › column3

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https://www.kamikawayoko.net › ar...
2014/01/25 — ... ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団など多様な組織です。2011年より日本政府もGAVIを支援するドナー国に加わりました。GAVIそのものは2000年の設立以来 ...

https://www.nikkei.com › ... › 政治
ビル・ゲイツ氏に勲章手渡し 外相、国際保健の貢献評価
2022/08/18 — 外相はゲイツ氏が共同議長を務める慈善団体「米ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団」による国際保健への貢献を評価し、同氏に旭日大綬章の証書と勲章を

匿名 さんのコメント...

stf › bunya
あさコラム vol.29 感染症エクスプレス@厚労省 2016年11月11日
2016/11/11 —...少しさかのぼって、10月のとある日。  「浅沼さん!ケニアのスナノミ、何とかできない?」  結核対策などでお世話になっているNPO法人日本リザルツの白須紀子代表か ら電話を頂きました。  聞けば、ケニアの貧困地域で活動している日本リザルツの白石さんという インターンが、現地でスナノミ問題に関心を持っていて、相談を持ちかけられた とのこと

http://resultsjp.sblo.jp › article
GAVIインドネシア視察に向けて: 日本リザルツ公式ブログ
GAVIはインドネシアにおいては2002年より、予防接種のサポートなどを行っています。 インドネシア視察には日本リザルツより、代表の白須とスタッフ1名が同行する予定です。

http://resultsjp.sblo.jp › article
インドネシアにおけるGAVIアライアンスの活動視察~1~: 日本 ...
日本から参加された国会議員は、上川陽子衆議院議員、谷合正明・藤井基之・藤末健三参議院議員の4名です。 8月20日にインドネシアに到着 8月21日 バイオファーマ社視察 ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.kamikawayoko.net › ar...
2014/01/25 — (鈴木)陽子さんから日本を代表して何かメッセージはお伝えしたんですか? (上川)まずは、3・11で多くの国々から国際援助をいただいたことに感謝の ...

https://www.sophia.ac.jp › jpn › news
第1回 「人間の安全保障と平和構築」 2019年4月23日 実施報告
2019/05/21 — 第1回目のセミナーでは、前法務大臣で、現在、SDGs外交議員連盟会長や、自民党司法制度調査会会長も務める上川陽子衆議院議員が、「人間の安全保障 ...

https://www.apda.jp › pdfPDF
冬号 - アジア人口・開発協会

2021/01/04 — 上川陽子会長の下での第 1 回目の勉強会を開催しました。 勉強会は、メディアなどでも積極的に日本の役割を提言. されている東大作上智大学教授に ...
6 ページ·931 KB

https://www.sophia.ac.jp › release
「上智大学国連Weeks October, 2018」開催
2018/10/05 — SDGs達成に向けて、SDGs外交議員連盟会長を務める上川陽子氏(前法務大臣・衆議院議員)が熱意と取組みについて講演。 【日時】10月27日

https://www.sophia.ac.jp › unweeks
上智大学国連Weeks October 2017 実施報告
はじめにSDGs外交議員連盟会長の上川陽子法務大臣が「『司法外交』とSDGs」と題して挨拶を行いました。 上川陽子法務大

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https://topics.smt.docomo.ne.jp › hi...
「将来薬害となる可能性も…」 新型コロナワクチンは薬害なのか? 大学 ...
3 時間前 — ... (大阪市立大学 井上正康 名誉教授) 「今のところ201種類の疾患、そして副作用の報告数としては(世界で)3071本の論文が出ている。一つのワクチンでこれだけの論文が出ているというのは、人類史上初めて」 ワクチン接種後の健康被害に関する研究論文は、今や世界で3000以上発表され、症状は免疫や血液、神経など全身に表れている事実を指摘。 さらに… (東京理科大学 村上康文 名誉教授) 「一つの病変部位に(ワクチンの)スパイクタンパクがあるかどうかを明確に証明していく。訴える材料に利用できるまで、しっかりやりたいと思っている」 ウイルスへの免疫を獲得するため、ワクチンが体内で作り出すスパイクタンパクそのものが体に有害であることを証明していくと、今後の研究方針を示しました。 (京都大学 福島雅典 名誉教授) 「国の政策が本当に良かったのか、謙虚に立ち止まって考えるべき。何が起こってるのかこの事実を事実として認めて共有して、未来に向かって進んでいきたいと思っている」

匿名 さんのコメント...

ナショナル ジオグラフィック日本版
https://natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp › news
2024/02/01 —...感染症は気道の神経を過敏にする  気道に炎症が起こると、気道の神経が過敏になり、刺激に対して過剰に反応するようになることが研究により示されている。1つの仮説は、感染後のしつこい咳は、体からウイルスがいなくなった後も神経が過敏なままであるために起こるというものだ。

匿名 さんのコメント...

供給不足のせき止め薬を増産 塩野義製薬「今年1.5倍、来年2倍」:朝日新聞デジタル

咳止め薬・痰切り薬が新型コロナやインフルの流行で供給不足、厚労省「処方は最小限に」(Medical DOC) - Yahoo ...

薬不足長引く せき止め、たん切り、抗菌薬がない…ぜんそくの薬も 千葉
薬不足長引く せき止め、たん切り、抗菌薬がない…ぜんそくの薬も 千葉 ... ことしは、インフルエンザの流行が例年になく早く始まり、いわゆるプール熱の患者...

匿名 さんのコメント...

若者の間で広がる市販の咳止め薬・風邪薬の乱用【時流◆家庭 ...

https://sp.m3.com › clinical › news
2023/06/27 — 危険なのは、市販薬には依存性のある成分がたくさん含まれている場合があることです。よく咳止めに入っているジヒドロコデインはモルヒネの仲間で、似た ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

ナショナル ジオグラフィック日本版
https://natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp › atcl › news
2024/02/01 — ...2016年には、モルモットをインフルエンザ様ウイルスに感染させると、気道の特定の神経に、カプサイシンなどの刺激に反応する「TRPV1」という受容体タンパク質が余分に作られることが研究で明らかになった。モルモットや実験室で培養したヒト細胞を用いたほかの研究でも、呼吸器ウイルスに感染したときにTRPV1などの受容体タンパク質が多く作られることが報告されている。


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https://www.sciencedirect.com › pii
Analysis of post COVID-19 condition and its overlap with myalgic ...
by OA Sukocheva · 2022 · Cited by 87 — Bousquet et al discussed the potential involvement of TRP ankyrin A1 (TRPA1) and TRP vanilloid (TRPV1) channels in COVID-19 pathology [145]. TRPV4 has been

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東京新聞 TOKYO Web
https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp › article
新型コロナ4割に後遺症 神奈川県が初の実態調査 半数「現在も悩んでいる」
3 日前 — ...後遺症の受診「していない」が2601人  患者への調査は昨年10月、県のLINE公式アカウントを通じて実施し、1万8260人が回答。感染歴があるとした9604人のうち、4割の4328人に後遺症の症状があり、2601人は「医療機関を受診していない」と答えた。症状の経過を見ていた人や、対応している医療機関が分からない人が多かった。  後遺症の症状(複数回答)は、倦怠感(けんたいかん)(1691人)、持続するせき(1484人)、嗅覚障害(860人)、味覚障害(806人)、息切れ(652人)、頭痛(531人)など。後遺症が出た人の半数近くに当たる2155人は「現在も悩んでいる」とし、そのうち843人が学校や仕事を一定期間休んだり、辞めたりしたと答えた。 ◆ワクチン接種回数は感染の有無で差  ワクチン接種回数に関する質問では、感染の有無による差があった。感染したことがある人は「3回」が最も多く3008人。次いで「4回」が2451人、「2回」が1418人などだった。一方、「感染したことがない」と回答した8656人は「4回」が最多の1980人で、「6回」の1750人、「5回」の1633人、「7回」の1577人と続き、総じて回数が多い傾向にあった。

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happy hypoxia covid 19

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University of Cambridge
https://www.cam.ac.uk › news › lon...
Long COVID linked to persistently high levels of inflammatory protein
23 時間前 — ....SARS-CoV-2 triggers the production of the antiviral protein IFN-γ, which is associated with fatigue, muscle ache and depression. New research shows that in Long COVID patients, IFN-y production persists until symptoms improve, highlighting a potential biomarker and a target for therapies.

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.amed.go.jp › co...PDF
2023/01/13 — 本研究では新型コロナウイルスワクチンに対する免疫応答の個人差・年齢差について検討し、特に加齢. の影響を受けやすいとされるT細胞に着目した解析を ...

京都大学iPS細胞研究所 CiRA
https://www.cira.kyoto-u.ac.jp › news
高齢者のT細胞応答は立ち上がりが遅く収束は早い 〜新型コロナワクチン接種 ...
2023/01/13 — 本研究では新型コロナウイルスワクチンに対する免疫応答の個人差・年齢差について検討し、特に加齢の影響を受けやすいとされるT細胞に着目した解析を ...

https://www.nature.com › ... › articles
Vaccine-induced protection against SARS-CoV-2 requires IFN-γ-driven ...
X Wang 著 · 2023 · 被引用数: 5 — The overall success of worldwide mass vaccination in limiting the negative effect of the COVID-19 pandemics is inevitable, however, ...

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抗がん剤に対するばく露防止対策 | 看護職の皆さまへ


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https://www.bdj.co.jp › supportPDF
近年、. ハザーダス・ドラッグなどの薬剤を安全. に調製・投与する閉鎖式薬物移送システム. (CSTD)が大きく注目され、レベル2実践. のために現場に導入されています。

https://medical.jms.cc › seminar4
第32回日本がん看護学会 学術集会 | 抗がん剤曝露対策セミナーレポート
がん患者の増加や抗がん剤の種類の増加、適用範囲の拡大などにより医療者へのHDによる職業曝露が起こっています。特に、調製と投与に関与する薬剤師と看護師のリスクが高い ...

https://www.ncgg.go.jp › doc...PDF
在宅・施設における抗がん剤曝露による環境汚染調査 ...
男性患者では、座位で排尿し、尿勢、排尿角度、排尿位置に注意し、揮発性薬剤が投与さ. れた女性患者も便器周りを汚染させないように意識しながら排尿する必要がある。

https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp › _pdf
佐々木真紀子 著 · 2016 · 被引用数: 4 — 抄録:目的:化学療法中の患者を看護している看護師の. 抗がん剤の職業性曝露の状況

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ナショナル ジオグラフィック日本版
https://natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp › news
2 日前 — 速筋線維は重いものを持ち上げたり短距離を全力疾走したりするなどの瞬発力がいる運動に使われ、遅筋線維は歩行や持久走などの緩やかで安定した運動に使 ...

https://www.nikkei.com › article
2023/05/29 — 運動は一般に「万能薬」と考えられているが、一部の新型コロナ後遺症患者には逆効果なのではないだろうか

匿名 さんのコメント...

Trinity College Dublin
Trinity team discovers underlying cause of “brain fog” linked with Long COVID
...“For the first time, we have been able to show that leaky blood vessels in the human brain, in tandem with a hyperactive immune system may be the key drivers of brain fog associated with Long COVID. This is critically important, as understanding the underlying cause of these conditions will allow us to develop targeted therapies for patients in the future,”

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Minding The Campus
Why Are Health Care Students Still Forced to Get COVID-19 Boosters? — Minding The Campus
...A tremendous injustice is taking place in health care education, and most people are entirely unaware of it. Today, almost four years since the COVID pandemic began, nearly all U.S. medical students, nursing students, and students training in other health care fields are still being forced to choose between accepting continual booster doses of the COVID mRNA vaccines or being kicked out of their training programs. This remains so, even though many institutions that enforce these mandates on health care students do not do so for faculty, staff, and patients. This remains so, despite the fact that among the nearly 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S., only 67 still require COVID vaccination for their undergraduate students—and even some of those holdouts do not require boosters. However, many of these same institutions that have rightly dropped mandates for their general student population still mandate COVID vaccination and boosters for health care students. This injustice

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Today, CDC Director Mandy Cohen endorsed the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices' (ACIP) recommendation for adults ages 65 years and older to receive an additional updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine dose.11 hours ago
https://www.cdc.gov › s-0228-covid
Older Adults Now Able to Receive Additional Dose of Updated COVID ...

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匿名 さんのコメント...

The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › health
Older Americans Should Get a Covid Booster This Spring, CDC Advisers Say
3 日前 — Americans ages 65 and older should receive an additional dose of the latest Covid vaccine this spring, the Centers for Disease Control and ...

https://www.reuters.com › world
US CDC recommends older Americans should get another COVID shot this ...
3 日前 — The CDC's Advisory Committee For Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted 11-1 to say that older Americans should get another shot this spring, ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.nikkansports.com › ph...
三谷幸喜氏コロナ治療薬「ゾコーバ」巡り安住紳一郎アナと珍問答「卒塔婆 ...
4 時間前 — 三谷幸喜氏コロナ治療薬「ゾコーバ」巡り安住紳一郎アナと珍問答「卒塔婆?後藤田?ゾトーバ?」

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://smart-flash.jp › entame
「コロナ後遺症外来」開いたら同業者から「ヤブ医者」「銭ゲバ ...
2023/11/04 — ... 「もともとは、消化器の診療がメインでしたが、2020年の10月に、後遺症をテーマにしたNHKの『クローズアップ現代』に出演してから、患者さんが激増。

匿名 さんのコメント...

JAMA Network
https://jamanetwork.com › fullarticle
CDC Tracking BA.2.87.1, New Omicron Subvariant With Potential to Evade ...
3 日前 — The newer Omicron subvariant, known as BA.2.87.1, has infected at least 9 people in South Africa since September

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.niph.go.jp › archives
医療従事者等への接種について – H・CRISIS

接種を受ける際の同意  新型コロナワクチンの接種は、国民の皆さまに受けていただくようお勧めしていますが、接種を受けることは強制ではありません。しっかり情報提供を行ったうえで、接種を受ける方の同意がある場合に限り接種が行われます。 予防接種を受ける方には、予防接種による感染症予防の効果と副反応のリスクの双方について理解した上で、自らの意志で接種を受けていただいています。受ける方の同意なく、接種が行われることはありません。 職場や周りの方などに接種を強制したり、接種を受けていない人に差別的な扱いをすることのないようお願いいたします。


匿名 さんのコメント...

JAMA Network
https://jamanetwork.com › fullarticle
How COVID-19 Might Be Tied to Recent Respiratory Disease Surges ...
R Rubin 著 · 被引用数: 1 — They call the phenomenon immunity theft, a term that is nowhere to be found on PubMed, although it makes frequent appearances on X, formerly ...

Texas Public Radio | TPR
https://www.tpr.org › is-immunity-...
Is immunity debt or immunity theft to blame for children's respiratory virus ...
2022/12/27 — The theory is called immunity debt, and it suggests that because children's immune systems hadn't been challenged by viruses like respiratory ..

https://www.yahoo.com › lifestyle
What is 'immunity theft'? How certain illnesses can leave you more ...
2024/01/19 — "Immunity theft" isn't a medical term, but some are using it to describe how certain infections impact the immune system, leaving people ...

National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...
How COVID-19 Might Be Tied to Recent Respiratory Disease Surges
R Rubin 著 · 2024 · 被引用数: 1 — From "Immunity Debt" to "Immunity Theft"-How COVID-19 Might Be Tied to Recent Respiratory Disease Surges. JAMA. 2024 Feb 6;331(5):378-381. doi: ...

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
https://libguides.mskcc.org › Immune
Immune Dysfunction - COVID Impacts - Memorial Sloan Kettering Library
3 日前 — This degradation was referred to as “immunity theft” by T. Ryan Gregory, an evolutionary biologist, as a counterargument to "immunity debt ...

UT Health San Antonio
https://news.uthscsa.edu › texas-pu...
Texas Public Radio: Is immunity debt or immunity theft to blame for children's ...
2022/12/28 — Texas Public Radio: Is immunity debt or immunity theft to blame for children's respiratory virus spike? Posted on December 28, 2022 at 10:41 am.

https://slate.com › 2023/01 › imm...
What Is COVID Actually Doing to Our Immune Systems?
2023/01/31 — This quiet degradation was memorably termed “immunity theft” by one evolutionary biologist speculating on why this fall's respiratory virus ...

Instagram · longcovidsos
高評価 280+ 件 · 6 日前
Immunity Debt and Immunity Theft are now commonly used phrases that ...
Immunity Debt and Immunity Theft are now commonly used phrases that arose earlier in the pandemic but were not.

Institute of Medicine of Chicago
https://iomc.org › news
How COVID-19 Might Be Tied to Recent Respiratory Disease Surges
2024/01/10 — Much of the discussion has centered around immunity debt and immunity theft, terms born of the pandemic and not found in textbooks. More>. ### ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.bloomberg.com › news
Are People Getting Sick More Since the Covid Pandemic?
8 時間前 — A small 2023 study, for example, found that people who recovered from severe Covid infections had long-

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://vaccines.procon.org › histo...
History of Vaccines - ProCon.org
The Chinese used inoculation techniques against smallpox as early as 1000 AD. Learn more about vaccine history, innoculation controversies, and regulations.

匿名 さんのコメント...

致死率3割の劇症型溶連菌、患者最多 感染力強い株確認
2024年2月26日 5:00

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.asahi.com › articles
日本医師連盟、釜萢氏を次期参院選擁立 元新型コロナ対策分科会委員
2024/01/31 — 日本医師会の政治団体「日本医師連盟」(日医連)は31日、2025年の参院選に政府の新型コロナウイルス感染症対策の分科会委員を務めた日本医師会常任 ...

https://www.med.or.jp › article
釜萢常任理事を次期参議院選挙比例区(全国区)の推薦候補者として擁立 ...

https://diamond.jp › articles
「話が違う」日本医師会の政治団体、次の参院選の候補者選びで不満が噴出 ...
2024/02/08 — *本記事は医薬経済ONLINEからの転載です。 「残念ながら、釜萢(敏)氏はこれらの会員の期待に沿う候補ではありません。ぜひ、会員の期待に ...

https://www.yomiuri.co.jp › politics
2024/01/31 — 【読売新聞】 日本医師会(日医)の政治団体、日本医師連盟は31日、次期参院選比例選に日医常任理事で政府の新型コロナウイルス感染症対策の分科会 ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

2023年8月2日 18時49分




匿名 さんのコメント...

mrna vaccine cancer preventable by vaccine

匿名 さんのコメント...

Are People Getting Sick More Since the Covid Pandemic?
Hi folks, it's Kristen in New York. A reader wonders whether there are more bugs floating around these days. But before we get to that...
6 days ago

Mayo Clinic
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) - Symptoms and causes
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an illness caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. Learn more about the symptoms, risks and ways to protect yourself.
2 weeks ago

The Washington Post
Opinion | The Checkup With Dr. Wen: Why it seems everyone is getting sick this winter
Viral illnesses are everywhere. Thankfully, most are self-resolving.
1 month ago

Why are so many people getting sick? COVID, flu, RSV in Colorado
Fresh off the holidays, and now in the heart of winter, respiratory viruses like flu, COVID and RSV are making their seasonal rounds through Colorado.
Jan 10, 2024

Why is everyone sick right now? Cold, flu, and Covid season is here
How to prevent and treat colds, the flu, Covid-19, and more.
Jan 8, 2024

NBC News
Are cold or flu symptoms lingering longer this winter? Doctors explain.
It's a common complaint this winter: After coming down with a respiratory illness, some people feel like they can't shake a lingering cough or runny nose...
Dec 23, 2023

The New York Times
Colds, Coughs, and Covid: Why it Feels Like Everyone Is Always Sick
Post-pandemic, winter has become one big blur of coughs and colds. Did something change?
Dec 15, 2023

National Post
Is everyone sick right now? How this virus season compares to previous ones
Respiratory disease season is underway but so far, this year is more of a typical, pre-COVID year. We just forgot what it's like.
Dec 14, 2023

Respiratory viruses are on the rise. Did COVID-19 make us more vulnerable to other illnesses?
If it seems like everyone is sick right now, it's not just all in your head. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) over a dozen...
Dec 14, 2023

Time Magazine
Does COVID-19 Make You More Susceptible to Other Illnesses?
Some studies suggest the virus that causes COVID-19 changes the immune system. Are you more likely to get sick after having COVID-19?
Dec 7, 2023

匿名 さんのコメント...

Spring COVID-19 booster shots. Who should get one and when?
Health experts recommend a spring COVID-19 booster shot for everyone who is 65 and older to offer extra protection from the virus.
20 hours ago

The Washington Post
Opinion | Spring boosters for covid are here. Your questions, answered.
People who want additional protection against covid should get a spring booster.
1 day ago

Global News
Spring is just around the corner. Should you get an updated COVID shot?
The National Advisory Committee on Immunization issued guidance for updated COVID-19 vaccines in the spring, specifically for Canadians facing elevated risk...
2 days ago

The New York Times
He Had 217 Covid Shots Without Side Effects, Study Finds
Media accounts of a German man's extreme vaccination history spurred researchers to analyze his immune responses.
2 days ago

USA TODAY Reviewed
The CDC recommends another booster shot for adults 65+ this spring—here's what to know
The CDC recommends another booster shot this spring 2024 for adults 65 and older. Here's what to know and ways to ease shot discomfort.
3 days ago

A New COVID Vaccine Dose Is Now Available for People Age 65 and Older. Where Can You Find a Shot Near You?
Older adults age 65 and over can now get another COVID vaccine this spring, after the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) formally...
1 week ago

Patient Care Online
ACIP Recommends Monovalent COVID-19 Booster for Older Adults this Spring
COVID-19 hospitalizations have never fall below 6000/week, according to the ACIP; those aged 65+ have the highest inpatient rate, those aged 75+ have the...
1 week ago

The Washington Post
Opinion | California’s case for relaxing covid isolation guidance
This edition of The Checkup With Dr. Wen was sent on Thursday, before the CDC updated its isolation guidance for covid. This online version has been updated...
1 week ago

U.S. News & World Report
CDC Experts Recommend Seniors Get Another COVID Shot
By Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter. HealthDay. THURSDAY, Feb. 29, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Even if they got a COVID booster last fall, American seniors...
1 week ago

COVID Shot Update: Older Adults Should Get Another This Spring, CDC Says
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended Wednesday that adults age 65 and older get another COVID-19 shot this spring.
1 week ago

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The Jerusalem Post
https://m.jpost.com › article-785042
Breakthrough CMV vaccine offers hope to pregnant women
2024/02/04 — ...Moderna's final research stages on their vaccine against the deadly CMV virus are underway. The vaccine has so far shown to be safe, triggering strong immune responses capable of combating the virus. The vaccine, known as mRNA-1647, utilizes the same technology as Moderna's COVID-19 vaccines. It stimulates the body to produce antibodies that neutralize the virus, while also mobilizing white blood cells to eliminate it. These antibodies remain in the body as a lasting "immune memory," ready to fend off future invasions by the same virus.

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.oricon.co.jp › lyrics
あれも欲しい これも欲しいもっと欲しい もっともっと欲しい

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.sec.gov › edgar › data
Press release issued by Moderna, Inc. dated
... mRNA vaccine candidate (mRNA-1574). Public Health Vaccines. •The U.S. FDA ... •Checkpoint cancer vaccine (mRNA-4359):

匿名 さんのコメント...

mRNA vaccines may make unintended proteins, but there’s no evidence of harm
Alterations that help messenger RNA persist in living cells can trip up protein synthesis

匿名 さんのコメント...

生成 AI は試験運用中です。


カバンの中も つくえの中も探したけれど見つからないのに

井上陽水 夢の中へ 歌詞 - 歌ネット

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匿名 さんのコメント...

>mRNA vaccines may make unintended proteins, but there’s no evidence of harm
Alterations that help messenger RNA persist in living cells can trip up protein synthesis

匿名 さんのコメント...

U.S. Department of Defense (.gov)
https://www.defense.gov › Spotlights
Coronavirus: DOD Response
DoD COVID-19 Cumulative Totals ; 167,988, 2,489, 417 ; 72,867, 579, 36.

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匿名 さんのコメント...

National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
Connection between the COVID-19 pandemic, war trauma reminders ...
by A Jeftić · 2023 · Cited by 27 — The current pandemic has been associated with an increased prevalence of mental health problems in the general population including PTSD (e.g., ...

The World Economic Forum
https://www.weforum.org › 2020/04
COVID lockdown is world's biggest psychological experiment
Apr 9, 2020 — With some 2.6 billion people around the world in some kind of lockdown, we are conducting arguably the largest psychological experiment ever ...

Scientific American
The Biggest Psychological Experiment in History Is Running Now
The pandemic's effect on mental health could be even more far-reaching. At one point roughly one third of the planet's population was under orders to stay home.

The Telegraph
https://www.telegraph.co.uk › news
Project Fear's 'psychological warfare' must never be repeated, say ...
Mar 5, 2023 — Group of Conservative MPs and experts condemn use of scare tactics to submit people into following strict Covid rules.

New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (.gov)
https://www.njohsp.gov › analysis
Psychological Operations Leveraged Against US, Allies Amid COVID-19 ...
Mar 31, 2020 — Several near-peer competitor countries are leveraging the COVID-19 pandemic to conduct psychological operations against Western nations to ...

National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc
Psychological implications of the COVID‐19 pandemic around the world
by M Obschonka · 2021 · Cited by 15 — Depression and anxiety among war‐widows of Nepal: A post‐civil war cross‐sectional study. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 23(2), 141–153.

Ottawa Citizen
Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test ...
Sep 27, 2021 — A plan devised by the Canadian Joint Operations Command relied on propaganda techniques similar to those employed during the Afghanistan war

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://kotobank.jp › 怪訝-456830
怪訝(けげん)とは? 意味や使い方
...け‐げん【怪訝】 〘名〙 (形動) わけが分からなくてなっとくがいかない様子。また、不思議に思うこと。あるいは、そのようなさま。

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.weblio.jp › content
訝しむ(いぶかしむ)の意味や読み方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書
変だな怪しいぞという思いを抱くさまを表現する言葉である。 同義語に「訝る(いぶかる)」「訝しがる」がある。

匿名 さんのコメント...




匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www2.ntj.jac.go.jp › evolution
役柄|成り立ち|はじめての歌舞伎 - 文化デジタルライブラリー
悪婆(あくば). 目的のためなら悪事も働く、たくましい中年女性の役柄。惚れた男性の前では、恥じらいも見せます。

匿名 さんのコメント...

goo ニュース
はしか、都内での感染者を確認 世界各地で流行

はしか(麻疹)で亜急性硬化性全脳炎(SSPE)に 寝たきりになることも

匿名 さんのコメント...



https://www.ncchd.go.jp › info
はしか(麻しんウイルス感染症)にご注意ください!! | 国立成育医療 ...

匿名 さんのコメント...


麻しんに対する特効薬はなく、発熱やせきなどの症状をやわらげる対症療法を行いながら回 復を待つことになります。 その間に、合併症として細菌感染症にかかってしまった場合には、 抗菌薬(抗生物質など) が使われることもありますが、抗生物質は麻しんウイルスそのものには 全く効果がありません。
https://www.mhlw.go.jp › 20...PDF

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社内にノウハウが蓄積されない 外部の技術やノウハウを活用するので、自社内にノウハウが蓄積されません。 ...

コストが高まるリスクがある 自社内で効率化が進んでいた事業などをアウトソーシングすると、反対にコストが高まる場合があります。 ...


https://www.smbc.co.jp › planning

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https://www.kantei.go.jp › s...PDF
Nov 28, 2023 — ... ・パンデミックファンドに対し、日本として設立から2023年10月までに間に7千万ドルの貢献を表明。また、理事国として同基金の理事会(2023年10月までに8回開催)に参加し議論に貢献。・(Global Fund)グローバルファンドへの拠出を通じ、HIV、結核、マラリアのパンデミック収束と保健システム強化を促進し、UHC達成に貢献している。 ・顧みられない熱帯(NTD)や結核、マラリア等の開発途上国を中心に蔓延する疾病の医薬品研究開発等を、官民連携の資金拠出により促進...

https://www.kantei.go.jp › s...PDF
1 パンデミック基金について. ▫ ドナーの貢献表明総額は16億ドル超(2023年11月時点)。日本は、計7千万ドルの貢献を表明。 ▫ 本年3月より「予防」「備え」に焦点を ...
1 page·386 KB

嗅覚 さんのコメント...



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Science | AAAS
https://www.science.org › article
Biochip could detect multiple viruses, cancers, or toxins in minutes
2023/08/04 — ... cancer and small molecules flagging toxic threats in the environment. “This technology could have a

匿名 さんのコメント...

Daily Mail Online
Covid DID come from Wuhan lab, says new analysis of patients, records and virus' makeup: '70% chance'
Researchers from Australia and Arizona used a risk analysis tool to determine the chances that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was of 'unnatural'...Between 2015 and 2023, at least seven US entities supplied NIH grant money to labs in China performing animal experiments, totaling $3,306,061 -
.12 時間前

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موجز نيوز
Catching Covid has made people less intelligent - with severe infections ... trends now
Catching Covid makes people less intelligent, with severe infections reducing IQ the most, a study by scientists at Imperial College London ...
2 hours ago

Daily Mail Online
Catching Covid has made people less intelligent - with severe infections reducing IQ the most, new study sugge
Catching Covid makes people less intelligent, with severe infections reducing IQ the most, a study by scientists at Imperial College London suggests.
2 hours ago

The Times
How Covid made us more stupid: even mild infection 'leads to fall in IQ'
The Great British Intelligence Test was meant to be a bit of fun. Adam Hampshire, then at Imperial College, worked with the BBC to give a 30-minute test to...
8 hours ago

Techno-Science.net Discovery: COVID-19 Infections Lower IQ!
A recent study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, uncovers a surprising facet of potential long-term...
1 week ago

The New Daily
Cognitive tests show that long covid lowers IQ
A new study found small, measurable deficits in cognitive and memory in people who had recovered from COVID-19.
2 weeks ago

Long Covid may lower your IQ by up to SIX points, major study warns
Researchers in the UK revealed the loss for patients who said they had been suffering symptoms of Covid for longer than 12 weeks compared to those who never...
2 weeks ago

COVID may impact your cognitive abilities a year or more after infection, study finds
A new study found that COVID-19 is linked to persistent cognitive deficits, emphasising the need for ongoing research. View on euronews.
2 weeks ago

The Conversation
Mounting research shows that COVID-19 leaves its mark on the brain, including with significant drops in IQ scores
Two new high-profile studies add to the increasingly worrisome picture of how even mild cases of COVID-19 can have detrimental effects on brain health.
2 weeks ago

The New York Times
Long Covid May Lead to Measurable Cognitive Decline, Study Finds
People with long Covid symptoms scored slightly lower on a cognitive test than people who had recovered. But long Covid patients who eventually got better...
2 weeks ago

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2023年12月18日 20:05





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https://www.sankei.com › article
塩野義製薬、幅広く対応できるワクチン開発 将来の感染拡大に備え 手代木功 ...
1 日前 — ...











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USA Today
False claim COVID-19 vaccines are linked to 'spike' in cancer cases | Fact check
There is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are associated with an increase in cancer cases, experts said.
2 days ago

Investor's Business Daily
Is Moderna Stock A Buy After Spiking On Cancer Vaccine News?
Moderna stock soared after the company launched several new studies of its Merck-tied cancer vaccine. Is MRNA stock a buy or a sell right...
1 day ago

MD Anderson Cancer Center
What to know about the updated COVID-19 vaccine
If it feels challenging to keep up with seemingly ever-changing vaccination recommendations, you are not alone. Just this month, the Centers...
Sep 22, 2023

Fast Company
Here's what's in Moderna's next wave of mRNA drugs
A new analyst report suggests Moderna's drug pipeline is underrated, and that its mRNA tech could lead to new vaccines against RSV, the flu,...
Jan 6, 2024

Cancer Health
Moderna mRNA Vaccine Plus Keytruda Reduces Melanoma Relapse
Adding a personalized cancer vaccine to a checkpoint inhibitor lowered the risk of recurrence or metastasis by about half.
Dec 14, 2023

USA Today
CDC hasn't linked COVID-19 vaccine to cancer 'surge' | Fact check
There is no reliable data that shows a "surge" in cancer cases due to the COVID-19 vaccines. Estimated cancer rates are steady from 2022 to...
Jan 9, 2024

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.nibiohn.go.jp › eiken › question
...悪性新生物とはがん並びに肉腫のことです。細菌、ウイルスのように外から侵入してくるものではなく、その人本来の細胞が変化したもので、内から発生したものです。正常な細胞はその場にふさわしい形をとり、しかも適当な大きさになれば増殖が止まるようになっていますが、がん、肉腫の細胞はその場にふさわしい形をとらず、無制限に増殖し、大きくなっていきます。また、細胞間の結合が弱く、細胞が単体でリンパ管、血管の中へこぼれ落ちやすいのも特徴です。こぼれ落ちた細胞はほかの場所に流れていき、そこでまた増殖を始めます。これが悪性新生物の転移です。結果的に正常な臓器の働きを阻害し、生命を脅かすことになります。  正常な細胞ががんあるいは肉腫細胞になるのは、細胞内の核にある遺伝子が一部壊されるためです。壊す物質は数多くあり、発がん物質と呼ばれます。放射線、紫外線なども発がん効果があります。原爆のように1回の被爆で発がんさせるものもありますが、日常生活の中では発がん物質の低濃度の刺激に繰り返し暴露されることで悪性化します。

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.technologyreview.jp › ...
人は何歳まで生きられるか? 「山中因子」による 若返りを追求 ...
2023/01/07 — 山中伸弥教授らによる「山中因子」の発見をきっかけとして、老化した身体の「若返り」を追求する試みが世界中でなされている。「人間は200歳まで

匿名 さんのコメント...

USA Today
Flu, norovirus replace COVID-19 as prominent viruses for spring season
While wastewater surveillance data shows COVID-19 cases falling, it reveals other respiratory and stomach viruses are picking up.
19 minutes ago

匿名 さんのコメント...

Simple blood test could spot patients most at risk of dying from heart failure, study suggests
By Kate Pickles Health Editor
21:37 17 Mar 2024, updated 08:08 18 Mar 2024

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ワクチン接種後でも新型コロナウイルスに感染する場合はあります。 ワクチンを接種して免疫がつくまでに1~2週間程度かかり、免疫がついても発症予防効果は100%ではありません。 効果の持続期間にも留意する必要があります。 ワクチン接種後でも新型コロナウイルスに感染する可能性はあります。

https://www.cov19-vaccine.mhlw.go.jp › ...

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https://bio.nikkeibp.co.jp › report
2022/08/22 — ...厚生労働省によると、新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)ワクチンの接種者でADEが起こり重症化したという報告は、臨床試験でも実用化後でも、現時点では確認されていないという。ただし、新たな変異株が出現した場合には、ワクチンの接種者でADEを含めた疾患増強が生じるかを観察する必要があるとしている。

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The Guardian
Longest sustained rise in people too sick to work since 1990s, says thinktank
6 hours ago
Richard Partington

Sick people leaving workforce at record highs
9 hours ago
Faarea Masud

The Telegraph
Britain faces worst sickness crisis since 1990s as millions quit workforce
6 hours ago
Szu Ping Chan
Posts on X

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The New Indian Express
https://www.newindianexpress.com › ...
Long Covid 'indistinguishable' from other post-viral syndromes
9 hours ago — ...
“In health systems with highly vaccinated populations, long COVID may have appeared to be a distinct and severe illness because of high volumes of COVID-19 cases during the pandemic. However, we found that the rates of ongoing symptoms and functional impairment are indistinguishable from other post-viral illnesses”, says Dr John Gerrard, Queensland’s Chief Health Officer. “These findings underscore the importance of comparing post-COVID-19 outcomes with those following other respiratory infections, and of further research into post-viral syndromes.” He adds, “Furthermore, we believe it is time to stop using terms like ‘long COVID’. They wrongly imply there is something unique and exceptional about longer term symptoms associated with this virus. This terminology can cause unnecessary fear, and in some cases, hypervigilance to longer symptoms that can impede recovery.”

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新型コロナウイルスの無料PCR検査に対する補助事業で、東京都は26日、新たに17事業者で計約211億円の不正請求を確認したと発表した。 検査数を水増して報告するなどしており、すでに交付済みの約102億円について返還を求める。 不正請求の総額はこれまでの判明分と合わせると、総額約393億円に上る。6 時間前
https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp › article

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https://prtimes.jp › その他
9 時間前 — イヌリン摂取が新型コロナウイルス感染動物モデルの感染死を抑制. 〜腸内細菌叢由来二次胆汁酸の関与を示唆

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都内の感染症 前週比 新型コロナ増加 インフルエンザは減少|NHK 首都圏のニュース
【NHK】東京都内の感染症について、都は、先月31日までの1週間の1医療機関あたりの感染者数を公表しました。 新型コロナは3.48人で前の週...
21 時間前

秋田県内でコロナ患者増加 インフルは2週連続減少|秋田魁新報電子版
4 時間前

週間コロナ感染者 根室、中標津で増加:北海道新聞デジタル
16 時間前

新型コロナは増加 和歌山県、今年第13週の感染者:紀伊民報AGARA|和歌山県のニュースサイト
2 時間前

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新型コロナウイルス対応基金存続へ 中小企業庁|TOKYO MX+(プラス)

新型コロナウイルス対応基金存続へ 中小企業庁(TOKYO MX) - Yahoo!ニュース

中小企業庁、コロナ対応基金存続 有識者の「廃止」提言受け入れず

事業再構築補助金 (METI


中小企業庁、コロナ対応基金存続 有識者の「廃止」提言受け入れず

中小企業庁、コロナ対応基金存続 有識者の「廃止」提言受け入れず
中小企業庁が、新型コロナウイルス禍に苦しむ中小企業支援を目的に設置した基金を2024年度以降も存続さ... …

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Moderna's flu program ran into the same problem, with a previous version of the U.S. biotech's mRNA-1010 vaccine failing to meet the non-inferiority threshold for two influenza B strains a year ago. Moderna was later able to bring a new formulation into the clinic that overcame this setback.2 days ago
https://www.fiercebiotech.com › c...
CureVac, chasing Moderna mRNA flu shot, hits similar problems

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https://newswire.caes.uga.edu › story
Can a cup of tea keep COVID away? - CAES Newswire - UGA
2024/03/27 — ...Of those, they found five that significantly reduced the virus in saliva: raspberry zinger, eucalyptus mint, mint medley, green tea and black tea, with black tea showing the greatest reduction. All testing was done in the laboratory in simulated conditions.

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ツメノアカヲ センジテノム

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https://www.nli-research.co.jp › de...
数字の「3」に関わる各種の話題-数多くの場面で現れてくる数字だが- | ...
2024/03/21 — ...統計分析における「3の法則(Rule of three)」は、「n人のサンプルで特定の事象が発生しなかった場合、0 から 3/nまでの区間が母集団での発生率の95%信頼区間である」というものである2。nが30より大きい場合、これはより感度の高いテストの結果の適切な近似値となる。 この法則は、例えば、製薬会社が新薬を発売した場合、市販後の調査で観測される有害事象の発現に関する発生率を確認するために使用される。具体的には、3,000例の症例の無作為抽出により、有害事象の発現がなかった場合、95%の確率で発現率は0.1%(3/3,000)を超えない、ということになる。

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Construction Kenya
Moderna Halts Plans for Sh62bn Kenya Vaccine Factory | CK
Moderna, Inc. has halted its plans to build a Sh62.5 billion vaccine factory in Nairobi, citing concerns about dwindling demand for Covid vaccines...
2 hours ago

Innovation Village
Moderna halts plans for $200M vaccine plant in Kenya amid decreased demand in Africa
Moderna has put a hold on its project to establish a vaccine production facility in Kenya valued at $200 million.
1 day ago

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https://www3.nhk.or.jp › html
新型コロナワクチン接種後死亡 遺族らが国に賠償求め提訴
9 時間前 —...林官房長官は、午後の記者会見で「訴状が届いていないためコメントは差し控えるが、新型コロナワクチンに限らず、ワクチンには一般的に有効性のみならず、不可避的に生じるリスクがあること、健康被害については、予防接種法に基づく健康被害救済制度があることなどについて周知を行っていると承知している」と述べました。

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.cureus.com › articles
Interstitial Lung Disease With Respiratory Failure After COVID-19 ...
7 hours ago — ...Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (as of March 12, 2023), an estimated 294,416,519 doses of BNT162b2 have been administered. The total number of cases of interstitial pneumonia was 81 (0.000028%); therefore, sequelae are extremely rare. However, we do not know how many of these cases were DI-ILD.

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Global technical consultation report on proposed terminology for pathogens that transmit through the air
18 April 2024
| Technical document


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The study results showed the diseases medical experts believed to be the most likely to cause the next pandemic were: Influenza virus (flu) - 57% Disease X - 21% Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) - 8%
47 分前
https://www.southwalesargus.co.uk › ...
Flu most likely to cause next global pandemic medical experts say

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Long Beach declares public health emergency after deadly tuberculosis outbreak
City officials declared a public health emergency Thursday after a tuberculosis outbreak left one person dead and nine others hospitalized.
14 hours ago

ABC7 Los Angeles
Tuberculosis outbreak at Long Beach hotel leads to 1 death, 14 infections. 170 more may have been exposed
Long Beach declared a public health emergency after a tuberculosis outbreak among residents of a single-room occupancy hotel left one person...
6 hours ago

170 Exposed to Tuberculosis in Long Beach, Calif., Outbreak
An outbreak of the lung disease tuberculosis has been traced to an unnamed hotel in Long Beach, Calif.
1 hour ago

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India consumes a large volume of broad-spectrum antibiotics, which should be used sparingly. The country also has a large volume of antibiotics that are not approved by central drug regulators, and a significant share of formulations outside NLEM.

In 2011, India introduced the National Policy for Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance
, which included a ban on the over-the-counter use of antibiotics. However, this rule has not been implemented. In 2013, India introduced a modified H1 rule that bans second- and third-line antibiotics, but this rule has also not been implemented.

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'Timing is not good' for H5N1 pandemic - flu scientist
If the bird flu infecting cows in the US figures out human-to-human transmission, the timing could not be worse, a prominent Kiwi flu...
1 day ago

Could Avian Influenza Be The Next Covid-19?
In early April, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notified the public that an individual in Texas had tested positive for...
9 hours ago

Hindustan Times
Disease X: Scientists warn next pandemic could be triggered by virus of ‘deadly infectious illness'
Experts warn of Disease X as a potential cause of the next pandemic, with influenza identified as a major threat.
2 weeks ago

The Washington Post
Opinion | If bird flu shows signs of pandemic spread, the U.S. is well prepared
The federal government has plans in place in case avian flu becomes the next pandemic.
2 weeks ago

The Guardian
Next pandemic likely to be caused by flu virus, scientists warn
Influenza is still the biggest threat to global health as WHO raises fears about the spread of avian strain.
2 weeks ago

Opinion: The next pandemic threat demands action now
With two human cases of bird flu identified, health officials need to get ahead of a threat some scientists fear could become next pandemic,...
2 weeks ago

The Guardian
From birds, to cattle, to … us? Could bird flu be the next pandemic? – podcast
As bird flu is confirmed in 33 cattle herds across eight US states, Ian Sample talks to virologist Dr Ed Hutchinson of Glasgow University...
1 week ago

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Is milk spreading bird flu among cows? USDA researchers have tested nasal swabs, tissue and milk samples of cows from affected dairy herds and have found that milk contained the highest viral concentrations. This indicates that the virus could be spreading through milk droplets.Apr 25, 2024
https://www.nature.com › articles
Bird flu in US cows: is the milk supply safe? - Nature

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Ground Report
What are symptoms of new COVID-19 variants FLiRT?
cluster of COVID-19 variants originating from the JN.1 lineage of the Omicron variant has sparked concern in the United States. Dubbed as FLiRT variants,...
2 hours ago

English Jagran
New Covid Variant FLiRT Surge In US: Signs, Symptoms And Risk Factors That You Should Know
New Covid Variant FLiRT: This new variant is increasingly on the rise in the US and it is feared that it may spread to other parts of the world as well.
2 hours ago

​New COVID variants on loose: 10 points about 'FLiRT'​
Two new variants of COVID causing coronavirus have been found. Termed as 'FLiRT' these variants include KP.2 and KP.1.1.
3 hours ago

symptoms and treatment. «More transmissible and resistant to vaccines»
Covid changes its face again with the emergence of new variant KP.2. The Covid-19 virus has once again taken on a new form with the emergence of the KP.2...
3 hours ago

Times Now
New COVID-19 Variants FLiRT Are Circulating Fast; Know Symptoms, Severity
Two new COVID-19 variants KP.2 and KP 1.1 are spreading across the United States as the summer arrives, raising concerns about a fresh wave of infections.
3 hours ago

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ET HealthWorld
https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com › ...
FLiRT, the new COVID variants are circulating fast: All about symptoms ...
5 hours ago —...The symptoms of the new variant are similar to those of other Omicron subvariants, such as sore throat, cough, fatigue, nasal congestion, runny nose, headache, muscle aches, fever, and possible loss of taste and smell, experts have said. "The KP.2 variant (also called JN. is a descendant of the JN.1 variant and contains several mutations that are associated with escape from vaccine-mediated immune protection. Preliminary research (not yet peer-reviewed) suggests that the estimated relative effective reproduction number of KP.2 (Re) may be 1.22 times higher than the Re for JN.1," Infectious Disease Society of America has said in a report.

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The Independent
AstraZeneca withdraws Covid vaccine after admitting it can cause rare blood clots
AstraZeneca is withdrawing its Covid-19 vaccine worldwide, months after the pharma giant admitted the drug could cause rare but life-threatening injuries.
40 minutes ago

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コロナ死者1・6万人超 流行持続、昨年5~11月 8日で5類移行1年
2024/5/7 23:32




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Daily Mail Online
https://www.dailymail.co.uk › CD...
CDC warns of new Covid 'FLiRT' variants becoming dominant across ...
6 hours ago —...But an infectious disease doctor has now told DailyMail.com that these new mutations, which alter the 'spike proteins' of the coronavirus, also appear to make the pandemic illness less capable of penetrating and infecting human cells. This mixed blessing has medical professionals warning of an impending Covid wave this summer, which should make these sneakier — but less infectious — strains of the virus more common.

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Medical Xpress
https://medicalxpress.com › news
Collaboration uncovers an entirely new COVID-related syndrome
1 時間前 —...They had vaccinated around 90% of the Yorkshire population, but now they were seeing this very rare autoimmune disease called MDA5—autoantibody associated dermatomyositis (DM) in patients who may or may not have contracted COVID, or even remember if they were exposed to it.

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Infected blood scandal: Surge in hepatitis C tests
By Hugh Pym and Aurelia Foster
Health editor and health reporter
19 May 2024, 01:24 BST
Updated 1 hour ago

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https://www.telegraph.co.uk › news
Pull down Covid-era signs, scientists tell Government
2 日前 —... Scientists and MPs have demanded that all remaining Covid warning signs are removed because they serve only to remind the public of the “futility and madness” of restrictions.

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Daily Mail
https://www.dailymail.co.uk › news
Young plumber's death from Covid vax side effect should have been prevented
3 時間前 — Rory Nairn, 26, died from an inflamed heart - myocarditis - 12 days after receiving his first dose of the Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine at a ...'Given the seriousness of the risk of myocarditis and the information volume, one could reasonably expect that in communication to the providers the risk would be emphasised or highlighted in some way,'

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https://topics.smt.docomo.ne.jp › tbs
新型コロナに感染 軽症で入院せず 上皇さまは陰性(TBS NEWS DIG)
1 時間前 —...上皇后さまは、きのう未明から咳の症状が出て、けさから、のどに違和感を訴えられたということです。 このため、きょう午前、コロナのPCR検査を受けたところ、新型コロナの感染が判明しました。軽症のため入院はせず、お住まいの仙洞御所で療養されます。 また、上皇后さまのコロナ陽性を受けて、上皇さまも昼すぎにPCR検査をしたところ、陰性が確認されたということです。

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According to a 2019 study, DNA estimates that the "natural" lifespan of modern humans is 38 years, which matches some anthropological estimates for early modern humans. However, humans today may be an exception to this study as advances in medicine and lifestyle have extended the average lifespan. For example, in 2019, the world life expectancy at birth (LEB) was 73.3.

The Conversation
A new study shows an animal's lifespan is written in the DNA. For humans ...
Dec 12, 2019 — The last member of this species, Lonesome George, died in 2012 at age 112. Interestingly, we found Neanderthals and Denisovans, which are extinct species closely related to modern humans, had a maximum lifespan of 37.8 years. Based on DNA, we also estimated a “natural” lifespan modern humans of 38 years. This matches some anthropological estimates for early modern humans. However, humans today may be an exception to this study as advances in medicine and lifestyle have extended the average lifespan. As more scientists assemble the genomes of other animals, our method means their lifespans can readily be estimated.

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https://www.salon.com › 2024/06/10
Thousands of Taylor Swift concertgoers in Madrid have come ...
23 時間前 — Some Swifties in Europe have more than Taylor Swift in common — they have COVID-19 too. During the singer's European Eras Tour stops, Swift

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https://www3.nhk.or.jp › html
「劇症型溶血性レンサ球菌感染症」ことしの患者数 過去最多に
12 時間前 — ....林官房長官は午後の記者会見で「コロナ禍以降、さまざまな呼吸器系の感染症の患者数が増加傾向にあり、『劇症型溶血性レンサ球菌感染症』もわが国だけでなく諸外国で増加傾向にある。引き続き感染動向を注視するとともに、国民には改めて手指衛生や、せきエチケット、傷口の清潔な処置などの基本的な感染防止対策の実施をお願いしたい」と述べました。


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Rare and 'unusual' cancers are emerging after the Covid pandemic - and doctors fear an unlikely culprit is to

5 days ago
Cassidy Morrison

COVID-19 may be linked to rare cancers: Doctors


'Unusual' cancers emerged after the pandemic. Doctors ask if covid is to blame.

6 days ago
Ariana Eunjung Cha

Top oncologists weigh in on the rise of rare and unusual cancers in young people - and the links to Covid

4 days ago
Caitlin Tilley

Doctors investigate if COVID is responsible for 'unusual' cancers

Linda Schmidt

Urgent warning over rare cancer rise with fears 'one culprit to blame'

3 days ago
Richard Ashmore

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'Worrying' Population Declines Are Actually A Hopeful Sign
3 hours ago

Opinion | Our goal should be a planet with fewer humans
11 hours ago

Population Decline Isn't the Problem. Hungry Kids Are.
27 minutes ago

A brave new world with fewer babies
6 days ago
David Horsey

Population, Religion and the Environment
5 days ago
Jack Schmidt, Sami Shah & Nadyat El Gawley

American Enterprise Institute
A Demographic Winter Is Coming

Should I have kids? It may make you happier – and help rescue humanity
6 days ago

Brattleboro Reformer
Commentary | The Wider World by Robert Beck: Disturbing demographic trends
18 hours ago

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A Hopeful Sign

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https://news.yahoo.co.jp › articles
“コメ不足”あと2カ月の我慢!異常気象とインバウンド復活で価格が高騰する ...
12 時間前 — お米の主要産地である新潟県が昨年の猛暑の影響で品質の低下や不作に見舞われたことで、今、お米の値段が高騰している。“コメ不足”はいつまで続く ...

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National Geographic
Day Zero: Where next?
This spontaneous celebration seems symbolic of South Africa's precarious but hopeful relationship with water: the country is desperately dry, making any ...

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2023/05/24 — 臓器移植施設の体制整備 ・医師の働き方改革を踏まえ、臓器移植施設同士の連携体制の構築(互助制度)や移植施設の集約化、 労働環境改善のための人材育成が必要。 ・持続可能な移植医療のためにも、臓器提供数が増えてくれば、将来的にブロック制の臓器搬送を考 慮することが有用。

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移植施設で臓器受け入れ断念、厚労省が実態調査へ 背景に提供増加
2024/6/11 16:30

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桂ざこばさん死因のぜんそく、減少傾向も年間1千人が死亡 重篤な発作で窒息死招く
2024/6/12 17:30

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独立行政法人環境再生保全機構 ERCA
https://www.erca.go.jp › medical
医療最前線 ぜん息、COPDと新型コロナウイルス感染症 その2
新型コロナウイルス感染症が収束する兆しは、まだ見えません。 ... ぜん息患者では、炎症を起こすIL-4やIL-13という ... 日本アレルギー学会気管支喘息ガイドライン専門部会 ...

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米軍、新型コロナで偽情報流布 中国製ワクチンの不信あおる 2020年春~21年半ば
2024/6/15 10:40

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goo ニュース
岩崎宏美、新型コロナで入院 2度目の感染「また髪の毛が抜けてきました」
8 時間前

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2024/06/21 18:19

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新型コロナウイルスによる国内の死者数が2023年末までに10万人を超えたことが、厚生労働省の人口動態統計でわかった。 5日に発表された同統計によると、23年に3万8080人が新型コロナで死亡し、20年以降の累計で10万5950人になった。2024/06/07
https://www.asahi.com › articles
コロナ死者、昨年までに国内で10万人超 新規感染者数は4週連続増

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2024/06/06 19:05






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https://www.niid.go.jp › typhi-m › r...
新型コロナウイルス感染症死亡例の疫学像と死因, 重症化に関連する因子 ...
2023/07/27 — COVID-19を死因とする症例では, 68%で重症化に関連すると考えられる基礎疾患があった。海外での研究でも, COVID-19で死亡した症例の多くが基礎疾患を有していることや3,4), 基礎疾患がある人では重症化後には罹患前の身体機能に戻る可能性が低いこと5)が知られている。COVID-19の急性期以降に様々な基礎疾患が悪化する可能性があり, 本検討に含まれた死亡例には, COVID-19が死因であった例のみならず, COVID-19が間接的な影響を与えている例が含まれていると考えられる。

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https://news.yahoo.co.jp › articles
ウルトラマン女優 深刻なコロナ後遺症を告白「1年寝たきり 呼吸も ...
2 時間前 — そして、「波動治療、代替治療、食事療法、意識の変容をサポートしてくださる先生方と出逢い、マインドケア、家族、友達、メンターの方々沢山の

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The Indian Express
https://indianexpress.com › article
Explained: New Covid-19 variants FLiRT and LB.1, driving surge in US, UK
1 日前 — The onset of summer has triggered fears of the resurgence of Covid-19 cases globally, particularly the new variants FLiRT and LB.1. We explain

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The New York Times
Stomach Pain, Diarrhea and More Overlooked Covid Symptoms
Gastrointestinal issues are a common but often unrecognized sign of infection.
3 days ago

Summer COVID surge: Here is the most common symptom of the FLiRT variant
The U.S. is experiencing a surge in COVID cases this summer. Here's the latest variant that is causing illness across the country.
3 days ago

Los Angeles Times
'Playing COVID roulette': Some infected by FLiRT variants report their most unpleasant symptoms yet
3 hours ago

The Independent
New FLiRT Covid variant spreading across the UK as doctors issue summer warning
1 hour ago

USA Today
KP.3 COVID-19 variant: What to know about symptoms, latest CDC data
2 days ago

Kids vaccinated against COVID may have lower rates of asthma symptoms
COVID-19 vaccination may help protect children aged 5 and older against symptomatic asthma, according to a Nemours Children's Health–led...
3 days ago

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (.gov)
Symptoms of COVID-19
Symptoms of COVID-19 · Fever or chills · Cough · Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing · Fatigue · Muscle or body aches · Headache. New...
Mar 15, 2024

NBC News
As Covid symptoms have changed, taking a test may be the only way to know
As the summer Covid wave continues, doctors say it's nearly impossible to diagnose a person based on symptoms alone, and testing is the only...
1 week ago

匿名 さんのコメント...

Post-COVID-19 interstitial lung disease: Insights from a machine learning radiographic model
Introduction: Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 seem to be an emerging global crisis. Machine learning radiographic models have great potential for meticulous...

Agência FAPESP
Lung complications can worsen two years after hospitalization for severe COVID-19
A Brazilian study assessed 237 patients treated at the University of São Paulo's general and teaching hospital. The researchers found that...

Effect of apigetrin in pseudo-SARS-CoV-2-induced inflammatory and pulmonary fibrosis in vitro model
SARS-CoV-2 has become a global public health problem. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is the leading cause of death due to the...

Severe COVID leads to higher risk of pulmonary fibrosis: research
Researchers say individuals who have experienced severe COVID-19 are more likely to develop pulmonary fibrosis, a condition that thickens...

The Lancet
Pharmacotherapy and pulmonary fibrosis risk after SARS-CoV-2 infection: a prospective nationwide cohort study in the United States
Pulmonary fibrosis is characterized by lung parenchymal destruction and can increase morbidity and mortality. Pulmonary fibrosis commonly...

UVA Health Newsroom
Blood Test Could Predict Long-Term COVID-19 Lung Problems
New research alleviates concerns that severe COVID-19 could trigger relentless, ongoing lung scarring that could lead to death.

COVID-19-Triggered Acute Exacerbation of IPF, an Underdiagnosed Clinical Entity With Two-Peaked Respiratory Failure: A Case Report and Literature Review
Because severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) affects the respiratory system and develops into respiratory failure, patients with pre-existing chronic...

Radiological Society of North America | RSNA
Chronic Lung Injury after COVID-19 Pneumonia: Clinical, Radiologic, and Histopathologic Perspectives
A comprehensive understanding of long-term respiratory sequelae, residual CT abnormalities, histopathologic findings, and novel imaging...

Verywell Health
What to Know About Pulmonary Fibrosis and COVID-19
Pulmonary fibrosis increases COVID-19 risk, and vice versa. Shared risk factors call for two-way considerations on lung health and recovery.

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コロナ感染者、全都道府県で増加 入院は3カ月ぶり2千人超え
4 時間前

新型コロナ 1医療機関当たり平均患者数 8.07人 9週連続増加
47 分前

新型コロナ感染者が大幅増 9週連続で増加
3 時間前



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塩野義製薬の新型コロナワクチン 厚労省が正式承認へ
2024年5月24日 20時54分

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Shionogi Inc.
新型コロナ最新情報|罹患後症状(後遺症)に注意|感染時の対処法と ...

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Obesity jab may help users ward off dementia — and quit smoking
15 hours ago
Eleanor Hayward

Ozempic could cut the risk of dementia by half, Oxford study suggests
17 hours ago
Michael Searles

Yet more Ozempic benefits: Now 'miracle' weight-loss jab could boost brain health and help people quit cigaret
22 hours ago
Emily Stearn

Study: Novo Nordisk's semaglutide shows reduced risk of dementia
1 hour ago

Novo’s Ozempic Linked to Lower Dementia Rate in Oxford Study
4 hours ago
Naomi Kresge

Longevity drug? Study finds taking Ozempic/Wegovy may also benefit brain health
23 hours ago



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A first-of-its-kind study led by the University of Oxford has successfully investigated human immunity against COVID-19 in people who already have antibodies against it. The results suggest that previous infection, together with vaccination, offers strong protection against the original COVID-19 strain.May 1, 2024
New study to improve vaccines and therapeutics development

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Search Labs | AI による概要


特発性肺線維症(IPF)について - 塩野義製薬
予後(今後の病状についての医学的な見通し) 自覚症状(息切れや空咳など)が認められてからの生存期間は...
特発性間質性肺炎(指定難病85) - 難病情報センター
特発性肺線維症(IPF)の経過は個々の患者さんにより様々であるといわれています。 一般的には慢性経過...

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【読売新聞】 【ニューヨーク=金子靖志】国連は世界人口デーの11日、現在約82億人の世界人口が2080年代半ばにピークを迎え、推計で約103...
8 時間前

世界人口、2080年代に103億人でピークに 中韓は「超少子化」
13 時間前

国連 世界人口の推計発表 “2080年代半ば以降減少に転じる”
10 時間前

世界人口のピークは早まる見通し 2080年代半ばに約103億人 国連推計
16 時間前

6 時間前

今世紀中に世界人口減少へ 国連が予測、2080年代がピーク
1 時間前

世界の人口、2080年代半ばにピーク予想 国連
8 時間前

今世紀中に世界人口減少へ 国連予測、80年代ピーク
12 時間前

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Effect of apigetrin in pseudo-SARS-CoV-2-induced inflammatory and pulmonary fibrosis in vitro model
SARS-CoV-2 has become a global public health problem. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is the leading cause of death due to the...

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“熱帯夜でも良質な睡眠を” 不眠解消で熱中症や免疫低下の ...

https://www.nhk.or.jp › 首都圏ナビ › 首都圏ネットワーク
2022/08/05 — 熱帯夜に十分な睡眠 湿度を50~60%に · 汗の不快感の軽減 敷きパッドや服装で工夫を · 「深部体温」を下げて眠りやすく · 睡眠不足の影響 免疫力の低下や ...

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Lung Cancer Detection Trends Show Shift in Pandemic Aftermath
In this final segment of our interview with Ontada's Jessica K. Paulus, ScD, she explains how her team's data presented at the American...
6 hours ago

Targeted Oncology
COVID's Shadow on Lung Cancer? Study Sees Later Diagnoses
Jessica Paulus, ScD, discussed a study investigating real-world trends in lung cancer staging among community oncology practices.
4 days ago

Case Report: COVID-19 Pneumonia Following Left Pneumonectomy for Lung Cancer Complicated by Empyema and Bronchopleural Fistula
Case Report: COVID-19 Pneumonia Following Left Pneumonectomy for Lung Cancer Complicated by Empyema and Bronchopleural Fistula ... Background: Venous and arterial...
2 weeks ago

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Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study

ABCD study


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3 Things to Know About FLiRT and LB.1, the New Coronavirus Strains


A Yale Medicine

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2024/06/06 19:05

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コロナ感染者、全都道府県で増加 入院は3カ月ぶり2千人超え(朝日新聞デジタル)

新型コロナ支援終了で4月からどうなる 治療薬 入院費 外来時など自己負担は“いまよりいくらかかるの?”


全国の新型コロナ患者数「8.07人」9週連続で増加 入院者数は2000人超に 厚労省

土田晃之さん 「『死にますよ』って言われて」 コロナで緊急入院していた 「ずっと激痛」「気道が腫れて」「息出来ない」 ラジオ番組で告白

医師「連休後に医療崩壊も」 沖縄でコロナ新規入院、最多更新 感染者、警報レベル迫る

令和6年7月2日から本日までに、当院病内で入院患者13人、職員9人のコロナ感染が判明しました。 なお、外来・入院・救急等診療等に関しましては通常...

コロナ治療薬「ゾコーバ」投与で入院37%減 塩野義が患者調査を発表

新型コロナ 時間差でやってくる「免疫性肺炎」に注意(倉原優) - エキスパート
17 時間前

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17 時間前 · news.yahoo.co.jp
新型コロナ 時間差でやってくる「免疫性肺炎」に注意(倉原優) - エキスパート -"
...この左右両方というのが重要な分水嶺(ぶんすいれい)になります(図2)。片方の肺に肺炎を起こしても、なんとか自宅で療養できる人も多いのですが、左右両方やられてしまうと、ずっと水に溺れているようなもので、酸素投与が必要になることが多いです。 図2.健康な人の胸部CT(筆者自身のもの)と新型コロナ肺炎の胸部CT(患者様より同意を得て掲載) 新型コロナ肺炎は、発症後しばらくしてから出てくることも多いです。典型的なパターンは、「新型コロナが治ると思っていた矢先、1週間後に肺炎で救急搬送」というものです。 なぜこのような「時間差」が生じるかというと、ウイルスが直接肺を傷害する「ウイルス性肺炎」のあとに、「頑張ってやっつけないと!」とヒトの身体が頑張って炎症を起こそうとする「免疫性肺炎」を起こすためです(2)。 この「免疫性肺炎」というのは、発症後1~2週間でやってきますが、経験上、割とキツめの肺炎を起こします。体のウイルス自体は減っているのに、「根こそぎやっつけるぞ」と身体が頑張ってくれているのです。

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UK Covid deaths surge as unwitting Brits 'mistaking Flirt variant for hay fever'
Brits who have been left suffering from high pollen counts could also have coronavirus - as hayfever symptoms have been likened to Covid-19 following a spike in Covid deaths

By Monica Charsley
11:59, 12 Jul 2024UPDATED12:03, 12 Jul 2024
....Brits have been warned that more people are dying from Covid due to a new variant which has been mistaken for hay fever. The new strain, which has been dubbed FliRT, alongside the UK being thrown into summer, is said to be behind the spike in cases. People have been thrown off and mistaken symptoms for hay fever due to high pollen counts causing coughing and runny noses.

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June 7, 2024
Evidence Mounts That About 7% of US Adults Have Had Long COVID
Zhengyi Fang, MS1; Rebecca Ahrnsbrak, MPS2; Andy Rekito, MS3
Author Affiliations
JAMA. 2024;332(1):5-6. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.11370

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広がる若者の孤独死 3年間に東京23区で742人確認、発見に死後4日以上が4割超
2024/7/21 19:44

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1 日前 · www.yomiuri.co.jp

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(ODA)ODA白書,参考資料集,年次報告 | 外務省

2014年版 政府開発援助(ODA)白書 日本の国際協力


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Yahoo Finance
https://finance.yahoo.com › news
Charlie Munger Called Healthcare Industry 'Deeply Immoral' And A ' ...
2 日前 — It's ridiculous." He went even further, claiming, "A lot of our medical providers are artificially prolonging death so they can make more money.

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スポニチ Sponichi Annex
ダンサー・RIEHATA 蜂窩織炎にり患 イベントを欠席「歩くのも困難な状況」進行が早く危険伴う病気
女性ダンサーのRIEHATA(33)が、6日、自身のインスタグラムを更新。蜂窩織炎(ほうかしきえん)にり患し、ダンスイベント「GEEKOUT DANCE CAMP...
5 時間前

書籍紹介『徹底深掘り!蜂窩織炎 ジェネラリストのための皮膚軟部組織感染症診療ガイド』(南山堂)
書籍紹介『徹底深掘り!蜂窩織炎 ジェネラリストのための皮膚軟部組織感染症診療ガイド』(南山堂) ... 「皮膚軟部組織感染症」と聞くと、日々の診療での...

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新型コロナワクチン接種直後、13歳死亡 鎌倉市公表 遺族要望で明らかに ...
6 時間前 — 新型コロナウイルスワクチンを巡り、鎌倉市は26日、ワクチン接種直後に13歳の男子中学生が死亡したと公表した。

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Mpox warning: Vaccines might not protect against deadly new viral strain spreading rapidly, say experts
By John Ely Deputy Health Editor For Mailonline
12:16 27 Aug 2024, updated 14:05 27 Aug 2024

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sloth fever

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Ozempic weight loss: Jabs could slow ageing, researchers say
21 時間前 — ....Ozempic could delay ageing, researchers suggest 2 days ago Sam Hancock BBC News Share Reuters A drug used to treat Type 2 diabetes and obesity could also slow down the process of ageing, researchers believe. Semaglutide, better known as Ozempic, "has far-reaching benefits beyond what we initially imagined," Prof Harlan Krumholz, from the Yale School of Medicine, said following the publication of several new studies. They found that the drug could be used to treat a wide range of illnesses linked to heart failure, arthritis, Alzheimer's and even cancer. "It wouldn't surprise me that improving people's health this way actually slows down the ageing process," Prof Krumholz was quoted on Friday as telling the European Society of Cardiology Conference 2024, where the studies were presented.

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新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19) 2023年5月現在
https://www.niid.go.jp › niid › 2547-idsc › iasr-topic
2023/07/27 — ...2020年末から, 感染・伝播性, 毒力(virulence: 病原体が引き起こす感染症の重症度の強さ)および抗原性等に影響を与える可能性がある遺伝子変異を有するSARS-CoV-2変異株が出現し, 感染者数増加の優位性(growth advantage)を有する変異株によって流行株が置き換わる現象が観察されてきた。2021年11月に発生したB.1.1.529系統(オミクロン)については, 亜系統による置き換わりが観察され, 異なる系統間での組換え株も数多く観察されてきた。世界的にはワクチン接種や感染による中和抗体からの逃避や, 感染者数増加の優位性が示唆される亜系統が複数報告されている。日本国内では, 2022年6月ころよりBA.2系統からBA.5系統への置き換わりが進行し, 9月以降はBA.5系統の亜系統であるBQ.1系統, BN.1.2系統, BN.1.3系統などの検出割合の増加がみられたが, 特定の亜系統が主流となる傾向はみられなかった。2023年2~3月にかけてXBB.1.5系統, XBB.1.9系統の検出割合の増加傾向がみられたが, 4月以降はXBB.1.5系統の検出割合が横ばいとなり, XBB.1.16系統の検出割合の増加傾向が優位となっている。

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【独自解説】新型コロナは「5類になっても“ただの風邪”ではない ...

https://news.ntv.co.jp › society
2024/08/10 — 私が取材させていただいた大阪大学・忽那賢志教授は、「年に何度も流行し重症者を多く出す感染症は、コロナ以外にない」と指摘しています。「ワクチ ..

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認知症や急激な老化を呼ぶ免疫暴走が起こる真因 免疫が処理できないほど ...
2 日前 — 認知症や急激な老化を呼ぶ免疫暴走が起こる真因 免疫が処理できないほど体内にゴミが溜まる恐怖 ... ④疲れた細胞自身もゴミに 疲れた細胞は不良品の ...

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