
サルヴァトーレ・ファリーナ・イタリア陸軍参謀総長 新型コロナ陽性判定

Salvatore Farina (born November 18, 1957) is an Italian Army general, and the current Chief of Army Staff. He previously served as commander of the Kosovo Force, the military attaché at the Embassy of Italy, London and as the commander of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum.
BiographySalvatore Farina has earned degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Padua, in strategic science from the University of Turin and in international politics and diplomatic relations from the University of Trieste.[1][2] He entered the Italian Military Academy of Modena in 1976.[3] He became Chief of Staff of the Italian Army on 27 February 2018.
Personal LifeSalvatore Farina and his wife Amelia Gianna have two adult daughters and three grand-daughters.[3]On 8 March 2020, he had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019.[4] He said he felt well and was self-isolating.[5] It was also reported that he will be replaced by Federico Bonato until further notice.[4]

ハンガリーで日本人観光客15人が病院に隔離…新型 ... - 匿名党
tokumei10.blogspot.com › 2020/03 › blog-post_7
3 日前 - 長崎産ダイプリに続きカルフォルニア沖でトリエステ産グランド・プリンセスと言えばやっぱこう来るわけで・・・(爆wwwww. László Paskai - てんこもり野郎10kom.blogspot.com › 2015/08 › laszlo-paskai. László Paskai was born to Jewish ...

Trieste | Die Welt der Habsburger
www.habsburger.net › locations › trieste
Lying on the northern Adriatic, Trieste came under Habsburg rule in 1382 and after being made a free port in 1719 became one of the largest and most important ports of the Habsburg Monarchy. In cultural and linguistic terms, Trieste was one ...


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