
Kurt Salzinger@Hofstra University@House of Orange-Nassau

Holocaust survivor, 89, dies days after falling and hitting his head because someone pushed him while in a rush on the New York City subway

Kurt Salzinger, 89, was at was Penn Station in New York when a man shoved both him and wife Dr. Deanna Chitayat, 85, to the ground
Salzinger suffered bleeding of the brain, got pneumonia and died days later
The family is awaiting for an official cause of death from the medical examiner
He fled the Nazis in 1939, took two-and-a-half years to reach Seattle with family

By Leah Simpson For Dailymail.com

Published: 02:03 EST, 13 November 2018 | Updated: 03:10 EST, 13 November 2018



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Research in Verbal Behavior and Some Neurophysiological Implications

Research in Verbal Behavior and Some Neurophysiological Implications focuses on varied approaches to the study of language, including verbal behavior in animals, mimicry, linguistics, and verbal satiation.
The selection first offers information on verbal behavior in animals and dolphin's vocal mimicry as a unique ability and a way toward understanding. The book also ponders on the problem of response class in verbal behavior and verbal operant conditioning and awareness. Discussions focus on state of the organism as a determinant of response class, topography of response, common stimulus, and common effect.
The publication takes a look at a behavioral basis for the polarity principle in linguistics, acquisition of grammar by children, and interdependencies of the bilingual's two languages. The manuscript also elaborates on verbal satiation and exploration of meaning relations and grammatical indicants of speaking style in normal and aphasic speakers.
The selection is highly recommended for readers wanting to study verbal behavior.

