









2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

北朝鮮が拉致再調査に同意、日本は独自制裁解除へ - ロイター
2014/05/29 - 政府は29日、日本人拉致(らち)被害者の安否を再調査することで北朝鮮と合意したと発表した。北朝鮮は解決済みとしてきた拉致問題に関する立場を一転、生存者がいる場合は日本に帰国させる方向で同意した。日本は調査の進展を見極めながら独自の制裁を解除するほか、人道支援も検討する。<調査の信ぴょう性、どう担保>日本と北朝鮮は26─28日にスウェーデンのストックホルムで政府間協議を開催。その中で北朝鮮は、拉致被害者と拉致の疑いがある行方不明者の安否、1945年前後に ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

DNA is burning issue as Japan and Korea clash over kidnaps | Nature
www.nature.com › nature › news
D Cyranoski 著 - ‎2005 - ‎
2005/02/02 - DNA is burning issue as Japan and Korea clash over kidnaps. David Cyranoski. Cremated remains fail to prove fate of Japanese girl abducted in 1977. Tokyo. Missing: Megumi Yokota some years after her abduction, in a photo recently released by North Korea. Image: NATL ASSOC. FOR THE RESCUE OF JAPANESE KIDNAPPED BY NORTH KOREA/AP. A bitter dispute has erupted between Japan and North Korea over DNA tests used to establish whether ...

Politics versus reality | Nature
https://www.nature.com › nature › editorials - このページを訳す
2005/03/16 - At issue is whether Megumi Yokota, a Japanese woman kidnapped by North Korea in 1977 at the age of 13, is still alive. In 2002, North Korea ... But Japan's tests show that the DNA is someone else's — raising the spectre that the North Korean military is still using her to train spies. Japan is right to doubt ... Nature's interview with the scientist who carried out the tests raised the possibility that the remains were merely contaminated, making the DNA tests inconclusive.

Job switch stymies Japan's abduction probe : Article : Nature
www.nature.com › Journal home › Archive › News -
D Cyranoski 著 - ‎2005
2005/04/06 - The Japanese government has claimed that Yoshii's DNA analysis proves beyond doubt that cremated remains provided by the North Korean government late last year were from someone other than Megumi Yokota — a Japanese woman kidnapped by North Korea in 1977. Japan has been demanding a full account of the fate of Yokota and several others who were allegedly kidnapped. But in an interview with Nature, Yoshii has conceded that his results could have ...

Megumi Yokota - Wikipedia
DNA controversy に移動 - Yokota was alleged to have died at the age of 29. However, the death certificate provided in support of this assertion appears to have been falsified, and DNA tests on the remains said to be hers were not a positive match. An interview in the 3 February 2005 issue of Nature revealed that the DNA analysis on Megumi's remains had been performed by a member of the medical department of Teikyo University, Yoshii Tomio. Yoshii, it later transpired, was a ...
