
フィリピン船籍のAcx Crystal@日本郵船が米イージス駆逐艦に特攻



In March 2011, in company with the aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan, Fitzgerald was deployed off northeastern Honshu, Japan to assist with relief efforts after the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.[2][3][4]On 16 November 2011, while docked in Manila, Philippines, Fitzgerald acted as the site where U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario signed the Manila Declaration calling for multilateral talks to resolve maritime disputes and to mark the 60th anniversary of the American-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty.[5][6]On 17 June 2017, Fitzgerald was involved in a collision with a Japanese merchant vessel off the eastern coast of Japan. The collision caused moderate damage to the starboard side of the ship.[7][8]

Albert del Rosario was born in Manila on November 14, 1939 to Luis del Rosario and Amparo Ferreros. His great grandmother Teresa Sempio was a sister of Felipa Sempio, the mother of Gregorio del Pilar. His grandfather, Judge Simplicio Sempio del Rosario,[1] was a delegate to the Malolos Congress.
Del Rosario graduated from Xavier High School in New York and subsequently attended college at New York University, graduating with a degree in Economics. In 2006, he was inducted into the Xavier High School Hall of Fame.[2]


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BREAKING NEWS: USS Fitzgerald pulling into Yokosuka Naval Base - Pacific - Stripes - Stars and Stripes
https://www.stripes.com › news › breakin...
21 時間前 - The destroyer received $21 million in upgrades and repairs in February.

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日本の石油タンカーが米駆逐艦と衝突、ホルムズ海峡近海AFPBB.News 2012年08月13日

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USS Fitzgerald Holds Change of Command Ceremony - Navy.mil
www.navy.mil › submit › display
2017/05/30 - "I look forward to being with my Fitzgerald family in support of future missions and exercises. This is the best ship and the best crew on the waterfront, hands down!" said Benson. "I am proud to work ...

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Japanese cargo ship WAS on autopilot when it collided with the ...
Daily Mail-3 hours ago
Fresh details have emerged in the deadly crash between the USS Fitzgerald and the ACX Crystal cargo ship, as Rear Admiral Brian Fort ...

New details emerge in USS Fitzgerald collision investigation
fox2now.com-5 hours ago

Navy names lead investigator in USS Fitzgerald collision that killed ...
Stars and Stripes-12 hours ago

USS Fitzgerald: no sailor should die because of preventable human ...
Opinion-The San Diego Union-Tribune-19 hours ago

Freighter Was On Autopilot When It Hit US Destroyer
Highly Cited-Washington Free Beacon-10 hours ago

Selle: 'End of watch' for shipmates sailing in a dangerous world
Opinion-Chicago Tribune-21 Jun 2017

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Navy sailors made tough call to seal flooding ship compartments, unclear if survivors were inside - The Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › news
2 日前 - The Navy will consider valor awards for some USS Fitzgerald sailors who responded to the crisis.

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米イージス艦衝突事故 原因究明は進むのか
NHK - ‎17 hours ago‎
アメリカ海軍のイージス駆逐艦「フィッツジェラルド」とフィリピン船籍のコンテナ船が衝突した17日の事故から1週間。海上保安庁の捜査で事故の原因究明はどこまで進むのか。海上保安庁を長年取材し、みずからアメリカ海軍の艦艇に長期間乗船取材した経験もある津屋尚解説 ...

イージス艦事故の原因究明 海保「捜査機関の役割果たす」
NHK - ‎11 hours ago‎
静岡県の伊豆半島沖でアメリカ海軍のイージス艦とコンテナ船が衝突し、イージス艦の乗組員7人が死亡した事故から24日で1週間となるのを前に、第3管区海上保安本部の本部長は「アメリカ海軍と協議しながら捜査機関としての役割を果たしたい」と述べ、事故の原因究明を ...

「友よ許せ…」 艦を救うため苦渋の決断 浸水区を封鎖、仲間取り残す恐れ知りつつ
産経ニュース - ‎20 hours ago‎
【ワシントン=黒瀬悦成】静岡県・伊豆半島沖で米イージス駆逐艦フィッツジェラルドがコンテナ船と衝突し、駆逐艦の7人が死亡した事故で、22日付の米紙ワシントン・ポストは、乗組員らが艦の沈没を防ぐため、仲間が取り残されている恐れがあると知りつつ、浸水区画の閉鎖に ...

イージス艦衝突「業績影響、想定せず」 日本郵船社長
日本経済新聞 - ‎Jun 20, 2017‎
日本郵船の内藤忠顕社長は21日に都内で開いた株主総会で、同社がチャーターしていたコンテナ船と米イージス駆逐艦フィッツジェラルドの衝突事故に関し、「事故の当事者は船員を手配した船主会社であり、日本郵船は賠償責任を負う立場にない」と説明した。そのうえで「業績 ...

まぐまぐニュース! - ‎Jun 20, 2017‎
6月17日未明、静岡県伊豆半島沖で起きたコンテナ船と米海軍イージス艦フィッツジェラルドの衝突事故は、フィッツジェラルドの乗組員7人が亡くなるという惨事となってしまいました。高度なレーダーシステムを誇るイージス艦が、なぜこのような事故の「当事者」となってしまったの ...

コンテナ船と衝突で死者 「イージス艦」には意外な盲点が
日刊ゲンダイ - ‎Jun 21, 2017‎
イージス艦は、半径数百キロをカバーする高性能のレーダーを搭載しているという。それによって味方を攻撃してくるミサイルや戦闘機を同時に迎撃することも可能。防衛能力は世界最高水準だ。さすがギリシャ神話の「盾」を名前にしているだけのことはある。射程範囲に侵入した敵 ...

イージス艦の衝突事故 米海軍制服組トップが来日
テレビ朝日 - ‎Jun 20, 2017‎
アメリカ海軍のイージス艦がコンテナ船と衝突した事故で、海軍制服組トップが来日し、海上保安庁の幹部に救出活動への感謝の意を示しました。 17日、静岡県の石廊崎沖で、アメリカ海軍のイージス艦「フィッツジェラルド」と日本郵船が運航するコンテナ船が衝突し、イージス艦 ...

CNN Japan - ‎16 hours ago‎
米海軍のイージス駆逐艦フィッツジェラルドがコンテナ船と衝突した事故に関する米海軍の調査分析によれば、死亡した7人の乗組員のうち5人はほぼ瞬時に「身動きが取れなくなり」、まもなく死亡した可能性がある。国防総省関係者が23日までに明らかにした。 コンテナ船は ...

LNEWS - ‎Jun 20, 2017‎
日本郵船は6月20日、アメリカ海軍の発表によると、用船・運航していたコンテナ船「ACX CRYSTAL」とアメリカ海軍イージス艦「FITZGERALD」の衝突事故によって亡くなられた7名の乗組員の遺体が本国に送還されたと発表した。 同社は、船主である大日インベストとともに「 ...

毎日新聞 - ‎Jun 21, 2017‎
日本郵船は21日、チャーターしていたコンテナ船が17日に静岡県沖で米イージス駆逐艦と衝突した事故について、業績への影響を現時点で想定していないことを明らかにした。東京都内で開いた株主総会で内藤忠顕社長が説明した。 内藤社長は、船主である大日インベスト( ...

テレビ局は一体誰に配慮しているのか 「バトルシップ」放送中止は過剰反応では
キャリコネ - ‎Jun 21, 2017‎
先日、静岡県沖で米軍のイージス艦とフィリピン船籍のコンテナ輸送船が衝突し、イージス艦の側面が浸水。7人の死者が出るという痛ましい事故が起きた。 これを受けて、日本テレビは6月23日夜に「金曜ロードショー」で放送予定だったSF映画「バトルシップ」の放送を中止にした ...

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New photos of USS Fitzgerald show collision damage
CNN - ‎2017年7月13日‎
Washington (CNN) The US Navy released new photos showing the damage caused to the USS Fitzgerald after it collided with a cargo ship on June 17, causing the death of seven US sailors. The 10,000-ton USS Fitzgerald and the ACX Crystal, a 29,000-ton ...

USS Fitzgerald Damage Estimated at $2 Billion
Port Technology International - ‎2017年7月15日‎
The Philippine container ship that crashed into a US guided-missile destroyer may be liable for almost US$2 billion, according to Business Insider UK. Damage to the USS Fitzgerald is far more substantial than that done to the Philippine-flagged ...

The true scale of damage to doomed USS Fitzgerald is revealed: New photos show the hole beneath the waterline that ...
Daily Mail - ‎2017年7月14日‎
The Japanese Coast Guard said the collision occurred at 1:30am - and then it sailed on for seven miles before returning to the Fitzgerald at 2:25am, at which point they reported the incident. The 50-minute discrepancy caused confusion on Monday.

The Fitzgerald's Watch Team Could Have Been Mine
Task & Purpose - ‎2017年7月13日‎
As I watched the video of the stricken USS Fitzgerald limping to her pier, I felt nauseated. I noticed things that non-sailors might miss. Firehoses over the side, water pouring out of them, hooked to portable damage control pumps. Exhausted damage ...

USS Fitzgerald moves to dry dock for evaluation
UPI.com - ‎2017年7月12日‎
July 12 (UPI) -- The destroyer USS Fitzgerald, damaged in a June 17 collision with a cargo ship, entered a dry dock in Yokosuka, Japan, for evaluation, the Navy said. Seven U.S. sailors died in the collision between the Fitzgerald and a Philippine ...

New photos of USS Fitzgerald show collision damage
Gant Daily - ‎2017年7月13日‎
The US Navy released new photos showing the damage caused to the USS Fitzgerald after it collided with a cargo ship on June 17, causing the death of seven US sailors. The 10,000-ton USS Fitzgerald and the ACX Crystal, a 29,000-ton container ship ...

ACX Crystal Owners May Be Liable for $2 Billion After USS Fitzgerald Crash
Sputnik International - ‎2017年7月13日‎
A former US Navy Captain and professor of maritime law has argued that the MV ACX Crystal container ship may be liable for its mid-June collision with the USS Fitzgerald destroyer – and if this proves to be the case, the parent company may be liable ...

Bryce Benson, USS Fitzgerald Commander, Relieved After Deadly Crash
Newsmax - ‎2017年7月12日‎
Bryce Benson, commander of the USS Fitzgerald warship, was temporarily relieved, for medical reasons, after a crash with a container vessel in Japanese waters that killed seven American sailors, the U.S. Navy said Tuesday. The collision between the ...

Who are you to write about the Fitzgerald, about clams, about von ...
San Diego Reader-7 hours ago
I commanded three Aegis cruisers during that time, including USS Thomas S. Gate, ... #No one knows what happened in the Fitzgerald accident yet, except for ...

Asia Pacific peace hinges on strong US-Japan alliance | Opinion
Sun Sentinel-4 hours ago
More recently on June 17, seven lives were lost aboard the USS Fitzgerald following its collision with a Philippine merchant vessel off the coast of east Japan.

Navy to commission Arleigh Burke destroyer USS John Finn
UPI.com-Jul 15, 2017
The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Fitzgerald (DDG 62) moves into Dry Dock 4 at Fleet Activities (FLEACT) Yokosuka on July 11, 2017.

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時事通信 - ‎2 時間前‎
... 【ワシントン時事】静岡県・伊豆半島沖で起きた米海軍のイージス駆逐艦「フィッツジェラルド」とコンテナ船の衝突事故で、米CNNテレビは21日、海軍当局者の話として、フィッツジェラルドが衝突回避を怠り、事故につながった可能性があると報じた。 当局者は、フィッツジェラルド ...

福井新聞 - ‎2 時間前‎
... 【ワシントン共同】静岡県・伊豆半島沖で米イージス駆逐艦とコンテナ船が衝突し、米兵7人が死亡した事故で、CNNテレビは21日、イージス艦乗組員による「複数の過失」が原因だった可能性があると報じた。イージス艦側がコンテナ船の接近を衝突寸前まで把握できず、適切な ...

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Navy blamed in preliminary USS Fitzgerald inquiry
Leicester Post - ‎1 時間前‎
Citing unnamed military sources, CNN said officials believe a string of human errors aboard the guided-missile destroyer's bridge contributed to the collision with the much larger ACX Crystal, a container vessel. Officials who spoke to CNN say the ...

Crew of USS Fitzgerald failed to take action in time to avoid collision with Japanese merchant ship
KUSI - ‎1 時間前‎
SAN DIEGO (KUSI) — The crew of the USS Fitzgerald failed to take action in time to avoid a collision with a container ship that killed seven sailors, including two from San Diego County, according to multiple reports Friday. The reports from CNN cited ...

Report: USS Fitzgerald Was Likely At Fault in Collision
The Maritime Executive - ‎1 時間前‎
Defense officials told CNN and Reuters that the early results of the investigation show that the Fitzgerald was at fault, and that a loss of situational awareness was a primary factor in the collision. “There was not a lot that went right leading up to ...

Probe: USS Fitzgerald crew likely to blame for crash
Normangee Star - ‎2 時間前‎
Initial findings into the June 17 collision between the Navy destroyer Fitzgerald and a civilian cargo ship in the Philippine Sea reveal that the American crew might have caused the disaster that killed seven US sailors, according to a CNN report Friday.

Report: Navy Crew Apparently To Blame For Deadly Destroyer Collision
kurv - ‎3 時間前‎
The Navy reportedly faults the crew of a U.S. warship for not preventing a deadly collision off the coast of Japan last month. CNN reports preliminary findings suggest the crew of the USS Fitzgerald made a series of errors before the destroyer collided ...

Initial investigation blames Navy for USS Fitzgerald collision
fox5sandiego.com - ‎3 時間前‎
The Navy issued a statement from Rear Admiral Dawn Cutler, US Navy chief of information, responding to CNN's reporting on Friday: “We are in the early stages of the investigation process to develop a comprehensive picture of what caused the collision ...

USS Fitzgerald 'at fault': Crew failed to react to approaching cargo ship in devastating crash that killed seven ...
Daily Mail - ‎4 時間前‎
Preliminary findings in the inquiry indicate crew members on the Fitzgerald failed to acknowledge the ACX Crystal was approaching and did not the necessary action to avoid a collision, according to two Defense Department officials who spoke to CNN.

USS Fitzgerald crash that killed seven American sailors 'was navy's own fault'
The Independent - ‎12 時間前‎
A deadly crash between a US warship and a Philippine cargo vessel is believed to have been the fault of the US navy, according to CNN citing preliminary investigations into the incident which claimed the lives of seven American sailors. The network ...

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U.S. Navy Statement on USS Fitzgerald Investigation
U.S. Navy 13 hours ago Inside the Navy, Surface

Below is a statement released July 21 by U.S. Navy Chief of Information, Rear Adm. Dawn Cutler on the investigation into the June 17 collision between USS Fitzgerald (DDG 62) and a merchant vessel about 56 nautical miles southwest of Yokosuka, Japan:

“We are in the early stages of the investigation process to develop a comprehensive picture of what caused the collision and do not have any definitive information to release at this time. It is premature to speculate on causation or any other issues. Once we have a detailed understanding of the facts and circumstances, we will share those findings with the Fitzgerald families, our Congressional oversight committees and the general public.”


>do not have any definitive information to release at this time
