


(更新 2013/11/12 07:00)















※週刊朝日  2013年11月15日号


44 件のコメント:

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昭和天皇「不向きな性格」 死去直後、英大使が報告書 | 共同通信 ニュース | 沖縄タイムス+プラス

2017年7月20日 09:01




匿名 さんのコメント...

根強い「休養論」 傷だらけの錦織、「休まない」ではなく「休めない」理由 | THE ANSWER スポーツ文化・育成&総合ニュースサイト






















 フェデラーは今季、マスターズ1000でモンテカルロ・オープン、マドリード・オープン、 BNLイタリア国際の3大会で参加を回避したが、マイルストーン枠ゆえにATPが正式に認めている。




ジ・アンサー編集部●文 text by The Answer

錦織、今季残り全試合を欠場 右手首腱を断裂  :日本経済新聞

2017/8/16 21:54






匿名 さんのコメント...

両陛下 思い出のテニスコートに
08月26日 14時33分


匿名 さんのコメント...

"Bobby Doyle"

匿名 さんのコメント...

Prince Akihito and his bride-to-be, Michiko Shoda, leaf thru a photo album in his .... On that August afternoon, Michi Shoda and Bobby Doyle, her American ...

Tennis Match Fueled Imperial Romance - tribunedigital-sunsentinel
articles.sun-sentinel.com › Collections › Tennis
Jan 7, 1989 - Michiko was born on Oct. 20, 1934, one of four children of Hidesaburo ... There, with Bobby Doyle, her 12-year-old partner, she defeated Akihito ...

Romance on the Tennis Court | Daily News
Aug 4, 2017 - On that August afternoon, Michiko Shoda (the daughter of a businessman who owned a flour-milling company) and Bobby Doyle, her American .

Empire of the Son – March 1989 - Edward Klein
Michiko tucked in her skirt, knelt on the hard wood ... their occupants, but one of Michiko's closest friends provid- ..... Bobby Doyle trounced the prince and his.

匿名 さんのコメント...

東京ゴルフ倶楽部 近衛 木戸 皇太子

匿名 さんのコメント...

The Saturday Evening Post - 第 231 巻 - 89 ページ
1959 - ‎
Akihito and Michiko first met on August 19, 1957. on a tennis court at- Karuizawa, a fashionable summer resort in the ... paired in the semifinals of a local tournament against Michiko and Bobby Doyle, a twelve-year-old American vacationer.

Vanity Fair - 第 52 巻 - 207 ページ
1989 - ‎
Michiko Shoda was the valedictorian of her graduating class at the University of the Sacred Heart, a Catholic school ... Michiko and a twelve-year-old American boy named Bobby Doyle trounced the prince and his partner, 6-1, and soon the ...

Return to Japan - 221 ページ
Elizabeth Gray Vining - 1960 -
The Crown Prince and a Waseda University graduate were paired against Michiko Shoda and a twelve-year-old American boy, one Bobby Doyle, who was in Karuizawa on vacation. The score is variously given in different accounts, but the ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Pacific Rift
Michael M. Lewis - 1991
Robert J. Collins spent 11 years of his life trying to sell insurance to Japanese companies. ... became one of the few non-Japanese board members of the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club, where he occasionally played doubles with Emperor Akihito.

The Nippon Jungle - The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › books › the-n...
1992/05/24 · Mr. Lewis chooses two "real people" to report on -- Robert J. Collins, an American who ... years selling insurance to the Japanese for the American International Group (A.I.G. ...

Emperor Akihito: Japanese monarch declares historic abdication - BBC News - BBC.com
https://www.bbc.com › news › world-asia...
11 時間前 · Akihito wishes "peace and happiness" to Japan and the world in his final address as ... While the emperor holds no political power, he serves as a national figurehead.

Japan's new Emperor Naruhito succeeds father Akihito - BBC News - BBC.com
https://www.bbc.com › news › world-asia...
17 時間前 · The emperor in Japan holds no political power but serves as a national symbol. Emperor Akihito, 85, who chose to abdicate due to his age and failing health, stepped ...

Japan's Emperor Akihito steps down to let son take over - The Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › lifestyle
17 時間前 · The 85-year-old monarch had no political power but was popular with citizens.

Tennis and America, Thank You: Memoirs of a Czech Refugee, 1948
Freddie Botur - 2013 - ‎Preview
... but his dream of her return never came true Also, I have to mention that he was enthusiastic skier before he started playing tennis and was also an ... the head of Starr's successful insurance company in Tokyo and became very friendly with Japanese Prince Akihito, with whom he played tennis ...

no political power

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The Spectator - Volume 262, Issues 8373-8385 - Page 12
1989 - ‎
Akihito has played tennis with the bonhomous British journalist Jurek Martin, who recently reported in this magazine that Akihito's game was sound — but then again, the distinguished foreign editor of the Financial Times is himself no Pancho Gonzales. The then Prince Akihito once played ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

As I said in the beginning, under the Constitution, the Emperor does not have powers related to government.

匿名 さんのコメント...

【天皇の島から 戦後70年・序章(6)前半】「南太平洋に慰霊に行きたい」 何度もご提案で実現 - ...
https://www.sankei.com › world › news
2015/01/07 · 海外での慰霊を以前からお考えになっていなかったはずはない」と話す。 ただ、「慰霊の旅」は国内 でも異例のことだった。ましてや両陛下の外国ご訪問となれば、友好親善が目的で、慰霊目的というのは前例が ...

リベラル・辻元氏が前原氏の決断に理解を示す理由 現実的であるということ ...
https://www.buzzfeed.com › daisukefuruta
2017/10/03 · 民進党リベラルの代表格として知られる辻元清美氏が10月3日、新党「立憲民主党」への参加を明らかにした。 ただ、袂 ... そこで、新たな大型巡視船『あきつしま』の導入を訴えたのが辻元氏だった ...

「あきつしま」天皇・皇后両陛下がパラオで一泊する巡視船とは | ハフポスト
https://www.huffingtonpost.jp › akitsu-sh...
www.huffingtonpost.jp からのあきつしま 天皇
2015/03/25 · 天皇・皇后両陛下は4月、太平洋戦争で戦地となったパラオ共和国、マーシャル諸島、ミクロネシア連邦を訪問する。8日には、海上保安庁の巡視船「あきつしま」に1泊する予定だ。あきつしまとは、どんな艦船な ...

天皇陛下にまつわる不思議なお写真 国際慣行に沿った栄誉礼で、皇室と自衛隊を隔てる「壁」​を除く時代が到来した(6):イザ! - iZa ...
https://www.iza.ne.jp › politics › photos
天皇陛下にまつわる不思議なお写真 国際慣行に沿った栄誉礼で、皇室と自衛隊を隔てる「壁」を除く時代が到来した · 前の写真へ · 次の写真へ. パラオ沿岸に停泊する海上保安庁の巡視船「あきつしま」。天皇、皇后両陛下が滞在中に

象徴としてのお務めについての天皇陛下のおことば - 宮内庁
www.kunaicho.go.jp › okotoba › detail
2016/08/08 · 象徴としてのお務めについての天皇陛下のおことば(ビデオ)(平成28年8月8日) ... こうした意味において,日本の各地,とりわけ遠隔の地や島々への旅も,私は天皇の象徴的行為として,大切なものと感じて来 ...

天皇が日本の島々を旅する「これだけの理由」(畑中 章宏) | 現代ビジネス | 講談社(1/ ...
https://gendai.ismedia.jp › articles
天皇、皇后両陛下は8月4日、北海道札幌市から特別機で利尻島に向かい、島内の漁業施設や景勝地などを日帰りで巡っ ... 日本の各地、とりわけ遠隔の地や島々への旅も、私は天皇の象徴的行為として、大切なものと感じて来まし ...

天皇が自分の「立場」​について語りかつ文章にしたことが少なからず話題になっていま…​… - 日本キリスト教団[西宮公同教会・西宮公同幼稚園 ...
koudou.jp › ookinate3
日本国憲法で象徴と位置づけられた天皇の望ましい在り方」は、憲法はもちろん、皇室典範にも具体的な記載は ... 日本 の各地、とりわけ遠隔の地や島々への旅も、私は天皇の象徴的行為として、大切なものと感じて来ました」「ほぼ ...

語り継がれる「天皇の旅」 批判はあっても膝をつかれた陛下のスタイル ...
https://ironna.jp › article
2019/03/11 · こうした意味において、日本の各地、とりわけ遠隔の地や島々への旅も、私は天皇の象徴 的行為として、大切なものと感じてきました。皇太子の時代も含め、これまで私が皇后とともに行ってきたほぼ ...


Robert J. Collins Akihito
Starr Akihito

匿名 さんのコメント...

国際社会科学講義:文明間対話の作法 | 武者小路 公秀, 三橋 利光, 松本 行広, 武者小路研究会 |本 | 通販 | Amazon - ...
https://www.amazon.co.jp › 国際社会科...
1929年ブリュッセル(ベルギー)生まれ。研究歴:1953年学習院大学法学部政治学科卒業。1957年‐58年パリー大学 政治学院聴講生。1961年‐62年プリンストン大学国際研究センター客員研究員(ロックフェラー財団奨学フェロー ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

English lessons, tennis and days out: Emperor's host in U.K. before Oxford recalls 'delightful guest' | The Japan Times
https://www.japantimes.co.jp › national
18 hours ago · ...Hall thinks he was chosen as host due to several factors. He managed four English-language schools in Japan, had acted in a similar capacity for the Thai crown prince and was a member of Queen Elizabeth II’s household — so he had experience with royal protocol.

匿名 さんのコメント...

テニスで交流 佐藤さん「さわやかなスポーツマンご夫妻」5月1日 10時35分 最終更新

社会 テニスで交流 佐藤さん「さわやかなスポーツマンご夫妻」 天皇皇后両陛下とテニスを通じて長年交流を深めている元プロテニス選手で、東京国際大学硬式テニス部監督の佐藤直子さんは「両陛下はさわやかなスポーツマンご夫妻という印象で、ふだんから国民に近い皇室でありたいとおっしゃられていましたが、自然とそのようになられるのではないかと思います」と話しました。 そして、「海外では日本人の礼儀正しさや我慢強さなどが高く評価されています。語学が堪能なお二人には、そうした面や日本の良い部分をさらに広めてほしいです」と期待していました。


匿名 さんのコメント...

皇居の景観 - 大江戸歴史散歩を楽しむ会
2018/07/31 - 明治4年(1871)より皇室の伝統文化の一つとなった養蚕を昭憲皇太后が始められ、大正3年(1914)に紅葉山養蚕所 .... 吹上ゴルフ場昭和3年(1928)昭和天皇と香淳皇后が赤坂離宮から皇居内への転居に伴い、広芝にあった馬場と温室を ...

江戸城吹上御庭 : 大江戸歴史散歩を楽しむ会
2015/05/16 - 吹上ゴルフ場昭和3年(1928)昭和天皇と香淳皇后が赤坂離宮から皇居内への転居に伴い、広芝にあった馬場と温室を移転し、跡地にパー3コース9ホールのゴルフ場を建設 ... 昭和12年(1937)昭和天皇は、吹上ゴルフ場の使用を止めると宣言し、芝生の管理も中止された。 ... 江戸城の紅葉山 · 江戸城本丸を歩く③本丸・二ノ丸.

匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

あの日 あのとき あの番組 【皇居の自然〜大都会の中の豊かな森〜】 ]の ...
https://tvtopic.goo.ne.jp › 番組情報 › NHK総合
2019/02/24 - 皇居の自然〜武蔵野の森が奏でる四季 (バラエティ/情報). 15:18~ ... 道灌濠に沿って紅葉山まで続く道は殆ど人の手が加えられていないので、皇居の中でも特に自然が残っている。そのお堀に置い ... 近くにある太平洋戦争の最中に防空壕を掘った時の土を使ってつくられた小路は、昭和天皇がよく散策していたという。紅葉山が ...

昭和天皇のご発意・二の丸武蔵野雑木林 - 最新情報 | 皇居外苑 | 一般財団 ...
2015/10/07 - 昭和天皇のご発意により、武蔵野林(雑木林)を造ろうと造成されたのが、こちらの雑木林です。江戸時代、この場所には「二の丸御殿」があり、家光の世嗣・竹千代(四代将軍家綱)の住まいや、前将軍の側室が晩年過ごした屋敷が置かれてい ...

匿名 さんのコメント...



匿名 さんのコメント...

「ナルちゃんをよろしく」で誕生 陛下を支える「梓会」 [令和]:朝日新聞デジタル
3 日前 - 毎回4~5時間ほどに及び、陛下がライフワークとして研究を続ける「水」問題関連の専門家ものちに加わった。 メンバーの一人によると、発足のきっかけは上皇さまの一言だった。 「ナルちゃん(陛下の愛称)をよろしく」. 1973年、あるメンバーは ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

上皇ご夫妻 テニス仲間と交流
05月05日 19時54分



匿名 さんのコメント...

Who Rules Japan?: The Inner Circles of Economic and Political ...
Harold R. Kerbo, ‎John A. McKinstry, ‎John McKinstry - 1995
315 The Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club was originally established through the encouragement of Ito Hirobumi, zjenro and major author of the Meiji Constitution. He was also one of the architects of Japan's entry into the modern world who believed that mixing Japanese elite with foreign elite in such a Western setting was good for ...

The Road from Wigan Pier: Memoirs of a Linguist - Page 198
Richard D. Lewis - 1998
At Chris's suggestion we joined two well-known clubs - Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club and Yokohama Country and Athletic Club, usually referred to as the YCAC. The latter organisation, which had started life as the Yokohama Cricket and Athletic Club in 1887, was for expatriates only, running cricket, football, rugby and tennis teams as ...

The Japanese Community in Pre-war Britain: From Integration ...
Keiko Itoh - 2001 - ‎
Tennis was first introduced to Japan around 1870 by the British who lived in the Yokohama settlements. By the 1880s, a number of Japanese upper-class elite who had studied or worked overseas had returned to Tokyo with a new passion for tennis, and the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club was created in 1892.40 Among the three main ...

The Saturday Evening Post - Volume 231 - Page 89
Akihito and Michiko first met on August 19, 1957. on a tennis court at- Karuizawa, a fashionable summer resort in the mountains 100 miles northwest of Tokyo. The Crown Prince and a school .... That was when Michiko joined the swank Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club, of which the Crown Prince was a member. It was widely reported that ...

The East - Volume 2 - Page 43
Add to this the national day receptions which are given by each of the 70 embassies in Tokyo, the constant round of ... The Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club, also conveniently situated in Azabu, is small, exclusive, and the most international of the ...

Business Tokyo - Volume 2 - Page 42
Japanese Prestige In Japan the company has had a presence since 1980 when it took up management of the prestigious Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club on a part-time basis. Today PBI has six resident pros in Japan, all foreigners, who manage ...

The Japan Daily Mail - Page 247
1897 - ‎Read
If it could be made known to the garrison generally that rude behaviour towards a foreigner not only disgraces their ... In connexion with this matter, we venture to advise the members of the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club to seriously consider the ...

Current Biography Yearbook - Volume 52 - Page 9
1992 - ‎
Vining, who became the first foreigner permitted in the living quarters of the Imperial Palace, later remembered Akihito as a sad and lonely boy who led a "dull and restricted life." As she ... In 1958 she joined the exclusive Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club, of which Akihito was a member, but the two were never allowed to be alone together.

Fodor's Japan and East Asia - Page 161
Eugene Fodor, ‎Robert C. Fisher - 1972
There is an excellent and expensive lawn tennis club in Azabu, a residential and embassy section near the center, and number of public clay or cement tennis courts ... hospitals, and pharmacies are accustomed to dealing with foreigners, and many of their staff members are foreign-trained, or non-Japanese: Tokyo Medical and ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

LIFE - 15 Dec 1958 - Page 74
Vol. 45, No. 24 - ‎Magazine - ‎Full view
CHILDHOOD PORTRAITS of Akihito (above) and Michiko (below) were taken when each was five. The Japanese ... At the Peers' School a Quaker from Philadelphia, Mrs. Elizabeth Gray Vining, Mas retained to teach Akihito and the other boys. The crown ... The crown prince and Michiko met for the first time on a tennis court. Akihito is ... At the Karuizawa mountain resort north ...

Time - Volume 73 - Page 34
Briton Hadden - 1959
She loved her summer vacations at the mountain resort of Karuizawa, where the Shoda villa lies within sight of the Smoking crater of the Asama volcano. Michiko lived in tennis shorts, was on the courts nearly every day, enjoyed dropping into the little village shops for rice halls and noodles—a passion that ... Such a summons, innpossible to refuse, was given to Michiko Shoda and a twelve-year- old boy.

Return to Japan - Page 221
Elizabeth Gray Vining - 1960
On August 19, 1957, a now-famous tennis match took place. ... Crown Prince and a Waseda University graduate were paired against Michiko Shoda and a twelve- year-old American boy, one Bobby Doyle, who was in Karuizawa on vacation.

Vanity Fair - Volume 52 - Page 207
... arranged for Akihito and Michiko to meet on the tennis courts at Karuizawa, an exclusive summer resort in the mountains eighty miles northwest of Tokyo. Michiko and a twelve-year-old American boy named Bobby Doyle trounced the prince ...

Current Biography Yearbook - Page 9
1992 -
The hunt ended in 1957, when he met Michiko Shoda, the daughter of the president of Nisshin Flour Milling Company, on a tennis court at Karuizawa, a fashionable summer resort. Michiko, whose name means "child of beauty and wisdom," ...

The Saturday Evening Post - Volume 231 - Page 89
1959 - ‎
(Continued from Page 27) might do for the average Japanese boy and girl in a postwar democratic society, but there it was ... Akihito and Michiko first met on August 19, 1957. on a tennis court at- Karuizawa, a fashionable summer resort in the ...

Japan - Page 89
Elizabeth Kanematsu - 1993
With their simple ways and engaging manner, Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko have brought the imperial family closer to the common folk. The imperial ... On November 27, 1958, 15 months after their first meeting at the tennis court in Karuizawa, Akihito and Michiko were engaged. They were ... When Prince Hiro, their first child, was born, she chose to carry the baby herself in the car. Once again ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Elizabeth Vining - The Economist
https://www.economist.com › 1999/12/09
9 Dec 1999 · ... ruler of Japan, decided magnanimously not to put the emperor on trial for war crimes; in any case, he felt the most important royal was the emperor's elder son, Akihito.

The emperor and the tennis pro - The Globe and Mail
https://www.theglobeandmail.com › news
27 Jun 2009 · Akihito has acknowledged that he still struggles to understand what his role ... international etiquette, democratic principles and - Ms. Vining being a Quaker - pacifism.

Remembering A Tokyo Boy With a Future - The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › world › reme...
2 Oct 1988 · As for Akihito himself, Mrs. Vining found him honest, friendly and intelligent, ''near the top of ... He was never arrogant and was a good athlete who enjoyed tennis, swimming and ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.si.com › vault › 1959/04/27
... but Akihito and Michiko were not the only ardent tennis players in Tokyo whose love sets were ... As a result of their chance meeting, C. V. Starr first arranged for Igaya to go to the 1952 Winter ...

Tennis and America, Thank You: Memoirs of a Czech Refugee, 1948
https://books.google.co.uk › books
Freddie Botur · 2013 · Biography & Autobiography
... me that after Igaya completed his studies and employment at AIU, he became the head of Starr's successful insurance company in Tokyo and became very friendly with Japanese Prince Akihito, ...

Page 1 — Shin Nichibei 12 April 1959 — California Digital Newspaper Collection
https://cdnc.ucr.edu › ...
TOKYO, April 11—(SATURDAY)—(UPI)—Crown Prince Akihito and Princess Michiko, their wedding .... I C.V. Starr, wealthy American insurance executive who took a personal interest in Igaya ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

2. 私のスキーこと始め : ホテルグランフェニックス奥志賀ができるまで《田島和彦自伝 ...
https://www.hotelgrandphenix.co.jp › aut...
私が中学生の頃、まだ学生時代の猪谷千春さんが東京の私の家から高校・大学へ通っていて、私のベッドの隣に一緒に寝ていた。彼は毎日学校から帰ってくると、代々木にあったワシントンハイツ(在日米軍の ...

https://www.hotelgrandphenix.co.jp › aut...
フェニックスから完全に手を引いた後、まず始めたのはホテルグランフェニックス奥志賀を買い戻すための ... 猪谷千春氏や私の父・田島一男、そして刊行当時にはまだフェニックス社長だった私、志賀高原「森の ...

皇太子一家恒例の奥志賀スキー旅行 宮内庁内部で波紋広がる|NEWSポストセブン
https://www.news-postseven.com › archi...
16 Mar 2015 · 10年前から皇太子一家の“恒例行事”となってきた「奥志賀スキー旅行」が月末に行なわれる。しかし、この旅行は雅子妃の適応障害が発表された2004年以来、常に騒動の火種となってき ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Vantage Gain For Tokyo Tennis Club. - Page 2
The Sydney Morning Herald - ‎28 Aug 1949 - ‎Newspaper - ‎Full view
General MacArthur las restored the influential Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club to its pre- war status. He has agreed that occupation personnel and foreign diplomats can resume full membership, and that the club's president be a prominent foreigner.

Will Tradition Fade With Akihito? Emperor Faces 25 Centuries ...
Boca Raton News - ‎8 Jan 1989 - ‎Newspaper - ‎Full view
At the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club, for instance, Akihito's American and other foreign friends are waiting with special concern. Will he now be forced to forsake these old acquaintances and withdraw behind the grim walls of the Imperial Palace, ...

Japanese - Page 6
Youngstown Vindicator - ‎8 Feb 1959 - ‎Newspaper - ‎Full view
Playing the game that brought them together, Michiko and Akihito pair off for a mixed doubles match at the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club during their first public appearance together after the engagement announcement. A star athlete, Michiko ...

Decision Shocks Japanese. - Page 6
The Sydney Morning Herald - ‎17 May 1950 - ‎Newspaper - ‎Full view
... "rather unfortunate." "Opportunity to mix inter- nationally might encourage democracy in Japan," he said. About a dozen Australians, as well as other Allied nationals, play regularly against Japanese members of the Tokyo lawn tennis club.

Second For The Braves. - Page 7
Lewiston Evening Journal - ‎8 Apr 1959 - ‎Newspaper - ‎Full view
Michiko Shoda. in an informal tennis match at the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club in January. Igaya. 27, returned to Japan last year after studying al Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. He served as the nucleus Bates team of Ibis past John Libby ...

Akihito May Seek To Ease Imperial Isolation - Page 6
The Bulletin - ‎8 Jan 1989 - ‎Newspaper - ‎Full view
... has sufficient backbone to pronounce the last word on more of the Chrysanthemum Throne's encrusted traditions. There arc plenty .for him to work on. At the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club, for instance, Akihito's American and other foreign friends ...

Alleged Aust Spy Charged Over Engines. - Page 2
The Sydney Morning Herald - ‎26 Oct 1976 - ‎Newspaper - ‎Full view
He is a member of tha select Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club, but never mixed much with Tokyo's Australian community, according to long-stand-, ing residents. An Embassy official said Drew renewed his passport in Tokyo several weeks ago.

Soviet Chosen As Tennis Head. - Page 29
The Spokesman-Review - ‎14 May 1971 - ‎Newspaper - ‎Full view
Soviet Ambassador Oleg Troyanovsky has been elected honorary president of the exclusive Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club. The 71-year-old club, which includes Crown Prince Akihito among its members, traditionally chooses envoys as presidents.

The Milwaukee Sentinel - Page 21
The Milwaukee Sentinel - ‎11 Jan 1989 - ‎Newspaper - ‎Full view
... has sufficient backbone (o pronounce the last want an more of the Chrysanthemum Throne's encrusted traditions. There ore plenty for him to work on. At the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club, for Instance, Akituto's American and other foreign friends ...

Romantic Guessing Game In In Japan Over; Next Empress ...
Saskatoon Star-Phoenix - ‎3 Dec 1958 - ‎Newspaper - ‎Full view
Last April Miss Shoda became a member of the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club, sponsored by the prince himself. The prince began a passionate courtship of the girl, "largely by telephone." Miss Shoda finally accepted the prince early this month, ...

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天皇陛下と長年交流の元プロ選手・佐藤直子さん「​テニス外交で日本の良いイメージを」 - ...
https://mainichi.jp › articles
5 日前 · 天皇陛下とテニスを通じて長年交流を深めてきた人がいる。テニスの4大大会女子シングルス8強などの実績を持つ元プロ選手の佐藤直子さん(64)だ。スポーツに励まれていた ...

天皇陛下と長年交流の元プロ選手・佐藤直子さん「テニス外交で日本の良いイメージを」[写真特集1/4]- 毎日新聞
https://mainichi.jp › graphs › hpj
5 日前 · テニスを楽しまれる上皇后さま(右)と天皇陛下=長野県軽井沢町の軽井沢会テニスコートで1990年8月11日.

“お妃候補”から皇后へ・・・陛下と雅子さまの強い絆 知られざるテニス秘話 - FNN.jpプライムオンライン
https://www.fnn.jp › posts
8 日前 · 天皇皇后両陛下の結婚の儀は、26年前の1993年6月に行われた。 ... 皇后両陛下として歩まれるお二人の今を、テニスを通して交流してきた元プロテニスプレーヤーの佐藤直子さんが語った。

「運動神経が良くスマッシュをお打ちに」皇后雅子さまのテニススタイル - FNN.jpプライムオンライン
https://www.fnn.jp › posts › 2019050112...
8 日前 · Live News days 18年間のご学友が語る陛下の意外な一面 「象徴」を務められる天皇 陛下に・・・ ... 元プロテニスプレーヤーの佐藤直子さんは、両陛下とテニスを楽しまれたご経験がある。

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皇太子さまがフェデラーとプレーされたって本当? 〈週刊朝日〉|AERA dot. (アエラドット) ...
https://dot.asahi.com › ... › 国内その他
2013/11/11 · 天皇陛下と美智子さまがテニスが縁で結ばれたことに象徴されるように、 皇室とスポーツとは歩調を合わせて時代を歩んできた。皇太子さまのスキー好きは有名だが、テニスもお上手 ...

天皇皇后両陛下のキューピット役が明かす「テニスコートの恋」と正田家への電話大作戦 (1/3) 〈週刊朝日〉|AERA dot. (アエラドット) - 朝日新聞デジタル
https://dot.asahi.com › ...
2019/04/28 · 1958年、軽井沢で行われたトーナメント会場のテニスコートのベンチで、出場者と談笑する正田美智子さん。左は皇太子さま(C)朝日新聞社 ...

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How a Canadian missionary set the stage for an imperial wedding
By Tim Hornyak
https://thecanadian.cccj.or.jp › how-a-canadian-missionary-set-the-stage-fo...
But it was on a Karuizawa tennis court in 1957 that Emperor Meiji’s great-grandson, then Crown Prince Akihito, first met Michiko Shoda. The fact that she was a commoner sparked rapturous headlines about the “tennis court fairytale” of Karuizawa. The couple married in 1959 and announced the birth of their first child, Naruhito, the following year.

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軽井沢という聖地 - Page 1
https://books.google.co.uk › books

この時、堤は執事らを西武グループに引き取ることを条件に旧宮家の別荘や邸宅を次々と掘入していくのである。 ... 皇太子時代の今上陛下は、西武グループの提供する別荘に滞在されながら、旧軽井沢にある、 軽井沢最古の別荘族の集まりである「軽井沢会」の所有する「軽井沢会テニスコート」でテニスに興じられ、 ...
桐山秀樹, ‎吉村祐美 - 2012 -

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The AIG Story - Page 7
books.google.co.uk › books
In a lengthy discussion on Smith's 1960 visit to Hong Kong, Starr said how much he admired many of Continental's insurance lines, especially its accident and ... Smith had persuaded Greenberg to accept Igaya into his training program, and Starr used the cover story of visiting Chicago to catch up with Igaya as a way to meet ...
Maurice R. Greenberg, ‎Lawrence A. Cunningham · 2013 ·

Tennis and America, Thank You: Memoirs of a Czech Refugee, 1948
books.google.co.uk › books

... with Annegret, we stopped in Tokyo and had lunch with Igaya Years later, Starr told me that after Igaya completed his studies and employment at AIU, he became the head of Starr's successful insurance company in Tokyo and became very friendly with Japanese Prince Akihito, with whom he played tennis occasionally After ...
Freddie Botur · 2013

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The Secret (Insurance) Agent Men
22 Sept 2000 — Starr died in 1968, but his empire endures. AIG is the biggest foreign insurance company in Japan. More than a third of its $40 billion in revenue last year came from the Far East theater that ...

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間接侵略の危機: 日本だけにないスパイ防止法 - Page 113
河西徹夫 · 1982
彼女は米軍属として来日、東京駅前の旧海上ビルの米婦人軍属宿舎に住み、米陸軍基地で秘書をしていた。活発で明るい彼女は、くだんのソ連代表部職員と、東京ローン・テニスクラブでお手合わせしたことをきっかけに親しい交際が始まった。が、その交際は、在日米軍情報部隊CICに察知されるところとなり、情報部隊の一員 ...

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The Saturday Evening Post - Volume 227 - Page 27
1954 ·
The other was a man he used to play tennis with at the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club . Neither of the Americans was trained in - or , indeed , wanted any part of — counterespionage work . Yet , except for them , Rastvorov would probably never ...

Soviet Defectors: Revelations of Renegade Intelligence Officers, ...
Riehle Kevin Riehle · 2020 ·
Not long after arriving in Tokyo in July 1950, Rastvorov joined the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club, a gathering place for diplomats and wealthy foreigners, with the goal of contacting and targeting Americans for recruitment and to 'pick up loose talk'.97 He developed friendships with Americans and British servicemen and submitted ...

American Spy: My Secret History in the CIA, Watergate and Beyond
E. Howard Hunt, ‎Greg Aunapu · 2007
Befitting my status in Japan, I had joined the prestigious Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club as would have been expected of me if I was truly a civilian. I didn't know it, but a Soviet KGB agent, Yuri Rastvorov, under cover as the second secretary of the Soviet Mission, had done the same thing in an attempt to recruit an American.

LIFE - 13 Dec 1954 - Page 50
Vol. 37, No. 24 · ‎Magazine · ‎Full view
RASTVOROV. cont.nu. BEMOANING STALIN'S with each other in pretending under instructions from my superiors, joined the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club, which many Americans frequented. But I found myself enjoying their companionship at tennis so much that I kept on putting off making the "contacts" I was supposed to make.

Fred Kovaleski, Once a Spy in a Tennis Disguise, Dies at 93 (Published 2018)
29 May 2018 — became essential when Yuri Rastvorov, a K.G.B. lieutenant colonel and avid tennis player, defected to the United States. Mr. Rastvorov — a major espionage asset who revealed important ...

https://www.washingtonpost.com › t...
The Most Dangerous Game - The Washington Post
15 Jan 2006 — Three decades later, I would learn that Simons was born Yuri Rastvorov. The revelation came in his Washington Post obituary. He died in Potomac in 2004 at the age of 82, five days shy of the 50th ...

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諸君 - Issues 1-3 - Page 195books.google.co.jp › books· Translate this page
1997 · ‎
些細なようであからさまだったのは、私がかねてから正式会員としての入会を申し込んでいた、東京では名門の東京ローン・テニスクラブが突然私の正式メンバーとしての入会の許可を通知してきた。実は、その直前に美濃部知事は私の立候補 ...

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The Federal Bailout of AIG: Hearing Before the Committee on ...
books.google.co.uk › books
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Oversight and Government Reform · 2011 · ‎Read
16 , 2008 The Federal Reserve Board ( through the New York Fed ) pledges $ 85 billion to AIG . FRB Press Release , Federal Reserve Board , with full support of the Treasury Department , authorizes the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to lend up to $ 85 billion to the American International Group ( AIG ) , Sept. 16 , 2008 ...

The AIG Rescue, Its Impact on Markets, and the Government's Exit ...
books.google.co.uk › books
2010 · ‎Read
role in a number of markets other firms use to manage risks , and the size and composition of AIG's balance sheet . ” 504 The Federal Reserve's actions were also informed by its judgment that an AIG collapse would have been much more severe than that of Lehman Brothers because of its global operations , substantial and varied ...

AIG Rescue, Its Impact on Markets, and the Government's Exit Strategy
books.google.co.uk › books
Elizabeth Warren · 2010 · ‎Full view
While the Federal Reserve had no role in supervising or regulating AIG and was also not lending to the company,495 the Federal Reserve was the only governmental entity at the time with the legal authority to provide liquidity to the financial system in emergency and exigent circumstances.496 Through internal discussions and a ...

Federal Reserve System: Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Policies ...
books.google.co.uk › books
Orice Williams Brown · 2011 · ‎Full view
AIG Revolving Credit Facility (AIG RCF) Appendix III: Assistance to American International Group, Inc. Date announced: September 16, 2008 Dates of operation: September 16, 2008–January 14, 2011 Key observations The Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) initially was authorized to loan AIG up to $85 billion.

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https://number.bunshun.jp › articles
皇室とテニス「美智子さまとペアを組んで…」「いいフォアーハンドをドンドン打たれる」招待選手たちが明かす“上皇ご夫妻との秘話”(3 - Number Web
2022/02/23 —これらはほんの一部の名前。日記が生き生きと蘇らせてくれる通り、本格的なテニス教育が行われ、テニス選手との懇親の伝統も長く続いた。上皇・上皇后両陛下、天皇陛下、秋篠宮殿下は皆1900年に創立された東京ローンテニスクラブの名誉会員だ。また、秋篠宮殿下は1992年に日本テニス協会の名誉総裁に就任し、2015年に眞子様、そして昨年は佳子様へと引き継がれている。しかし一方で、かつてのようにトップ選手が御所へ参ずるということはなくなった。

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https://www.washingtonpost.com › t...
The Most Dangerous Game - The Washington Post
2006/01/15 — Fred Kovaleski and Yuri Rastvorov were secret agents, sworn enemies on opposite ... his life revolved around the Tokyo Lawn Tennis Club.

https://www.washingtonpost.com › t...
Two Countries, Two Lives - The Washington Post
2004/02/07 — The CIA, in a declassified document, said that Rastvorov was a valuable ... His job was to recruit espionage agents at a Tokyo tennis club

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https://news.yahoo.co.jp › articles
無理」天皇陛下のストレッチ姿に、雅子さまと愛子さまも思わずクスリ ...
2 日前 — □「人生で初めて」と雅子さま  暑い日にボールを打ち合うと、おふたりとも滝のような汗をかく。 「こんなに汗をかけて幸せですね」  と佐藤さんが声をかけると、陛下は爽やかな表情でこう答えた。 「ランニングとは違う種類の汗ですね」  雅子さまも、 「人生で初めてというほど、多くの汗をかきました」  と気持ち良さそうに話したという。  皇室の方々は、常にだれかの視線を受けながら生活を送る。 「緊張して冷たい汗をかくことはあるかもしれませんが、運動をして気持ちのいい汗をかく機会は少ないのではないでしょうか」と佐藤さん。  せめて自分とテニスを楽しんでいるときは思い切りボールを打ち、声を上げて笑って頂けたらうれしいと話す。

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Why is tennis a royal sport?
Real Tennis is still almost the same sport as the Royal Game that was played with such great enthusiasm at all the princely courts of Europe and by a large contingent of the urban elite between roughly 1500-1800. After 1800 the interest in the game dwindled on the continent, but it survived in Great Britain.
Real Tennis History

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約 1,330 件 (0.25 秒)

【速報】都立高校の体育祭で生徒18人“熱中症”の疑い 2人救急搬送 東京・江戸川区(FNNプライムオンライン(フジ ...
体育祭が開かれていた東京・江戸川区の高校で、生徒18人が熱中症の症状を訴え、2人が搬送された。 7日午後1時半前、江戸川区の都立小岩高校で、「生徒...

【速報】東京・世田谷の高校で7人熱中症か 3人搬送 体育祭の予行練習 | TBS NEWS DIG

体育祭の予行練習 7人“熱中症” 生徒3人が搬送|FNNプライムオンライン

【速報】高校の体育祭で7人熱中症か 東京・板橋区[2023/06/05 17:02]

東京都立小岩高、体育祭で生徒21人熱中症か 都心では29.4度観測

熱中症に注意を 真夏日に迫る暑さ 体育祭中に6人搬送|TOKYO MX+(プラス)
.約 1,330 件 (0.25 秒)

【速報】都立高校の体育祭で生徒18人“熱中症”の疑い 2人救急搬送 東京・江戸川区(FNNプライムオンライン(フジ ...
体育祭が開かれていた東京・江戸川区の高校で、生徒18人が熱中症の症状を訴え、2人が搬送された。 7日午後1時半前、江戸川区の都立小岩高校で、「生徒...

【速報】東京・世田谷の高校で7人熱中症か 3人搬送 体育祭の予行練習 | TBS NEWS DIG

体育祭の予行練習 7人“熱中症” 生徒3人が搬送|FNNプライムオンライン

【速報】高校の体育祭で7人熱中症か 東京・板橋区[2023/06/05 17:02]

東京都立小岩高、体育祭で生徒21人熱中症か 都心では29.4度観測

熱中症に注意を 真夏日に迫る暑さ 体育祭中に6人搬送|TOKYO MX+(プラス)

高校の体育祭中に熱中症疑いで生徒5人搬送 尾鷲市|NHK 三重県のニュース

高校の体育祭中に熱中症疑いで生徒5人搬送 尾鷲市|NHK 三重県のニュース
