

これを聞いたトランプ氏は翌19日午前、ツイッターに「ペンス氏がハラスメント(嫌がらせ)を受けた」と書き込んだ。「劇場は安全な場所であるべきで、謝罪すべきだ」と求めている。 劇場での様子を撮影した動画は米メディアなどがネット上で公開中。ディクソンさんは、ペンス氏に対し観劇の礼を述べた上で丁寧な言葉で声明を読み上げ、観客から大きな拍手を受けている。 (2016/11/20-04:21)


The Burr–Hamilton duel was fought between prominent American politicians Aaron Burr, the sitting Vice President of the United States, and Alexander Hamilton, the former Secretary of the Treasury, at Weehawken, New Jersey on July 11, 1804.[1] The duel was the culmination of a long and bitter rivalry between the two men. Burr shot and mortally wounded Hamilton, who was carried to the home of William Bayard on the Manhattan shore, where he died the next day with his wife and sister-in-law at his side.

The Burr conspiracy was a suspected treasonous cabal of planters, politicians, and army officers in the early 19th century. The cabal was allegedly led by Aaron Burr, the former Vice President of the United States (1801–1805); according to the accusations against him, Burr's goal was to create an independent country in the center of North America and/or the present-day Southwestern United States and parts of present-day Mexico. Burr's version was that he intended to take possession of, and farm, 40,000 acres (160 km2) in the Texas Territory leased to him by the Spanish Crown.
President Thomas Jefferson ordered Burr arrested and indicted for treason, despite not providing firm evidence. Burr's true intentions remain unclear to historians, some of whom claim he intended to take parts of Texas and some or all of the Louisiana Purchase for himself. Burr was acquitted of treason, but the trial destroyed his already faltering political career.

By this point all of Burr's hopes for a political comeback had been dashed, and he fled America and his creditors[62] for Europe, where he tried to regain his fortunes. He lived abroad from 1808 to 1812, passing most of his time in England, where he occupied a house on Craven Street in London. He became a good friend, even confidant, of the English Utilitarian philosopher, Jeremy Bentham, and on occasion lived at Bentham's home. He also spent time in Scotland, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, and France. Ever hopeful, he solicited funding for renewing his plans for a conquest of Mexico, but was rebuffed. He was ordered out of England and Napoleon Bonaparte refused to receive him,[42] although one of his ministers held an interview concerning Burr's goals for Spanish Florida or British possessions in the Caribbean.

Hamilton was active during the Revolution in trying to raise black troops for the army, with the promise of freedom. At a time when most white leaders doubted the capacity of blacks, Hamilton believed slavery was morally wrong and wrote, "their natural faculties are as good as ours."[164] In 1785 he followed the lead of his close associate John Jay in founding the New-York Society for Promoting the Manumission of Slaves, and Protecting Such of Them as Have Been, or May be Liberated., the main anti-slavery organization in New York. It successfully promoting the abolition of the international slave trade in New York City and (shortly after his death) passed a state law to end slavery in New York and gradually free its slaves. In the 1780s and 1790s he generally opposed pro-slavery southern interests. However he did occasionally purchase or sell domestic servants.[165]

Hamilton had always had respect for Jews. His birthplace of Charlestown had a large Jewish population with whom Hamilton came into contact on a regular basis. As a boy, he had learned Hebrew and could recite the Ten Commandments in its original language.[136] He believed that Jewish achievement was a result of divine providence and warned that those who discredit the Jews "destroy the Christian religion." [3]:18https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Hamilton


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do~wn waterloo ro~~~ad

Elysion だとホンダとかバンドしか出ない
以前紹介してくださったI don't know how to love him 的なのかしら

Freude, schoner Gotterfunken,Tochter aus
Elysium! こうですか?

ショコラな奥様とマクロン大統領@大統領官邸 マカロネシア(うん微妙っ)

第九といえば Mr.Beanさんの替え歌
書き起こしブロガーさんに感謝 まぁ何となく んふっw って
Mr.Bean といえばローバー・ミニ
シールズ騒ぎの頃?団長さん紹介のカラー Lime Greenで合ってますかね
英wikiにはそんな記述ないみたいだし、色はAustin Citron Green てある
mix具合かしら イタリア方面はレモンがいっぱいだったわ

でTrump爺ちゃん Klondike Gold Rush@Yukon Whitehorse
でTrump婆ちゃん Tinker 教えていただいたけれど descendant of organ builder

sion語源調べてた時 たぶん間違ってsword て出た気がしてた 見直したら出ないので、、
でもその時ひらめいたKing Arthur
Rock に Sword が、、
岩が剣の力を封印してる、抑え込んでるって表現なのね って
元ネタにはない話だし 最初は樹に刺さってたらしいですけどね
