
Satoshi Nakamotoの中のオーストラリア人がメソジストDE・・・(爆wwwww

Craig Steven Wright (born October 1970)[3] is an Australian computer scientist, businessman. He claims to be the real person behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto,[4] the creator of Bitcoin. However, there have been concerns that he has duped the media into believing this without accepting any verifiable proof.[5][6] In context, it is a disputed rumor that within a B.R.I.C.S nation of emerging economic power, an additional person, thought to be of British nationality, remains undiscovered and another primary mind behind the once untrusted digital token.[clarification needed] He or she is also rumored to be a substantial holder in cold storage of the crypto-currency.[citation needed]

Wright graduated from high school in 1987 from Padua College in Brisbane.[2] Wright was an adjunct lecturer in computer science[7] and researcher at Charles Sturt University, where he was working on his second PhD entitled "The quantification of Information systems risk".[8][9][10][11] He completed 18 SANS Institute courses and was the world's first person to receive GIAC certification in Compliance and Audits,[12] and was a SANS Institute Mentor.[13] He holds GSEMalware and GSECompliance certifications, among others, from GIAC.[14][15][16]
Craig Steven Wright’s PhD is in theology[17]: comparative religious and classical studies, achieved in 2003 with a dissertation titled “Gnarled roots of a creation theory”.[2] In a later turn of events, the University from which he claimed to have achieved PhD told Forbes he had been awarded two Master's degrees, but not a doctorate.[18]

Wright has written or co-written several books, including The IT Regulatory and Standards Compliance Handbook: How to Survive Information Systems Audit and Assessments.[19] Wright has been a trustee of the Uniting Church in New South Wales.[20][2][21]

Padua College is a Roman Catholic boys' school in Brisbane, Australia. The college derives its name from Franciscan friar Saint Anthony of Padua (1195–1231), appointed by St Francis as the first professor of theology for the friars. Padua is the university city of Northern Italy where St Anthony died. Students of the college are known in the community as "Paduans". The college, located in the northern suburb of Kedron, draws students from the central, northern and western areas of Brisbane.

The Uniting Church in Australia (UCA) was established on 22 June 1977 when most congregations of the Methodist Church of Australasia, the Presbyterian Church of Australia and the Congregational Union of Australia came together under the Basis of Union.
According to the Australian Census in 2011 there are 1,065,796 people identifying with the Uniting Church in Australia, making it the third largest denomination behind the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Church. National Church Life Survey (NCLS) research in 2001 indicated that average weekly attendance as approximately 10% of this number.[1]

The Uniting Church in Australia is widely considered and often described as being a progressive-liberal church, ordaining women and gay people, and often supporting left-wing political causes.


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「ビットコイン生みの親」とされる人物が約1兆円の支払いを求める訴訟を起こされる - GIGAZINE

2018年02月27日 11時27分00秒

by Thought Catalog

仮想通貨「Bitcoin(ビットコイン)」の生みの親「サトシ・ナカモト」の正体であると主張するクレイグ・ライト(Craig Steven Wright)氏が、1兆円相当支払いを求める訴訟で訴えられました。

'Satoshi' Craig Wright Is Being Sued for $10 Billion - CoinDesk


謎に包まれたビットコイン生みの親「サトシ・ナカモト」の正体がついに判明か、オーストラリア人男性が自身をビットコイン発明者と認める - GIGAZINE



連邦地方裁判所の記録によると、アイラ氏は「ライト氏はデイブ氏の死後すぐに、デイブ氏が会社『W&K Info Defense Research LLC』が所有するビットコイン関連の知的財産と、55万~110万BTCを盗んだ』と主張しています。ライト氏は、デイブ氏の所有していた財産をライト氏やライト氏の会社に移すための契約書を計画の一環として用い、これらの日付を過去にさかのぼらせることで、デイブ氏の署名を有効にしたとのこと。なお、110万BTCは換算すると100億ドル(約1兆700億円)に相当する額です。


— Dr Craig S Wright (@ProfFaustus) 2018年2月26日

