

Religious views

Trump is a Presbyterian.[445] In an April 2011 interview on the 700 Club, he commented: "I'm a Protestant, I'm a Presbyterian. And you know I've had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion."[446][447] Trump told a 2015 South Carolina campaign audience he attends Marble Collegiate Church, where he married his first wife Ivana in 1977. The church has said he is "not an active member."[448] Trump has said that although he participates in Holy Communion, he has not asked God for forgiveness for his sins. He stated, "I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don't bring God into that picture."[449]
In 1983, the Reverend Norman Vincent Peale, described in a New York Times profile as Trump's "pastor" and "family minister", said that Trump was "kindly and courteous in certain business negotiations and has a profound streak of honest humility."[21] Trump calls his own book The Art of the Deal (1987) "my second favorite book of all time," and has told campaign audiences: "Do you know what my first is? The Bible! Nothing beats the Bible."[450][451] Declining to name his favorite Bible verse, Trump said "I don't like giving that out to people that you hardly know."[448]
Trump maintains relationships with several prominent national evangelical and Christian leaders, including Tony Perkins and Ralph Reed.[452] During his 2016 presidential campaign, he received a blessing from Greek Orthodox priest Emmanuel Lemelson.[453]
In February 2016, the mainsteam media issued reports of Pope Francis suggesting that Donald Trump was "not Christian" because of his advocacy for a border wall to keep out undocumented immigrants.[454] "A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not about building bridges, is not a true Christian. This is not in the Gospel," the Pope replied to a reporter's questions about Trump, adding "we must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt."[455] Trump called the Pope's criticism "disgraceful" in a Facebook post, suggesting that the Mexican government was "using the Pope as a pawn" for political purposes[456] "because they want to continue to rip off the United States."[457] Trump said that "if and when" the Islamic State (ISIL) attacks the Vatican, the Pope would have "wished and prayed" Trump were President because under Trump's leadership, such an attack would not happen.[457] Shortly thereafter, Director of the Holy See Press Office Federico Lombardi insisted that the Pope was "in no way" launching an attack on Donald Trump nor was he trying to sway voters by declaring someone who advocates building walls isn't Christian.[458] The spokesman clarified that "the Pope has made it clear that would not enter into the [presidential] election campaign in the United States." After the clarification by Lombardi, Trump retracted his criticism of the Pope: "I don't think this is a fight," said Trump. "I think he said something much softer than was originally reported by the media."[459]

Trump has ties to the Jewish-American community.[460] At an Algemeiner Journal awards ceremony honoring him with the Algemeiner Liberty Award, he was asked about having Jewish grandchildren. Trump said: "Not only do I have Jewish grandchildren, I have a Jewish daughter [Ivanka, who converted to Judaism before her marriage to Jared Kushner] and I am very honored by that ... it wasn't in the plan but I am very glad it happened."[461]


The Marble Collegiate Church, founded in 1628, is one of the oldest continuous Protestant congregations in North America. The congregation, which is part of the Reformed Church in America, is now located at 272 Fifth Avenue at the corner of West 29th Street in the NoMad neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. It was built in 1851-54 and was designed by Samuel A. Warner in Romanesque Revival style with Gothic trim. The facade is covered in Tuckahoe marble,[2] for which the church, originally called the Fifth Avenue Church, was renamed in 1906.[3]
The building was designated a New York City landmark in 1967,[2] and in 1980 was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

The church congregation was founded in 1628 as the Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church and was affiliated with the Dutch Reformed Church, a Calvinist church in the Netherlands. During its first 150 years, Marble shared its ministers with the other Collegiate congregations as they developed in the city. This pooling of pastoral ministry was abandoned in 1871. The name "Collegiate" remains as part of the heritage of the four such churches in New York City today, and they participate in an administrative unit that oversees physical properties and investments held in common. The other congregations are Middle Collegiate, West End Collegiate, and Fort Washington Collegiate.

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, the noted author of The Power of Positive Thinking, served as senior minister from 1932-1984. Under his ministry Marble's influence reached national levels and became known as "America's Hometown Church." On November 19, 1961, Lucille Ball married her second husband Gary Morton in the church.[4] Following Peale's fifty-two year ministry, Dr. Arthur Caliandro served 25 years as the fifth senior minister of Marble Church. In all, he served 42 years on the pastoral staff. During Caliandro's tenure, MarbleVision, the media ministry of Marble Church, was founded, its first woman minister was ordained, and the first women elders received. In addition, the church added its first new stained-glass window in almost 100 years. In 2009, Dr. Michael B. Brown, former pastor of Centenary United Methodist Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, succeeded Dr. Caliandro as senior minister.



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