






自民党「大物」政治家の資金源: オルタナティブ通信













730 件のコメント:

«最後   ‹次   601 – 730 / 730
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https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp › 国内
お茶に見せかけ…国際郵便で違法タバコ「ドミニクス」を密輸 ベトナム国籍の工員逮捕 | TBS NEWS DIG
4 時間前 — 指定薬物を含む違法タバコ「ドミニクス」を密輸したとして、三重県津市に住むベトナム国籍の工員ファン・タン・ビン容疑者が逮捕されました。

匿名 さんのコメント...

http://www.lib.kobe-u.ac.jp › das › jsp
エ国処女地を日本に提供 - 神戸大学 電子図書館システム --一次情報表示--

... ハラール地方の広漠たる処女地を同国政府筋の絶対的な好意のもとに日本に租借せしめんとするの提議が突如として出現したことである、エチオピアと特別な親交関係に在る麻布区六本木、弁護士角岡知良氏は右の如き意外な好意的提議に接し慎重考慮の結果、大体に於て先ず向う三十ヶ年期限を以て開拓に便宜多き同地方を相当地支代弁の下に租借し一は我国の人口問題緩和に資し

https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp › c...PDF
〈資料収集・調査活動〉 - 東京大学史史料室彙報
角岡知良の卒業年月日と在籍していた学部。 関東大震災の時の学生の救護活動について。 ・明治16年事件で、木村駿吉の復学許可がおりた. のはいつか。

https://context.reverso.net › 翻訳
知良 – 英語への翻訳 – 日本語の例文 | Reverso Context
知良の文脈に沿ったReverso Contextの日本語-英語の翻訳: 例文良い知らせだ, 良い知らせがあります, ... また、弁護人も菅原裕弁護士と角岡知良弁護士に変更となった。

http://web.kyoto-inet.or.jp › Africa
日本のアジア主義者のアフリカ認識 - kyoto-Inet

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk › filesPDF
Political Thought and the Struggle for Sovereignty in Ethiopian-Japanese ...
S Marzagora 著 · 2022 — Ethiopia and Japan tightened their diplomatic and economic ... Kitagawa also asked for exclusive rights to grow opium – a risky.

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://archive.org › stream
Full text of "Annotated bibliography on opium and oriental poppies and ...
Severe infestation of poppy root weevil, Stenocarus (Coeliodes ) fuliginosus Marsh, in southwest Germany. (Ger). Z. Pflanzenkrankh. 55: 287-288. 464.8 Z33.

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.news-postseven.com › ...
末期癌の医師・僧侶 「宗教は阿片」の意味は|NEWSポストセブン - Part 2
2016/06/19 — 現在、治癒不可能な病気の緩和ケアにおいて「阿片と宗教」は非常に重要です。先ず前提として身体的痛みが緩和されることが必要であり、ここで ...

https://www.med.or.jp › cancerPDF
新版 がん緩和ケアガイドブック - 日本医師会
作用も有することから,緩和ケアにおいて頻度の高い身体症状(悪心など)や ... 因が特定できない突発的に生じる痛み(Spontaneous Pain),定期的な鎮痛.


匿名 さんのコメント...

阿片 蛆 糞便 分別






匿名 さんのコメント...

https://allthatsinteresting.com › amp...
Amphetamines Widely Used On Both Sides In WW2, Doc Claims
2019/06/25 — According to LiveScience, both American and British soldiers boosted their physical alertness using cocaine and Benzedrine, an amphetamine ...

https://www.dailymail.co.uk › news
Allied troops were hopped up on amphetamines on battlefield after ...
2019/06/25 — REVEALED: US and Britain gave their troops AMPHETAMINES in the Second World War to 'enhance performance' after learning the Nazis were using a ' ...

https://www.livescience.com › 6578...
Nazis Dosed Soldiers with Performance-Boosting 'Superdrug'
2019/06/25 — During the 1940s, Nazi troops were liberally supplied with a methamphetamine called Pervitin, while American and British soldiers stayed ...

https://militaryhistorynow.com › co...
Combat High – How Armies Throughout History Used Drugs to ...
2018/05/08 — It's estimated that British soldiers consumed around 72 million Benzedrine amphetamine tablets in World War Two. The drug was distributed ...

https://www.scmp.com › article › ho...
How World War II got Japan and the US hooked on amphetamines, 'the ...
2020/02/23 — The Japanese imperial government sought to give its fighting capacity a pharmacological edge, contracting out methamphetamine production to ...

Who was the soldier on meth?
What drugs are soldiers given?
What drug was invented in ww2?
What is Pervitin used for in war?

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://recovery.org › ... › wartime
The History Of Drug Use in Wartime | Recovery.org
2022/03/31 — Amphetamines were the most popular drugs used in World War II. ... The American army used even more amphetamines than the British.

Amphetamines and the Second World War: Stimulating Interest in Drugs ...
2017/08/11 — In the case of amphetamines, the British army's use of the drug ... Given that amphetamines were utilised by British, US, Australian, ...

https://www.jstor.org › stable
The Allies' Use of Amphetamine during World War II - jstor
N Rasmussen 著 · 2011 · 被引用数: 89 — British and American militaries had less to do with the science of fatigue than with the drug's mood-altering effects, as judged by military men - increased ...

https://commons.lib.jmu.edu › ...PDF
Blood, Meth, and Tears: The Super Soldiers of World War II
N Racine 著 — Benzedrine (amphetamine) was the stimulant widely used by American and British forces, while. Pervitin (methamphetamine) was widely used ...

https://www.pbs.org › wnet › world-...
World War Speed: About the Film | Secrets of the Dead - PBS
2019/05/08 — Otherwise, the two drugs have virtually the same impact. Following the British victory in El Alamein, American soldiers entered into ground ...


匿名 さんのコメント...

https://ja.m.wikipedia.org › wiki
昭和通商 - Wikipedia
昭和通商(しょうわつうしょう)株式会社とは、民間の組合だった泰平組合を改組して、日本陸軍主導 ... を中国市場に持ち込み、里見甫らの宏済善堂(阿片の分配のための阿片問屋。

https://cir.nii.ac.jp › crid
華中宏済善堂内容概記」他について - CiNii Research
小林元裕 著 · 2008 — 里見甫と宏済善堂--「華中宏済善堂内容概記」他について · 被引用文献 (0)*注記 · 参考文献 (0)*注記 · 関連論文 · 関連研究データ · 関連図書・雑誌 · 関連博士論文 · 関連 ...

http://dl.ndl.go.jp › info:ndljp › pid
阿片事件ノ真相 - 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション
宏済善堂ノ阿片輸入販売ノ方法ト特許料/4. ・, 阿片売下価格ト戒煙部理事ノ責任/6 ... 宏済善堂ニ対スル指令書/43. ・, 大審院判決要旨/46. ・, 関東州裁判令/46 ...

  手配する  手配させてやる

匿名 さんのコメント...

Dope, Inc.:

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匿名 さんのコメント...



匿名 さんのコメント...

https://kotobank.jp › word › 我も我...
我も我もとは - コトバンク
精選版 日本国語大辞典 - 我も我もの用語解説 - 多くの者が先を争うさまにいう語。われがちに。われ先に。※宇津保(970‐999頃)国譲下「われもわれも見きかむと



匿名 さんのコメント...

知れば恐ろしい 日本人の風習 「夜に口笛を吹いてはならない」の本当の理由とは――
千葉公慈 — 2016 · Social Science
江戸時代頃からは、京坂を中心にかけひきの嘘を謝する、という罪ほろぼしの趣旨から、こぞって商店が大安売りを始め、現在ではこの時期から年末にかけて、蔵ざらえバーゲンセールを行なうようになった。参詣先である八坂神社の摂社冠者殿社だが、この「冠者」とは息子の意味であり、恵比寿の神の息子である .

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匿名 さんのコメント...

The Scots who hooked China on opium
Jul 25, 2016 — As recorded in Tom Devine’s To The End’s of the Earth, Scotland’s Global Diaspora, 1750-2010, opium traffic was estimated to be around 4,500 cases - at 63.5kg per case - from 1800 to 1821. By 1830, the drug accounted for one-seventh of all revenues of the EIC with traffic increasing to 40,000 cases by 1840. -

匿名 さんのコメント...

The new drug highway: Pacific islands at centre of cocaine trafficking boom - The Guardian
2019/06/23 — Explosion in number of boats carrying cocaine and meth from Latin America ... often thought of as holiday destinations than narcotics hubs.

https://www.lowyinstitute.org › drug...
Drug trafficking in the Pacific Islands: The impact of transnational crime | Lowy Institute
2022/02/16 — [42] Barbara Dreaver, “Tonga Steps up War on Meth Trade with Multiple Arrests, over 30kg of Drug Seized”, 1NEWS, 22 July 2019, https://www.1news ...

http://www.unodc.org › cld › plw
Buck v Republic of Palau, 2018 Palau 27 - UNODC
2018/12/10 — A confidential informant purchased methamphetamines from Mr Buck using marked bills in controlled buys occurring on 5 February, ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Inside the UK's new psychedelic drug trial clinic trying to treat ...
Interest in psilocybin as treatment is growing, and this month ... used in conjunction with therapy, produced rapid antidepressant effects.

Business Wire
One Mind Announces the Winners of the 2022 Rising Star ...
Kwan has shown that a single dose of psilocybin leads to the rapid formation of new and enduring neuronal connections in the brain. Using viral...

Peter Thiel-Backed Psychedelics Company Gets FDA ...
R-ketamine's promise is that it may not produce a psychedelic experience ... form of psilocybin to be used in conjunction with therapy for...

Clinical Advisor
Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy: Applications in Mental Health
Studies have demonstrated that psilocybin-assisted therapy may also be ... ketamine does not appear to produce dose-dependent effects,...

Smithsonian Magazine
The Past, Present and Future of Using Ketamine to Treat ...
“It is a lifesaving treatment for me,” she says. ... But research on ketamine's antidepressant effects has only taken off in the last couple...

Psilocybin Found To Rapidly Improve Depressive Symptoms ...
Compass Pathways, a U.K.-based clinical stage company that is developing a patented form of psilocybin to be used in conjunction with therapy,...

Clinical Trials Arena
More promise for psilocybin in depression but safety remains ...
There is a significant unmet need for therapies that can treat this ... Additionally, currently available antidepressants show effects only...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Inside the UK's new psychedelic drug trial clinic trying to treat ...
Interest in psilocybin as treatment is growing, and this month ... used in conjunction with therapy, produced rapid antidepressant effects.

Business Wire
One Mind Announces the Winners of the 2022 Rising Star ...
Kwan has shown that a single dose of psilocybin leads to the rapid formation of new and enduring neuronal connections in the brain. Using viral...

Peter Thiel-Backed Psychedelics Company Gets FDA ...
R-ketamine's promise is that it may not produce a psychedelic experience ... form of psilocybin to be used in conjunction with therapy for...

Clinical Advisor
Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy: Applications in Mental Health
Studies have demonstrated that psilocybin-assisted therapy may also be ... ketamine does not appear to produce dose-dependent effects,...

Smithsonian Magazine
The Past, Present and Future of Using Ketamine to Treat ...
“It is a lifesaving treatment for me,” she says. ... But research on ketamine's antidepressant effects has only taken off in the last couple...

Psilocybin Found To Rapidly Improve Depressive Symptoms ...
Compass Pathways, a U.K.-based clinical stage company that is developing a patented form of psilocybin to be used in conjunction with therapy,...

Clinical Trials Arena
More promise for psilocybin in depression but safety remains ...
There is a significant unmet need for therapies that can treat this ... Additionally, currently available antidepressants show effects only...

Inside the UK's new psychedelic drug trial clinic trying to treat ...
Psilocybin, one of its compounds, is being investigated as a part of treatments for depression (Photo: Thomas Angus/Imperial College London).

匿名 さんのコメント...

Queen Elizabeth's death revives criticism of Britain's legacy of ...https://www.nbcnews.com › world
2022/09/08 — While Elizabeth ruled as Britain navigated a post-colonial era, she still bore a connection to its colonial past, which was rooted in racism and ...

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Biden on Thursday will pardon all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession, a move that senior administration officials said would affect thousands of Americans charged with that crime. The announcement comes a month ahead of critical November elections that will determine control of Congress.18 分前
https://www.cnn.com › 2022/10/06
Biden to pardon all federal offenses of simple marijuana possession in first major steps toward decriminalization | CNN Politics

匿名 さんのコメント...

The White House
Too many lives have been upended because of our failed approach to marijuana. Hear from @POTUS on the three steps he is taking to right these wrongs. pic.twitter.com/IqOxHxjgue
4:44 AM

Christina Henderson
Finally. This is huge for DC residents who are serving time for marijuana possession charges at prisons across the country. It’s beyond time that the classification for marijuana be reviewed & changed. www.nytimes.com/2022/10/06/us/politics/biden-marijuana-pardon.html pic.twitter.com/95Ag7y49Rs
4:43 AM

匿名 さんのコメント...

Biden Pardons Weed Convictions, Orders Review by Law ...
That puts weed in the same category as heroin and LSD -- as Biden noted, a higher classification than fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid that...

The New York Times
Fentanyl Test Strips Highlight Rift in Nation’s Struggle to Combat Drug Deaths
“You smoke weed? ... Drug overdose deaths, largely caused by the synthetic opioid drug fentanyl, reached record highs in the United States...

Kaiser Health News
Worries Over Biden's Reluctance To Reform Federal ...
Politico: Courts Could Throw State Marijuana Markets Into Disarray ... Fentanyl, the potent opioid driving U.S. drug deaths to record highs,...

Treatment Magazine
Can a Simple Measure of Stress Predict—and Improve ...
... significant undercount in hospital opioid deaths, and medical cannabis patients find the therapy to be an effective opioid alternative.

Psychiatric Times
Must the Past Be Prologue?
Both, ostensibly, reduce abuse and dependence on opioids (OxyContin, ... opioid pill mills, fentanyl, cannabis, cocaine, and crystal meth.

Health News Hub
This Halloween, Be on the Lookout for 'Rainbow Fentanyl ...
Of those deaths, 82% of them involved synthetic opioids like fentanyl. “Although experimental use of marijuana, alcohol or nicotine can be...

Opioid overdoses fueled by fentanyl, fentanyl-laced substances
Regional director Chris Stawasz said fentanyl can be found in pills, methamphetamine and marijuana. "Users of these substances have to consider...

Fentanyl Expanding in the Midwest, According to DEA
DEA Agent Justin King says the opioid epidemic is only getting worse as ... According to the Minnesota Department of Health's Drug Overdose...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.forbes.com › 2022/10/07
Biden Makes Marijuana History: What Does It Really Mean?
7 時間前 — As historic as this announcement may be, it is worth examining what this means, and doesn't mean, for the drug reform movement and the cannabis ...

https://jp.reuters.com › article › usa-...
Biden overhauls U.S. policy on marijuana, pardons prior federal offenses
1 日前 — President Joe Biden took steps to overhaul U.S. policy on marijuana on Thursday by pardoning thousands of people with federal offenses for ...

Time Magazine
https://time.com › biden-pardons-th...
Biden Pardons Thousands for 'Simple Possession' of Marijuana
1 日前 — WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is pardoning thousands of Americans convicted of “simple possession” of marijuana under federal law

匿名 さんのコメント...

「医療用大麻」解禁へ 大麻取締法改正の方向性を厚生労働省 ...

【速報】医療用大麻、解禁へ 厚労省小委員会が方向性 ...
国民が最大の利益が得られるようにして欲しい。 医療用については、効果は認めらてる事が多いし、主要な先進国はだいたい合法だしいいと思うけどね。

「医療用大麻」解禁へ 大麻「使用罪」の創設も 厚生労働省 ...

厚生労働省の大麻規制検討小委員会は29日、国内で禁止されている大麻由来 ... 可能とするよう、大麻取締法改正の方向性を示す報告書をとりまとめた。

医療用大麻解禁へ 厚労省が方向性まとめる[2022/09/30 09:37]
厚労省は、大麻を原料とした医薬品を解禁する方針を示しました。 医療用大麻を巡ってはこれまで、条件付きで治験を行うことは可能でしたが、医療現場...

「脳の切除手術直前だった」生後3カ月で点頭てんかん発症 ...
医療用大麻解禁に期待の声 ... 先月29日、大麻に含まれる成分を原料とした医薬品について、厚生労働省は国の承認を得た場合、輸入・製造と使用が可能...

Forbes JAPAN(フォーブス ジャパン)

【速報】医療用大麻、解禁へ 厚労省小委員会が方向性 ...
【速報】医療用大麻、解禁へ 厚労省小委員会が方向性まとめる 大麻「使用罪」創設も. 社会部. 2022年9月29日 木曜 午後3:24. 厚生労働省の大麻規制検討小委員会は、...

米大統領、大麻単純所持を恩赦 大麻の分類変更も着手

大麻取締法改正で大麻使用が解禁される? 議論の現状と可能性

匿名 さんのコメント...

Bod Australia to start long Covid-19 trial using medicinal ...https://www.clinicaltrialsarena.com › ...
2022/01/17 — The UK MHRA has granted authorisation to Bod Australia to start a trial of its medicinal cannabis product, MediCabilis 5% for long-COVID.

匿名 さんのコメント...

Opioid-involved overdose deaths rose from 21,088 in 2010 to 47,600 in 2017 and remained steady in 2018 with 46,802 deaths. This was followed by a significant increase through 2020 to 68,630 overdose deaths. The bars are overlaid by lines showing the number of deaths by gender from 1999 to 2020 (Source: CDC WONDER).2022/01/20
https://nida.nih.gov › trends-statistics
Overdose Death Rates | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

匿名 さんのコメント...

What the heroin industry can teach us about solar power
In 2018 and 2019 the area of poppy cultivated in most of Afghanistan fell, except in the south west, where farmers have made this big investment...
Jul 27, 2020

The New York Times
Your Tuesday Briefing: Europe Nears an Oil Embargo
Solar energy powers poppy fields. The Taliban are trying to fight Afghanistan's multibillion-dollar drug trade. In April, the government...
May 30, 2022

Profits and poppy: Afghanistan's illegal drug trade a boon for ...
"The Taliban have counted on the Afghan opium trade as one of their ... In recent years, many have installed Chinese-made solar panels to...
Aug 16, 2021

The Economist
Cheap solar panels boost the Afghan poppy crop
Solar panels are transforming the landscape of southern Afghanistan. Only 12% of the country is suitable for growing permanent crops,...
May 16, 2019

London Review of Books
Zain Samir · Is this a new Taliban? Afghanistan after the Exit ...
... with the khan and his entourage we passed field after field of opium. At the edge of each one were two or three large solar panels,...
Jul 7, 2022

Sierra Club
ICYMI: Bumblefish, EPA Pride, Solar-Powered Opium, and ...
Opium farmers in Afghanistan are using solar power to pump water from deep wells to irrigate their fields. A young man disguised as an elderly...
Jun 3, 2022

Wilson Center
Chinese Coal-based Power Plants
In fairness, China also leads the world in terms of installed wind and solar power, and investments in energy storage batteries,...
Jun 28, 2022

Power Engineering International
Solar proves its worth in Afghanistan's opium farmlands
Solar sows surge in Afghan opium harvest ... Solar panel arrays have been popping up across farmlands in Afghanistan to turn arid land into...
Jul 28, 2020

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.voanews.com › taliban-...
Taliban Ban Opium Poppy Cultivation in Afghanistan
2022/04/03 — “If anyone violates the decree, the crop will be destroyed immediately and the violator will be treated according to the Sharia law,” ...

https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki
Legal opium production in India - Wikipedia
Legal cultivation of opium for medicinal purposes is carried out in India, only in selected areas, under free licensing conditions. India is the world's ...

https://www.mucd.org.mx › ...PDF
Many countries legally grow opium for the production of opioid medicines - the scale of this ... still uses the traditional opium farming method,.
8 ページ·408 KB

http://www.xinhuanet.com › english
Feature: Afghan farmers grow legal crops to replace poppy cultivation
2020/07/12 — By Abdul Haleem. LASHKAR GAH, Afghanistan, July 12 (Xinhua) -- "We can earn more money from selling grapes

匿名 さんのコメント...

鉱物資源帯に位置するアフガニスタンは金、銅、宝石、リチウムなどの天然資源に恵まれる。 イスラム主義組織タリバンの政権奪還で、資源へのアクセスが改善するとの観測もある。 紛争で荒廃したアフガンは文字通り金鉱の上にあるようなものだ。 鉱物の総埋蔵量(の価値)は1兆ドルとみる専門家もいる。2021/08/30
https://www.nikkei.com › article
[FT・Lex]タリバンはアフガンの鉱物を開発できるか - 日本経済新聞

https://wired.jp › 2010/06/15 › アフ...
アフガンの1兆ドル鉱脈:「戦争の真の理由」という声も - WIRED
2010/06/15 — アフガニスタンに、総額1兆ドル規模の鉱物資源が埋蔵されているとする米国防総省の調査結果が発表された。しかし米軍はかなり以前から、 ...

https://toyokeizai.net › articles
中国が堂々と狙う1兆ドルのアフガン鉱物資源 | ブルームバーグ
2021/08/26 — 旧ソ連による侵攻、部族間の対立、アフガン戦争という40年に及ぶ戦火がこれまで、鉱物資源の採掘を阻んでい

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.fsight.jp › ...
鉱物資源を生かせない北朝鮮のジレンマ:平井久志 | 記事
北朝鮮の朝鮮中央放送は、放送開始と終了時に、北の国歌「愛国歌」を流す。その歌詞にあるように、この国の地下資源は豊富だ。鉄鉱石や石炭、燐灰石、マグネサイト、ウラン ...

https://president.jp › articles
「世界のレアアースの 3分の 2がある」北朝鮮を米中が取り合うワケ 総価値は ...
2020/02/15 — 北朝鮮に石炭が豊富にあることはよく知られているが、加えてとくに金、マグネサイト、銅、モリブデン、銀、タングステン、バナジウム、チタン、亜鉛、 ...

https://ja.m.wikipedia.org › wiki
朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の鉱業 - Wikipedia
朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の鉱業(ちょうせんみんしゅしゅぎじんみんきょうわこくのこうぎょう)では、朝鮮民主主義人民共和国(以下、北朝鮮)における鉱業について述べる。 ... 非金属鉱物編集.

https://www.nikkei.com › ... › 商品
北朝鮮の鉱物資源、推定300兆円規模 日本企業は活用に慎重姿勢
2018/07/06 — 北朝鮮はマグネサイト(炭酸マグネシウム)やタングステンといった鉱物資源が豊富とされる。市場への出回

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://tetsudo-ch.com › ...
【鉄の本棚 04】『鉄道地図 残念な歴史』所澤秀樹著 ちくま文庫/2012 ...
2016/07/12 — 明治政府は廃藩置県によって幕末の各藩が抱えていた2400万両の借財を肩代わりしたのだ。1両が約20万円としても現在の感覚で4兆8千億円の借金である。

https://dl.ndl.go.jp › view › p...PDF
2 1870年(明治3年)、鉄道建設のために、日本最初の国債がポンド建てで発行. された。すべての関税収入を担保に入れ ... 新政府が広く国民から借金をし、その借金証.

匿名 さんのコメント...

Germany to legalize cannabis use for recreational purposes
Germany on Wednesday set out plans to legalize cannabis, in a move promised by Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government that would make it one of...
18 hours ago

Financial Times
Germany unveils plans to legalise cannabis
The German government has unveiled a detailed framework for the legalisation of cannabis, setting the country on course to becoming the...
20 hours ago

Germany to Become One of Europe's First Countries to Legalize Cannabis
Germany on Wednesday unveiled plans to legalize cannabis, ... concerns that Germany would become a drug-tourism destination, similar to the...
9 hours ago

The Hindu
Germany to legalise cannabis use for recreational purposes
Bavaria's health minister, for instance, warned that Germany should not become a drug tourism destination in Europe. "Consumption entails...
20 hours ago

IamExpat in Germany
German government publish plan for cannabis legalisation
Marijuana legalisation is likely to lead to a growth in tourism across Germany. This could be another motivation for the traffic-light...
5 days ago

Cannabis Now
Is Germany the Next Global Cannabis Capital?
... richest and most populous country a future that features cannabis-loving tourists, drawn to a new global locus for “cannabis kultur.”.
1 week ago

Medical Xpress
Legal marijuana, but Uruguayans still prefer black market
Cannabis tourism 'potential' ... Uruguay sells mainly to the United States, Switzerland, Germany, Portugal, Israel, Argentina and Brazil.
4 weeks ago

Thailand legalises marijuana: Law change shows how ...
And several other countries, most notably Germany, are drafting laws to legalise cannabis use. So, what of Australia?
3 weeks ago

With Adult-use Cannabis Legalization Imminent, Germany Gears Up To Capitalize On Global Weed Wanderlust
Germany is set to legalize adult-use cannabis by 2024 and will be the world's largest recreational cannabis market due to the country's...
1 month ago

Liverpool Echo
Should cannabis be legalised?
... of legalised cannabis farms in the US during a four-day tour across ... Germany is currently in the process of changing the law to allow...
3 weeks ago

匿名 さんのコメント...

Marijuana Moment
GOP caucus ties cannabis to violence (Newsletter: October 5 ...
South Korea's government is reportedly planning to launch an intensified “war on drugs.” / SCIENCE & HEALTH A study demonstrated “in vitro...
3 weeks ago

Thailand legalises marijuana: Law change shows how ...
It's not like cannabis didn't exist in Thailand back before the law changed. ... which departed Hat Rin each morning and took tourists on...
3 weeks ago

Cannabis Tourism Is Now A $17 Billion Industry—And It's Just ...
From marijuana farm tours to “bud and breakfast” hotels, ... It's still unclear how big the nascent cannabis tourism industry will...
May 29, 2022

Pot-smoking tourists not welcome in Thailand, says health ...
BANGKOK, Aug 17 (Reuters) - Thailand's health minister on Wednesday discouraged tourists from visiting the country only to smoke weed,...
Aug 17, 2022

Thailand Tourism Can Lure Travelers Back With Help of ...
The Tourism Ministry is forecasting that foreign tourist arrivals will rise to 20 million next year and as many as 30 million in 2024. Tourism...
Jun 23, 2022

How Travelers Can Make The Most Of The Cannabis Tourism Boom
The recreational cannabis industry is booming and becoming a big driver of tourism–in the U.S., the cannabis industry is expected to be...
May 4, 2022

The Washington Post
Thailand legalizes marijuana — with gray areas and caveats
Thailand on Thursday made legal the growth and trade of marijuana ... said they were not looking to cultivate marijuana-fueled tourism.
Jun 9, 2022

匿名 さんのコメント...

Tampa Bay Times
https://www.tampabay.com › books
Beth Macy searches for solutions to the opioid crisis in 'Raising Lazarus'
1 日前 — ..Beth Macy searches for solutions to the opioid crisis in ’Raising Lazarus’ The author of “Dopesick” writes about the people doing the hard work of helping one addict at a time. Author Beth Macy [ JOSH MELTZER ] By Colette Bancroft Times staff It was historic — and alarming — news when in August the National Center for Health Statistics announced that, for the second year in a row, life expectancy for Americans had declined, dropping to a level last seen three decades ago. One factor in that drop was, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic. But another lethal factor has been having an impact for much longer, as journalist Beth Macy writes in her new book, “Raising Lazarus: Hope, Justice, and the Future of America’s Overdose Crisis.” Macy writes, “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that more than a million Americans have died from drug overdose since 1996, the largest factor by far in decreasing life expectancy for Americans. In the past two decades, overdose deaths...

匿名 さんのコメント...

The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com › oct
Even Thailand has decriminalised cannabis – it's high time Britain caught ...
2022/10/04 — More than half of Britons now support legalisation; the UK is one of the leading exporters of medicinal cannabis (while bizarrely denying it ...

https://petition.parliament.uk › petiti...
Make the production, sale and use of cannabis legal. - Petitions
It is believed to have been used by humans for over 4000 years, being made illegal in the UK in 1925. This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months.

New Statesman
https://www.newstatesman.com › w...
Why the UK should legalise cannabis
2022/10/10 — Prohibition does more harm than the drug itself. Regulations would mean buyers know what they are getting, and the government can tax sales.

https://www.bbc.com › news › uk-e...
London Drugs Commission to look at legalising cannabis
2022/05/12 — A new group looking at whether to decriminalise cannabis in the UK has been set up by London mayor Sadiq Khan.

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://alpha.japantimes.co.jp › article
Japan sees record 5400 cannabis offenders in 2021, says National ...
2022/04/08 — There were 5,482 people involved in cannabis cases in Japan last year, the police said on March 24. The

匿名 さんのコメント...

Competition in Korea's medical cannabis market heats up
As the government plans to allow the cultivation and import of cannabis-based drugs in Korea soon, Korean bio-companies are actively moving...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.reuters.com › europe
Germany to legalize cannabis use for recreational purposes
2 日前 — BERLIN, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Germany set out plans on Wednesday to legalise cannabis, a move Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government said would ...

Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › ...
Germany moves to legalize recreational cannabis
2 日前 — Germany on Wednesday announced plans to legalize cannabis for recreational use. It was a move the country's health minister said would make ...

https://www.euronews.com › next
Germany to legalise possession of up to 30g of cannabis and sale for ...
2 日前 — Germany's health minister on Wednesday unveiled plans to decriminalise the possession of up to 30 grammes of cannabis and allow the sale of ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

Daily Mail
https://www.dailymail.co.uk › health
Marijuana users over a third more likely to develop dangerous heart condition than non users
19 時間前 — Cannabis users are 35 per cent more likely to develop atrial fibrillation (AF) · AF is a potentially dangerous heart arrhythmia that increases ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com › oct
Even Thailand has decriminalised cannabis – it's high time Britain caught ...
2022/10/04 — More than half of Britons now support legalisation; the UK is one of the leading exporters of medicinal cannabis (while bizarrely denying it ...

https://www.theguardian.com › oct
Tories, if you want growth, growth, growth, legalise marijuana – and slap ...
2022/10/11 — Suella Braverman wants to make cannabis a class A drug, just as oth

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.bbc.com › news › uk-p...
No plans to change law on cannabis, No 10 says
2022/10/10 — It follows reports the home secretary was considering upgrading cannabis to a Class A drug.

The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com › oct
Germany announces plan to legalise cannabis for recreational use
2022/10/26 — Germany wants to make it legal for adults to purchase and own up to 30g of cannabis for recreational use and to privately grow up to three ...

https://www.thenational.scot › news
Constitutional clash as UK Government blocks Bermuda's cannabis bill
2022/10/03 — BERMUDA is facing a constitutional crisis after the UK Government refused to give royal assent to

匿名 さんのコメント...

痛風やがんの痛み原因を特定 モルヒネに代わる新薬に期待https://www.47news.jp › ...
6 時間前 — モルヒネなど医療用麻薬に代わる新たな薬の開発につながる可能性がある。論文が米科学アカデミー紀要に掲載された。  医療用麻薬は脳の痛み伝達と関係のない部位にも作用し、呼吸の抑制や嘔吐などの副作用のほか、依存症リスクが問題となっている

匿名 さんのコメント...

朝鮮銀行史 - 465 ページ
朝鮮銀行は満州中銀開業前の 5 月 6 日に満州国に 2 千万円の借款を貸与した。これは,朝鮮銀行理事から当時奉天省政府財政庁顧問に転じた色部貢によると,「満州国から関東軍に申し込んで,これを陸軍省に提出した.それで陸軍省から財閥の三井,三菱に話して ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

BBC Radio Wales - Acid Dream: The Great LSD Plot

匿名 さんのコメント...

Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › ...
Operation Sour Cream
Since 2019, the number of Americans killed by fentanyl has jumped 94 percent. Today on "Post Reports," we go inside Operation

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.rubio.senate.gov › public
Rubio, Gallagher Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Ban TikTok
6 日前 —“TikTok is digital fentanyl that’s addicting Americans, collecting troves of their data, and censoring their news. It’s also an increasingly powerful media company that’s owned by ByteDance, which ultimately reports to the Chinese Communist Party – America’s foremost adversary.

https://nordot.app › ...
「TikTokは厄介」 CIA長官、情報流出警告 | 共同通信
4 時間前 — 【ワシントン共同】バーンズ米中央情報局(CIA)長官は19日までに、中国 ... 非常に厄介だ」と述べた。16日放映の米公共放送(PBS)の番組で語った。

https://jp.reuters.com › article › taiw...
Taiwan probes TikTok for suspected illegal operations
9 時間前 — Taiwan's government has opened a probe into Chinese-owned social media platform TikTok on suspicion of illegally operating a subsidiary on ...

https://www.reuters.com › technology
Taiwan investigates TikTok for suspected illegal operations
4 時間前 — TAIPEI, Dec 19 (Reuters) - Taiwan's government has opened a probe into Chinese-owned social media platform TikTok on suspicion of illegally .

NBC News
https://www.nbcnews.com › opinion
A social media addiction is like binge eating. Here's how to find the right diet.
2020/02/28 — Social media addictions, screen time and online activity can be unhealthy when not properly moderated.

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://yomidr.yomiuri.co.jp › article
4 時間前 — 覚醒剤はボタン(直径約2センチ)の形に加工して塗料で固められ、衣服8着に縫い付けられていた。国際郵便は関西空港に届き、大阪税関が検査で発

匿名 さんのコメント...

Page Six
https://pagesix.com › 2023/01/05
Prince Harry admits he lied, actually did cocaine as a teenager
1 日前 — Despite previous denials, Prince Harry is copping to cocaine use as a teenager in his bombshell “Spare” memoir.

Evening Standard
https://www.standard.co.uk › ... › UK
Harry opens up about cocaine use and losing virginity to older woman behind ...
8 時間前 — T. he Duke of Sussex has opened up about his use of cocaine and losing his virginity to an older woman in a field behind a pub in his new ...

https://news.sky.com › story › princ...
Harry admits he took cocaine - and says he killed 25 in Afghanistan
22 時間前 — Latest updates as Prince Harry admits in Spare that he took cocaine as a teen, killed 25 people in Afghanistan and that he and William asked Charles not to

The Telegraph
https://www.telegraph.co.uk › princ...
Prince Harry admits to taking cocaine and mushrooms, saying drugs let him ...
1 日前 — The Duke of Sussex admits in his memoir he has taken cocaine, cannabis and magic mushrooms, revealing that psychedelic drugs allowed him to see ...

The Independent
https://www.independent.co.uk › pr...
Prince Harry admits doing cocaine as teenager 'to feel different'
1 日前 — Prince Harry has admitted taking cocaine when he was 17 years old. In his new autobiography Spare, the Duke of Sussex explained that he took ...

https://www.euronews.com › culture
Spanking, cocaine and magic mushrooms: Prince Harry reveals ...
5 時間前 — For the first time, Prince Harry has admitted he has taken cocaine - revealing that he took it during a hunting weekend in the summer of 2002 ...

https://www.dw.com › from-cocain...
From cocaine to Afghanistan killings: Prince Harry's 'Spare'
8 時間前 — Days ahead of the launch of Prince Harry's highly-anticipated memoir, "Spare," various revelations have emerged

匿名 さんのコメント...

Transnationalism and Society: An Introduction - 174 ページ
Michael C. Howard · 2014
This drug first appeared in Hawaii around 1985 and was considered to be the 'poor man's cocaine. ... 88 Thus, while the Yakuza continue to operate in areas catering primarily to Japanese tourists in Hawaii, they found themselves unable ...

Drug Abuse and Trafficking in the State of Hawaii and the Trust ...
United States. Congress. House. Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control · 1978
Perhaps the most dangerous and active group is the Hawaiian syndicate which is sometimes referred to as " John Lee " , " Yakuza " , and “ Sumiyoshi Rengo ” . Since the early 1970's , they have engaged in drug and gun trafficking ...
Organized Crime: From

Trafficking to Terrorism - 第 1 巻 - 131 ページ
Frank Shanty, ‎Patit Paban Mishra · 2008
The Yakuza have likewise extended their drug trafficking operations to Hawaii and Australia, although the markets have not ... In addition, the Yakuza have been reported to be involved in cocaine transportation to Japan, as the demand .

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.fnn.jp › 社会
うその処方箋で向精神薬“入手” 2万1500錠を不正に
1 時間前 —うその処方箋を作り、向精神薬などを不正に入手した疑いで医師の男が逮捕された。 木田博隆容疑者(53)は、うその処方箋を作り、2018年からおよそ2年間で、向精神薬など2万1,500錠余りを薬局から不正に購入した疑いが持たれている。 当時、自身が理事長兼院長を務めていたクリニックで、勤務医2人の名前を使い、自分の両親などを診察したように装っていたということで、調べに対し容疑を否認している。

匿名 さんのコメント...

大陸に渡った円の興亡 - 第 2 巻 - 187 ページ
多田井喜生 · 1997
小日向(本名白朗)は、満洲の白鬼”と呼ばれて名を馳せた馬賊の頭目の一人である。それにしても、外務省が済南事件 ... 田る男がい中首相や久原房之助連相の手先として謀略を手掛けており、阿片商人とも深く関わっていて、中国の軍閥の弱点を握っている。

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.ndl.go.jp › person › oh...
... 監督局関税部長、1939.5興亜院事務官・蒙疆連絡部経済課主任、1940.10興亜院経済部第2課、1941.12興亜院調査官、1942.7大蔵事務官・主計局、1943.8外資局、1943.11 ...

https://rnavi.ndl.go.jp › kensei › oo...
大平正芳関係文書 - リサーチ・ナビ - 国立国会図書館
2022/08/04 — ... 税務署長、1938.6仙台税務監督局関税部長、1939.5興亜院事務官・蒙疆連絡部経済課主任、1940.10 興亜院経済部第2課、1941.12興亜院調査官、1942.7 ...

https://ohira.org › nenpu › nenpu_1
5月31日 興亜院事務官となり、高等官六等を叙され八級俸を受ける。興亜院蒙疆連絡部経済課主任となる 6月15日 東京を発って張家口へ向う 6月20日 蒙疆連絡部の所在地・ ...

https://ja.m.wikipedia.org › wiki
興亜院(こうあいん)は、昭和13年(1938年)12月16日に開設された日本の国家機関の一つ。 ... 年6月から1940年10月まで、大平正芳は蒙疆連絡部経済課主任、課長を歴任した。
https://j-dac.jp › OHIRA › kaidai

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://honto.jp › netstore › pd-revi...
みんなのレビュー:日中アヘン戦争/江口 圭一 岩波新書 新赤版 - 紙の本

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://honto.jp › netstore › pd-revi...
みんなのレビュー:日中アヘン戦争/江口 圭一 岩波新書 新赤版 - 紙の本"

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.mdpi.com › ...
“Like Armageddon”: Kōfuku no Kagaku and the COVID-19 Pandemic
LK Pokorny 著 · 2022 · 被引用数: 2 — This paper examines how Kōfuku no Kagaku engages with the COVID-19 pandemic in practical and doctrinal terms. Notably, early in the pandemic, Kōfuku no ...
Religions: 2022

https://www.ifcc.org › mediaPDF
COVID-19: Armageddon before light?
D Gruson 著 · 被引用数: 1 — COVID-19, five letters, two numbers, five months, three billions. Three billion people confined in a box. (1,2). But who turned the light off? Humanity did.

https://search.bvsalud.org › resource
COVID-19: Armageddon before Light? | EJIFCC;31(2): 103-105, 2020 Jun.
COVID-19: Armageddon before Light? Gruson, Damien; Ko, Gabriel; Luu, David.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc
COVID-19: Armageddon before Light? - PMC
D Gruson 著 · 2020 · 被引用数: 1 — Logo of ejifcc. EJIFCC. 2020 Jun; 31(2): 103–105. Published online 2020 Jun 2. PMCID: PMC7294817. PMID: 32549877. COVID-19: Armageddon before Light?

https://www.amazon.co.jp › COVID...
COVID-4 and ARMAGEDDON (The Adventures of ACE2) ペーパーバック
The Bad Guys now united under a new leader are set to create a new plan of dominion with the SARS-cancer-exosome-HIV tactics of infection and replication.

https://www.forbes.com › 2020/03/16
COVID-19: Is It Academic Armageddon?
2020/03/16 — As I begin my third year as a Forbes contributor, I am doing something new, writing a sequel to my last epistle—on the COVID-19 outbreak

おまぢない本舗 さんのコメント...










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くすりくそうばい (「薬」の「ク」と「九」に頭韻を踏ませて) 原価の9倍にも売るという意味から、薬の小売値段がべらぼうに高価であることにたとえる。
https://imidas.jp › proverb › detail
薬九層倍 | 会話で使えることわざ辞典 | 情報・知識&オピニオン imidas

匿名 さんのコメント...

The Seychelles is mostly a destination market for heroin, but cannabis, cocaine and synthetic drugs are smuggled into the country as well. It is undergoing a worrying heroin epidemic with an extremely high percentage of the country's working-age population consuming the drug.
https://ocindex.net › englishPDF
SEYCHELLES - Global Organized Crime Index

Seychelles: The island paradise held prisoner by heroin
6 Mar 2023 — Some 10% of the local population in the tropical island nation of Seychelles is dependent on heroin in what is now an epidemic, according to ...

https://www.bbc.co.uk › news › wo...
Why Seychelles has world's worst heroin problem
21 Nov 2019 — The Indian Ocean archipelago suffers from the highest rate of heroin abuse in the world, but policy makers are hopeful that rehabilitation ...

The Borgen Project
https://borgenproject.org › herion-u...
Addressing Heroin Use in Seychelles
17 Jan 2022 — In 2019, the Republic of Seychelles had the world's worst reported heroin usage rate per capita. About 10% of the working-age population, ...

France 24
Addiction in paradise: Seychelles battles heroin crisis
20 Feb 2020 — The Seychelles' heroin boom, which took off over the past decade, gripped young and old alike and cut across class lines.
Eleven Journals

https://www.elevenjournals.com › ejlr
Curbing Drug Use in the Seychelles through Regulation beyond Legislation · European Journal of Law Reform
The islands harbour a firmly established dilemma of having, according to Saigal, the worst heroin problem globally, with 10% of its working population being ...

The Times
https://www.thetimes.co.uk › article
Heroin addiction cripples 10% of workers in Seychelles
20 Feb 2020 — The Seychelles has one of the world's highest rates of heroin addiction with almost one-in-ten workers addicted to opiates. The republic is ...

https://www.youtube.com › watch
Seychelles, Heroin and Me - BBC Africa Eye documentary
5 Mar 2023 — The Seychelles is known as a tropical paradise with a multi-million dollar tourist industry. But beyond the 5-star hotels and azure beaches ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://pointshistory.com › aswatson...
From King of Opium Substitutes to Global Health and Beauty Retailer: A S Watson
2022/05/19 —...King of Opium Substitutes and Soda Water Humphreys succeeded his father, and a pocket diary was issued to commemorate his first year of the taipan of ASW in 1897. (Image 2) By 1900, ASW became the King of Opium Substitutes with over a hundred retail chemists distributing Watson’s brand in the Far East.

匿名 さんのコメント...

The Telegraph
https://www.telegraph.co.uk › mag...
The £8bn boom in magic mushrooms that's sweeping Britain
1 日前 — The global psychedelic drugs market size is projected to reach $10.75 billion (£8.65 billion) by 2027, up from $4.75 billion in 2020, ...

Open Access Government
https://www.openaccessgovernment.org › ...
Exploring shifting attitudes towards psychedelic therapy
5 時間前 — The global psychedelic drugs market is projected to reach $10.75 billion by 2027, up from $4.75 billion in 2020.

匿名 さんのコメント...

118万 回視聴 · 5 日前

Institute of Human Anatomy

匿名 さんのコメント...

National Institutes of Health (.gov)
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...
Cocaine-induced granulomatosis with polyangiitis-an under-recognized ...
C Gill 著 · 2023 · 被引用数: 1 — Patients with destructive nasal lesions, especially young patients, should have urine toxicology

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.sankei.com › article
覚醒剤700キロ押収か 過去2番目、中国人逮捕 密輸疑いで
5 時間前 — アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)から貨物船で覚醒剤約700キロを密輸したなどとして、警視庁薬物銃器対策課や東京税関などは、覚醒剤取締法違反や麻薬 ...

https://www.asahi.com › articles
東京港に届いた七つのコンテナ 700キロの覚醒剤が行き着いたのは
9 時間前 — 覚醒剤約700キロを密輸したなどとして、警視庁は7日までに、いずれも中国籍で20~50代の男女7人を覚醒剤取締法違反(営利目的密輸)などの容疑で逮捕 ...

https://www.asahi.com › articles
覚醒剤700キロを密輸容疑、434億円相当 中国人7人を逮捕
9 時間前 — 覚醒剤約700キロを密輸したなどとして、警視庁は7日までに、いずれも

匿名 さんのコメント...

The Audio Long Read
15 時間前
Out of our minds: opium’s part in imperial history
再生 • 29 分
How a mind-altering, addictive substance was used as a weapon by one empire to subdue another.

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.fnn.jp › articles
強豪・東京農業大学ボクシング部員らを大麻所持容疑で逮捕 寮も家宅捜索「 ...
15 分前 —...東京農業大学ボクシング部はこれまでにオリンピック選手を輩出するなど強豪校として知られていたが、7月8日に行われたリーグ戦ではチームの出場を辞退していた。

匿名 さんのコメント...

満州 アヘンでできた“理想郷” - プレミアムA:朝日新聞デジタルhttps://www.asahi.com/special/manchukuo-opium/


満州に蔓延したアヘン、貧困層が犠牲に 現代の米国にもつながる病根

いま「日本とアヘン」に脚光 ヤンマガにヒット作、研究書も続々出版

「満州アヘンスクワッド」180万部突破 なぜ漫画に?原作者に聞く

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It's the deadliest drug crisis in US history. More than 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses between August 2021 and August 2022 alone, according to Foreign Affairs. Much of this epidemic is driven by fentanyl, which now kills around 200 Americans every day.May 17, 2023
https://www.american.edu › news
To the Point: The Fentanyl Crisis, Why Now, Why So Deadly? | American ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

In 2022, more than 107,000 died from drug overdoses, up from about 71,000 in 2019. Two-thirds of last year's deaths involved synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, which the US Drug Enforcement Administration says comes largely from China, via cartels in Mexico.Jul 12, 2023

Opioid crisis: US and China at odds over influx of fentanyl

The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com › world › jul › opioid-crisi...
About featured snippets

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Opioid-involved overdose deaths rose from 21,089 in 2010 to 47,600 in 2017 and remained steady through 2019. This was followed by a significant increase in 2020 with 68,630 reported deaths and again in 2021 with 80,411 reported overdose deaths.2023/06/30

Drug Overdose Death Rates - National Institute on Drug Abuse

National Institutes of Health (.gov)
https://nida.nih.gov › research-topics › trends-statistics

匿名 さんのコメント...

【解説】日本で医療大麻解禁? 大麻規制検討小委員会とはなんだったのか | Forbes JAPAN 公式サイト(フォーブス ジャパン)



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近代日本の技術的条件 - 102 ページ
今津健治 · 1989
書類の末尾にはほとんど「何月何日ボッタル」とあり,はじめのうちは「小林一等属殿」などと宛名が書かれているものもある。 ... 2 長崎港と石炭輸出極東海域に蒸気船が姿を見せるようになったのは,ジャーディン・マセソン商会( Jardine Matheson & Co.

世界史のなかの明治維新: 外国人の視角から - 171 ページ
その間小林秀知が事務主任(局長)として経営の任にあった。( 2 )本文の署名の大部分はポッタル、その他に ... 極東海域に蒸気船が姿を見せるようになったのは、ジャーディン・マセソン商会( Jardine Matheson & Co. Ltd. )が一八三五年に中国最初の蒸気船 ...

明治の機械工業: その生成と展開 - 95 ページ
鈴木淳 · 1996
( 5 )一一年九月二七日付英国公使パークス宛ジャーディン=マセソン商会書簡(「在横浜英吉利国マデソン商会ヨリ後藤象二郎へ係ル高島炭坑 ... ( S )二〇年九月一九日付大蔵大臣松方正義宛三池鉱山局事務長小林秀知「団五等技師海外巡回ヶ所及其理由等ノ儀ニ付 ...

史學雜誌 - 第 98 巻
1989 ·
一方長崎造船所は一七年に三菱に払い下げられるが、工部省三池鉱山分局長小林秀知は一七年八月一六日「今後当礦山( 9 )所要諸機械製造方該会社 ... 一二月に高島炭坑の払い下げを受けた後藤象二郎は、ジャーディン=マセソン商会と共同でこれを経営した。

匿名 さんのコメント...

What is the 100 years of humiliation in China?

"Century of humiliation" or "hundred years of national humiliation" (simplified Chinese: 百年国耻; traditional Chinese: 百年國恥; pinyin: Bǎinián Guóchǐ) is a term used in China to describe the period of intervention and subjugation of the Qing dynasty and the Republic of China by Western powers and Japan from 1839 to the ...
https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki
Century of humiliation - Wikipedia

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https://www.mauinews.com › news
More than 4 pounds of crystal meth seized from home - Maui News
2021/06/29 — WAILUKU — A Waiehu man was arrested last week when police reported seizing more than 4 pounds of crystal methamphetamine, as well as ...

https://www.khon2.com › hawaiis-...
Hawaii's meth trade resembles 'Breaking Bad'
2022/08/29 — Methamphetamine has been Hawaii's greatest drug threat," Hawaii High-Intensity Drug ... Number of dead from Maui wildfires reaches 99, as …

Hawaii News Now
https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com › ...
4 men indicted for 'sophisticated' scheme to move large amounts of ...
2022/06/06 — 4 men indicted for 'sophisticated' scheme to move large amounts of crystal meth to Oahu, Maui · Maliu Tauheluhelu, 37; · Maafu Pani, 37; · Touanga ...

https://www.narconon.org › blog
How Did Hawaii Become the Meth Capital of the U.S. and How Can We ...
2019/03/26 — One of the reasons why the meth problem is so harsh in Hawaii is the relative lack of meth addiction treatment. The island state has only a ...
Arrest Made in Maui Meth Trafficking Investigation : M

Maui Recovery
https://mauirecovery.com › ways-t...
Ways To End Meth Addiction For Good
2022/07/27 — Maui Recovery offers treatment programs for meth addiction. We are committed to helping you achieve lasting recovery and a brighter future.

https://www.reddit.com › comments
Anyone else think Maui meth heads have made a dump of our beaches and ...
2021/12/16 — And it's these same meth heads that keep saying, tourists are bringing down Hawaii but it's these local meth heads.

New York Post
https://nypost.com › 2014/04/09
'I was a vice cop… and a meth addict'
2014/04/09 — Allison Moore joined the Maui Police Department when she was 23 years old and quickly climbed the ranks to narcotics vice cop.

Department of Justice (.gov)
https://www.justice.gov › usao-hi
Maui Man Convicted Of Methamphetamine Distribution
Tagupa, 33, of Wailuku,Maui, guilty of conspiring to distribute and possess, with

匿名 さんのコメント...

我が国における大麻草由来の成分を用いた製品の ...
https://www.niph.go.jp › journal › data
木下翔太郎 著 · 2022 — 抄録
2022年 6 月 7 日に閣議決定された「経済財政運営と改革の基本方針」においては,「大麻に関する制度を見直し,大麻由来医薬品の利用等に向けた必要な環境整備を進める」との記述が含まれており,今後確実に我が国でも大麻草由来成分の医薬品利用に向けた規制整備が進んでいくとみられる状況にある.広義の医療大麻は,カンナビノイド医薬品(大麻由来医薬品),ヘンプ由来カンナビジオール(cannabidiol:CBD)製品,大麻草由来製品(狭義の医療大麻)の 3 つに大別されるが,我が国で目下検討されているのは,医療ニーズを踏まえたカンナビノイド医薬品の輸入・製造・施用を可能にすることなどである.狭義の医療大麻は,諸外国でカンナビノイド医薬品の代替などに使用されているが,精神依存などをもたらすΔ9-テトラヒドロカンナビノール(tetrahydrocannabinol:THC)を含み健康影響も大きいため,依存・乱用のおそれの低いCBDとは区別して議論されるべきである.近年の我が国における大麻乱用の背景には,大麻の有害性・危険性を軽視している若年者が多いことが指摘されており,カンナビノイド医薬品やCBD製品の普及にあたっては「大麻を使用してよい」という大麻乱用に繋がるような誤った認識が広がらないよう留意する必要がある.保健医療の現場や地域における専門家である保健医療従事者も,大麻の健康影響を否定したり,有用性のみを強調する言説を肯定・拡散したりしてしまうことのないよう努めるべきであるが,大麻草由来成分に関しては2018年頃から大きく情勢の変化が生じており,大半の者は教育課程などにおいて適切なインプットの機会を得られていない.そのため保健医療従事者が情勢認識をアップデートすることのできる機会や教育・啓発コンテンツなどの充実などが必要であると考えられた.

これまでの検討会における 委員からの御意見
https://www.mhlw.go.jp › content
やはり嗜好品であるから、一定の依存性はあって、一定の健康被害はある。 ○ 大麻を使うと人によって違いもあるが、意識の変容ということがかなりの頻.
18 ページ

新しい健康社会の実現に向けた 「アクションプラン2023」(案)
https://www.meti.go.jp › kenko_iryo › pdf
2023/07/10 — 【現状・課題】「骨太の方針2019」の指摘を踏まえ、2020年度より、 ... 接点を多く持つ生活関連産業がPHRを活用し、個人の健康状態や趣味嗜好等を ...

2020 年度研究事業実施方針 (案) 令和元年 月 日
https://www.mhlw.go.jp › content
2019/05/24 — 1 研究事業と各戦略(未来投資戦略、骨太方針、健康・医療戦略)との関係 ... 嗜好用途の大麻が合法化された国があることを踏まえて、大麻に関する ...
134 ページ

https://www.soumu.go.jp › main_content
2022/06/17 — 令和5年度予算において、本方針及び骨太方針2021に基づき、経済・財政一体改革を ... 大麻に関する制度を見直し、大 ... 広義嗜好的個人向けサービス.
241 ページ


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摘発者のうち30歳未満の割合は69.2%と過去最多を更新、若年層の乱用拡大が懸念される状況だ。 薬物事件全体の摘発人数は近年横ばいで推移していたが、22年は前年より1787人(12.4%)減の1万2621人だった。 薬物の種類別では、この10年で覚せい剤事犯が大きく減少しているのに対し、大麻事犯は増加傾向にある。5 日前
https://www.nippon.com › japan-d...
若者に広がる大麻:摘発件数は高止まり 2022年は5546人―厚労省統計

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.nichimyus.jp › 戦後ま...
2023/03/14 —...これらの写真を通じて、戦争遂行を最優先とした戦時体制の中で、日本国内はもちろん当時の植民地や周辺地域を巻き込みながら、芥子(けし)やコカ木を生産し、それらから薬品を製造し、流通販売を促してきた、国の機関と民間企業の在り方、またそこには、中国に駐屯していた日本軍も関わっていたことも垣間見ることができました。

匿名 さんのコメント...

HHS recommends marijuana reclassification

US health department recommends looser restrictions on cannabis
2 days ago

Cannabis Stocks Surge After HHS Recommends Classifying Marijuana As Lower-Risk Drug

The Washington Post
Marijuana reclassification to schedule III could have major implications

Man arrested after €1.2m cannabis seizure in Dublin
1 hour ago

The Guardian
Young people, pregnant women and drivers should avoid cannabis – study
2 days ago

German government anticipates huge windfall with legalization of cannabis
22 hours ago

CBS News
How cannabis impacts pain, sleep, anxiety and more, according to the latest science
19 hours ago

Cannabis: Germany legalises, France punishes – EURACTIV.com
3 days ago8

The Conversation
Many people think cannabis smoke is harmless − a physician explains how that belief can put people at risk
3 days ago

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The Hill
https://thehill.com › healthcare › 41...
HHS sends recommendation to DEA on rescheduling marijuana
3 日前 — “Following the data and science, HHS has expeditiously responded to President Biden’s directive to HHS Secretary [Xavier Becerra] and provided its scheduling recommendation for marijuana to the DEA on August 29, 2023,” ...

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"What are we doing? What are we doing as a society to our children?" he said. "This is total madness that we lost a child to this dangerous substance." The mayor held up a graphic showing a small quantity of fentanyl next to a penny for scale and noted that the very tiny amount can kill an adult.5 時間前

NYC Mayor Eric Adams calls for 'national assault' on fentanyl ...

ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
https://abcnews.go.com › story

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MDMA Moves Closer to Approval for PTSD Treatment After New ...
10 hours ago

Psychedelic drug MDMA moves closer to US approval following ...
4 days ago

MDMA Therapy for PTSD Inches Closer to U.S. Approval
3 days ago

Undark Magazine
MDMA Therapy for a Traumatized World? Maybe ...
23 Aug

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'Zombie apocalypse': San Francisco on track to crush overdose death record as addicts die in streets
Overdose deaths hurtling toward new record, according to city data
Jon Michael Raasch By Jon Michael Raasch Fox News
Published September 25, 2023 1:37pm EDT

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New England Journal of Medicine
Selective Inhibition of NaV1.8 with VX-548 for Acute Pain | NEJM
The NaV1.8 voltage-gated sodium channel, expressed in peripheral nociceptive neurons, plays a role in transmitting nociceptive signals.
1 month ago

Yahoo Finance
Vertex Announces Publication of VX-548 Positive Phase 2, Proof-of-Concept Results in New England Journal of Medicine
First published manuscript of VX-548 preclinical and clinical trial results in a peer-reviewed journal -. BOSTON, August 03, 2023--(BUSINESS...
1 month ago

American Council on Science and Health |
Promising Pain Meds in Development: Vertex's VX-548 | American Council on Science and Health
There's considerable ongoing research to develop analgesic medications that don't have the liabilities of NSAIDs and opioids.
May 9, 2023

A selective sodium channel blocker for acute pain
VX-548 selectively inhibits peripheral sodium channels to reduce acute pain, with potentially fewer safety concerns than for existing,...
1 month ago

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The Times of Israel
https://www.timesofisrael.com › no...
Now world's no. 1 opioid consumer per capita, Israel faces addiction epidemic
2023/04/30 — With fentanyl use skyrocketing beyond the equivalent of 140 milligrams of morphine per capita by the end of the last decade, data from the ...

The Times of Israel
https://www.timesofisrael.com › isra...
Israeli discovery could help brain block urge for highly addictive fentanyl
2023/06/26 — Israel also faces an opioid crisis fueled in recent years by fentanyl, which is at least 50 times stronger than heroin and highly addictive. The

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The Jewish News of Northern California
https://jweekly.com › 2023/09/01
The fentanyl crisis is taking the lives of young Jews
2023/09/01 — A toxicology report determined the cause of death: overdose from fentanyl. Cameron Fuller, who hailed from a “classic culturally Jewish family,” ...

JCFS Chicago
https://www.jcfs.org › term
Jewish Community
Raising Awareness About Fentanyl · Jewish Community Programs. Since March 2020 ... Jewish residents. Twice a month they come together to welcome Shabbat with ...

Atlanta Jewish Times
https://www.atlantajewishtimes.com › ...
Israel Faces Opioid Crisis
2023/07/12 — According to the Taub Center report, in the first half of the last decade, there was an increase in the use of oxycodone and fentanyl in Israel.

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https://www.haaretz.com › .premium
Israel's Opioid Crisis Could Become Worst in the World
2023/07/04 — In my research I show that in Canada they believed at the start of the 2000s that addiction to OxyContin was an American problem, so they didn't ...

MY5 さんのコメント...

List of designer drugs

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https://www.yomiuri.co.jp › ... › 社会
大麻の生産農家は27人まで減少、最大産地は栃木県…「畑に2mの柵や ...
11 時間前 —...産業用大麻は、繊維の丈夫さなどを生かし、茎の表皮から作る「精麻(せいま)」が、神社のしめ縄や大相撲の横綱の綱などに使われる。

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The costs and benefits of cannabis control policies

Wayne Hall, PhD

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大麻取締法改正案を了承 医療用解禁、使用罪も新設 自民部会(時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース
自民党の厚生労働部会は11日、大麻から製造された医薬品の使用を解禁する大麻取締法改正案を了承した。 若者らの乱用を防ぐため、「使用罪」も新設...

大麻取締法改正案を了承 自民、医薬品使用可能に

医療用大麻の解禁、改正法案提出へ 大麻使用罪は7年以下の懲役:朝日新聞デジタル

大麻取締法、改正案を了承 自民、医薬品の使用可能に:東京新聞 TOKYO Web

大麻取締法改正案を了承 医療用解禁、使用罪も新設―自民部会

匿名 さんのコメント...

ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
https://abcnews.go.com › story
Rabbi Ties Jewish Faith to Medical Marijuana - ABC News
2013/09/23 — Rabbi Jeffrey Kahn and his wife opened the Takoma Wellness Center on the outskirts of Washington, D.C., where they are legally allowed to

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Signs of fentanyl-induced muscle rigidity include jaw clenching and chest rigidity, which can interfere with ventilation.
National Institutes of Health (.gov)
A 52-year-old man with fentanyl-induced muscle rigidity - NCBI
This phenomenon of fentanyl-induced respiratory muscle rigidity (FIRMR) and laryngospasm is clinically known as wooden chest syndrome (WCS), which occurs …
National Institutes of Health (.gov)
Noradrenergic Mechanisms in Fentanyl-Mediated Rapid Death

匿名 さんのコメント...

Daily Cannabis Use Linked to Higher Risk of Severe Heart Disease
5 hours ago

Marijuana use raises risk of heart attack, heart failure and stroke, studies say
43 minutes ago

New studies reinforce link between pot use and heart attack, heart failure, stroke
5 hours ago

Marijuana could cause heart attack, stroke: Study
1 hour ago

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://nordot.app › ...
Pete Doherty smuggled drugs into Japan | BANG Showbiz English
4 日前 — Pete Doherty smuggled drugs into Japan at the height of his heroin addiction. The 44-year-old musician took heroin for the first time in ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://theme.npm.edu.tw › page-4
溥儀は婉容に、エリザベス(Elizabeth)という英語名まで与えている。 この二人の女性教師。一人はその名を、「盈」と呼ばれ、目下のところ彼女が

匿名 さんのコメント...

http://www.hkpost.com.hk › index2
特集--戦後70年 占領地香港に進出した日系企業
... たという。(*7). 一九四二年、広州沙面にあった大岸頼好昭和通商広東支店長公邸には軍需物資買付専門の「光室」が設けられた。周辺には満州浪人・右翼の壮士など一癖も二癖もある前歴不明の猛者たちが集まり異様な雰囲気だった。その「光室」のスタッフに、マカオで日本・ポルトガル・中国合弁の聯昌公司を立ち上げに尽力した斎藤業務課員がいた。(*8)その斎藤が香港でスカウトしたのが食い詰めていたスタンレー・ホーである。英語が堪能だったホーはたちまち日本語やポルトガル語を会得して頭角を現し、戦後「賭王」となる基礎を作った。(*9)

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News about fentanyl, syndrome, and newborns

Doctors spot mysterious 'fentanyl exposure syndrome' in BABIES that causes deformed heads, conjoined toes and
19 hours ago

Study: Newborns suffer from birth defects due to fentanyl abuse
6 hours ago

U.S. News & World Report
New Syndrome May Be Affecting Babies Exposed to Fentanyl
21 hours ago

Newly Recognized Syndrome Linked To Prenatal Fentanyl Exposure
15 hours ago

Cleft palate, fused toes: Fentanyl likely causing certain birth defects in newborns
4 hours ago

匿名 さんのコメント...

Medical News Today
Study reveals the health effects of using cannabis during pregnancy
17 hours agoJill Seladi-SchulmanBy Jill Seladi-Schulman

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DECEMBER 22, 2023
A Proclamation on Granting Pardon for the Offense of Simple Possession of Marijuana, Attempted Simple Possession of Marijuana, or Use of Marijuana

匿名 さんのコメント...

阿片調査報告書: 東亜同文書院 - 149 ページ
谷光隆 · 2007 ... 阿片の吸姻及び密売の状況を親しく見ることが出来た。臨淮関に太平医院と云ふ赤十字病院がある。その医院長袁沢甫氏が幸ひに一行の知友となっため、特に依頼して阿片の取引所、所謂、阿片窟を紹介して貰った。 実物大黒色熱に逢ふ時 149 第七巻皖淮経済調査.

匿名 さんのコメント...

覚醒剤密輸、手を組む暴力団 「発覚するのはごく一部」
2019/12/31 7:00有料記事







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北陸の19人 覚醒剤売買 3県警逮捕 高岡の2容疑者 主導

https://www.chunichi.co.jp › article
2022/03/03 — 北陸三県で覚醒剤を密売したなどとして、石川、富山、福井県警の合同捜査本部は二日、覚醒剤取締法違反と麻薬特例法違反の疑いで、富山県高岡市...

匿名 さんのコメント...

https://www.bbc.co.uk › programmes
BBC Radio 4 - Start the Week, Opium trade to synthetic opiates"
...Professor Fiona Measham, Chair in Criminology at Liverpool University, explains that one of the effects of the disruption to the opium trade has been a large increase in the number of synthetic opiates – fentanyl and nitazenes – filling the vacuum. China has become the centre for the wider development of synthetic drugs that emulate plant-based street drugs, but are much stronger and potentially lethal.

匿名 さんのコメント...

Opium trade to synthetic opiates
Start the Week

42 minutes

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SWI swissinfo.ch
https://www.swissinfo.ch › society
「ヘロイン計画がなかったら、とっくに命を落としていた」 - SWI ...
2014/01/27 — ... 麻薬中毒患者に無料でヘロイン ...

匿名 さんのコメント...

London Evening Standard
https://www.standard.co.uk › lifestyle
Is fentanyl coming to London?
2023/09/02 — ... It kills tens of thousands of Americans every year, but the toll from fentanyl and other lab-made opioids would be about to get much worse. Gavin Haynes explains why a global heroin shortage could spark a US-style drugs crisis on British shores

ハッとして! Good⁇ さんのコメント...

Heroin-assisted treatment (HAT), or diamorphine-assisted treatment, refers to a type of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)[1] where semi-synthetic heroin is prescribed to opiate addicts who do not benefit from, or cannot tolerate, treatment with one of the established drugs used in opiate replacement therapy such as methadone or buprenorphine (brand name Subutex). For this group of patients, heroin-assisted treatment has proven superior in improving their social and health situation.[2] Heroin-assisted treatment is fully a part of the national health system in Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada,[3] and Denmark.[4] Additional trials are being carried out in the United Kingdom,[5] Norway,[6] and Belgium.[7]

The British have had a system of heroin maintenance since the 1920s. For decades it supplied a few hundred addicts nationwide, most of whom were doctors themselves. "

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All About
https://allabout.co.jp › ... › 依存症
日本国内でも広がる危険ドラッグ…フェンタニル系 ...
2023/12/29 — 【麻薬研究者が解説】アメリカで1年で11万人以上もの死亡者を出している、フェンタニル及び関連する危険ドラッグの過剰摂取。日本国内も無関係では ...

https://www.asahi.com › articles
フェンタニル含有シールを交際相手の胸に貼り死なせた疑い 女を逮捕
2023/02/27 — 麻薬成分が含まれる薬剤シールを交際相手の男性に貼り付けるなどして死なせたとして、警視庁は27日、無職の女(47)=東京都板橋区=を傷害致死と麻薬 ...

フェンタニル ゾンビ

https://www.mhlw.go.jp › co...PDF
麻薬フェンタニル類似物質. 隠匿されていたボトル. ・フェンタニルの約100倍. ・モルヒネの約1万倍. の薬理作用. カルフェンタニル. 人間の致死量は約2mg. H28.12.21 ...

AERA dot.
https://dot.asahi.com › ニュース
大麻の次にくるのは“フェンタニル” 米国では社会問題化 日本の半グレが ...
2021/04/13 — 大麻の次にくるのは“フェンタニル” 米国では社会問題化 日本の半グレが「試験的密輸」 ... 覚醒剤や大麻などの

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https://www.dw.com › video-67585...
How a Berlin neighborhood is fighting drug addiction
Nov 29, 2023 — Berlin's Leopoldplatz is one of the capital's drug hotspots. In recent years, problems there have severely worsened.

ドイツ政府は16日、嗜好(しこう)品として少量の大麻の所持や栽培を認める法案を閣議決定した。 若者を中心に闇市場での粗悪な製品の取引が広がっていることを懸念しており、一定の使用を認めることにした。 連邦議会での審議などを経て、2024年初めの施行をめざす。2023/08/17
https://www.asahi.com › articles
ドイツ政府、大麻使用を合法化へ 法案を閣議決定、来年施行めざす

ドイツ、大麻合法化の法案可決 医師ら根強い反対

ドイツ、娯楽目的の大麻使用承認へ 合法化は9カ国目

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DEA Museum (.gov)
https://museum.dea.gov › anslinger
Cold War Narcotics Control
....After the war America’s attention turned toward the Cold War and the spread of Communism. China, a source country for opiates, became a target for a so-called Communist narcotics offensive. The McCarthy scare reinforced Anslinger’s worries that Communists were “flooding the world with dope to corrupt the youth of America.

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The Intelligence: Drug gateway Economist Podcasts

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https://www.mhlw.go.jp › iry...PDF
○ モルヒネ、オキシコドン、フェンタニル、タペンタドール、. メサドンからペンタゾシンやブプレノルフィンへの変更は

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https://www.bloomberg.co.jp › news
2024/02/03 — 肥満症治療薬を使用した人の一部で報告されている「オゼンピック・フェース」。頬やこめかみがくぼみ、肌がたるむ現象はしわ対策の注入薬「ボトックス

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https://www.amazon.co.jp › 朴橿

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https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp › 国際
ドイツで大麻所持と栽培が合法に 18歳以上の成人が個人目的で
3 時間前 — ドイツでは1日、18歳以上の個人が嗜好品として大麻を所持したり、栽培したりすることを認める法律が施行されました。 ドイツで1日に施行された法律では、18歳以上の成人は個人の使用目的で公共の場では25グラム、自宅では50グラムの大麻を所持したり、3株まで栽培したりすることが認められます。 一方、販売や取引は禁止されたままです。 ドイツではこれまで医療用大麻は合法でしたが、闇取引を防ぐことなどを目的に個人での所持も認めることになりました。 ただ、依然として「依存者が増える」などと反対の声も多いため、ドイツ政府は施行後の子どもや若者への影響を調査し、早ければ1年半後に初期評価を発表することになっています。

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NBC News
https://www.nbcnews.com › world
Police Confiscate Biggest Drug Stash in Berlin History
May 4, 2015 — BERLIN — It is the largest single drug find in the history of the German capital: Police in Berlin confiscated 386 kilograms of cocaine on ...

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In 2023 the overdose death rate topped 112,000 in a 12 month period for the first time, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Biden administration officials say they have "flattened" the upward curve.Dec 28, 2023
https://www.npr.org › 2023/12/28
Overdose deaths due to fentanyl spark debate over treatment - NPR

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The Japan News
https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp › sc...
Brazil Scientists Developing New 'Vaccine' for Cocaine Addiction
2023/11/02 — Dubbed “Calixcoca,” the test vaccine, which has shown promising results in trials on animals, triggers an immune response that blocks cocaine

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くすりの社会誌: 人物と時事で読む33話 - Page 65
books.google.com › books
西川隆 · 2010 · ‎Preview
... た直後の大正 4 年( 1915 )から勤務、アルカロイド類(モルヒネ、キニーネ、コカインなど)の製造で成果を挙げた。当時の様子 ... 私は青山新次郎氏、板垣武熹氏の協力で塩酸コカインやサッカリン、バルビタールの製造を引き受け、純製することができた

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実験化学工業: 第3巻
西田博太郎 · 1921 · ‎読む
... コカイン」ハ七十七・四グラム第四表ノ甲レハ三回ノ製造試驗ニ於テ粗製コカイン」ノ合計量百五十四「グラム」ヨコカイン七十及格三十圓四十九錢二厘ニシテ鹽酸コカイオンス(二十五グラム)付テの九圓八博士田原良純臨時製藥調查囑托村山義温青山新次郎第二 ...

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