

2008年 09月 8日 06:23 JST [ワシントン 7日 ロイター] 

米政府は7日、政府系住宅金融機関(GSE)の連邦住宅抵当金庫(ファニーメイ)(FNM.N: 株価, 企業情報, レポート)と連邦住宅貸付抵当公社(フレディマック)(FRE.N: 株価, 企業情報, レポート)を政府の管理下に置くと発表した。












September 7, 2008, 6:34 pm
Mean Street: Taxpayers Should Thank Paulson for Fannie/Freddie Bailout
Posted by Deal Journal
Today, in the largest nationalization in U.S. history, the U.S. Treasury took control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
You would be hard pressed to find the word “nationalization” in any of the news releases, but that is basically what the government “conservatorship” amounts to. Hugo Chavez must be smiling.
Strangely, so should the U.S. taxpayer. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson has cut a good deal for the taxpayer and the economy will be much the better for it.
Not all the details are available, but on the face of it the U.S. taxpayer has put in a little bit of money and gotten out quite a lot of control. That is what a Wall Street deal maker wants from any deal.
The deal is structured as a $2 billion capital injection ($1 billion apiece) of senior preferred stock into Fannie and Freddie. The taxpayer gets a fat 10% coupon, as well as warrants for stock representing 80% of the company. The taxpayer also replaces the CEOs of Fannie and Freddie with seasoned Wall Street financiers whose mandate is to actually shrink the businesses.
Now the catch – and there always is one: Fannie and Freddie will require further capital contributions from the taxpayer down the road. Probably a lot more. So the $2 billion is really just a down-payment for a bailout that may end up costing tens of billions more.
But there is nothing new here. Thanks to Fannie’s and Freddie’s “implicit guarantee,” the U.S. taxpayer has always been on the hook. Watch how the U.S. dollar trades in the next couple of days. It isn’t going to collapse with an additional $5 trillion “officially” on the government balance sheet. The market always assumed the obligation was there.
At least now, the CEOs of Fannie and Freddie will be held accountable to the people who have always been footing the bill–the taxpayer.
Of course, in the coming days, there will be howls of protest. The common shareholders will be diluted by as much as 80% with the Treasury’s issuance of the warrants. Eventually, the common stock will be diluted out of existence.
The preferred shareholders who own about $40 billion of Fannie and Freddie paper may be even more unhappy. Their dividends have been cut. The Treasury has issued to itself preferred shares senior to the existing preferred shares. And there is bound to be more of these senior preferred shares to come.
This may prove a problem for the handful of small and midsize banks that hold too much of the existing Fannie and Freddie paper. But it may not. At today’s news conference, Paulson didn’t seem too bothered by the prospect of bank failures caused by write-downs in the value of their Fannie and Freddie holdings.
Paulson knows he can’t bail everyone out–and he can’t make everyone happy. He is trying to be a free-marketer with a mortgage market that ceased existing as a free market when Congress chartered the Federal Home Loan Banks in 1932.
He also knows that today he doesn’t have all the answers. So like any deal maker, Paulson creates as many options as he can. Which is why he didn’t recapitalize Fannie and Freddie in one fell swoop with the $30 billion or so they may require. And why he dictated that Fannie and Freddie didn’t have to shrink their portfolios until 2010.
It is just good deal making. And it will end up working just fine for the people who matter. In this case, that would be the holders of Fannie and Freddie’s debt, mortgage applicants throughout the U.S., and the U.S. taxpayer.
They may not be happy that the US government nationalized Fannie and Freddie Mac, but they should thank Hank Paulson nonetheless.

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2008年 9月 8日(月) 9時15分
 業種別では、米GSE(政府系住宅金融機関)2社への支援策を好感し、三菱UFJ <8306> 、三井住友 <8316> など銀行株や、野村 <8604> 、大和証G <8601> など証券株に買いが先行。東京海上 <8766> など保険株や、NIS <8571> などノンバンク株も高い。住友不 <8830> 、三井不 <8801> など不動産株や、三菱商 <8058> 、三井物 <8031> など不動産株も買われている。
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