Santos is a surname of Christian origin in Portuguese and Spanish languages. The English translation of Santos is Saints. A singular version, Santo, may be seen.
The dos Santos (English: 'of the saints') variation in Portugal and Galicia was commonly given to a baby born or baptised around All Saints’ Day. [1]
Near the close of the nineteenth century and at the end of the Brazilian Empire, the abolition of slavery in Brazil led to the rise in the name's usage within slave communities, Santos becoming a common surname in area of the Bay of All Saints. A Portuguese slave with no surname, for example, might take the name Santos upon the abolition of slavery and subsequently earning his freedom; this would indicate that he was of Bahian origin. The surname was also used as a way to shorten the names of Brazilians, for example: Manuel da Bahia de Todos os Santos (en: Manuel of the Bay of All Saints).
Other Iberian grammatical forms include: De Santo, De Santos, Del Santo, Santi, Santis, Santiz, Senti, Sentis and others. Notable individuals with the surname Santos include:
Saint George (Greek: Γεώργιος, translit. Geṓrgios, Latin: Georgius, Georgian: გიორგი, translit. Giorgi, Syriac: ܡܪܝ ܓܘܪܓܝܣ, romanized: Mar Giwargis Arabic: القديس جرجس; died 23 April 303), also George of Lydda, was a Christian who is venerated as a saint in Christianity. According to tradition he was a soldier in the Roman army. He was of Cappadocian Greek origin and a member of the Praetorian Guard for Roman emperor Diocletian, but was sentenced to death for refusing to recant his Christian faith. He became one of the most venerated saints and megalomartyrs in Christianity, and he has been especially venerated as a military saint since the Crusades. He is respected by Christians, Druze, as well as some Muslims as a martyr of monotheistic faith.
In hagiography, as one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers and one of the most prominent military saints, he is immortalized in the legend of Saint George and the Dragon. His memorial, Saint George's Day, is traditionally celebrated on 23 April. Historically, the countries of England, Ukraine, Ethiopia, and Georgia, as well as Catalonia and Aragon in Spain, and Moscow in Russia, have claimed George as their patron saint, as have several other regions, cities, universities, professions, and organizations. The Church-Mosque of Saint George in Lod (Lydda), Israel, contains a sarcophagus believed by many Christians to contain St. George's remains.[6]
Very little is known about George's life, but it is thought he was a Roman officer of Greek descent who was martyred in one of the pre-Constantinian persecutions.[7] Beyond this, early sources give conflicting information.
The saint's veneration dates to the 5th century with some certainty, and possibly even to the 4th. The addition of the dragon legend dates to the 11th century.
名前 霊名の祝日 守護対象 アカキオス 5月8日 頭痛 バルバラ 12月4日 発熱と急死 ブラシウス 2月3日 喉の痛みと家畜の保護 アレクサンドリアのカタリナ 11月25日 急死 クリストフォロス 7月25日 腺ペストと旅人や乗り物に乗る人を事故から護る キリアクス 8月8日 臨終の誘惑 パリのディオニュシウス 10月9日 頭痛 エラスムス 6月2日 腸の病気 エウスタキウス 9月20日 家庭不和 ゲオルギオス 4月23日 家畜の健康 アエギディウス 9月1日 ペスト、良い告解、身障者、乞食、鍛冶屋 アンティオキアのマルガリタ 7月20日 出産、悪魔からの逃亡 聖パンテレイモン 7月27日 内科医、癌、結核 ルカニアのヴィトゥス 6月15日 てんかん、雷、家畜の保護
「ゲオルギオス」はギリシア語に由来し、その原義は「大地(geo)で働く(erg)人」、即ち「農夫」を意味する。 時代、地域によって様々な音写・転写や訛化が存在する。
テムズ川(テムズがわ、River Thames
Middle English began in the late 11th century after the Norman Conquest of England, when considerable Old French (especially Old Norman French) and Latin-derived vocabulary was incorporated into English over some three hundred years.✖ Greek
◎ Latin
2016/03/02 — ギリシャ語” 白山 ”日本プロファイル研究所” - Google 検索 via kwout. site:// バテレン ...
Saint-Georges-du-Vièvre (French pronunciation: [sɛ̃ ʒɔʁʒ dy vjɛvʁ]) is a commune in the Eure department in Normandy in northern France.
The name of the locality is attested in the form Sanctus Gregorius de Vixa (undated) (p. de Lisieux) [ 27 ] .
St. Gregory is a hagiotoponym , the church is dedicated to St. Gregory the Great .
Its name relates to the old forest of Vièvre whose name is evoked by the terra Guevre quoted in 1066 and by the mention foresta Guevra at the end of the 11th century [ 28 ] .
The forest of Vièvre ( Wewra , Wievre , in the 12th century ) occupied the left bank of the Risle , between Brionne , Lieurey and Pont-Audemer [ 29 ] .
This name of Vièvre is similar to that of the country of Woëvre in the Meuse, both containing the pre-Latin rootwbr , already encountered in Saint-Étienne-du-Vauvray. Or perhaps from Latin vipera (serpent, dragon).
グレゴリウス1世(Gregorius I, 540年? - 604年3月12日)は、ローマ教皇(在位:590年9月3日 - 604年3月12日)。問答者グレゴリウス(Dialogos Gregorios)、大聖グレゴリウスとも呼ばれる。典礼の整備、教会改革で知られ、中世初期を代表する教皇である。四大ラテン教父の一人。ローマ・カトリックでは聖人、教会博士であり、祝日は9月3日[1]。
16th century artwork made of flint stone on the outer wall of the church Saint-Grégoire in Saint-Grégoire-du-Vièvre (France). A knight is running after his horse.
16th century artwork made of flint stone on the outer wall of the church Saint-Grégoire in Saint-Grégoire-du-Vièvre (France). "The world is corrupt and deceptive sal". The meaning of sal is unknown.
Including results for Fièvre Meaning
Search only for Vièvre Meaning noun. fever [noun] (medical) (an illness causing) high body temperature and quick heart-beat.May 3, 2023
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