
モクレン ヤマボウシ ムクゲ










Pierre Magnol (8 June 1638 – 21 May 1715)[1][2] was a French botanist. He was born in the city of Montpellier, where he lived and worked for most of his life. He became Professor of Botany and Director of the Royal Botanic Garden of Montpellier and held a seat in the Académie Royale des Sciences de Paris for a short while. He was one of the innovators who devised the botanical scheme of classification. He was the first to publish the concept of plant families as they are understood today, a natural classification of groups of plants that have features in common.

Youth and education

Pierre Magnol was born into a family of apothecaries (pharmacists). His father Claude ran a pharmacy as did his grandfather Jean Magnol. Pierre's mother was from a family of physicians. Pierre's older brother Cesar succeeded his father in the pharmacy. Pierre, being one of the younger children, had more freedom to choose his own profession, and wanted to become a physician.[3] He had become devoted to natural history and especially botany at an early stage in his life, which might be regarded as self-evident for a son of a pharmacist. In Magnol's days, the study of botany and medicine were inseparable. Thus he enrolled as a student in medicine at the University of Montpellier on 19 May 1655.

By Magnol's time the city of Montpellier was already long established as an important commercial and educational centre. The University of Montpellier was officially founded in 1289 (though it is said to be older) and it was the first French university to establish a botanic garden, donated in 1593 by Henry IV of France, for the study of medicine and pharmacology. Its medical school attracted students from all over Europe. Individuals well-known in medicine and botany such as Leonhart Fuchs (1501–1566), Guillaume Rondelet (1507–1566), Charles de l'Ecluse (1526–1609), Pierre Richer de Belleval (c. 1564-1632), and the great writer (and doctor) François Rabelais (c. 1493-1553), all studied at this university.[4] So it was in one of the intellectual and botanical capitals that Magnol took his education. He got his doctor's degree (M.D.) on 11 January 1659.[3] After receiving his degree, his attention once again shifted to botany, this time even more seriously.


Montpellier was a bastion of Protestantism and Magnol was raised in the tradition of Calvinism. At that time, Roman Catholicism was the official state church, but since the Edict of Nantes (1598), Protestants officially had religious freedom and the right to work in any field or for the state. The edict did not end religious persecution and discrimination. In his life, Magnol was several times denied a position because of religious discrimination. With the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, Magnol renounced Protestantism and converted to Catholicism.[3]


Cornus kousa is a small deciduous tree 8–12 m (26–39 ft) tall, in the flowering plant family Cornaceae. Common names include kousa, kousa dogwood,[2] Chinese dogwood,[3][4] Korean dogwood,[4][5][6] and Japanese dogwood.[2][4] Synonyms are Benthamia kousa and Cynoxylon kousa.[7] It is a plant native to East Asia including Korea, China and Japan.[2][8] Widely cultivated as an ornamental, it is naturalized in New York State.[9]

The bark of Cornus species is rich in tannins and has been used in traditional medicine as a substitute for quinine.[clarification needed][22] During the American civil war, confederate soldiers made a tea from the bark to treat pain and fevers, and used dogwood leaves in a poultice to cover wounds.[23][unreliable source?]

The Japanese cornel, C. officinalis, is used in traditional Chinese medicine as shān zhū yú for several minor ailments.[24]


Hibiscus syriacus is a species of flowering plant in the mallow family, Malvaceae. It is native to Korea, and south-central and southeast China, but widely introduced elsewhere, including much of Asia.[3] It was given the epithet syriacus because it had been collected from gardens in Syria.[4][5][6] Common names include the rose of Sharon,[7] (especially in North America), Syrian ketmia,[8] shrub althea,[9] and rose mallow (in the United Kingdom). It is the national flower of South Korea and is mentioned in the South Korean national anthem.[10]

The name "Rose of Sharon" first appears in Hebrew in the Tanakh. In the Shir Hashirim ('Song of Songs' or 'Song of Solomon') 2:1, the speaker (the beloved) says "I am the rose of Sharon, a rose of the valley". The Hebrew phrase חבצלת השרון (ḥăḇaṣṣeleṯ haššārōn) was translated by the editors of the King James version of the Bible as "rose of Sharon"; however, previous translations had rendered it simply as "the flower of the field" (Septuagint "ἐγὼ ἄνθος τοῦ πεδίου",[2] Vulgate "ego flos campi",[3] Wycliffe "a flower of the field"[4]). Contrariwise, the Hebrew word ḥăḇaṣṣeleṯ occurs two times in the scriptures: in the Song, and in Isaiah 35:1, which reads, "the desert shall bloom like the rose." The word is translated "rose" in the King James version, but is rendered variously as "lily" (Septuagint "κρίνον",[5] Vulgate "lilium",[6] Wycliffe "lily"[7]), "jonquil" (Jerusalem Bible) and "crocus" (RSV).

 The Hebrew Bible or Tanakh[a] (/tɑːˈnɑːx/;[1] Hebrew: תָּנָ״ךְTānāḵ), also known in Hebrew as Miqra (/mˈkrɑː/; Hebrew: מִקְרָאMīqrāʾ), is the canonical collection of Hebrew scriptures, including the Torah, the Nevi'im, and the Ketuvim. Different branches of Judaism and Samaritanism have maintained different versions of the canon, including the 3rd-century Septuagint text used in Second Temple Judaism, the Syriac Peshitta, the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and most recently the 10th-century medieval Masoretic Text compiled by the Masoretes, currently used in Rabbinic Judaism.[2] The terms "Hebrew Bible" or "Hebrew Canon" are frequently confused with the Masoretic Text, however, this is a medieval version and one of several texts considered authoritative by different types of Judaism throughout history.[2] The current edition of the Masoretic Text is mostly in Biblical Hebrew, with a few passages in Biblical Aramaic (in the books of Daniel and Ezra, and the verse Jeremiah 10:11).[3]

The authoritative form of the modern Hebrew Bible used in Rabbinic Judaism is the Masoretic Text (7th to 10th century CE), which consists of 24 books, divided into pesuqim (verses). The Hebrew Bible developed during the Second Temple Period, as the Jews decided which religious texts were of divine origin; the Masoretic Text, compiled by the Jewish scribes and scholars of the Early Middle Ages, comprises the Hebrew and Aramaic 24 books that they considered authoritative.[2]




韓国大荒れ ムクゲが旭日旗を象徴する日本の花だったと判明













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