
スウェーデン 900万人のデータ分析結果が示唆する新型コロナワクチンの真の効果


Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines Over 13 Months Covering the Period of the Emergence of the Omicron Variant in the Swedish Population

31 Pages Posted: 20 Sep 2022

Yiyi Xu

University of Gothenburg - Department of Public Health and Community Medicine
Huiqi Li

University of Gothenburg - Department of Public Health and Community Medicine
Brian Kirui

University of Gothenburg - Department of Public Health and Community Medicine
Ailiana Santosa

University of Gothenburg - Department of Public Health and Community Medicine
Magnus Gisslen

University of Gothenburg - Department of Infectious Diseases
Susannah Leach

University of Gothenburg - Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Bjorn Wettermark

Uppsala University - Department of Pharmacoepidemiology & Social Pharmacy
Lowie E.G.W. Vanfleteren

Sahlgrenska University Hospital - COPD Center
Fredrik Nyberg

University of Gothenburg - Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

 Figure 2. Restrict cubic spline of overall vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 infection (a)
 and severe outcomes [hospitalization (b), ICU admission (c), death (d)] after two doses.
 Legend: VE denotes vaccine effectiveness. Area within dotted line indicates 95% confidence
 intervals. Red line indicate VE=0.
 VE after two doses before and after the emergence of the Omicron
The more fast-waning VE that we observed for the entire follow-up than in other earlier
 published data appeared likely to be related to the emergence of Omicron.
Therefore, the
 analyses for the pre-Omicron and Omicron periods separately are particularly important.
 There was a large difference in VE against infection before and after the emergence of
 Omicron. Before Omicron, VE was above 85% for most time intervals (Figure 3a, Table S8),
 whereas VE was lower and decreased quickly for infection caused by Omicron and two doses
 of vaccine showed no protection against infection by week 14 (Figure 3b, Table S8).
 A difference in VE from pre-Omicron and Omicron period was also observed for
 hospitalization, but it was not as large as for infection (Figure 3c and 3d, Table S9). Before
 Omicron, VE was stable, durable, and high (above 85%), while VE against hospitalization
 caused by Omicron was about 80% up to week 25 and then decreased but showed some
 protection against hospitalization during the entire follow-up


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               頭 大 丈 夫 で す か ?
         今 ま で の 人 生 何 し て た ん で す か ?
           惰 眠 を 貪 っ て た ん で す か ?


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もう無駄でしょうし諦めが肝心です 勇者はうつしかないでしょ
