
ファイザーゲート 終にスペインで元WHO幹部が医薬品の過剰摂取が死亡数を4倍に増やしたと衝撃的『陰謀論』を証言

 Summary of the appearance of Dr Joan-Ramón Laporte Roselló at the

commission on vaccine surveillance at the Spanish Parliament. 7 Feb, 2022



(1) Vaccines are not true vaccines; they are only pharmacological treatments and are an unprecedented global pharmaceutical experiment.

(2) There is no data to conclude that vaccines save lives against Omicron.

(3) Vaccines have some serious adverse effects that have been and continue to be hidden.

(4) Pharma companies committed fraud in clinical trials. The clinical trials conducted by the pharmaceutical companies prior to commercial launch did not prove that the vaccines saved lives.

(5) It should not be ruled out that in children these vaccines cause more deaths than the disease.

(6) Covid passports are useless because the vaccines do not prevent transmission at all. The passports have probably helped to increase transmission.

(7) A large number of drugs that are (and were before the pandemic) massively prescribed without justification for the elderly, increase the risk of pneumonia up to 4 times, which probably increased the vulnerability of the elderly when the pandemic hit.

(8) Spain is one of the most permissive countries in terms of conflicts of interest between pharmaceutical companies and the health system, medical professionals and medical associations.

(9) There is nothing to indicate that vaccines help save lives against Omicron. Third and fourth doses are not justified. Clearly are not justified for children and youth.


"First of all, I will introduce myself. I started Pharmacovigilance in Spain and the SEFV in the eighties, I was director of the SEFV coordinating centre and member of the CNFV until the creation of the AEMPS in 1999, and from this date until now I have been an external expert of this institution (for a time member of its Advisory Council). I was chairman of the WHO Committee for Essential Medicines in 2004. I have published more than 250 original research papers, peer reviewed, in clinical pharmacology, drug monitoring and drug epidemiology, and directed the WHO Collaborating Centre in FE until 2017. I am currently also an external expert for the EMA, in the field of pharmacovigilance and I am part of the Scientific Committee of the GIS EPI-PHARE of the French Medicines Agency and the French High Authority for Health.  I have no conflicts of interest related to the pharmaceutical or medical device industry".

"So-called messenger RNA vaccines are not true vaccines. They are drugs based on a technology never used in therapeutics until now, let alone in mass campaigns. Hence, mass vaccination has been a great global experiment, unprecedented in history".

"In the latest report of the Spanish Agency of Pharmacovigilance there are more than 55,000 notifications for adverse effects of vaccines until this January 9, 2022, of which 375 had a fatal outcome and more than 11,000 were classified as serious."

"Despite the fact that children and adolescents were already being vaccinated at the date of publication, and that the Agency cites 872 adverse events in children under 20 years of age, its


report does not comment on cases in this age group, precisely the one that raises the greatest uncertainties about the appropriateness of vaccination"

"In collaboration with RxISK, a group of medical experts with an international reputation for early detection of adverse drug effects, we have so far interviewed and reviewed the medical records of participants in clinical trials (one in Pfizer adult, one in Pfizer paediatrics and one in Astra Zeneca adult), who have suffered serious and disabling [lifelong] adverse effects, and who have literally "disappeared" from the reports of these trials. I can say that it is not true that serious adverse events are not recorded in clinical trials; but we are beginning to learn that some have been swept under the carpet. These cases will be made public in a few weeks on the RxISK website, with names and surnames of those affected, and of the doctors who treated them."

"In addition to fraud, biased presentation of results is also common in the publication of clinical trials. This bias consists, for example, in expressing efficacy in relative rather than absolute terms. For example, in the Pfizer trial, 162 cases of Covid were reported in the placebo group compared to 8 in the vaccinated group, a difference in relative terms of 95% (8 is 5% of 160). However, the reality was that the incidence of positive PCR (only PCR, not even clinical disease) was less than 1% in the placebo group and 0.04% in the vaccinated group, a difference of less than 0.9% in absolute terms. An improvement in efficacy of less than 1% in absolute terms."

"Recently the BMJ described irregularities in the Pfizer trial, known as PfizerGate. In Pfizer's clinical trials, there were 14 deaths in the placebo group and 15 in the vaccinated group. In the Moderna trial, the same number of deaths, 14, were recorded in both groups. No ladies and gentlemen, Members of Parliament, clinical trials have not proven that vaccines save lives. The number of deaths recorded in each group was not even mentioned in the two articles published in the NEJM, and can only be found after reviewing dozens of pages of supplementary material posted on the web."

"Instead of noting the 20-30% decline in relative vaccine efficacy in 6 months as a vaccine inefficiency, the manufacturers greeted this news with stock price hikes: if the product is ineffective, repeat doses, if possible, for a lifetime, the dream of any cholesterol or osteoporosis drug or hair-grower salesman."

"The efficacy of the vaccines against the Delta strain was inferior to their efficacy against the Alpha strain. And recent experience has shown that vaccines do not work against the Omicron strain, despite calls for the population to be vaccinated [to get third doses] against the Omicron strain."

"It is clear that vaccines do not prevent transmission of the disease, so the COVID passport has no scientific basis, and furthermore may have contributed to an increase in the number of cases."

"The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has reacted late, pachydermically and insufficiently to the signs of undesirable effects that have emerged (thrombosis, heart attacks, myocarditis, etc.), and its hesitations have not helped the authorities of the member states to orient the vaccination campaign according to the results obtained. Procedures and bureaucracy have prevailed over science, common sense and attention to the uncertainties inherent in the overall experiment undertaken. This is not (just) an incident or the ineptitude of an official.

The EMA, more than 80% funded by fees from pharmaceutical companies, is designed to authorise the marketing of drugs and vaccines, but not to interact with the health systems of member states."


"Mortality has been 57 times higher in nursing homes. A large number of drugs that are (and were before the pandemic) massively and unjustifiably prescribed to the elderly, increase the risk of pneumonia by 2 to 4 times. Seventy-five percent of those over 70 years of age take at least one of these drugs, which probably increased the vulnerability of the elderly at the time of the pandemic. A recent study in Scotland concludes that 38% of severe or fatal Covid-19 cases up to June 2020 are attributable to exposure to these drugs."

"The health system has a clear responsibility on this issue. This parliament approved a few years ago the tax deductibility of in-kind income received for 'training' by healthcare professionals. This income comes from the pharmaceutical industry, which is the main direct or indirect supplier of continuing training in Spain. I wonder, ladies and gentlemen, what conventional company would accept as normal that its workers receive gifts and money from its main supplier of raw materials?"

"Several studies and comparative analyses have shown that Spain is the most permissive EU member in terms of conflicts of interest and opaque relationships of health professionals with pharmaceutical companies. The same is true of medical societies and their experts."

"In this regard, I was surprised that none of the representatives of professional corporations, speakers [in this Vaccine Surveillance Committee], made the slightest allusion to the conflicts of interest of most of the Spanish medical societies, of the members of their boards and their working groups. And it struck me that you [the Spanish MPs] did not ask about these conflicts of interest.

"The epidemic does not affect all age groups in the same way. And the vaccine does not have the same adverse effects at all ages. Consequently, the magnitude of the beneficial effect and also the magnitude of the risks varies with age. There is consensus on the protective effect on the community of the 1st and 2nd doses, but not on the 3rd and 4th doses. Lack of studies, need to examine results in real time to resolve major uncertainties."

"Do not rule out that in children these vaccines cause more deaths than disease."

"Vaccines do not reduce mortality against Omicron. I do not question the need to give a dose to the whole population, but the story of third and fourth doses without specifying the risk groups that need them seems to me to be techno-idolatry, ignorant of what is happening."

"I am not anti-vaccine, I just want to point out that we are facing an experiment that potentially concerns the entire population, and that is carried out with new products that are not really vaccines, but medicines, and therefore should be monitored.


Resumen de la comparecencia del Dr. Joan-Ramón Laporte Roselló en la

comisión sobre vigilancia de las vacunas del parlamento español. 7 feb, 2022



(1) Las vacunas no son verdaderas vacunas; sólo son tratamientos farmacológicos y

son un experimento farmacéutico a nivel mundial sin precedentes.

(2) No hay datos para concluir que las vacunas salvan vidas contra el Omicron.



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>AFPBB News - 1 時間前

【2月11日 AFP=時事】エイズウイルス(HIV)を共同発見し、2008年にノーベル医学生理学賞(Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine)を受賞したフランスの科学者、リュック・モンタニエ(Luc Montagnier)氏が8日、死去した。89歳。

モンタニエ氏は、HIVをフランソワーズ・バレシヌシ(Francoise Barre-Sinoussi)氏と共同発見した。しかし後年、ワクチンに反対するなど突飛な主張を発信し始め、科学界から異端視されるようになった。新型コロナウイルスの流行が始まってからは、同ウイルスは人工的に生み出されたものであり、変異株の発生はワクチンが原因だといった持論を展開。ウイルス学者や疫学者からは否定され、科学界での孤立を深めたが、フランスの反ワクチン派の間では大きな人気を集めた。

>共同通信社 - 昨日 20:43


読売新聞 - 昨日 21:48




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