
コロナワクチン接種後の抗体レベル、毎月40%のペースで低下 今年一月に接種した場合、感染に対する有効率はたった16%


HMO: Early vaccinees are twice as likely to catch COVID as later recipients

Latest research ‘definitely’ reinforces argument for giving boosters to the elderly, says lab chief at Leumit

Health care workers on duty taking swabs for coronavirus tests in Jerusalem, July 22, 2021. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

People vaccinated before late February are twice as likely to catch the coronavirus than other inoculated Israelis, according to new research.

“We looked at tens of thousands of people tested in the month of June, alongside data on how long had passed since their second shot, and found that those vaccinated early were more likely to test positive,” Dr. Yotam Shenhar, who headed the research, told The Times of Israel.

“This definitely reinforces the argument for giving a third vaccine dose to the elderly.”

The report, published by the healthcare provider Leumit, comes on the heels of other Israeli studies that suggest a decreasing vaccine effectiveness, partly as a result of the Delta variant and partly because of the passage of time. However, British data indicates the Israeli studies may be overstating the case.

Data released by the Health Ministry on Thursday suggested that people vaccinated in January were said to have just 16% protection against infection now, while in those vaccinated in April the effectiveness was at 75%

An Israeli youth receives a COVID-19 vaccine in Tel Aviv on July 6, 2021. (Jamal Awad/Flash90)

Shenhar, head of Leumit’s labs, acknowledged that the early vaccinators group includes many people who raced to get shots because they have underlying illnesses, which may make them more vulnerable to infection. But he said that could not fully account for the stark effect seen in the data.

Shenhar said the data should prompt the government to seriously consider booster shots for over-70s.

“Now we see vaccination effectiveness drops, so it seems we definitely need to think about a third vaccine,” he said. “We have started already by giving the immunocompromised, but in my assessment we need to consider giving third shots to everyone over 70 or 80. We shouldn’t wait long; we need to make a decision fast.”

If he were formulating policy, Shenhar said, he would “definitely” start giving boosters to elderly Israelis.

In his study, the apparent waning effect in immunity was felt across all ages. For all age groups, early vaccinators were 1.95 times more likely to be confirmed coronavirus positive. Among those aged 60-plus, early vaccinators are twice as likely to get infected. For those aged 40-59 early vaccinators are 2.1 times more vulnerable, and among under 39s they are 1.6 more likely to catch the coronavirus.

In a previous analysis we showed that as time passes since the vaccine, the level of antibodies drops at a rate of about 40% per month. This new study builds a clearer picture of the effect seen in the months after vaccination,” said Shenhar.

Israel has seen a dramatic rise in recent COVID-19 infections, with the daily caseload rising from several dozen to over 1,400 in recent days.




Fewer than 1% of all patients who fall severely ill with COVID-19 are later reinfected - suggesting immunity could last for MONTHS, study finds

  • Patients who recover from severe COVID-19 cases are very unlikely to be infected again, a new study shows
  • The analysis examined over 9,000 patients with severe cases and found that only 0.7% tested positive after recovery
  • Of the 63 patients who were reinfected, only two died from COVID-19 during their second infection
  • Non-white patients, those with asthma, and smokers were more likely to test positive again
  • Researchers say COVID-19 reinfection is still possible, though, especially if patients encounter the Indian Delta variant 

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https://floridanewstimes.com › covid...
COVID-19 update: Vaccine protection may decline after 7 months, BioNTech CEO said in a published report - Florida News Times
13 分前 — BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin, who helped develop the Pfizer vaccine, told the Wall Street Journal that “antibody levels have declined seven months after immunization of some vaccinated people,” but “most of them are heavy. It remains protected from serious illness. ” A third vaccination may not be necessary. “

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2021/01/20 — 男性および65歳未満の男性も平均してより迅速に抗体が陽転した。 症状の46日後以降のサンプルでセロコンバージョンした症例のうち、ほとんどの ...

https://www.niid.go.jp › coronaPDF
2021 年 7 月 15 日現在 - 厚生労働省-戸山研究庁舎2021/07/15 — Roche N 抗体,Roche S 抗体測定)によると、S 抗体保有割合(感染もしくはワクチン接種による抗体獲得を意味する)は 40 歳以上の成人では 95%に到達し、30-39 歳群の抗体陽性割合も第 18 週以降大きく上昇し 87%に到達しています。一方の N 抗体保有割合(感染による抗体獲得を意味する)は、高齢群では横ばいで推移していますが、17-

https://www.meiji.co.jp › detail05
【インフルエンザの基礎知識】インフルエンザの抗体はどうやってできて、いつまでもつ? / インフルエンザNavi - 明治|株式会社 明治 - Meiji Co., Ltd.
2015/11/24 — インフルエンザのワクチンを接種して抗体ができるまでは2週間ほどかかり、一度できた抗体による免疫の持続期間は5か月ほどです。

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https://www.niid.go.jp › niid › 9303...
コロナウイルスとは - 厚生労働省-戸山研究庁舎(2020年01月10日掲載)


ヒトに日常的に感染する4種類のコロナウイルス(Human Coronavirus:HCoV)は、HCoV-229E、HCoV-OC43、HCoV-NL63、HCoV-HKU1である。風邪の10~15%(流行期35%)はこれら4種のコロナウイルスを原因とする。冬季に流行のピークが見られ、ほとんどの子供は6歳までに感染を経験する。多くの感染者は軽症だが、高熱を引き起こすこともある。HCoV-229E、HCoV-OC43が最初に発見されたのは1960年代であり、HCoV-NL63とHCoV-HKU1は2000年代に入って新たに発見された。





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しゃぶ中 ならぬ ワク中(爆)
