


Getting a flu jab slashes the risk of being hospitalised with Covid by up to 60%, study finds

  • Miami scientists found flu vaccine provides crossover protection against Covid 
  • They looked at medical records of 75,000 patients with Covid in the US and UK
  • Those jabbed against flu also vastly less likely to suffer Covid complications 

 Getting a flu vaccine slashes the risk of falling severely ill with Covid, a study has suggested.

An analysis of nearly 75,000 coronavirus patients found those who received an annual influenza jab were 60 per cent less likely to end up in A&E compared to people not vaccinated against flu.

 However, the analysis — which included patient data from the US and UK — did not find having a flu vaccine reduced patients’ chance of dying from Covid.

The researchers, from the University of Miami, said it was not clear why having a flu jab offers some protection from Covid.

But they pointed to previous research which showed vaccines can boost the body’s innate immune system, improving its overall defences against disease.

The study comes as the UK government considers offering Covid vaccine boosters alongside a winter flu vaccine programme from September onwards and making flu vaccination a condition of deployment for NHS staff.

No10 has already made Covid jabs mandatory in care homes to protect elderly and frail residents who are most at risk of getting severely ill with the virus.


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