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China is vaccinating a staggering 20 million people a day

Zoltán Kis, a chemical engineer in the Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub at Imperial College London, doesn’t know of “anything even close to those production scales” for a vaccine. “The manufacturing efforts required in China to reach this high production throughput are tremendous,” he says.

Supplying vaccines to the world

China’s current vaccine production rate could potentially make a significant dent in global demand, says Kis; that would be “a huge step in reducing the health-care and economic burden of the COVID-19 pandemic”. China has already supplied 350 million doses of the two vaccines to more than 75 nations, and WHO approval should now trigger the further distribution of both vaccines to low-income countries.

“China’s vaccination campaign got off to a slow start, but has rapidly picked up pace,” says Rongjun Chen, a biomaterials scientist also at the Future Vaccine Manufacturing Research Hub. As recently as mid-April, China was administering only about five million doses a day.

According to an official at China’s National Health Commission, the nation aims to produce some three billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines in 2021 — and up to five billion per year after that.

To achieve such high production rates, many things need to go according to plan across the entire production and distribution chain, from sourcing raw materials to manufacturing active ingredients, filling vials and distributing doses to vaccination centres, says Kis. “It is crucial that everything arrives at the right location at the right time.”

A growing challenge

China’s production capacity is especially noteworthy given that both CoronaVac and the Sinopharm vaccine are made from inactivated virus. Scientists say that vaccines of this type require more time and effort to produce than do COVID-19 vaccines based on mRNA technology, such as the Pfizer or Moderna shots. To produce killed virus, manufacturers first need to grow it in living cells in large bioreactors, which can take months, explains Kis.

To achieve its massive gains, China probably leveraged its existing capacity for manufacturing inactivated-virus vaccines against other diseases, including influenza and hepatitis A, says Jin Dong-Yan, a virologist at the University of Hong Kong.

As of 6 June, China had administered 778 million doses to its population of about 1.4 billion people. At the current rate, it could fully vaccinate its whole population in around three months.

But it is unlikely to be able to maintain this pace, says Raina Macintyre, an epidemiologist at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. Most people vaccinated so far have been in cities, such as Beijing — where 87% of adults have received at least their first shot — but the job will get harder as the campaign fans out to rural areas and small villages, she says.



Vaccines include: Sinopharm, Sinovac

Number of doses required: 2 doses, intramuscular

Other licensed vaccines that use this type of technology: Hepatitis A, polio, rabies (all inactivated type) 

What to know: The whole virus vaccine uses a weakened or deactivated form of the pathogen that causes COVID-19 to trigger protective immunity to it. 

The two vaccines mentioned above – Sinopharm and Sinovac – both use inactivated pathogens, therefore they cannot infect cells and replicate, but can trigger an immune response.

Benefits: According to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (GAVI), the advantages of an inactivated whole virus vaccine include the fact its technology is well established, it is suitable for people with compromised immune systems, and it’s relatively simple to manufacture.

Challenges: Booster shots may be required.



Vaccines include: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna

Number of doses required: 2 doses, intramuscular

Other licensed vaccines that use this type of technology: None

What to know: Since no other existing licensed or approved vaccine uses this type of technology, the Messenger RNA (mRNA) variety could be mistaken for something completely new to healthcare. However, a number of mRNA vaccines have been studied in the past for illnesses and diseases including cytomegalovirus (CMV), influenza, rabies, and the Zika virus.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): “Researchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades. Interest has grown in these vaccines because they can be developed in a laboratory using readily available materials. This means the process can be standardised and scaled up, making vaccine development faster than traditional methods of making vaccines.”

So how does it reportedly work? The COVID-19 RNA vaccine consists of mRNA molecules made in a lab that code for parts of the SARS-CoV-2 virus – specifically the virus’ spike protein.

Once injected into the body, the mRNA instructs the cells to produce antigens – such as the spike protein mentioned – which are then detected by immune cells, triggering a response by the body’s lymphocytes.

The killer T-cells destroy the infected cells, while the B-cells and helper T-cells support antibody production. Whoever is exposed to the COVID-19 coronavirus in the future would have an immune system that recognises it, and in turn fight off the infection.

Benefits: According to the University of Cambridge’s PHG Foundation, advantages include good safety (since there are no live components, there’s no risk of the vaccine triggering disease), reliability, and that it’s relatively simple to manufacture.

Challenges: Disadvantages include unintended effects (such as an unintended immune reaction), ensuring effective delivery into the body (since free RNA in the body is quickly broken down), storage issues, plus the fact that this type of vaccine has never previously been licensed for humans.


13 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Sinovac TAG Report CoronaVacTM - WHO/OMS: Extranet ...
https://extranet.who.int › default › files › documents
21 時間前 — EUL assessment report of COVID-19 vaccine (Vero cell) Inactivated submitted by Sinovac Life Science Co., Ltd., P.R. ... satisfactory safety profile and no severe hypersensitivity and anaphylaxis reactions have been recorded.

匿名 さんのコメント...

新型コロナ: アイロムG、感染研とコロナワクチン開発で申請 ...https://www.nikkei.com › article
May 1, 2020 — アイロムグループ子会社のIDファーマと感染研は、エイズなど感染症のワクチン開発で以前から連携して. ... IDファーマは新型コロナウイルスについて、中国の復旦大学付属上海公衆衛生臨床センターと2月から共同開発を開始 ...

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Posted by ワクチン評論家 at 2021年06月29日 17:00


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都民ファーストの会公約 五輪“無観客で”|日テレNEWS24
https://www.news24.jp › 2021/06/15·
小池知事との連携については「さまざま意見交換はしている」とだけ述べ、明言しませんでした。 また、新型コロナウイルス対策では、都の施設を活用した「​爆速ワクチン接種計画」を掲げ、都民の接種を加速 ...
Jun 15, 2021

匿名 さんのコメント...

新型コロナ: KMバイオ、コロナワクチンを承認申請へ 22年7月 ...
https://www.nikkei.com › article
Jun 4, 2021 — 明治ホールディングス傘下のKMバイオロジクス(熊本市)は4日、開発中の新型コロナウイルスワクチンについて、2022年7月にも厚生労働省に製造 ... 同社は「​不活化ワクチン」と呼ばれるタイプのワクチンを開発している。

新型コロナ: コロナワクチン、臨床試験21年春にも KMバイオ ...
https://www.nikkei.com › article
May 25, 2020 — 明治ホールディングス(HD)傘下でワクチン製造のKMバイオロジクス(熊本市​)は25日、開発に着手する新型 ... 大量に培養したウイルスを薬剤などで感染性や毒性をなくしてワクチンとして利用する「不活化ワクチン」の開発を ... また、​KMバイオロジクスが熊本県内に保有する新型インフルエンザワクチン用の生産設備をコロナ用ワクチンの生産に活用できないか検討するとした。

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https://maonline.jp › articles › daiichi...
Mar 25, 2021 — 第一三共<4568>と明治ホールディングス<2269>傘下のKMバイオロジクス(​熊本市)の両社は2021年3 ... 長年の使用実績があり安全性は高いが、一般的に不​活化ワクチンは感染を防止する力が弱いため、十分な免疫力を得るためには何度も接種する必要がある。 ... いずれのワクチンも実用化にたどり着くのは2022年になりそうで、2021年中は外国製ワクチンに頼らざるを ...

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