

Experimental vaccine death rate for Israel’s elderly 40 times higher than COVID-19 deaths: researchers
Pfizer's vaccine killed ‘about 40 times more (elderly) people’ and ‘260 times’ more of the young than ‘what the COVID-19 virus would have claimed in the given time frame.’

Mon Mar 1, 2021 - 9:12 pm EST

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March 1, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — While in January a group of independent doctors concluded that experimental COVID-19 vaccines are “not safer” than the virus itself, a new analysis of vaccine-related death rates in Israel demonstrates that this may indeed be the case to dramatic levels.

A re-analysis of published data from the Israeli Health Ministry by Dr. Hervé Seligmann, a member of the faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases at Aix-Marseille University, and engineer Haim Yativ reveal, in short, that the mRNA experimental vaccine from Pfizer killed “about 40 times more (elderly) people than the disease itself would have killed” during a recent five-week vaccination period. Among the younger class, these numbers are compounded to death rates at 260 times what the COVID-19 virus would have claimed in the given time frame.

While the full mathematical analysis may be found in the article itself, the authors demonstrate how among “those vaccinated and above 65, 0.2 percent … died during the three-week period between doses, hence about 200 among 100,000 vaccinated. This is to be compared to the 4.91 dead among 100,000 dying from COVID-19 without vaccination.”

“This scary picture also extends to those below 65,” the researchers continued. During the five-week vaccination process “0.05 percent, meaning 50 among 100,000, died. This is to be compared to the 0.19 per 100,000 dying from COVID-19 (who) are not vaccinated … Hence the death rate of this age group increased by 260 (times) during this five-week period of the vaccination process, as compared to their natural COVID-19 death rate.”

As reported by IsraelNationalNews (INN), Seligmann is of Israeli-Luxembourg nationality, has a biology degree from Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and has written more than 100 scientific publications. INN reports the researchers “have no conflicts or interests other than having children in Israel.”

Yativ and Seligmann stipulate that even these “estimated numbers of deaths from the vaccine are probably much lower than actual numbers as it accounts only for those defined as COVID-19 deaths for that short time period and does not include AVC and cardiac (and other) events resulting from the inflammatory reactions.”

Nor do these numbers “account for long-term complications,” they write.

In addition, within several months they expect “mid- and long-term adverse effects of the vaccination as ADE (Antibody-dependent Enhancement)” begins to become manifest in those who have received the experimental Pfizer vaccine.

As explained by America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), ADE “is when anti-COVID antibodies, created by a vaccine, instead of protecting the person, cause a more severe or lethal disease when the person is later exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in the wild. The vaccine amplifies the infection rather than preventing damage.”

AFLDS provides an example of a vaccine produced to fight the Dengue fever, which resulted in deaths of 600 children in the Philippines due to ADE, and the filing of criminal charges against the decisionmakers in 2019.

For these reasons and more, AFLDS and many other doctors strongly discourage the use of these experimental vaccines for most people while only acknowledging that it may be plausible for those over 70 years of age, yet acknowledging that such injections are “a higher risk than early or prophylactic treatment with established medications” (sources here, here, here, and here).

Given these death rates, Yativ and Seligmann also have harsh criticism for the severe pressure being imposed upon the population by Israeli authorities to receive these shots. According to INN, the researchers call these draconian efforts “a new Holocaust.”

In the past weeks, Israel’s government made headlines when they a “green pass” system, allowing people who have been injected to receive a green code, which then grants them entry into places such as entertainment and leisure facilities.

As the country reopens after a two-month lockdown, the green pass would be given only to those who had been injected, not to people who tested negative for the virus. The proposed benefits include access to “non-essential” businesses as well as not being required to self-isolate if identified as a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19, and not having to self-isolate after a return from a what the government calls a “red location.”

Despite there being no proof that these experimental vaccines actually prevent transmission of the virus, Israel’s minister for health, Yuli Edelstein, said upon the release of the vaccine “passport” that “(g)etting vaccinated is a moral duty. It is part of our mutual responsibility.” He went further, declaring, “Whoever does not get vaccinated will be left behind.”

The green pass needs renewing every six months, and despite holding one, an individual must still abide by masking and physical distancing rules. The Jerusalem Post also reported that legislation is being considered to grant employers the right to refuse unvaccinated people entry into the workplace.

Such measures prompted Business Insider to describe the country as “waging a war on the unvaccinated.” Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden, has styled Israel’s vaccination response as “extraordinarily good.”




The uncovering of the vaccination data in Israel reveals a frightening picture

The uncovering of the vaccination data in Israel reveals a frightening picture

Analyses below of an article promoting COVID-19 vaccination enable to uncover all vaccination data and a frightening situation

Second draft
On February 11 2021 Ynet (the most known Israeli News website) published a confused and confusing article entitled "Vaccination efficiency data in Israel, and its rapid effects on the young".

Our reanalyses of these data explain why during the massive vaccination project initiated mid-December 2020 during a confinement, daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases failed to decrease as they do during confinements, and, more importantly, why numbers of serious, critical and death cases increased during that period that covered at least one month. From mid-December to mid-February (two months), 2337 among all Israeli 5351 official COVID-deaths occurred.Our analyses indicate orders of magnitude increases in deaths rates during the 5-week long vaccination process, as compared to the unvaccinated and those after completing the vaccination process. Presumably, asymptomatic cases before vaccination, and those infected shortly after the 1st dose, tend to develop graver symptoms than those unvaccinated.
The Ynet article is organised in an exciting way and uses data provided in an erroneous way by the Ministry of Health. It is unclear whether this was intentional to prove the vaccine's efficiency or if this was done erroneously because the provided data were misunderstood.Note that in Israel, all vaccines are from Pfizer.

We bring a very important example from the article, in relation to the table provided by the Ministry of Health. As per the text "However, 546 among the dead were such that were not at all vaccinated or got the first vaccination dose within two weeks before their death" differs from the table. This is clearly unfounded because all data presented in the table and provided below describe only COVID-19 patients that got at least the first vaccination dose. This is clear from examining the table. The grand total is 43781 COVID patients who got the first or the second vaccine dose. Among the total of 660 deaths, 546 got only the first dose.
The data in the table, rather than indicating the vaccine efficiency, indicate the vaccine's adverse effects.

For that purpose we need first to understand that the provided table describes the state of COVID-19 patients that got the first or the second vaccine dose at given dates, as started in the article "…emerges from the data that among 856 patients above 60 years in serious state hospitalized at this time…" we assume that the article published February 11 reflects the situation in hospitals the previous day, hence February 10 2021, or February 11 2021.
On February 10, the number of serious active cases was 1056 according to the control panel of the Ministry of Health, see photo below.

This surprisingly shows that most serious hospitalized cases on February 10 or at a near date were in fact vaccinated with the first dose or up to two weeks after the second dose. See the table of the vaccinated patients showing 1031 serious and 220 critical cases at the time the table was done. This matches the article in hebrew from February 1st 2021 "Can one show that the vaccine from Pfizer is today's major cause for high death rates in Israel and the world?".
However, this is not the last surprise we get from examining the data from the Ministry of Health.
We can substract the number of people with the first vaccine dose on January 19 2021 from that on February 10 2021. During these 21 days, 1331881 Israeli citizens got the first dose. The table shows that 568 among these died, hence 0.042% and that 39047 among them became a COVID-19 case, hence 2.9 %.
For the 2nd dose we focus on data specific to two weeks after the 2nd vaccination according to the table.

From January 26 to February 10 2021 909102 Israeli citizens got the 2nd vaccine dose. Among these according to the table, 92 died, 0.01%.
Hence, during the 5 weeks since the first dose at least 0.05% of first dose recipients died. This death rate relates mainly to a relatively young population whose vaccination stated on January 19, a period during which most vaccinated were below 65.
In order to estimate the death rate of those above 65 which were mostly vaccinated before that period we use data reported by the USA-based VAERS,

There we found, see article in english, that the ratio of deaths by those above 65 vs those below 65 is about 4.42 (155/35). Hence the death rate of those above 65 between the first and the second vaccination dose should be until January 19 0.042 (the death rate of those below 65) multiplied by 4.42, resulting in 0.186%, which is close to the 0.2% reported by the Ministry of Health on January 21 2021.
This value of 0.2 % death has been mysteriously modified later on by the Ministry of Health and was switched to 0.005 without any explanation, see article in hebrew. Above considerations show that the death rate data provided first were correct, the updated death rate data might have been intended to suggest lower death rates among the elderly.

The exposures do not end here.
The number of COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated since the start of the vaccination action seems to explain the increased death rates from COVID-19 observed since December 2020.
For that purpose, we calculate the products of the number of vaccinated people above age 65 by 0.2 and the number of vaccinated people below 65 by 0.04. This shows that most COVID-19 deaths in that period are for vaccinated people, as shows the table provided by the Ministry of health at the beginning of February.

During the vaccination action from mid-December until mid-February, 2337 among all 5351 COVID-19 deaths reported for Israel occurred, 43.7%. Among these, since January 19, 1271 COVID-19 deaths were reported for Israel.The table provided by the Ministry of Health on February 10 states 660 COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated, 51.9% of the deaths for that period. Only 1.3 million Israeli, among 8 million (about 1 in 8, 12.5%), were vaccinated during that period. Accordingly, vaccination promotes deaths because 51.9% of deaths during that period are for the 12.5% vaccinated in that period. In addition the serious and critical cases during that period is more than the reported serious cases, the adverse effect of the vaccination process is most likely worse than what appears from the data at hand.

The horror continues. The deaths among those vaccinated should be added to the numerous AVC and cardiac events reported just after vaccination that are not included among COVID-19 deaths which about double the deaths among those vaccinated, whose numbers remain unknown and which we will try to find in the coming days.
At this point we state that vaccinations caused more deaths than the coronavirus would have during the same period.
Among those vaccinated and above 65, 0.2% of those vaccinated died during the 3-week period between doses, hence about 200 among 100000 vaccinated. This is to be compared to the 4.91 dead among 100000 dying from COVID-19 without vaccination, see below. This should not be confused with the COVID-19 0.279 deaths among 100000 reported for those who completed the vaccination process, meaning 2 weeks after the second dose, see below table from the Ynet article.

This scary picture also extends to those below 65, among which, for the 5 weeks during the complete vaccination process 0.05%, meaning 50 among 100000, died. This is to be compared to the 0.19 per 100000 dying from COVID-19 and that are not vaccinated in that age group, as per the above table. Hence the death rate of this age group increased by 260 during this 5-week period of the vaccination process, as compared to their natural COVID-19 death rate.

A simple way to pass these points across relate to the monthly COVID-19 deaths rates since the start of the pandemic and until mid-December, 3014 deaths, hence 3014/9 = 334.9 deaths per month. Monthly death rates since mid-December are 2337/2 = 1168.5 deaths per month, hence 3.5 times greater.

We conclude that the Pfizer vaccines, for the elderly, killed during the 5-week vaccination period about 40 times more people than the disease itself would have killed, and about 260 times more people than the disease among the younger age class. We stress that this is in order to produce a green passport valid at most 6 months, and promote Pfizer sales.
These estimated numbers of deaths from the vaccine are probably much lower than actual numbers as it accounts only for those defined as COVID-19 deaths for that short time period and does not include AVC and cardiac (and other) events resulting from the inflammatory reactions in tens of reports documented on the NAKIM site, which themselves are only the iceberg's tip, see here.

This does not account for long-term complications described in a criminal complaint filed in December 2020 in France and which was translated to english, see here.
Looking back, this explains why the serious COVID-19 cases increased as vaccination started, and why cases started to decline when vaccination was opened to the young and continue to decline as the vaccination national campaign is losing its momentum.

We hope that this massacre will not include those below 13, as these have an increased adverse reaction rate, including death, to vaccines as shown by multi-decennial data from the VAERS reports in the USA.
We summarise that the pandemic may be predicted for the coming weeks. The decrease in vaccinations and in vaccination age will cause a decrease in serious cases, mainly not because of the protection by the vaccine, but because fewer people will die from the vaccine and other adverse vaccine reactions.

This will be temporary as in a few months we expect to face mid- and long-term adverse effects of the vaccination as ADE (Antibody-dependent Enhancement) and the vaccination-resistant mutants selected by the vaccines. But this should occur after the soon coming elections and the (survivor) voters won’t have another opportunity to express their disappointment at the voting poll.

Thanks to Dr Hervé Seligmann for his huge support on data analysis.



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4 日前 — Austria and Denmark, chafing at the slow rollout of COVID-19 vaccines within the European Union, have joined forces with Israel to produce second-generation vaccines against mutations of ...

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