

US, Japan decide to extend military-support agreement for another year

By SETH ROBSON | STARS AND STRIPES Published: February 17, 2021
TOKYO – Washington and Tokyo have decided to extend an agreement on Japanese financial support for approximately 54,000 U.S. troops in the country, Japan’s government said Wednesday.

A Ministry of Foreign Affairs statement confirmed a Thursday report by the Kyodo news agency that said the agreement, which had been due to expire next month, would be extended for a year.

Under the deal, Japan will pay roughly $1.91 billion toward the cost of utilities, labor and training for American military personnel during the coming fiscal year, on par with the current level, according to Kyodo.

Cost-sharing talks will resume in April, after Japan's fiscal year 2021 begins, the report said.

Former President Donald Trump had demanded Japan pay $8 billion a year for hosting U.S. troops in the country, former national security adviser John Bolton wrote in his memoir, “The Room Where It Happened,” published in June.



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