
英国HSBC マスク着用拒否の客の口座解約示唆


UK Bank Threatens to Cancel Accounts if Customers Refuse to Wear Masks


HSBC has said it will “reserve the right” to cancel the accounts of customers who refuse to wear masks inside its UK branches.

The British-based bank — the Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) founded in 1865 — said that masks are mandatory in all branches unless visitors have a medical exemption.

A spokesman for HSBC told The Mirror on Tuesday that it advises its customers: “If you do visit us, please wear a face covering and maintain a safe distance from others. If individuals put themselves or our colleagues at risk, without a medical exemption, we reserve the right to withdraw their account.”

In December, the British multinational froze the account of a church in Hong Kong that backed the pro-democracy movement. That same month, HSBC also froze the accounts of exiled Hong Kong lawmaker Ted Hui, his wife, and his parents, reportedly under the orders of Chinese Communist Party-controlled police.

Britain’s Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab criticised HSBC in July for its support of the CCP-backed security laws which resulted in the crackdown on the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.

This week has also seen almost all major British supermarkets, Tesco, Asda, Waitrose, Aldi, Sainsbury’s, and Morrisons, saying they will refuse entry to customers not wearing a mask, unless they have a medical exemption. Supermarkets like Tesco are also demanding shoppers shop alone, and several have said they have hired extra security to enforce the measures.

“Should a customer refuse to wear a covering without a valid medical reason and be in any way challenging to our colleagues about doing so, our security colleagues will refuse their entry,” an Asda spokesman said.



5 件のコメント:

草木 さんのコメント...

2021.1.5 イングランド全域で厳しく外出制限(ロックダウン) 二月中旬まで
違反した場合 200~1000ポンド、最大で1万ボンド(約135万円)の罰金


Lockdown harms are at least 10 times greater than benefits - Canadian specialist in pediatric infectious diseases
sott.net 2021/01/11  <indeepより>

匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

shareaction jesuits hsbc

匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

マスクしないTOC上客がいるんでしょうな 藁
