
Unleash the Kraken@Egypt

Live performance of the song "Unleash the kraken" from our latest album "Tales Of The Fallen Empires" at ...
Jul 16, 2020 · Uploaded by Mythos Egypt


Because myth is sometimes used in a pejorative sense, some scholars have opted to use the term mythos instead.[33] However, mythos now more commonly refers to its Aristotelian sense as a "plot point" or to a body of interconnected myths or stories, especially those belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition.[39] It is sometimes used specifically for modern, fictional mythologies, such as the world building of H. P. Lovecraft

Howard Phillips Lovecraft (US: /ˈlʌvkræft/; August 20, 1890 – March 15, 1937) was an American writer of weird and horror fiction, who is known for his creation of what became the Cthulhu Mythos.[n 1]

Born in Providence, Rhode Island, Lovecraft spent most of his life in New England. He was born into affluence, but his family's wealth dissipated soon after the death of his grandfather. In 1913, he wrote a critical letter to a pulp magazine that ultimately led to his involvement in pulp fiction. During the interwar period, he wrote and published stories that focused on his interpretation of humanity's place in the universe. In his view, humanity was an unimportant part of an uncaring cosmos that could be swept away at any moment. These stories also included fantastic elements that represented the perceived fragility of anthropocentrism.

Lovecraft was at the center of a wider body of authors known as "The Lovecraft Circle". This group wrote stories that frequently shared details among them. He was also a prolific letter writer. He maintained a correspondence with several different authors and literary proteges. According to some estimates, he wrote approximately 100,000 letters over the course of his life.[n 2] In these letters, he discussed his worldview and his daily life, and tutored younger authors, such as August Derleth, Donald Wandrei, and Robert Bloch.

Throughout his adult life, Lovecraft was never able to support himself from earnings as an author and editor. He was virtually unknown during his lifetime and was almost exclusively published in pulp magazines before he died in poverty at the age of 46, but is now regarded as one of the most significant 20th-century authors of supernatural horror fiction. Among his most celebrated tales are "The Call of Cthulhu", "The Rats in the Walls", At the Mountains of Madness, The Shadow over Innsmouth, and The Shadow Out of Time. His writings are the basis of the Cthulhu Mythos, which has inspired a large body of pastiches, games, music and other media drawing on Lovecraft's characters, setting and themes, constituting a wider subgenre known as Lovecraftian horror

2017/02/06 — New England Patriots.
2018/11/11 — They came from Providence, one in Rhode Island - 匿名党 tokumei10.blogspot.com/2017/02/they-came-from-providence-one-in-rhode.html http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2016/06/653million- · 65.3Million Pilgrim Fathers ...

ピルグリム・ファーザーズ(Pilgrim Fathers)は、アメリカに渡ったイギリスのピューリタン(清教徒)たちである。「Pilgrims」は「巡礼始祖」の意味。


Post-Election Resources for Nonprofits — Independent Sector

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2020/11/05 — Of those, more than 65.3 million represent mail-in votes with approximately 26.7 million mail-in ballots remaining. Election officials have a valuable intelligence tool that simplifies and expedites voting procedures while ...
Trump's victory was no less shocking to the 65.3 million who voted for Hillary Clinton. And the problem was not only that pollsters and pundits failed to foresee that former Democrats like Stavish-O'Boyle in the Rust Belt would flip to Trump.
2020/09/24 — In all, more than 65.3 million ballots have already been requested by voters nationwide, surpassing 2016 requests in 12 states including Florida. Crucial Quote. FBI Director Christopher Wray told the Senate Homeland Security ...


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